Legislative Reference Library

87th 2nd Called Session
August 7, 2021 - September 2, 2021


Governor: Greg Abbott
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Dade Phelan 

Special Session Topics

  • Consider and act upon legislation enhancing criminal laws or providing funding from unappropriated available revenues to support law-enforcement agencies, counties. and other strategies as part of Texas' comprehensive border security plan. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation identical to Senate Bill 29 as passed by the Texas Senate in the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, disallowing a student from competing in University Interscholastic League athletic competitions designated for the sex opposite to the student's sex at birth. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation modifying the filing periods and related election dates, including any runoffs. for primary elections held in Texas in 2022. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation providing appropriations from unappropriated available revenues for the following purposes:
    • property-tax relief:
    • enhanced protection for the safety of children in Texas' foster-care system by attracting and retaining private providers for the system; and
    • to better safeguard the state from potential cybersecurity threats.
    [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation providing appropriations from unappropriated available revenues to the Legislature and legislative agencies in Article X of the General Appropriations Act. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation providing appropriations from unappropriated available revenues for COVID-19-related healthcare expenses, such as those listed below, taking into consideration the approximately $10.5 billion in funds received by local governments intended to be used on COVID - 19 from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). Pub. L. No. 117-2:
    • healthcare staffingneeds, including physicians, nurses, and othermedical professionals;
    • establishing, staffing, and operating alternative care sites;
    • supporting the operations of nursing homes, state supported living centers, assisted living facilities, and long-term care facilities;
    • vaccine administration;
    • testing sites;
    • supplies and equipment, such as personal protective equipment (PPE) and ventilators: and
    • standing up and operating infusion centers.
    [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation providing strategies for public-school education in prekindergarten through twelfth grade during the COVID-19 pandemic, which ensures:
    • students receive a high-quality education and progress in their learning;
    • in-person learning is available for any student whose parent wants it;
    • the wearing of face coverings is not mandatory; and
    • COVID-19 vaccinations are always voluntary.
    [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation reforming the bail system in Texas to protect the public from accused criminals who may be released on bail. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation reforming the laws governing radioactive waste to protect the safety of Texans, including by further limiting the ability to store and transport high-level radioactive materials in this state. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation relating to legislative quorum requirements. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation safeguarding the freedom of speech by protecting social-media and email users from being censored based on the user's expressed viewpoints, including by providing a legal remedy for those wrongfully excluded from a platform. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation shielding private employers and employees from political subdivision rules. regulations, ordinances, and other actions that require any terms of employment that exceed or conflict with federal or state law relating to any form of employment leave, hiring practices, employment benefits. or scheduling practices. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation similar to House Bill 3507 from the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, relating to a "thirteenth check" or one-time supplemental payment of benefits under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation similar to House Bill 3979 concerning critical race theory as originally passed by the Texas Senate in the 87th Legislature, Regular Session. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation similar to Senate Bill 1109 from the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, requiring schools to provide appropriate education to middle- and high-school students about dating violence, domestic violence, and child abuse, but that recognizes the right of parents to opt their children out of the instruction. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation similar to Senate Bill 394 from the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, which prohibits people from providing abortion-inducing drugs by mail or delivery service, strengthens the laws applicable to the reporting of abortions and abortion complications, and ensures that no abortion-inducing drugs are provided unless there is voluntary and informed consent. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider and act upon legislation strengthening the integrity of elections in Texas. [Thu Aug 5, 2021]
  • Consider legislation regarding whether any state or local governmental entities in Texas can mandate that an individual receive a COVID-19 vaccine and, if so, what exemptions should apply to such mandate [Wed Aug 25, 2021]

Bill statistics for the 87th Legislature, 2nd Called Session

Filed 244 13 28 195 94 4 14 61 338 653
Passed 4 4 0 185 10 0 1 57 14 261
Vetoed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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