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Bill Statistics & Upcoming Deadlines

As the 84th Legislature draws to a close, a series of end-of-session deadlines begins to take effect. Below is a list of deadlines that occur next week:

  • Monday, May 25: Deadline for house to distribute last House Local and Consent Calendar with senate bills.
  • Tuesday, May 26: Last day for house to consider senate bills and joint resolutions, other than local and consent, on second reading on House Daily or Supplemental Calendar.
  • Wednesday, May 27: Last day for house to consider local and consent senate bills on second and third reading and all senate bills or joint resolutions on third reading on House Supplemental Calendar. Last day for senate to consider all bills and joint resolutions on second or third reading.
  • Thursday, May 28: Midnight deadline for house to distribute senate amendments.
  • Friday, May 29: Last day for house to act on senate amendments. Midnight deadline for senate to print and distribute senate copies of conference committee reports on tax, general appropriations, and reapportionment bills. Last day for senate committees to report all bills and joint resolutions.
  • Saturday, May 30: Midnight deadline for house to distribute house copies of all conference committee reports. Midnight deadline for senate to print and distribute senate copies of all conference committee reports on bills other than those on tax, general appropriations, and reapportionment and all house amendments to senate bills and joint resolutions that did not go to a conference committee.
  • Sunday, May 31: Last day for house to adopt conference committee reports or discharge house conferees and concur in Senate Amendments. Last day for senate to adopt conference committee reports or concur in house amendments.
  • Monday, June 1: Last day of 84th Regular Session; corrections only in house and senate.

House and Senate calendars are available on the Texas Legislature Online, and Senate agendas are available in hard copy from the library (Rm. 2N.3). 


Bill statistics for the period of Nov. 10, 2014 - May 19, 2015 are below. For information about what happens to a bill after it passes, please see our Legislative FAQ page.


  House Bills (HB) & Joint Resolutions (HJR) Senate Bills (SB) & Joint Resolutions (SJR)
Filed  4,340 2,136
Reported out of committee 1,953 857
Passed by chamber of origin 1,162 717
Referred to committee in opposite chamber 1,107 709
Reported out of committee in opposite chamber 369 478
Passed opposite chamber 121 201
Sent to the Governor (bills only) 84 96
Signed by the Governor (bills only) 3 42