Prior History
The Texas Penal Code was first codified in 1856. There were four formal revisions in 1879, 1895, 1911, and 1925 prior to the enactment of the Revised Penal Code in 1973. These previous revisions of the Penal Code served as the basis for study for the 1973 Code along with the Model Penal Code approved by the American Law Institute by resolution dated May 24, 1962. (Uniform Laws Annotated, vol. 10A, 2001).
For a brief discussion of this background, see W. Page Keeton and William G. Reid, Proposed Revision of the Texas Penal Code, 45 Tex. L. Rev. 399 (1967)
Penal Code of 1856
Penal Code of 1879
- General Provisions - Offenses Against Public Policy and Economy, art. 1 - 388
- Offenses Affecting Public Health - Repetition of Offenses, art. 389 - 821
- Index
Penal Code of 1895
- General Provisions - Offenses Against Public Justice, art. 1 - 298
- Offenses Against the Public Peace - Offenses Affecting Property Held in Common for the Use of the Public, art. 299 - 529r
- Offenses Against Trade, Commerce and the Current Coin - Offenses Against Reputation, art. 530 - 755
- Offenses Against Property - Repetition of Offenses, art. 756 - 1017
- Index
Penal Code of 1911
- General Provisions - Offenses Against the State, Its Territory, Property, and Revenue, art. 1 - 173a
- Offenses Affecting the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Government - Offenses Against Public Justice, art. 174 - 434
- Offenses Against the Public Peace - Offenses Against Public Policy and Economy, art. 435 - 693
- Offenses Affecting Public Health - Offenses Affecting Property Held in Common for the Use of the Public, art. 694 - 923
- Offenses Against Trade, Commerce and the Current Coin - Offenses Against the Person, art. 924 - 1150
- Offenses Against Reputation - Offenses Against Property, art. 1151 - 1432
- Miscellaneous Offenses - Repetition of Offenses, art. 1433 - 1621
- Index
Penal Code of 1925
- General Provisions - Offenses Affecting the Right of Suffrage, art. 1 -280
- Religion and Education - Offenses Against Morals, Decency and Chastity, art. 281 - 535
- Offenses Against Public Policy and Economy - Public Health, art. 536 - 782
- Offenses Against Public Property, art. 783 - 978e
- Trade and Commerce - Offenses Against the Person, art. 979 - 1268
- Offenses Against Reputation - Offenses Against Property, art. 1269 - 1560
- Labor - Errata, art. 1561 - 1720
- Index