Search results
Legislature | Chamber | Committee name | Chair(s) |
85th [2017] | House | Agriculture and Livestock | Tracy O. King |
85th [2017] | House | Appropriations | John Zerwas |
85th [2017] | House | Appropriations Subcommittee on Article II (Health and Human Services) | Sarah Davis |
85th [2017] | House | Appropriations Subcommittee on Article III (Public and Higher Education) | Trent Ashby |
85th [2017] | House | Appropriations Subcommittee on Articles I, IV, and V (General Government, the Judiciary, and Criminal Justice and Public Safety) | Oscar Longoria |
85th [2017] | House | Appropriations Subcommittee on Articles VI, VII, and VIII (Natural Resources, Business and Economic Development, and Regulatory) | Larry Gonzales |
85th [2017] | House | Appropriations Subcommittee on Budget Transparency and Reform | Giovanni Capriglione |
85th [2017] | House | Business and Industry | René O. Oliveira |
85th [2017] | House | Calendars | Todd Hunter |
85th [2017] | House | Corrections | James White |
85th [2017] | House | County Affairs | Garnet Coleman |
85th [2017] | House | Criminal Jurisprudence | Joe Moody |
85th [2017] | House | Culture, Recreation, and Tourism | John Frullo |
85th [2017] | House | Cybersecurity, Select | Giovanni Capriglione |
85th [2017] | House | Defense and Veterans' Affairs | Roland Gutierrez |
85th [2017] | House | Economic and Small Business Development | Angie Chen Button |
85th [2017] | House | Economic and Small Business Development Subcommittee on Small Business | Will Metcalf |
85th [2017] | House | Economic Competitiveness, Select | Byron Cook |
85th [2017] | House | Elections | Jodie Laubenberg |
85th [2017] | House | Energy Resources | Drew Darby |
85th [2017] | House | Environmental Regulation | Joe C. Pickett |
85th [2017] | House | General Investigating and Ethics | Sarah Davis |
85th [2017] | House | Government Transparency and Operation | Gary Elkins |
85th [2017] | House | Higher Education | J.M. Lozano |
85th [2017] | House | Higher Education Subcommittee on Post-Secondary and Workforce Readiness | Phil Stephenson |
85th [2017] | House | Homeland Security and Public Safety | Phil King |
85th [2017] | House | House Administration | Charlie Geren |
85th [2017] | House | Human Services | Richard Peña Raymond |
85th [2017] | House | Insurance | Larry Phillips |
85th [2017] | House | International Trade and Intergovernmental Affairs | Rafael Anchía |
85th [2017] | House | Investments and Financial Services | Tan Parker |
85th [2017] | House | Investments and Financial Services Subcommittee on Bond Indebtedness | |
85th [2017] | House | Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence | John Smithee |
85th [2017] | House | Juvenile Justice and Family Issues | Harold V. Dutton, Jr. |
85th [2017] | House | Land and Resource Management | Abel Herrero |
85th [2017] | House | Licensing and Administrative Procedures | John Kuempel |
85th [2017] | House | Local and Consent Calendars | Senfronia Thompson |
85th [2017] | House | Natural Resources | Lyle Larson |
85th [2017] | House | Natural Resources Subcommittee on Special Water Districts | DeWayne Burns |
85th [2017] | House | Opioids and Substance Abuse, Select | Four Price |
85th [2017] | House | Pensions | Dan Flynn |
85th [2017] | House | Public Education | Dan Huberty |
85th [2017] | House | Public Education Subcommittee on Educator Quality | Ken King |
85th [2017] | House | Public Health | Four Price |
85th [2017] | House | Redistricting | Cindy Burkett |
85th [2017] | House | Rules and Resolutions | Eddie Lucio, III |
85th [2017] | House | Special Purpose Districts | Jim Murphy |
85th [2017] | House | State Affairs | Byron Cook |
85th [2017] | House | State and Federal Power and Responsibility, Select | Drew Darby |
85th [2017] | House | Texas Ports, Innovation and Infrastructure, Select | Joe Deshotel |
85th [2017] | House | Transportation | Geanie Morrison |
85th [2017] | House | Transportation Subcommittee on Long-term Infrastructure Planning | |
85th [2017] | House | Urban Affairs | Carol Alvarado |
85th [2017] | House | Ways and Means | Dennis Bonnen |
85th [2017] | Senate | Administration | Lois W. Kolkhorst |
85th [2017] | Senate | Agriculture, Water, and Rural Affairs | Charles Perry |
85th [2017] | Senate | Business and Commerce | Kelly Hancock |
85th [2017] | Senate | Criminal Justice | John Whitmire |
85th [2017] | Senate | Cybersecurity, Select | Jane Nelson |
85th [2017] | Senate | Education | Larry Taylor |
85th [2017] | Senate | Election Security, Select | Bryan Hughes |
85th [2017] | Senate | Employment Practices, Select | Brandon Creighton |
85th [2017] | Senate | Finance | Jane Nelson |
85th [2017] | Senate | Government Reform, Select | Paul Bettencourt |
85th [2017] | Senate | Health and Human Services | Charles Schwertner |
85th [2017] | Senate | Higher Education | Kel Seliger |
85th [2017] | Senate | Intergovernmental Relations | Eddie Lucio, Jr. |
85th [2017] | Senate | Natural Resources and Economic Development | Craig Estes |
85th [2017] | Senate | Nominations | Brian Birdwell |
85th [2017] | Senate | Property Tax Reform, Select | Paul Bettencourt |
85th [2017] | Senate | State Affairs | Joan Huffman |
85th [2017] | Senate | Transportation | Robert Nichols |
85th [2017] | Senate | Veteran Affairs and Border Security | Donna Campbell |
85th [2017] | Senate | Violence in Schools & School Security, Select | Larry Taylor |
85th [2017] | Joint | Aging | Donna Campbell |
85th [2017] | Joint | Coastal Barrier System | Dennis Bonnen Larry Taylor |
85th [2017] | Joint | Disclosure of Emergency Call Information | Todd Hunter |
85th [2017] | Joint | Economic Stabilization Fund Balance, Select | Jane Nelson Sarah Davis |
85th [2017] | Joint | Government Facilities | Kelly Hancock |
85th [2017] | Joint | Health and Human Services Transition, Legislative Oversight | Jane Nelson Four Price |
85th [2017] | Joint | Higher Education Formula Funding | Kelly Hancock Trent Ashby |
85th [2017] | Joint | Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Facility Legislative Oversight | Joe C. Pickett Brian Birdwell |
85th [2017] | Joint | Partnership Advisory Commission | Jim Murphy |
85th [2017] | Joint | Prescribing and Dispensing Controlled Substances | Charles Schwertner J.D. Sheffield |
85th [2017] | Joint | Public School Finance, Texas Commission on | Scott Brister |
85th [2017] | Joint | State Judicial Salaries | Joan Huffman John Wray |
85th [2017] | Joint | State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory | Lyle Larson Charles Perry |
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