House Committee on Urban Affairs - 82nd R.S. (2011)
Committee Members
- Evaluate the role of community gardens and urban farming efforts that increase access to healthy foods and examine the possible impact that state and local policies have on the success of programs of this type. Determine the feasibility of policies to support these efforts, especially in high-population areas. (Joint with the House Committee on Agriculture & Livestock)
- Examine current economic development programs available in urban areas in Texas and other states. Report on successful programs and make legislative recommendations for innovative economic development programs. (Joint with the House Committee on Economic & Small Business Development)
- Examine strategies to maximize state funding for programs designed to prevent and end homelessness, with an emphasis on programs that have demonstrated a successful coordination of state and local resources. (Joint with the House Committee on Appropriations)
- Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 82nd Legislature.
- Study and make recommendations for significantly improving the state's manufacturing capability.
- Find ways to increase transparency, accountability and efficiency in state government.
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