House Committee on Fish and Wildlife Resources - 57th R.S. (1961)
Committee Members
- D. Roy Harrington, Chair
- Oswald Henry Schram, Vice Chair
- Clyde Haynes, Jr.
- Bill Rapp
- Dan Struve
- Study the conservation needs and efforts extended in behalf of the renewable natural resources of the State so as to be fully informed of all facts dealing with the fish and wildlife resources and their conservation. The committee will study the taking of oyster shell and the need of regulation and conservation of oyster reefs, and the feasibility of creating more artificial reefs in the Gulf waters. The committee will also meet with representatives of adjoining Gulf Coast States to study the feasibility of reciprocity laws.
Appointed by Speaker 5/29/1961, pursuant to HSR 375. Committee name on report (L1836.57 F526): Fish and Wildlife Resources.
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