House Committee on Textbook Investigating - 57th R.S. (1961)
Committee Members
- William Taylor Dungan, Chair
- Bob Bass, Vice Chair
- John C. Alaniz
- Nelson Cowles
- Ronald E. Roberts
Whereas, the Texas Legislature takes cognizance of the great need in this time of peril and decision in the United States of America of true education of the youth of our Nation to the ideals of our wonderful American heritage; and
Whereas, There is a need for the textbooks used in the public schools of Texas to contain the teaching of the traditions and the philosophy of America in order to inspire young people to revere our fundamental principles of this greatest country in all the world; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the House of Representatives of the Fifty-seventh Legislature expresses its desire that the American history courses in the public schools emphasize in the textbooks our glowing and throbbing history of hearts and souls inspired by wonderful American principles and traditions, and be it further
Resolved, that the Speaker of the House of Representatives be authorized to appoint a special committee of five members of the House of Representatives to study the contents of such textbooks at the personal expense of such five members, and that such committee of five report its findings to the House of Representatives at the earliest possible time and not later than the Regular Session fo the fifty-eighth Legislature.
Appointed by Speaker 5/29/1961, pursuant to HSR 736 and HSR 205. See also: HSR 236, 58th Legislature, Investigating Committee re: charges made by members W. T. Dungan and Ronald E. Roberts.
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