House Committee on House Office - 61st R.S. (1969)
Committee Members
- Carry on further construction and improvement of offices and House facilities acquisition of additional space, planning, equipping, and assignment of members' offices, and all other things necessary for the continuation and completion of the House office construction program, and desirable and necessary improvements, repairs, and remodeling in all space within the Capitol building which is presently allocated or which shall be allocated to the House before January 1, 1971.
- The House Office Committee shall represent the House in matters dealing with the Board of Control and the Building Commission, and shall as directed by the Speaker, negotiate in behalf of the House with the Senate, the Building Commission, the Board of Control, and all other agencies and officials for the acquisition and utilization of space within the Capitol Building and the carrying out of the provisions of this resolution.
- Make such studies, inquiries and comparisons of office programs in other states, as it deems necessary, to assist in carrying out the program for providing adequate and usable offices for Members of the Texas House.
Appointed by Speaker 10/15/1969, pursuant to HSR 386.
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