House Committee on Regulated Industries - 78th R.S. (2003)
Committee Members
- Phil King, Chair
- Bob Hunter, Vice Chair
- Sylvester Turner, Chair - Budget & Oversight
- Todd Baxter
- Joe Crabb
- Ryan Guillen
- Steven Wolens
- Gather and review information on the overall status of the telecommunications market in Texas, including the effects of inter-modal competition and emerging technologies. Recommend changes to Texas law to encourage new investment and technological innovation consistent with market-oriented public policies and the interests of Texas families and businesses. Gather and review information on the Federal Communications Commission Triennial Review and recommend adjustments to Texas law.
- Study broadband service deployment, including other state's models used to transition to a fully competitive communications marketplace and any new technologies of competitive providers.
- Study the process of economic dispatch and determine possible methods to improve the competitive electric utilities market and reduce costs and pollution caused by inefficient power plants.
- Examine issues related to access to rights-of-way and easements to ensure state laws encourage non-discriminatory access for all broadband service providers regardless of technology used to offer the service or the regulatory status of the provider.
- Examine the reliability of electric utility service and review authority and structure of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.
- Study the size and scope of the various broadband infrastructure platforms (e.g. cable, satellite, fixed wireless, DSL) in the state and how each are regulated under both state and federal law.
- Determine how investment in broadband networks by both competitive local exchange carriers and incumbent local exchange providers can be encouraged through public policy changes.
- Examine the benefits and challenges associated with alternative forms of energy generation technologies, such as wind and hydrogen fuel cells, and what if any state government involvement should be considered. (Joint interim charge with Energy Resources Committee)
- Monitor agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including identifying possible ways to merge or streamline agency functions to produce long-term financial benefit to the state and better efficiency of the agencies.
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