House Committee on Old Age Assistance, Special - 45th R.S. (1937)
Committee: | House Old Age Assistance, Special | |
Title: | Testimony | |
Library Catalog Title: | Text of testimony taken in Committee of the Whole House | |
Subjects: | Senior citizens | | |
Library Call Number: | H.J. of Tex., 45th Leg., 1st C.S. 454 (1937) | |
Session: | 45th R.S. (1937) | |
Online version: | View report [37 pages File size: 2,288 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Investigate fully the methods used by the Old Age Assistance Board in the administration of the Old Age Assistance Law in the State of Texas, which has caused our old people to be very much grieved on account of the methods used by the investigators. Bring a report and such recommendations to the next Legislature, as to them shall seem fit for the better administration of this law and its amendment. |
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