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18 Document(s) [ Subject: Textbooks ]
Committee: | Senate Education | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report to the 82nd Legislature / Senate Committee on Education. | |
Subjects: | Academic promotion and retention | At-risk youth | Charter schools | Children with disabilities | Dual credit high school programs | Dual language programs | Educational accountability | Educational technology | English as second language | English immersion instruction | Limited English speakers | Middle school students | Middle schools | School dropout statistics | School dropouts | School finance | Special education | State mandates | Teacher certification | Teacher incentive plans | Teacher quality | Teacher retention | Teacher salaries | Teacher shortages | Teacher training | Teachers | Textbooks | Virtual schools | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.81 Ed83 | |
Session: | 81st R.S. (2009) | |
Online version: | View report [64 pages File size: 1,615 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Review the performance and accountability of the state's charter schools. Specifically, study the following:
2. | Review the state's education policy and initiatives regarding middle grades. Make recommendations to ensure a comprehensive state strategy for preparing students at the middle grades for high school retention and success. This review should include an examination of school-based strategies and best practices that encourage at-risk youth to finish school and that deter delinquency, drug abuse and violence. | |
3. | Review teacher compensation, evaluations, professional development, certification and training programs. Specifically, review the following:
4. | Examine cost drivers in education including state requirements that impact school district budgets. Recommend opportunities for achieving cost efficiencies. | |
5. | Study the efficacy of immersion versus dual-language instruction of English as a second language students. Make recommendations for improving programs and instituting best practices. | |
6. | Study the effectiveness of Texas school districts' special education programs. Review the range of needs of special education students, districts' ability to provide an appropriate education for these students, and assess the effectiveness of programs currently funded for special education. Make recommendations for improvement. | |
7. | Review dual credit courses including the cost of delivery, funding mechanisms, and possibility of a statewide dual credit system. This review should also include an examination of the rigor, quality and consistency of dual credit courses. (Joint charge with Senate Higher Education Committee) | |
8. | Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Education, 81st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Review the implementation of legislation related to the state's accountability system including the revised dropout rate calculation, textbooks, and the virtual school network. Specifically, monitor the following:
Committee: | House Higher Education | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | House Committee on Higher Education, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2010 : a report to the House of Representatives, 82nd Texas Legislature | |
Subjects: | Achievement gaps | Capital construction assistance projects | College preparedness | Community college finance | Community colleges | Developmental education | Dual credit high school programs | Grants | Higher education | Higher Education Coordinating Board, Texas | Minority students | Student aid | Student loans | Student transfers | Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station 'TEES' | Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service 'TEEX' | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | Texas B-on-Time loans | Textbooks | Toward EXcellence, Access & Success Grant Program | University curriculum | University finance | University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston | University rankings | University student transfers | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.81 Ed84hh | |
Session: | 81st R.S. (2009) | |
Online version: | View report [80 pages File size: 1,755 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Evaluate the state's continuing effort to close achievement gaps in success, participation, excellence, and research by 2015. Study how state public education institutions compare to peer institutions around the country. | |
2. | Study current financial aid programs, tuition and fee exemption programs, loan repayment programs, and professional incentive programs. Evaluate the impact of need-based versus merit-based assistance. Recommend changes where appropriate to improve the alignment of these programs to meet state needs. | |
3. | Review the structure and operation of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Evaluate the board's data collection systems, including costs to higher education institutions, and make recommendations for improvements. | |
4. | Study and recommend strategies for improving community college participation and success. Examine the role of community colleges within the state higher education system. Include a review of programs, practices, and incentives to improve efficiency and productivity, such as expanding dual credit options, encouraging credit by examination, and improving student preparation in high school. | |
5. | Study and recommend strategies for reducing the costs of instructional materials in higher education institutions, including electronic textbooks, open source materials, and other web-based resources. | |
6. | Examine the state's higher education funding mechanisms, including approaches to funding capital improvement projects at public institutions of higher education. Evaluate modifications that would improve the institutions' national peer rankings and help the state to achieve its Closing the Gaps objectives, including improved community college transfer pathways and the impact of shifting the basis of the formula funding methodologies from attempted to completed hours. Joint Interim Charge with House Committee on Appropriations | |
7. | Monitor the progress of the capital improvement plan and use of state funds at The University of Texas at Galveston involving the renovation and upgrade of existing facilities and the construction of new facilities. Joint Interim Charge with House Committee on Appropriations | |
8. | Study the feasibility of offering an optional curriculum that emphasizes ethics, Western civilization, and American traditions to satisfy portions of the Texas Core Curriculum. | |
9. | Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction. | |
Committee: | Senate Education | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report to the 81st Legislature | |
Subjects: | Adult education | Autism | Career and technical education | Career preparedness | College preparedness | Educational accountability | Limited English speakers | Literacy | Property taxes | School dropouts | School finance | Special education | Textbooks | Workforce | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.80 Ed83 | |
Session: | 80th R.S. (2007) | |
Online version: | View report [37 pages File size: 660 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the effectiveness of public school programs serving special education students, including autistic students. Specifically, consider whether special education services are adequately preparing students for post-secondary opportunities. The review should also include the availability and quality of the supports and services provided by adult services agencies for individuals with disabilities. Make recommendations for improving public school special education programs and the coordination of adult education services among state agencies. | |
2. | Conduct a comprehensive review of the public school accountability system and make recommendations for improvements. The review shall include indicators in the current system, measures of district and campus performance, public expectations, individual student achievement and measures of teacher, program and financial effectiveness. | |
3. | Review and make recommendations to improve the state's Adult Basic Education program. Emphasis should be placed on ways to advance literacy in Texas in order to promote economic and individual development. The review should also include a study of the coordination of adult education services among state agencies and the availability and accessibility of state and federal funding. | |
4. | Review and make recommendations regarding best practices for programs targeted to improve the academic success of limited English-proficient students. | |
5. | Review the access and quality of career and technical education programs in the state and make recommendations to improve these programs to address the economic and workforce needs of this state. | |
6. | Make recommendations for controlling the costs of textbooks from kindergarten through higher education, and monitor the implementation of HB 188, 80th R.S., relating to instructional materials. | |
7. | Review current property tax rates at school districts. Explore what mechanisms may exist to prevent any future constitutional funding challenges. Review any funding issues that are particular to certain types of school districts, such as fast growth districts. (Joint charge with Senate Finance Committee) | |
8. | Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Education Committee, 80th R.S., and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance and/or complete implementation. Specifically, monitor the implementation of HB 2237, 80th R.S., relating to grants and programs for dropout prevention, high school success and college and workforce readiness in public schools. Include a review of the revised methodology the Texas Education Agency uses to calculate the dropout rate. Report on the implementation of education reforms in HB 1, 79th Legislature, 3rd Called Session. The review should include: the implementation of the high school allotment, the development of the best practices clearinghouse and the electronic student records system, the alignment of curriculum to attain college readiness, student improvement/growth models and access to college credit in high school. The committee should also study and make recommendations on how to continue strengthening the P-16 Initiative to promote college attendance in this state. | |
Committee: | Senate Education | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Senate Committee on Education report to the 79th Legislature. | |
Subjects: | ACT test | Advanced Placement programs | Child care | Corporate sponsorships | Early childhood education | Educational accountability | Educational test preparation | No Child Left Behind Act | Scholastic Assessment Test | School dropout statistics | School dropouts | School ratings | Teacher certification | Teacher incentive plans | Teacher quality | Teacher salaries | Teacher shortages | Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills | Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills | Textbooks | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.78 Ed83 | |
Session: | 78th R.S. (2003) | |
Online version: | View report [69 pages File size: 1,172 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the implementation of SB 186, 78th R.S., (relating to the computation of public school dropout and completion rates) and make recommendations for improvements to current statutes and programs. Explore opportunities for maximizing current resources and identifying additional state, federal, and privately-sponsored programs for at-risk students that offer innovative delivery of educational services that encourage students to finish school. Focus on mentoring programs, including, but not limited to Communities in Schools, and the use of technology to provide instruction. | |
2. | Study the performance of high school students on TAKS, the new state assessment instrument. Make recommendations to improve any performance deficiencies that are identified by the review, including alternative school schedules, mentoring programs, technology-based applications, and other innovative solutions. | |
3. | Study progress of implementation of SB 76 (relating to the provision of subsidized child-care services). Evaluate and make recommendations on opportunities for Texas to increase the educational component of the Head Start program. Examine and make recommendations relating to access to quality early education, including estimated costs, teacher availability, learning requirements, and access to services for students with special needs. | |
4. | Evaluate opportunities and make recommendations on increasing the supply of qualified teachers and improving their working conditions. The evaluation and recommendations should focus on preparation, recruitment, certification, and retention of qualified teachers, while not restricting alternative certification. Conduct an assessment of the impact of teacher incentives, including mentoring programs and other creative options for retaining teachers, and develop recommendations for implementing incentive programs. | |
5. | Study and make recommendations relating to the effectiveness of the current process of selecting, funding, and distributing textbooks. Identify areas where the current process can be made more cost efficient, including recommendations relating to innovative methods of providing instruction such as online distance learning, and the use of interactive software to address the specific challenges of remedial students and advanced readers. Identify costs and benefits of using technology to provide current and innovative instructional materials, including staffing and hardware requirements. | |
6. | Study the TEA's implementation of the state's new accountability system and make recommendations to resolve any problems found. Examine the impact of the federal No Child Left Behind law on the state's accountability system and make recommendations for changes to state law to meet the federal legislation. Examine the ability of the current PEIMS database to meet future information needs and recommend changes, if necessary. Review and make recommendations on innovative alternatives for tracking student performance. | |
7. | Study successful partnerships between school districts and the business community and make recommendations for maximizing the use of effective partnerships, improving the delivery of education services, and enhancing educational opportunities for Texas students, especially at-risk students. | |
Committee: | House Public Education | |
Title: | Interim Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report to the 79th Legislature | |
Subjects: | High school graduation rates | Lobbyists | Military families | School dropouts | School finance | School year | Special education | Teacher certification | Teachers | Textbooks | University Interscholastic League | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.78 Ed84h | |
Session: | 78th R.S. (2003) | |
Online version: | View report [61 pages File size: 383 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Assess the textbook adoption and distribution system. Investigate alternative methods of delivering educational resources using technology. | |
2. | Evaluate the extent to which public school tax dollars are used directly or indirectly to promote or oppose legislation. | |
3. | Perform a comprehensive analysis of state law with respect to educator contracts and certification. Make recommendations for changes which would improve student performance. | |
4. | Examine and assess the effectiveness and efficiency of statewide educational initiatives, including programs to reduce dropout and increase graduation rates. | |
5. | Investigate and assess the mission and performance of University Interscholastic League and other quasi-educational organizations in terms of their role in improving student achievement. | |
6. | Compare special education laws in Texas to other states and to federal standards. Make recommendations for reducing state and local administrative costs to increase resource allocation for direct services to students. | |
7. | Examine the impact on students, schools and local economies from changes to the school start date. | |
8. | Examine issues related to state aid to school districts for debt service, including issues related to the type of facilities that should be eligible for state support. | |
9. | Study and monitor issues related to the educational needs of dependents of military service men and women, including records transfer and implementation of reciprocity agreements with other states. | |
Committee: | House Public Education | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | House Committee on Public Education, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2000 : a report to the House of Representatives, 77th Texas Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Alternative schools | At-risk youth | Career and technical education | Charter schools | Children with disabilities | Education Agency, Texas | Educational accountability | Job training programs | Juvenile justice alternative education programs | School discipline | Special education | Technology education | Textbooks | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.76 ed83h | |
Session: | 76th R.S. (1999) | |
Online version: | View report [65 pages File size: 3,833 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Evaluate the charter school program. Review the roles of the state, the Texas Education Agency, and local districts and agencies, as well as the performance of the schools and their students. | |
2. | Review the goals of alternative education, disciplinary alternative education and juvenile justice alternative education programs. Study the organization and functioning of the programs to determine the extent to which they are meeting goals. | |
3. | Conduct a comprehensive review of the state's philosophy and policies regarding career and technical education with attention to students who do not pursue advanced degrees. | |
4. | Conduct active oversight of the agencies under the committee's jurisdiction, including, particularly, the pre-K, kindergarten and 9th grade grant programs authorized in SB 4, 76th R.S.. | |
Committee: | Senate Funding Issues in Education, Interim | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report to the 76th Legislature. | |
Subjects: | College preparatory curriculum | College preparedness | Educational technology | Foundation School Program | Higher Education Assistance Fund | Permanent School Fund | Permanent University Fund | Recommended High School Program | Scholarships | School finance | Student aid | Textbooks | University budgets | University enrollment | University finance | University graduates | University graduation rates | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.75 f962 | |
Session: | 75th R.S. (1997) | |
Online version: | View report [55 pages File size: 2,414 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Study the current status of student financial assistance and tuition exemption/waiver programs. Identify possible criteria to be considered by the Legislature in evaluating such proposals and to establish priorities for these programs in the future. | |
2. | Review the appropriateness of current allotments, weights, and set-asides under the Foundation School Program to fund school districts. | |
3. | Study the management, investment, and distribution of funds dedicated to public and higher education, including the Permanent School Fund, Available School Fund, Permanent University Fund, Available University Fund, and Higher Education Fund. The Committee should review the purpose of these funds and the ability of these funds to continue to meet the needs of the state. | |
4. | Study the factors affecting undergraduate enrollment and graduation rates at public colleges and universities in Texas, and make recommendations for any necessary legislative action. The Committee should consider the costs of higher education and the availability of financial assistance to students; collaborative efforts between higher education and public education systems; and student recruitment and retention efforts. The Committee should also consider methods to effectively measure institutions' performance in meeting enrollment and graduation goals set by the Legislature. | |
5. | Evaluate and, if needed, make recommendations to determine need and allocation of funds for higher education budget special items, medical schools and Texas A&M Service agencies. | |
6. | Study the costs of textbooks for public schools and, if necessary, make recommendations to improve the purchasing process to ensure that Texas schools are receiving the best price possible. In its work, the Committee should examine the use of computers and other technological resources as alternative teaching aids to textbooks and consider whether these alternative resources are more economical and efficient in enhancing the learning capacities of children | |
Committee: | House Textbook Investigating | |
Title: | Interim report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report to Speaker Byron Tunnell and members of the Texas House of Representatives of the 58th Legislature / by the House Textbook Investigating Committee of the 57th Legislature. | |
Subjects: | Textbooks | | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.57 T314 1 | |
Session: | 57th R.S. (1961) | |
Online version: | View report [307 pages File size: 16,369 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Whereas, the Texas Legislature takes cognizance of the great need in this time of peril and decision in the United States of America of true education of the youth of our Nation to the ideals of our wonderful American heritage; and Whereas, There is a need for the textbooks used in the public schools of Texas to contain the teaching of the traditions and the philosophy of America in order to inspire young people to revere our fundamental principles of this greatest country in all the world; now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the House of Representatives of the Fifty-seventh Legislature expresses its desire that the American history courses in the public schools emphasize in the textbooks our glowing and throbbing history of hearts and souls inspired by wonderful American principles and traditions, and be it further Resolved, that the Speaker of the House of Representatives be authorized to appoint a special committee of five members of the House of Representatives to study the contents of such textbooks at the personal expense of such five members, and that such committee of five report its findings to the House of Representatives at the earliest possible time and not later than the Regular Session fo the fifty-eighth Legislature. | |
Committee: | Senate Textbooks and The University of Texas, Investigation, Special and Interim | |
Title: | Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report of committee to investigate matters pertaining to textbooks | |
Subjects: | Textbooks | | |
Library Call Number: | S.J. of Tex., 48th Leg. R.S. 1121 (1943) | |
Session: | 48th R.S. (1943) | |
Online version: | View report [5 pages File size: 184 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Investigate the situation of text books, their purchase, distribution, replacement, rebinding, etc. * | |
2. | Resolved by the Senate of Texas, that this committee be continued after adjournment of the Legislature and that it be directed to study and investigate the situation as to free text books and such other matters affecting the schools of Texas as in its wisdom it may see fit. | |
Committee: | House Education | |
Title: | Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report of investigation. | |
Subjects: | Maps | School district purchasing | School finance | Textbooks | | |
Library Call Number: | H.J. of Tex., 42nd Leg., 1st C.S., 366 (1931) | |
Session: | 42nd R.S. (1931) | |
Online version: | View report [13 pages File size: 488 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Establish the true facts concerning the manufacturing cost, the contract price, distribution cost, selling cost, and all true facts concerning the use, the purchase, and the order to purchase the "Hope of a Nation" set of maps and charts. | |
2. | Make proper recommendations to the Legislature so that the Legislature may take such action as it deems necessary and proper. | |
Supporting documents | ||
Committee: | House Education | |
Title: | H.S.R. on Investigation of Prices of "Hope of a Nation" Series of Charts, Preliminary Testimony and Exhibits, 1931 | |
Library Catalog Title: | Minutes | |
Library Call Number: | L1801.9 ED83 42H | |
Session: | 42nd R.S. (1931) | |
Online version: | View document [30 pages File size: 12,984 kb] | |
Committee: | Senate State Free Textbook Law Investigating | |
Title: | Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Special Committee report | |
Subjects: | State government contracts | Textbooks | | |
Library Call Number: | S.J. of Tex., 41st Leg., R.S. 1408 (1929) | |
Session: | 41st R.S. (1929) | |
Online version: | View report [5 pages] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Investigate the adoption of all state textbooks adopted at the October 1928 meeting of the Texas State Textbook Commission, including the prices, and whether the same textbooks were sold or offered for sale in other states at a cheaper price and recommend any changes to the existing State Free Textbook Law. * | |
Supporting documents | ||
Committee: | Senate State Free Textbook Law Investigating | |
Title: | Report - Governor | |
Library Catalog Title: | Message from the Governor. | |
Library Call Number: | S.J. of Tex. 41st Leg., 2nd C.S. 166 (1929) | |
Session: | 41st R.S. (1929) | |
Online version: | View document [5 pages] | |
Committee: | House State Departments, Investigate | |
Title: | Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Report of Committee to Investigate Certain State Departments. | |
Subjects: | Board of Control, Texas | Business taxes | Courts | Education, Texas State Board of | Executive clemency | Ferguson, James E. 'Pa' | Ferguson, Miriam A. 'Ma' | Government ethics | Governors | Gubernatorial pardons | Highway construction | Highway Department, Texas State | Motor fuels taxes | Pardons and Paroles, Texas Board of | Prisons | Railroad Commission of Texas | State purchasing | Tax administration | Textbooks | Treasury Department, Texas State | | |
Library Call Number: | H.J. of Tex., 40th Leg., R.S., 132 (1927) | |
Session: | 39th R.S. (1925) | |
Online version: | View report [28 pages File size: 1,593 kb] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | Investigation into the administration of highway affairs by the State Highway Commission; to investigate the manner in which contracts have been let by said commission, and generally to investigate all and every act of said commission since said date. | |
2. | Investigation into the State Treasurer's Department and the Railroad Commission with the view of determining if the State is receiving the full amount due by the oil companies as taxes on gross production of oil, as provided by law. | |
3. | To investigate the granting of pardons, paroles, reprieves and commutation of sentence, and the facts and circumstances connected with the granting of such acts of clemency. | |
4. | To investigate the letting of contracts for the purpose of text-books and the facts surrounding the letting of such contracts. | |
5. | To investigate into the administration of public affairs by such other departments of the State government, as in the judgment of said committee may be necessary, and for the promotion of the public good. | |
Supporting documents | ||
Committee: | House State Departments, Investigate | |
Title: | Transcript and Testimony, Proceedings of Committee Appointed by the Thirty-ninth Legislature to Investigate Certain State Departments, October 18, 1926-January 3, 1927, Supplement to House Journal for Ninth Day, January 21, 1927 | |
Library Catalog Title: | Minutes | |
Library Call Number: | L1836.39 IN8 | |
Session: | 39th R.S. (1925) | |
Online version: | View document [886 pages File size: 433,830 kb] | |
Committee: | House Contracts for Textbooks | |
Title: | Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | Relating to contracts for text books. | |
Subjects: | State government contracts | State purchasing | Textbooks | | |
Library Call Number: | H.J. of Tex., 38th Leg., 2nd C.S. 267 (1923 | |
Session: | 38th R.S. (1923) | |
Online version: | View report [2 pages] | |
Charges: | This report should address the charges below. | |
1. | To conduct an investigation of the acts of the Texas Book Commission in letting contracts to determine if such contracts were justified. * | |
2. | If it is found that anything influenced the letting of such contracts, that would invalidate said contracts, that the committee shall secure from the Attorney General's Department as the best method by which contracts may be cancelled. * | |
Committee: | Senate Superintendent of Education | |
Title: | Report - Majority Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | [Report]. | |
Subjects: | Bribery | State government contracts | Superintendent of Public Instruction, Texas | Textbooks | | |
Library Call Number: | S.J. of Tex., 12th Leg., Adj. 384 (1871) | |
Session: | 12th Adjourned (1871) | |
Online version: | View report [3 pages] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Investigate charges of misconduct by Superintendent of Education, J.C. DeGress. * | |
Committee: | Senate Superintendent of Education | |
Title: | Report - Minority Report | |
Library Catalog Title: | [Report]. | |
Subjects: | Bribery | State government contracts | Superintendent of Public Instruction, Texas | Textbooks | | |
Library Call Number: | S.J. of Tex., 12th Leg., Adj. 403 (1871) | |
Session: | 12th Adjourned (1871) | |
Online version: | View report [5 pages File size: 2,253 kb] | |
Charge: | This report should address the charge below. | |
1. | Investigate charges of misconduct by Superintendent of Education, J.C. DeGress. * |
* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.
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