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13 Document(s) [ Subject: Base realignment and closure ]

Committee: House Defense and Veterans' Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Affordable housing | Base realignment and closure | Death benefits | Hazlewood Act | Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corp | Mental health services | Military bases | Military casualties | Military Department, Texas | Military families | Military personnel | Occupational licenses | Student aid | Suicide | Texas National Guard | University of Texas at San Antonio | Veterans | Veterans Commission, Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.88 D361
Session: 88th R.S. (2023)
Online version: View report [137 pages  File size: 2,225 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitoring: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • HB 90,88th R.S. relating to benefits for certain members of the Texas military forces and survivors of members of the Texas military forces; and
  • HB 671, 88th R.S. relating to a veterans suicide prevention campaign.
2. Identification and Support of Texas Veterans: Identify barriers to identifying and verification of veteran status. Make recommendations to improve identification efforts to better engage and support the state’s veteran populations.
3. Professional License Portability for Military and Spouses: Evaluate compliance statewide with the Section 19 of the Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-333, 50 U.S.C. §4025a), concerning the portability of professional licenses of service members and spouses and make recommendations to ensure that service members and their spouses may, under appropriate circumstances, continue to practice under a license issued by another jurisdiction.
4. Strength of Texas Military Bases: Review the federal criteria for considering and recommending base closure or realignment and evaluate the strength of Texas Military Bases under the scoring system utilized by the U.S. Department of Defense. Make recommendations to mitigate the risk of realignments or closures of military installations in Texas.
5. Defense Research & Partnerships: Review the role and contributions of the University of Texas San Antonio to the defense of the state and nation through defense research, especially with regard to security infrastructure, talent recruitment, and development of partnerships with the federal government.
Committee: House Defense and Veterans' Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Aerospace industry | Base realignment and closure | Defense Economic Adjustment Assistant Grants | Emergency management | Homelessness | Hurricane Harvey | Mental health services | Military bases | Veterans | Veterans health care |
Library Call Number: L1836.85 D361
Session: 85th R.S. (2017)
Online version: View report [36 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Evaluate the impact of Hurricane Harvey related to the Texas Military Department, Emergency Management Council, and the Texas Division of Emergency Management. Recommend any changes that could improve operational stability and the reaction of these agencies following a natural disaster and changes that would allow for a more effective response.
2. Assess ways the State of Texas can further aid federal military installations and their communities in order to minimize the negative consequences of a Base Realignment and Closure round by the federal government.
3. Examine best practices related to use of the Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant program to maximize support for military installations, and how the state can better serve military installations in Texas. Also, evaluate changes that would increase utilization of the Texas Military Revolving Loan Fund.
4. Study the economic impact of the aviation, aerospace, & defense manufacturing industry in Texas and the state's ability to facilitate industry job growth and investment. Review the relationship between the economic vitality of industry and military veterans transitioning into the workforce. Determine existing and potential barriers to the retention and expansion of the manufacturing industry in the state and the broader economic implications it may have on workforce readiness, as well as veteran employment and support services. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Economic & Small Business Development)
5. Examine the needs of homeless veterans in Texas. Examine obstacles veterans may face finding housing across the state. Recommend measures to bolster the state's efforts to address veteran homelessness in Texas.
6. Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature. In conducting this oversight, review the implementation of S.B. 27 (85R) and the related Veterans Mental Health Program, as well as S.B. 578 (85R) and the development of the Veterans Suicide Prevention Action Plan.
Committee: House Defense and Veterans' Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Federal funds | Hazlewood Act | Military and veterans benefits | Military bases | Real estate agents | Student aid | Veterans |
Library Call Number: L1836.84 D361
Session: 84th R.S. (2015)
Online version: View report [122 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Explore how encroachment (environmental, technological, and architectural) impacts the vital missions of our military bases in Texas and which policies can be put into place while retaining respect for private property rights, economic growth, and the operation of military facilities.
2. Explore adding notifications to the Texas Real Estate Commission Seller Disclosure Form, as well as a notification to buyers of new home construction, in order to inform buyers that a property may be located near a military installation or a military airport and could be affected by high noise or its air installation compatible use zones, or other operations.
3. Study the long-term viability of the Hazlewood Act, in particular the legacy tuition exemption provision. Review eligibility requirements and recommend changes to ensure that the program can remain solvent. Examine the costs of the program to institutions of higher education, including foregone tuition, additional infrastructure, administrative and instructional support costs, and the financial impact on nonveteran/legacy students. Analyze and report any effect changes to this program would have for veterans and their families. Review current data systems related to this exemption and recommend improvements to ensure quality and accuracy of information. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Higher Education)
4. Assess ways the State of Texas can further aid our federal military installations and their communities in order to minimize the negative consequences of a potential forthcoming BRAC round by the federal government.
5. Assess the continuing effect and the impact of sequestration and federal defense spending on Texas military bases, soldiers and their families, base communities, and Texas defense contractors. Identify solutions to address issues raised by federal policy.
6. Analyze whether unnecessary, redundant or punitive barriers exist for Texas Veterans pursuing educational or occupational careers upon completion of their military service. Study and ensure that appropriate measures are in place to allow veterans to receive the maximum college credit benefit for their service-related training in the armed forces.
7. Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 84th Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs.
Committee: Senate Veteran Affairs and Military Installations
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: 211 telephone system | Base realignment and closure | Federal budgets | Mental health services | Military and veterans benefits | Military bases | Military spending | Occupational licenses | Student aid | Veterans | Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of | Veterans Commission, Texas | Veterans employment | Veterans health care | Veterans with disabilities |
Library Call Number: L1836.83 V641
Session: 83rd R.S. (2013)
Online version: View report [38 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Investigate the impact of federal actions (including the federal government shutdown, sequestration, military force reductions, and potential base closure or realignment) on active-­duty service members, the Texas Military Department, veterans, their families, defense-­related contractors, small businesses, local governments, and state agencies.
2. Monitor and examine efforts to provide employment and workforce opportunities for veterans, service members, and their families. Make recommendations on how best to continue collaborating with and supporting our honored veterans as they re-­enter the civilian workforce, including improving employment opportunities for veterans at all state agencies.
3. Provide an update on the State Strike Force teams’ progress and recommendations on any additional steps necessary to ensure that veterans promptly receive all federal disability benefits to which they are entitled.
4. Study and make recommendations to improve access to services provided by non-­profit organizations to veterans, their families, and survivors, including examining the effectiveness, standards, and consistency of the 2-­1-­1 information and referral system for military and veteran families statewide.
5. Monitor the implementation of the veterans occupational licensure bills passed during the 83rd Legislative Session to expedite the licensure process for those who are serving, have served, or are married to someone serving our nation in uniform. Study and make recommendations to strengthen and improve state efforts to ease the transition of military veterans and their spouses into the Texas civilian workforce.
6. Monitor implementation of the veteran's mental health legislation passed during the 83rd Legislative Session, including funding to support the Military Veteran Peer Network at Department of State Health Services. Assess whether state mental health initiatives targeted to veterans and their families appropriately address Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Study and make recommendations to enhance the delivery of mental health services to veterans at the local level through the network of Veteran County Service Officers.
7. In addition to the formal Interim Charges, the VAMI Committee reviewed allegations that the VA has denied health and mental health care and manipulated waiting lists to access care. The Committee also considered whether or not the state has a role in assisting veterans in Texas with VA health care as it did with the Strike Force Teams for VA disability claims.
Committee: Senate Veteran Affairs and Military Installations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: The Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs & Military Installations report and recommendations to the 82nd Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Call centers | Employment | Job training programs | Mental health services | Military bases | Military personnel | Texas State Guard | Veterans | Veterans educational benefits | Women |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 V641
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [151 pages  File size: 16,493 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study veteran employment and veteran-owned small business issues, including the usefulness of creating a veteran-specific employment database to target job openings tailored to the skill sets of Texas' returning veterans. Include an assessment and recommendations to best implement the veteran employment database.
2. Examine the potential risk factors for returning service members, which may contribute to an increase in domestic violence and child abuse cases. Additionally, determine best practices, including funding options, to ensure that specific counseling related to these risk factors is available to and provided for returning service members and their family members during the initial reunion phase.
3. Examine the use of the new GI Bill by veterans and their families in conjunction with the changes made to the Hazlewood Act during the 81 st Legislature, Regular Session, as the number of service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan continues to rise. Include an assessment and recommendations on how the programs can be maximized to better serve veterans and their families.
4. Study the specific needs of female veterans and service members and whether they are met. Make recommendations for improving services.
5. Study the value of enhancing training requirements for Veterans County Service Officers (VCSO) to improve veterans service at the local level, especially in rural areas. Make recommendations on how to best use technology for training purposes and expanding accreditation of VCSO.
6. Study the advantages of centralizing call center activities for referral to benefits providers (e.g., TVC, TVLB, VA, DSHS, Suicide Prevention Call Centers, etc.), including the costs associated with maintaining multiple call centers, the potential savings of consolidating reporting systems, and any options for obtaining federal funds. Make suggestions to streamline the process for veterans to obtain resources and benefits.
7. Inventory and assess veteran workforce programs offered by state agencies (i.e., TVC, TWC, TAG), and include the usefulness of creating a veteran-specific employment database, which would target job openings tailored to the skill set of Texas' returning veterans as well as job training for spouses. Make recommendations to allow agencies to work more effectively and for efficient implementation of a veteran employment database.
8. Consider the mission of the State Guard and the numbers of volunteers within the State Guard. Make recommendations to incentivize recruitment and retention of volunteers to the State Guard.
9. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs & Military Installations, 81st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, review the following:
  • Monitor implementation of constitutional amendments relating to veterans issues;
  • Monitor the implementation of $5 million for mental health services programs for veterans, the military and their dependents, following the Ft. Hood tragedy;
  • Monitor and analyze the closure process for the following installations and communicate with district Senators and communities: Naval Station Ingleside; Brooks City-Base, San Antonio; and Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant.
  • Monitor and analyze the realignment of the various installations across the state, including but not limited to, Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Fort Bliss in El Paso, and Red River Army Depot in Texarkana.
Committee: Senate Veterans Health, Select
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 82nd Legislature
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Veterans | Veterans health care |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 V641h
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [79 pages  File size: 7,552 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review the availability and quality of federal health care benefits for Texas veterans, including VA hospitals, primary and specialty health care sevices, and social work services. Make recommendations to the Texas Legislature and the Veterans Administration for improving access and quality of services.
2. Review the availability and quality of state health care benefits for Texas veterans, including state supported nursing homes, mental health services, and other primary and specialty health care services. Make recommendations to the Texas Legislature for improving access and quality of services.
3. Monitor BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) recommended integration of Wilford Hall Medical Center and Brooke Army Medical Center and the subsequent creation of the San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC) to ensure that Texas veterans receive the benefits they diserve.
Committee: Senate Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Subcommittee on Base Realignment and Closure
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Brooks City-Base | Fort Bliss | Fort Sam Houston | Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant | Military bases | Military Facilities Commission, Texas | Naval Station Ingleside | Red River Army Depot |
Library Call Number: L1836.80 V641b
Session: 80th R.S. (2007)
Online version: View report [343 pages  File size: 12,169 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor national and overseas BRAC developments and Department of Defense redevelopment efforts.
2. Monitor and analyze the closure process for the following installations and communicate with district Senators and communities: Naval Station Ingleside; Brooks City-Base, San Antonio; and Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant.
3. Monitor and analyze the realignment of the various installations across the state, including but not limited to, Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Fort Bliss in El Paso, and Red River Army Depot in Texarkana.
4. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Subcommittee on Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), 80th R.S., and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Focus on implementation of the following:
  • SB 962, 80th R.S., relating to school districts affected by troop reassignments at military installations,
  • SB 1237, 80th R.S., relating to defense base development authorities,
  • SB 1724, 80th R.S., relating to the Texas Military Facilities Commission,
  • SB 1743, 80th R.S., relating to the Red River Redevelopment Authority,
  • SB 1956, 80th R.S., relating to areas affected by defense restructuring, and
  • HB 3879, 80th R.S., relating to defense base development authorities
Committee: Senate Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Subcommittee on Base Realignment and Closure
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Base realignment and closure : a report and recommendations to the 80th Legislature
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Military bases |
Library Call Number: L1836.79 V641b
Session: 79th R.S. (2005)
Online version: View report [89 pages  File size: 3,813 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Analyze the implementation of SB 252, 79th R.S., SB 1481, 79th R.S., and HB 2340, 79th R.S., and make recommendations about how the State can create more financial flexibility for defense dependent communities working to redevelop closed or realigned Department of Defense installations and property.
2. Monitor national Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) developments, overseas BRAC developments, and Department of Defense redevelopment efforts; and communicate regularly to Texas' various defense dependent communities, their elected officials and to the Lt. Governor, and Governor on the redevelopment timeline and efforts. Activities should include:
  • Analyze the federally-mandated closure process for the following installations and communicate regularly with the district Senator and other elected officials on the specific economic development and property redevelopment needs of the community: Naval Station Ingleside; Brooks City-Base, San Antonio; and Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant
  • Analyze the realignment of the various installations across the state including but not limited to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Fort Bliss in El Paso and Red River Army Depot in Texarkana and help coordinate state and local efforts to ensure adequate infrastructure and support.
Committee: House Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2004 : a report to the House of Representatives, 79th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Biometric identification | Emergency management | Homeland security | Military bases | Military personnel | Ports | Terrorism | Texas Military Preparedness Commission |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 D361
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [72 pages  File size: 530 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine ways that Texas and other states assist local communities that are affected by military base closures. Include opportunities for Texas to benefit from Base Realignment and Closure Commission actions.
2. Monitor the development of a Homeland Security Strategy as set forth in HB 9, 78th R.S., under the Office of the Governor and identify ways to bring homeland security missions to Texas.
3. Evaluate the uses and security of the ports in the state, including optimizing their role in the deployment of military troops and what measures the state can take to minimize security risks from potential terrorist attacks.
4. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including the implementation of the Texas Military Preparedness Commission and other legislation by the 78th Legislature.
Committee: Senate Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Subcommittee on Base Realignment and Closure
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Base realignment and closure, 2005 : a report and recommendations to the 79th Legislature
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Economic development | Military bases | Urban sprawl |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 V641b
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [82 pages  File size: 4,184 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study and evaluate the implementation of SB 652, 78th R.S., SB 1295, 78th R.S., and SJR 55, 78th R.S.. Address defense community use of loan programs created by these bills and make recommendations on how to best use loan proceeds to maintain Texas bases. Study the effects of urban encroachment upon Texas military installations.
2. Study and communicate national Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) developments, criteria and timelines to the Texas Military Planning Commission (TMPC) and affected military communities. Coordinate and monitor all BRAC issues associated with the Governor's and Lt. Governor's offices, the TMPC, the Office of State-Federal Relations, the State Congressional Delegation, and the Texas House Committee on Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations.
Committee: House State, Federal and International Relations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on State, Federal, and International Relations, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2002 : a report to the House of Representatives, 78th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Border economy | Border issues | Border transit corridors | Cemeteries | Military bases | Museums | Rural areas | Rural issues | Texas Legislative Medal of Honor | Tourism | Veterans | Veterans health care |
Library Call Number: L1836.77 st30
Session: 77th R.S. (2001)
Online version: View report [111 pages  File size: 2,483 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review the readiness of military installations and communities for possible base closings and realignment. Assess opportunities to attract new military units because of base closings in other states.
2. Review the state of tourism in rural Texas. Consider tourism products that are successful in rural Texas and those that hold the promise of greater success. Collaborate with local officials and state agencies involved in promoting tourism to design strategies for communities and entrepreneurs to increase tourist business.
3. Consult with and monitor state and federal agencies with duties related to commercial and personal traffic across the international border with Mexico. Make suggestions to improve the efficiency of border crossings without compromising security or crime detection operations.
4. Develop options for creating a museum of Texas music and music history.
5. Review the laws and procedures concerning the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor to assure that the award will remain an appropriate symbol of extraordinary merit for Texas veterans.
6. Actively monitor agencies and programs under the committee's oversight jurisdiction, including the state veterans medical facilities and, upon passage, implementation of the state veterans cemetery system.
Committee: Senate Veteran Affairs and Military Installations
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Cemeteries | Long-term care | Military bases | Military families | Military personnel | Nursing homes | Texas Air National Guard | Texas Army National Guard | Veterans | Veterans health care | Veterans Land Board |
Library Call Number: L1836.77 v641
Session: 77th R.S. (2001)
Online version: View report [215 pages  File size: 2,154 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor developments at the federal level regarding the Federal Base Realignment and Base Closure (BRAC) process, and the implementation of SB 1815, 77th R.S., relating to loan assistance for communities affected by BRAC.
2. Evaluate the effects of the increased bonding authority granted to the Veteran's Land Board in HB 2453, 77th R.S..
3. Evaluate veteran land and housing fund programs, including veteran nursing homes. The Committee shall determine if the demand for veterans nursing home beds is exceeding the available supply.
4. Monitor the implementation of the following legislation from the 77th Session: HB 310, 77th R.S., relating to veterans cemeteries; HB 2125, 77th R.S., relating to public school admission for military personnel and dependents; and SB 1159, 77th R.S., relating to providing state veteran services. The Committee shall also evaluate the cost-effectiveness of programs and benefits provided to veterans and their families by state agencies. The Committee should consider veterans programs administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Administration.
5. Assess the impact of the current military mobilization on persons called to active duty and their families. The Committee should examine state and federal statutes concerning active reservists and guardsmen and make recommendations, if necessary.
6. Monitor the current mobilization of Texas military forces and the role of the National Guard Armories to determine if increased assistance from the state is necessary for an efficient and timely response.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1996 : a report to the Texas House of Representatives, 75th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Base realignment and closure | Electric utility deregulation | Hospital districts | Military bases | Public Utility Regulatory Act | Telecommunications infrastructure | Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund | Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board | Telephone deregulation |
Library Call Number: L1836.74 st29
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [89 pages  File size: 4,029 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review the structure and governance of hospital districts in light of changes in funding, federal legislation and changes in methods of delivering health care services.
2. Study the feasibility of establishing an entity with specific responsibilities for preventing the downsizing or closure of Texas military bases.
3. Conduct active oversight of agencies under the committee's jurisdiction, including HB 2128, 74th R.S., SB 373, 74th R.S., the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board and the implementation of assessments on the state's cellular and wireless telecommunications industries.

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