05/15/1923 (38th 3rd C.S.) |
38th 3rd C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 38th Legislature to begin on May 16, 1923 to adjust by appropriate legislation the wide discrepancy between the appropriations heretofore made by the 38th Legislature for the maintenance of our state institutions and the estimated available revenues...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative proclamation
04/16/1923 (38th 2nd C.S.) |
38th 2nd C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 38th Legislature to convene on April 16, 1923 to provide sufficient funds to maintain our public schools; to make appropriations for the support and maintenance of our public schools; to invest the courts of Texas with authority to remove from office any officer against whom it can be proven in court that such officer has willfully and corruptly failed to enforce the laws of the country; make more effective the provisions of the Federal and State Constitutions which prohibit the manufacture, sale and transportation of intoxicating beverages...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative proclamation
03/10/1923 (38th 1st C.S.) |
38th 1st C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 38th Legislature to convene on March 15, 1923 to provide sufficient funds by every means known to the Constitution and statutes of Texas to properly maintain our public schools; to make appropriations within the available revenue for the support and maintenance of our schools, our state eleemosynary institutions, and the Texas government; to vest the courts of Texas with effective authority to remove from office any officer against whom it can be proven in open court and before a jury, that such officer has willfully and corruptly failed and refused to enforce the laws of the country; to pass such laws as will make effective the provisions of the Federal Constitution and the provisions of the Texas Constitution which prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative proclamation
08/17/1921 (37th 2nd C.S.) |
37th 2nd C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 37th Legislature to convene on August 17, 1921 to make appropriations within the available revenues for the support and maintenance of the State government and State institutions...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative proclamation
08/06/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as additional topics for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, poll tax; transcribing official county records; companies and corporations making deposits in State Treasury; loan and investment companies; corporations authority to purchase notes, bills, and other evidence of debt; increasing Depositors' Guaranty Fund; Texas Rangers; creation of Sheffield, Smithville, Mineola, Poolville, La Porte Independent School Districts; defining boundaries of Winnsboro Independent School District; repealing Laketon Independent School District law; repealing special road law of Red River County; diminishing jurisdiction of Kerr County Court; prevention of catching fish for sale in Pecos River or tributaries in Reeves, Loving, Ward, Crane, and Pecos Counties
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative proclamation
07/29/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as additional topics for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, creation of Bowie, New Home, Snyder, Prairie View, Wellman, Goree, Flatonia, Stanton, Rosenberg, Goose Creek, Fruitvale, Garwood, Lueders County Line, Staples, Ector County, Laneville, Altair, Stamford County Line, Albany, McCaulley County Line, and Canton Independent School Districts, and Vox Populi Common School District No. 5, Nada Common School District No. 35, Coulter Common School District No. 45; granting authority to commissioners courts of population over 200,000 to establish and operate law library; reorganization of Twenty-eight Judicial District and creation of criminal district court in Nueces, Kleberg, Kenedy, Willacy, and Cameron Counties; abolition of Criminal District Court of Bowie County; fix time of holding courts in Fifth Judicial District; closing of West Sycamore Street in Denton; mode of preventing horses and certain other animals from running at large in Wheeler County
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative proclamation
06/17/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 37th Legislature to convene on July 18, 1921 to make appropriations, within available revenues, for the support and maintenance of the state government; to provide additional revenue and make appropriations out of same for the better support of the public free schools of the state; to enact legislation providing for the repeal of the suspended sentence law and amending the state prohibition law; to provide an effective law for the removal of officers who wilfully and corruptly refuse to perform their official duties; to provide for the consolidating of overlapping departments and the abolishment of useless offices and positions; to redistrict the state into Senatorial and Representative districts...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative proclamation