01/19/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Inviting Senate to unveiling of Cowboy Statue, gift of Constance Whitney Warren to the State of Texas
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/17/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Relating to reports of state government, State Highway Commission, Reclamation and Flood Control, Livestock Sanitary Commission, and State Rangers
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/17/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Relating to enlargement of University of Texas campus; report of University Land Acquisition Board
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/17/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Accepting Cowboy Statue by Constance Whitney Warren, created for exhibition in Paris; deed of gift to be recorded in the archives of Texas; House resolution by Mr. Kittrell expressing thanks
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/16/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Submitting Pecos River Compact report
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/16/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Relating to prison system
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/16/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Transmitting joint resolution passed by Congress on June 6, 1924 (H.J. Res. 184), relating to child labor
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/15/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Relating to State Song, "Texas, Our Texas"
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/14/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Relating to state parks
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/13/1925 (39th R.S.) |
39th R.S. |
Welcoming members to Capitol
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
06/14/1923 (38th 3rd C.S.) |
38th 3rd C.S. |
Message to the 38th Legislature, 3rd Called Session reporting that in answer to having learned that the legislature is now ready to adjourn, he has had no time to make an accurate analysis of the work of this session, as the most important appropriation bills have just reached his desk...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
06/07/1923 (38th 3rd C.S.) |
38th 3rd C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 3rd Called Session an amendment to HB 183 pertaining to the organization of corporations for the purpose of borrowing and loaning money to the members of said organizations; an act providing for the teaching of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Texas in the public schools of this state; a law providing for the equalization of taxes so that each dollar's worth of property in the state will bear its proportionate part of the burdens of the government...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
05/28/1923 (38th 3rd C.S.) |
38th 3rd C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 3rd Called Session meaningful action within the next day or two to harmonize the authorized appropriations with the estimated available revenue...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
05/16/1923 (38th 3rd C.S.) |
38th 3rd C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 3rd Called Session the subjects of revenue and appropriations, to the end that the wide discrepancy between the appropriations heretofore made by your honorable body and the estimated available revenues is to be eliminated
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
05/16/1923 (38th 3rd C.S.) |
38th 3rd C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, bringing the appropriations within the available revenues (document also includes appointment of three House members to a committee to confer with the Governor immediately for the purpose of ascertaining the subjects of legislation)
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
05/05/1923 (38th 2nd C.S.) |
38th 2nd C.S. |
Submitting for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, legislation in regard to the powers and duties of the State Board of Education; an act prescribing the qualifications of the persons holding the office of county superintendent of public instructions; amending the laws harmonizing and reconciling discriminations of non-resident guardians as to bond required; limiting and regulating persons to whom the railroads of the state are privileged to grant free transportation
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
05/04/1923 (38th 2nd C.S.) |
38th 2nd C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, the gathering of historic data, preservation of historic relics, marking of historic spots, purchase of historic grounds, and erection of fitting monuments, creation of "The Texas Historical Board"
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
05/02/1923 (38th 2nd C.S.) |
38th 2nd C.S. |
Submitting for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, an act abolishing what is known as special funds in the State Treasury set aside therein for special and particular purposes; a law providing for the quarentine of any area of land within the State found to be infested with any dangerous insect pest, plant disease, or other distructive evils; a law creating an Illiteracy Commission; the Federal Lenroot-Anderson Rural Credit Act; a law authorizing the sale and delivery of bonds by county judges, mayors, trustees of independent school districts, and their successors in office; a law to regulate, supervise and prevent fraud in the sale and purchase in the State of Texas of stocks, stock certificates and bonds of joint stock companies; the work and compensation of county commissioners, and the work and compensation to be paid tax assessors for the assessment of property for taxation; the abolishment, the consolidation, and the coordination of state institutions which duplicate and overlap in their work...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
05/01/1923 (38th 2nd C.S.) |
38th 2nd C.S. |
Submitting for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, the creation of a state parks committee
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
04/26/1923 (38th 2nd C.S.) |
38th 2nd C.S. |
Submitting for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, highway legislation; laws relating to classing, grading, weighing, labeling, and marketing farm, orchard, and dairy products; laws providing for and regulating primary elections; extending oil and gas permits on lands which are now under the control of the Federal receiver appointed by the Supreme Court; amending law relating to navigation districts; a law authorizing the State of Texas to co-operate with other cotton producing states in what is known as the work of the Cotton States Commission; local bills; amending the present Brazoria county road law; a law providing for a tax and the license fee for the taking and selling of raw furs in Texas...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
04/16/1923 (38th 2nd C.S.) |
38th 2nd C.S. |
Submitting for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, legislation to vest the courts of Texas with authority to remove from office any officer against whom it can be proven has failed to enforce the laws of the country; laws as will make more effective the provisions of the Federal and State Constitutions which prohibit the manufacture, sale and transportation of intoxicating beverages; a law providing that in criminal prosecutions, counsel for the State shall have a right to argue the facts that the defendant failed to testify in his own behalf; a law providing that no case, civil or criminal, shall be reversed for technical reasons that do not in any way touch the merits of the case...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
04/16/1923 (38th 2nd C.S.) |
38th 2nd C.S. |
Submitting for consideration by the 38th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, several pieces of tax legislation...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
03/13/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to reconvening the Legislature in special session, to pass adequate revenue measures and make necessary appropriations
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
02/24/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to financial condition of prison system, submitting an emergency matter to the 38th Legislature: financing of about $900,000 for penitentiary
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
02/01/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Transmitting report of investigation of Confederate Home, pursuant to SR 47, 37th Legislature, 1st C.S.
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/30/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to cotton mills, development of cotton manufacturing in Texas, and factory building
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/29/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to investigation of State Text Book Commission, requesting HCR 4, 38th Legislature, R.S., be adopted and that investigating committee be appointed
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/25/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to highway construction, maintenance, and operation, status of federal aid in Texas, and financing the burden of highways
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/25/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to Laird resolution, providing for an investigation of the recent acts of the Texas State Text Book Commission in awarding contracts for the purchase of certain text books for use in the public schools of Texas; HCR 4, 38th Legislature, R.S.
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/23/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to penitentiary system, physical properties, convicts and convict labor, removal of penitentiaries, Brazoria and Fort Bend County Farms, libraries, etc., including statements of cotton and cane raised by farms in 1922, and financial information, bills payable, and indebtedness of the Texas state prison system, December 31, 1922
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/22/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to prison system, submitting an emergency matter to the 38th Legislature: emergency appropriation for penitentiary system; related contents: approving opinions, minutes of Board, certificate of Secretary of Board of Prison Commissioners, signature and non-litigation certificates, statements of indebtedness, assets and valuation of state prison system and state of Texas, and receipt of Treasurer of Texas
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/22/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to report concerning the work of the State Text Book Commission (HJR 27, 35th Legislature, R.S., adopted by voters 1918)
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/19/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to taxation, including sources and spending of tax money, equal and uniform taxation, standard of valuation (revenues paid into State Treasury by selected counties, 1919-1921), gross receipts tax, pipe line companies, delinquent taxes, separation of state and county taxes; recommending tax laws should be rewritten
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/17/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to public schools, including education as a function of state government, adequate school system, rural schools, new sources of revenue; recommending legislation
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/15/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Relating to law enforcement, including crime and punishment, peace officers, ouster proceedings, state sovereignty in the enforcement of the law, intoxicating beverages, homicide, the suspended sentence law, criminals, the courthouse; recommending legislation
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/13/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Recommending a new constitutional convention, including discussion of Constitution of 1845 and three other constitutions, constitutional amendments, and the times and circumstances in 1875 and 1923
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/11/1923 (38th R.S.) |
38th R.S. |
Requesting to meet the Senate and House in joint session on January 12
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/24/1921 (37th 2nd C.S.) |
37th 2nd C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, the subject of legislation with respect to the Texas State Railroad, and providing for its disposition (House and Senate)
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/19/1921 (37th 2nd C.S.) |
37th 2nd C.S. |
Submitting as topics for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 2nd Called Session the matter of making appropriations within available revenue and redistricting the state into senatorial and representative districts...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/13/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, amending Chapter 46, Special Laws of the 35th Legislature, creating the Calvert Independent School District
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/11/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, creation of the New Home Independent School District in Crosby County
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/10/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, Senate Bill No. 77, conditions upon which purchase or purchasers, and associates, of a street railroad company may become owners of its charter, or may organize a new corporation
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/09/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as additional topics for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, laws creating Ranger, Chilicothe, Three P, Soudan, Forney, and Cooper Independent School Districts; providing for trustees and other matters in regard to San Antonio Independent School District; reorganization of terms of court 47th Judicial District of Texas; providing issuance of warrants drawn against current revenues of certain cities; act to repeal Art. 2750, Revised Civil Statutes; providing for election county superintendents of public instruction and school trustees of common school districts; abolishing Lodge Independent School District; and creating Common School Districts numbers 11, 15, and 25
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/03/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session amending the Textbook Law in such a way as to make it possible for the State Textbook Commission to renew contracts wherever advantageous...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/03/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session amendment to Article 606, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, providing how bond issues shall be submitted to an election; the establishment of official cotton standards for the State of Texas; an amendment to Sections 5,7,8,30...being an act to preserve, propagate, distribute and protect the wild game, wild birds and wild fowl of the state...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/02/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session the creation of the Sacul Independent School District in Nacogdoches county, Texas; the creation of the Jacksonville Independent School District, in Cherokee County, Texas; the amending of Section 1, Ch. 2 of the General and Special Laws, 1st C.S. 35th Legislature, defining boundaries, and validating the present maintenance school tax in said territory...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
08/02/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as a topic for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session the law passed at the Regular Session creating the American Legion Memorial Sanatorium of Texas at Kerrville, TX; make necessary appropriations for the support and maintenance of the Penetentiary System of the State for the coming fiscal year; an act to establish a legal rate for the publication of all proclamations, advertising, or notices of all kinds required by law to be published in newspapers in this State...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
07/30/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as topics for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, the creation of the Mexia Independent School District in Limestone County, TX; the creation of the Tehuacana Independent School District in Limestone County, TX; the creation of the Kress Independent School District in Swisher County, TX...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
07/26/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Listing deficiency appropriations for the support and maintenance of various departments and institutions of the government
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
07/26/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as topics for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, transfer the work of the Warehouse and Marketing Department to the Department of Agriculture; repeal of the provisions of the law which authorize the creation of a State Tax Board; abolish the Agricultural Experiment Sub-Station Board; transfer the duties of the Mining Board and the Mine Inspector to the Department of Labor, or to some other established department...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
07/21/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as topics for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, a law requiring that any and all moneys accruing to and received by any and all educational, eleemosynary and penal institutions of the State of Texas...shall be paid into the State Treasury; change the present law dealing with the pink boll worm; a bill passed during the Regular Session providing for vocational education in connection with the acceptance of benefits; the organization and government of water improvement and irrigation districts...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
07/20/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Relating to public addresses to constituents, speeches of the Governor charging theft, graft, and mismanagement in the penitentiary system, state government, public schools, and state employee expense accounts
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
07/18/1921 (37th 1st C.S.) |
37th 1st C.S. |
Submitting as topics for consideration by the 37th Legislature, 1st Called Session, making appropriations within the available revenues; providing additional revenue for the support of the public free schools; enacting legislation providing for the repeal of the suspended sentence law and amending the state prohibition law so as to make same more effective and easier of enforcement; providing an effective law for the removal of officers who fail or refuse to enforce the law; redistrict the state into senatorial and representative districts...
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
03/12/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Submitting for deliberation, a law enforcement program, and program of economy and efficiency in administration of the government
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
03/05/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Advising the Legislature that failure to pass the general appropriation bill necessitates the Legislature reconvening in extraordinary session, sometime in the summer months
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
02/28/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Transmitting resignation letter from Senator J.A. Russell, 28th Senatorial District, dated February 22, 1921; resignation accepted by Senate February 28, 1921; vote rescinded in Simple Resolution No. 87 and Senator J.A. Russell declared duly elected, qualified and acting Senator
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
02/14/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Relating to reasons for repeal of the suspended sentence law, including table by county of suspended convictions and re-arrests
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
02/12/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Relating to debt of the State Railroad, now a part of the Penitentiary System and possible authorization for the Penitentiary Commission to discontinue the operation of the road or sell the road and all its equipments
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
02/11/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Requesting brief conference of the members of the Senate and House, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, on February 14, 1921
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
02/07/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Relating to workings of state government, need for all officers and departments to be directly responsible and under direct supervision of the Legislature, fees collected by certain departments, employee salaries in the Highway Department, Game, Fish and Oyster Department, and Pure Feed Department at Agricultural and Mechanical College
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
02/03/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Relating to the penitentiary/prison system, suggesting appointment of a committee by the Lieutenant Governor and Speaker to visit the penitentiary and gather information on the financial status, convicts, system of punishment, moral environment, employee habits, and agencies looking to the spiritual welfare of convicts, and report back to the Governor
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
02/01/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Relating to law enforcement, including repeal of suspended sentence law, corrupt local law enforcement officers, Court of Criminal Appeals ruling on the Dean law, concurrent sentences
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/28/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Relating to state government and the abolishment, consolidation, coordination and cooperation of certain departments: Agricultural Department and institutions of learning, Agricultural Department and Warehouse and Marketing Department, State Health Department and Food and Drug Department, State Tax Board and Tax Commissioner, Industrial Welfare Commission, Board for Agricultural Experiment Stations, and Mining Board and Mine Inspector
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message
01/20/1921 (37th R.S.) |
37th R.S. |
Transmitting for mutual guidance and as a program of immediate legislation a copy of the Texas Democratic Platform
Pat M. Neff |
Legislative message