Selected newspaper articles related to Tom Haywood

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Entries marked with are biographical in nature.

Headline Newspaper Columnist Date
Babe gets a bench at the Texas State Cemetery Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 02/08/20
Estes, King receive Haywood Lifetime Achievement Award Wichita Falls Record News  Ingle, J. 04/21/16
'Texas Yes' Wichita Falls Record News  Editorial 06/16/03
Senate honors Tom Haywood Wichita Falls Record News  Wolfson, M. 04/24/03
Sen. Estes sworn in, faces voters in 2004 Wichita Falls Record News  Meighan, T. 01/16/03
Haywood's widow backs Estes Wichita Falls Record News  Burgess, J. 09/20/01
Slate of new laws to hit books Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 08/26/01
Republican will run for Haywood's Austin seat Abilene Reporter-News  Burgess, J. 08/02/01
Special election for seat in Senate set for Nov. 6 Houston Chronicle  Staff 08/01/01
Names surfacing for Senate seat Wichita Falls Record News  Buss, T. 07/20/01
Haywood friends recall his courage Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 07/17/01
Wichita Falls senator buried in Texas State Cemetery Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 07/17/01
Deceased senator never let spirit flag Abilene Reporter-News  Whitaker, B. 07/15/01
Haywood: a man who had 'true grit' Wichita Falls Record News  Vance, C. 07/15/01
Haywood's successor might never legislate Abilene Reporter-News  Work, A. 07/13/01
Tom Haywood cast inspiring shadow Abilene Reporter-News  Editorial 07/13/01
Tenacity, spirit defined senator Abilene Reporter-News  Buss, T. 07/13/01
Conservative state senator dies at 61 Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 07/13/01
Senator championed rural issues Austin American Statesman  Grisales, C. 07/13/01
Tom Haywood, influential state senator, dies at 61 Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 07/13/01
State Sen. Haywood dies at 61 Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 07/13/01
Senator dies of heart attack Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 07/13/01
Questions swirl about who will succeed Haywood Wichita Falls Record News  Work, A. 07/13/01
Baylor County under temporary quarantine Wichita Falls Record News  Gittings, L. 06/22/01
Proactive: finally, Texas gets policy affecting state's fading agriculture Wichita Falls Record News  Editorial 06/15/01
Legislators evaluate 77th session Wichita Falls Record News  Buss, T. 06/14/01
Legislator proud of school health insurance plan Abilene Reporter-News  Haywood, T. 06/10/01
N. Texas legislators happy with 77th session Wichita Falls Record News  Burgess, J. 05/31/01
Poignant tributes, plenty of laughs bring down the House, Senate Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/29/01
Legislators take roll one last time Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 05/29/01
Senate pauses to hail its retiring secretary San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 05/29/01
Same-sex marriage bill apparently on fast track San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 05/18/01
Lawmaker asks Texans to express support for bills Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 05/17/01
Online gas bill paying considered Austin American Statesman  Grisales, C. 05/16/01
Hate crimes law is one mom's best Mother's Day present San Antonio Express News  Guerra, C. 05/13/01
Governor signs off on hate crimes bill Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 05/12/01
Haywood puts hold on refund bill for consumers Wichita Falls Record News  Buss, T. 05/12/01
Action is delayed on utility refunds Dallas Morning News  Slover, P. 05/11/01
Action likely kills refunds on utility bills Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 05/11/01
'Tag' likely kills credits for Reliant customers Houston Chronicle  Staff 05/11/01
Progress Dallas Morning News  Editorial 05/08/01
Hate bill passes Senate Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/08/01
Hate crimes bill receives Senate OK Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/08/01
Hate crimes bill passes in tight vote Wichita Falls Record News  Ray, S. 05/08/01
In increasingly diverse Legislature, GOP wrestles with hate-crimes bill Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 05/07/01
Bill would protect everyone from hate crimes Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/06/01
Perry says Texas should pass hate-crimes bill Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 05/06/01
GOP ending delay on hate-crimes bill Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 05/06/01
Hate bill stirs emotions Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Baker, M. 05/06/01
Chance of Senate discussion on hate-crimes bill increases Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/06/01
Perry supportive of hate crimes bill Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 05/06/01
Debate on hate crimes legislation pays no heed to party politics Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/06/01
Senator gives in on hate crimes Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 05/05/01
GOP senator breaks hate-crime stalemate Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 05/05/01
Hate-crime measure nears Senate debate Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/05/01
Hate crimes bill headed for vote Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 05/05/01
Haywood vote saves Texas hate crime bill Wichita Falls Record News  Ray, S. 05/05/01
Bill to bar governments from leasing space languishes Abilene Reporter-News  Reed, J. 05/04/01
Bill on life sentance is nearly derailed Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/03/01
Perry's rationale upsets senators Austin American Statesman  Hight, B. 04/20/01
Perry catches flak on Luna reference San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 04/20/01
Hate crimes bill stalls after clash in Senate Austin American Statesman  Hight, B. 04/19/01
Bill on hate crimes stalled Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 04/19/01
Governor puts brakes on hate-crime measure Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 04/19/01
Hate crime bill is delayed San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 04/19/01
Limits on college guarantee advance Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 04/03/01
Covenant marriage bill would make divorce harder Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 03/24/01
House approves state's new agriculture policy Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 03/23/01
Haywood bill would boost professor pay Wichita Falls Record News  Keese, A. 03/12/01
Texas Senate passes Haywood's ag policy Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 03/09/01
Officials tout Panhandle Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 03/08/01
Ag chief is endorsing guest-worker programs San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 01/31/01
Transportation officials envision wider highways Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 01/24/01
Lawmakers roll out state ag policy Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 01/23/01
State looks at agriculture policy San Angelo Standard Times  Tinsley, A. 01/23/01
Ratliff off to good start Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 01/12/01
Four senators named to military committee Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 01/12/01
Haywood pushes covenant marriages Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 01/10/01
Bivins to remain as education panel chair Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 01/04/01
Public's business should be open Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 12/29/00
Vote on Perry replacement to be secret San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 12/15/00
Lawmakers file flurry of bills Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 12/05/00
Lawmakers file first bills of session San Angelo Standard Times  Tinsley, A. 11/14/00
Senator accused of political favoritism Wichita Falls Record News  Keese, A. 08/06/00
Debate ensues over housing Wichita Falls Record News  Keese, A. 07/27/00
Haywood changes stance on housing Wichita Falls Record News  Keese, A. 07/22/00
Senator wants agricultural policy Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 06/20/00
Realtors honor Haywood, Farabee and Hardcastle Wichita Falls Record News  Grace, L. 01/30/00
Haywood says he'll work to repeal 'individual use tax' Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 01/27/00
Repealing lottery difficult Abilene Reporter-News  Reed, J. 10/24/99
Haywood betting against lottery Abilene Reporter-News  Reed, J. 10/20/99
MSU president to retire Wichita Falls Record News  Semrad, S. 09/18/99
Haywood says no to race for seat on Texas RRC Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 09/16/99
Haywood backs Williams for commission seat Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 09/16/99
Race for Nixon's Senate seat heats up Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 09/15/99
Williams to head Texas Railroad Commission Lubbock Avalanche Journal    09/15/99
Haywood won't run for commission seat Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 09/15/99
Senators get some homework Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 09/13/99
Haywood, Fraser named to interim committees Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 09/08/99
Haywood appointed to resources committee Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 09/03/99
Senator Haywood considers running for commissioner Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 08/25/99
A year before election, RRC race heats up Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 08/24/99
Haywood may seek new post Wichita Falls Record News  Clements, S. 08/24/99
Railroad Commission to have two openings in 2000 Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 08/24/99
Haywood may challenge bid for state railroad commissioner Abilene Reporter-News  Wilson, A. 08/17/99
Fraser, other legislators lobby for Big Country homebuilders Abilene Reporter-News  Derocher, A. 08/06/99
Texas ranks its top conservatives Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 07/31/99
Tax cuts urged to keep oil, gas on rebound Austin American Statesman  Hight, B. 07/15/99
Haywood praises state budget surplus Abilene Reporter-News  Horecka, B. 06/06/99
House OKs property legislation Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 05/23/99
Bill approved to monitor funds Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 05/22/99
Covenant Marriage Abilene Reporter-News  Haywood, T. 05/16/99
Senate tentatively OKs covenant marriage bill Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 05/12/99
Capitol report Austin American Statesman  Staff 05/12/99
Covenant marriage bill gets preliminary approval Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 05/12/99
Marriage measure gets tentative nod San Antonio Express News  A.P. Wire 05/12/99
State Senate shows care for day care Amarillo Daily News  Sterling, E. 05/08/99
Child-care solutions Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/08/99
Bill would give tax breaks for day care Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/05/99
Texas Senate OKs child care break Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/05/99
Tax break aims to help child care Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/05/99
Texas doesn't need covenant marriage bill Abilene Reporter-News  Editorial 04/29/99
Senators keep eye on Bush Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 04/05/99
Haywood wants to cut his committee's spending Wichita Falls Record News  Staff 02/03/99
Bill would give ag processing companies tax breaks Amarillo Daily News  Staff 01/26/99
Tom Haywood proposes tax break plan Waco Tribune Herald  Falkenberg, L. 01/26/99
Doing things his way Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 01/24/99
Area senators named to key committees Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 01/22/99
Sen. Haywood appointed to influential State Affairs Committee Wichita Falls Record News  Staff 01/22/99
Area lawmakers positioned to make impact Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 11/09/98
City loses some clout in Austin Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 11/07/98
Haywood retains Senate seat Abilene Reporter-News  Whitaker, B. 11/04/98
Incumbents around area hold seats; 2 from Terrell locked in tight race Dallas Morning News  Anderson, K. 11/04/98
Haywood basks in glow of re-election Wichita Falls Record News  Templar, L. 11/04/98
Bills & ills Abilene Reporter-News  Whitaker, B. 10/30/98
Haywood acknowledges personal benefit in state purchase Abilene Reporter-News  Templar, L. 10/27/98
Senators support Haywood Wichita Falls Record News    10/27/98
Underwood's ideas, energy fit for Senate Abilene Reporter-News  Editorial 10/26/98
Dallas-area races could be key to balance in house Dallas Morning News  Anderson, K. 10/25/98
'Common sense' approach works for Tom Haywood Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 10/24/98
Haywood seeks to out-fund opponent Wichita Falls Record News  Templar, L. 10/24/98
Senator benefits in plan Wichita Falls Record News  Templar, L. 10/24/98
Statehouse, U.S. Reps Wichita Falls Record News  Editorial 10/23/98
'Conservatives' clash in contest for senate Abilene Reporter-News  Whitaker, B. 10/18/98
Underwood raps opponent's across-the-board spending cuts; offers education plan Herald Democrat  Ross, B. 07/26/98
Governor visits city Wichita Falls Record News  Quin, L. 07/16/98
Underwood speaks of education reform Wichita Falls Record News  Semrad, S. 07/16/98
Politicians weigh fireworks ban law Amarillo Daily News  George, R. 06/19/98
Plan to bill prisoners supported Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Vardon, S. 05/31/98
Bullock defends role in GOP fund-raiser Dallas Morning News    05/20/98
Politician with Parkinson's confronts his disease Bryan Eagle  Morton, A. 04/27/98
Finnell protests air controls Wichita Falls Record News  Clements, S. 04/23/98
Haywood accuses Democrats of distorting record Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 04/22/98
State aid helps reopen school Abilene Reporter-News  Williamson, D. 03/19/98
Grant to help treat alcohol, drug addictions Wichita Falls Record News  Templar, L. 03/17/98
State Senator, District 30 Wichita Falls Record News    03/06/98
TSTA endorses mostly Democrats Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 02/10/98
Senate candidate speaks on intervention programs Amarillo Globe-News  McBride, J. 01/28/98
Haywood's challenger speaks of new ideas Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 01/27/98
Underwood: experience will be handy Wichita Falls Record News  Hundley, K. 01/23/98
Haywood gets late opponent Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 01/03/98
Bowie man seeks Haywood seat Wichita Falls Record News  Ray, S. 01/03/98
Democrats lack opposition to Sen. Haywood -- so far Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 12/31/97
Senators not playing nice anymore Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 12/13/97
Lurking in the shadows Wichita Falls Record News  Hundley, K. 12/07/97
Primary contests, rematches under way Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 11/30/97
Economic development rates with apple pie Amarillo Globe-News  Haywood, T. 11/06/97
Fun and games are overdone, say some state legislators Austin American Statesman  Eskenazi, S. 11/02/97
Area mayor elected president of TARC Wichita Falls Record News    09/26/97
Area mayor elected president of TARC Wichita Falls Times  Staff 09/26/97
Haywood announces candidacy for Senate Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 09/24/97
Bivins one of lawmakers appointed to committee Amarillo Daily News  Mo. 08/22/97
Proposition 1 to benefit seniors, teachers Wichita Falls Record News  Haywood, T. 08/08/97
Legislators call session successful Abilene Reporter-News  Bruce, B. 07/26/97
Hirschi's future uncertain Wichita Falls Record News  Ray, S. 07/12/97
Haywood may face stiff test in next race Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 07/09/97
Formula hurts MSU Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 06/07/97
HMO bill not clear-cut win for consumers Abilene Reporter-News    06/03/97
Legislators already planning for 1999 Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 06/03/97
Area senators say '97 session was frustrating Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 06/02/97
Campaign promises kept by voting against property tax legislation Wichita Falls Record News  Haywood, T. 05/28/97
Senate OK's equity-loan amendment Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/25/97
Events center bill clears Senate Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/21/97
House seeks to reward schools instead of principals Amarillo Globe-News  Burton, M. 05/20/97
Boundary panel extended Wichita Falls Times  Tinsley, A. 05/18/97
Bill allows merger Wichita Falls Times  Templar, L. 05/17/97
New law relaxes sign restrictions Wichita Falls Times  Templar, L. 05/16/97
Lotto-for-schools bill approved by Senate Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 05/15/97
Lottery bill ok'd in senate Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 05/15/97
State senate panel OKs rewrite of law Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 05/14/97
Only confusion exists after weeks of property tax debate in House, Senate Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 05/13/97
Senate tax bill clears Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/11/97
Property tax showdown looms as Senate OKs bill Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/11/97
Lottery revenue bill stalled in Senate subcommittee Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 05/11/97
Showdown looms in House Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/10/97
Senate gives early nod to tax reform Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/10/97
Senate votes to create benefit program for uninsured children Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/09/97
Senate puts skids on helmet measure Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/01/97
Senate passes bill to allow companies options on pollution rules Dallas Morning News    04/23/97
Senate removes provision from transportation bill Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/22/97
Senate approves measure to aid minority admissions in college Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/11/97
State Senate passes bill on college admissions Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 04/11/97
Haywood bill would mandate octane inspections for gasoline Wichita Falls Times  Staff 04/09/97
No more slamming Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 04/08/97
Profile in courage Wichita Falls Record News    04/07/97
Citizen Haywood Wichita Falls Record News  Templar, L. 04/06/97
Fraser: merger threatens TSTC Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 04/05/97
Funding not enough for raises Wichita Falls Record News    04/02/97
Bills flood Legislature during the eleventh hour Amarillo Globe-News  Haywood, T. 03/26/97
Senate backs state loan for Amtrak's Texas Eagle Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 03/26/97
State Senate passes Texas Eagle loan bill Houston Chronicle    03/26/97
Leaders: Tax cut in the cards Wichita Falls Record News  Templar, L. 03/26/97
Haywood quietly earning respect Wichita Falls Record News  Strahan, A. 03/18/97
Little revolution, now and then, is a good thing Amarillo Globe-News  Haywood, T. 03/09/97
Bill targets arsons Wichita Falls Record News  Ray, S. 02/26/97
Future still fluid for oil economy Abilene Reporter-News  Bruce, B. 02/24/97
Lawmakers close to passing parental consent Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 02/23/97
Lawmakers want bosses more invloved in child care Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 02/16/97
Happily bashing Austin Austin American Statesman  Kelley, M. 02/06/97
Senate OKs bill on school rewards Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 02/05/97
Bill would shift data on judges to Austin Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 02/05/97
Texas Senate votes to redirect principals' bonuses to schools Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 02/05/97
Senate approves school bonus bill San Antonio Express News    02/05/97
Senate aims bonuses at schools, not chiefs San Antonio Express News    02/05/97
Bill would give power to ban more fireworks Amarillo Globe-News    02/03/97
Haywood offers day care bill Wichita Falls Record News  Templar, L. 02/03/97
Bill would revamp school bonus system Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 01/30/97
Just add details Wichita Falls Record News  Templar, L. 01/29/97
Area legislators oppose dividing lottery money Amarillo Globe-News  Curry, K. 01/28/97
Child-care incentives proposed Austin American Statesman  Gamboa, S. 01/28/97
Lawmakers propose bills to help provide day care Dallas Morning News  Minutaglio, B. 01/28/97
3 senators file child-care bills San Antonio Express News    01/28/97
Initiative and referendum: Pro and con Amarillo Daily News  Ford, M. 01/26/97
Lawmaker wants to make sure Texas' water laws aren't all wet Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 01/23/97
Legislator plans bill on controversial 'language' Abilene Reporter-News  Strader, L. 01/22/97
Amarillo wants share in lottery Amarillo Globe-News  Curry, K. 01/22/97
Texans need initiative and referendum Corpus Christi Caller Times  Ford, M. 01/16/97
Curbing gang violence Wichita Falls Record News  Clanahan, H. 01/08/97
Tax relief may have cost Wichita Falls Record News  Clements, S. 12/30/96
Money given by PACs has no limits Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 12/22/96
Some area lawmakers oppose concept of combining schools Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 12/22/96
Lotto woes don't slow the dough Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 12/21/96
State Senate assignments echo bipartisan stance Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 12/17/96
Bullock announces new Senate assignments Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 12/17/96
Second-term goals Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 12/15/96
Senator may gain power Wichita Falls Record News  Templar, L. 12/13/96
Abilene's possible reunification divides senators Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 12/08/96
Texas lottery nets $1 billion per year Beaumont Enterprise  Bledsoe, D. 12/08/96
Lotteracy Houston Chronicle    12/03/96
Bills would reallocate lotto funds Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 11/24/96
Legislator files measure to dedicate lottery profits to public education Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 11/21/96
Parole, abortion, harassment from prison among bills filed Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 11/18/96
Haywood lottery plan gets praise Wichita Falls Record News    11/13/96
State committee offers no solutions Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 11/09/96
Tax panel comes up clueless Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 11/08/96
Panel: Property tax a problem Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 11/08/96
Tarrant cities lick chops over plan to get slice of lottery pie Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Nelson, D. 11/05/96
Bush sings Gramm's praises in visit to city Wichita Falls Record News    11/01/96
Humor helps pol cope with Parkinson's Beaumont Enterprise  Garza, S. 10/18/96
Lawmakers may look at initiative & referendum Amarillo Globe-News    10/09/96
Regents unsure on MSU merger Wichita Falls Record News  Haywood, T. 10/04/96
New plan would return lottery revenues San Antonio Express News  Haywood, T. 10/03/96
Curriculum proposals slammed Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 09/24/96
Campaign-funded flying under fire Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 09/17/96
Sharing lottery revenue an idea with strong appeal San Antonio Express News    09/16/96
Group presses lawmakers to keep gambling laws at arm's length Abilene Reporter-News    09/13/96
Lawmaker pushes plan for distributing profits San Antonio Express News    09/11/96
Initiative, referendum process discussed in Tyler Tyler Morning Telegraph  Pratt, T. 08/28/96
Lottery funds Dallas Morning News    08/23/96
Lawmaker promotes lottery legislation El Paso Times  Haywood, T. 08/20/96
Lottery money should stay in El Paso, help taxpayers El Paso Times    08/19/96
A winning combination? Wichita Falls Record News  Wilson, C. 08/17/96
Give cities, counties cut of lottery, lawmaker says El Paso Times  Self, B. 08/15/96
Rural representatives present requests to area legislators Abilene Reporter-News  Fulton, L. 08/08/96
Lottery should aid cities Dallas Morning News  Haywood, T. 08/04/96
Lottery cash Houston Chronicle    07/20/96
Localities may share lottery cash Dallas Morning News  Kuempel, G. 07/16/96
Let cities and counties hit lottery jackpot, too Houston Chronicle  Haywood, T. 07/14/96
Setting a good example Abilene Reporter-News  Jones II, R. 06/27/96
Some lottery proceeds should belong to cities Amarillo Globe-News    06/24/96
System could test MSU spirit Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 06/17/96
Lottery dollars don't need to be earmarked Abilene Reporter-News    06/16/96
Texan seeks lottery tax to help cities Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Nelson, D. 06/15/96
Bush defends reversal of ban on fireworks Amarillo Globe-News  Storm, R. 06/14/96
Give cities lottery money, Haywood suggests Abilene Reporter-News    06/13/96
Texas lottery adding 6,000 online terminals San Angelo Standard Times    06/13/96
Panel suggests universities set own tuition rates Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 06/06/96
No sure thing Wichita Falls Record News  Hines, M. 06/04/96
Send those lottery dollars back home Wichita Falls Record News    05/20/96
Governor names new MSU regents Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 05/18/96
Panel tomahawks MSU merger plan Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 05/15/96
Merging MSU into a system stifling, at best Wichita Falls Record News    05/14/96
System shock Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 05/11/96
Plan: cities would get lottery dough Wichita Falls Record News  Wilson, C. 05/09/96
Tech education's future faces legislative debate Dallas Morning News    04/22/96
State lawmakers likely to chart future of TSTC Valley Morning Star    04/22/96
State officials begin battle over future of TSTC Abilene Reporter-News  Williamson, D. 04/21/96
Haywood trying to ease extension service cost Wichita Falls Record News  Mize, R. 04/13/96
Texas panel: border is at the water's edge Wichita Falls Record News  Clements, S. 03/08/96
Lawmakers say schools not likely to be closed Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 01/18/96
Texas, Oklahoma revive talks over Red River boundaries Abilene Reporter-News  Pagel, J. 12/31/95
Vernon center latest to feel TCADA's ax Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 12/20/95
Haywood recognized for education work Wichita Falls Record News    12/13/95
Texas-size trouble Wichita Falls Record News    12/12/95
Lawmaker to TCADA: help us or else Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 12/01/95
Officials seeking to save funding Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 10/05/95
Area losing more than treatment center Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 10/04/95
Drug center's days numbered? Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 09/30/95
Sharp lashes out at Medicaid plan Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 09/29/95
Sims says group will monitor ozone agreement San Angelo Standard Times    09/23/95
Ozone theory studied Corpus Christi Caller Times    09/19/95
Welfare recipients face test of time Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 09/13/95
Political pollution could choke us all Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 09/03/95
Judge rules in favor of Tejas test firm Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 09/01/95
Boot camp Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 08/22/95
Softer landing Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 08/06/95
Legislature gets mixed grades from area business leaders Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 06/15/95
Sierra Club dubs Haywood 'environmental zero' for votes Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 06/08/95
Club blasts lawmakers Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 06/07/95
Sierra Club bemoans legislative session Austin American Statesman    06/07/95
Lawmakers comment on past session Abilene Reporter-News    05/31/95
No new taxes in budget Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 05/31/95
Final bill favors Haywood's wife Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 05/28/95
EDC bill deserved fate Amarillo Daily News    05/27/95
Austin snuffed out of smoking decisions Abilene Reporter-News    05/25/95
Senate OKs bill regulating HMOs Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 05/25/95
Legislators kill EDC shield bill Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/25/95
Senate panel approves HMO bill Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 05/23/95
Final countdown Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 05/23/95
Hirschi attacks privatization legislation Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 05/18/95
MSU may be facing brighter funding picture Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 05/18/95
House OKs overhaul of laws protecting Texas consumers Wichita Falls Record News  Ray, S. 05/18/95
Gun bill beats ambush to pass Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 05/13/95
Others may follow in city's boot steps Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 05/11/95
Senate gives tentative OK to statewide smoking ban Abilene Reporter-News    05/10/95
Smoking bill in danger of burning out Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 05/10/95
'Real team effort' Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 05/10/95
Sponsor to ammend [sic] smoking bill for city rules Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Ave, C. 05/09/95
Senators: we'll follow Galloway on LU Beaumont Enterprise    05/03/95
Keep meetings open Lubbock Avalanche Journal    05/01/95
No stealth Houston Chronicle    04/30/95
Senate approves exemption to open records law Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 04/28/95
Open Meetings Act exemption sent to House San Antonio Express News    04/28/95
State health department to close 8 area medical clinics, cut services Amarillo Globe-News  McBride, J. 04/20/95
Haywood threatens filibuster Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 04/19/95
Several significant changes made in state education code Wichita Falls Record News  Haywood, T. 04/01/95
Helmet law repeal fails to reach Senate Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/30/95
Overhaul setback for state education groups Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 03/29/95
State Senate debates changes in education Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/28/95
School trustees hope to amend bill allowing recalls Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Doclar, M. 03/27/95
Senate passes bill aimed at state's health care Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 03/24/95
Health care bill confuses even lawmakers Wichita Falls Record News  Mannion, J. 03/23/95
Changes Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 03/22/95
Legislation would leave rural hospitals out in cold Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 03/22/95
Rural schools escape deadly blow Wichita Falls Record News  Mannion, J. 03/20/95
Lawmakers voice support for gun bill Wichita Falls Record News  Moore, J. 03/18/95
Senate passes concealed handguns bill Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 03/17/95
Senate approves concealed weapons bill Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 03/17/95
Bills may rein in sex offenders Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 03/16/95
Mandating one fuel over another threatens market-driven economy Wichita Falls Record News  Haywood, T. 03/13/95
Senate committee votes to ease no-pass, no-play Austin American Statesman  Fikac, P. 03/09/95
TSTC: heart of wrangling Amarillo Daily News  Parker, P. 03/05/95
Even those minor disabilities present a challenge Houston Post  Herman, K. 03/03/95
Incentives no miracle, Haywood warns. Abilene Reporter-News  Bruce, B. 02/27/95
He talks slower, but he listens Austin American Statesman  Gamino, D. 02/25/95
Senate OKs bill reviving Edwards aquifer plan San Antonio Express News  Scott, S. 02/21/95
Lawmaker's bill would cancel remedial classes Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 02/21/95
Educators struggling with Senate Bill 1 Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 02/20/95
Financial change Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 02/19/95
Haywood, Sibley ranked among most conservative Wichita Falls Record News    02/18/95
MSU budget: fate giveth, fate taketh away Wichita Falls Record News  Choate, T. 02/11/95
Haywood under fire from Democratic appointees Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 02/05/95
Emissions test put off 91 days while state revamps program Houston Chronicle  Williams, J. 02/01/95
Senator fights MSU pick Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 02/01/95
State will review MHMR Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 01/26/95
Luck of the draw: Sims one of 15 state senators to serve two-year term Abilene Reporter-News  Dietz, K. 01/12/95
Area senators draw four-year terms Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 01/12/95
Budget plan calls for no new taxes Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 01/11/95
State's budget plan avoids tax increase Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 01/11/95
Casino gambling unlikely to pass Abilene Reporter-News  Dietz, K. 01/10/95
Haywood promising to hit ground running Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 01/09/95
Lawmakers ponder abolishing state Treasury Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 01/08/95
Lawmakers for area set priorities Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 01/08/95
Trio: draw amarillo into 13th District Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 01/03/95
'One of those isses whose time has come' Houston Chronicle    01/01/95
Texas facing reform of judicial election process Wichita Falls Record News  Dietz, K. 12/22/94
MSU in risky ventures, report says Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 12/22/94
Legislature's N. Texans making plans Wichita Falls Record News  Dietz, K. 12/18/94
Pick up the pace Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 12/16/94
New legislature takes aim at reducing the size of TEA Wichita Falls Record News  Strahan, C. 12/06/94
Rural vs. urban in funding fight Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 12/04/94
Term limits juggernaut hitting home Dallas Morning News  Tatum, H. 11/30/94
Experts: more will end up on streets Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 11/23/94
Under scrutiny: Sharp wants to conduct review of Texas MHMR Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 11/17/94
Return power to the states? Including Texas? Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Ivins, M. 11/15/94
Bush, top Democrats on same page Houston Post  Herman, K. 11/13/94
Democrats barely maintain edge in Texas Legislature Abilene Reporter-News  Dietz, K. 11/10/94
Beaten senator heads back to farm Abilene Reporter-News  Whitaker, B. 11/10/94
House, Senate GOP increases ranks in Texas Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 11/10/94
GOP adds 2 to clout in Austin Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Gonzalez, J. 11/10/94
Haywood takes tight election over Carriker Lubbock Avalanche Journal  O''Neil, S. 11/10/94
Haywood: now's the time to deliver for Republicans Wichita Falls Record News  Choate, T. 11/10/94
Every vote counts in District 30 race Abilene Reporter-News  Whitaker, B. 11/09/94
Little change seen in state Legislature despite GOP gains Houston Post  Rothschild, S. 11/09/94
Haywood nudges ahead in 30th District race Wichita Falls Record News  Choate, T. 11/09/94
Texas Senate battle will be second round for Carriker, Haywood Wichita Falls Record News  Choate, T. 11/08/94
30th District issues buried in mud Wichita Falls Record News  Choate, T. 11/06/94
Ryan pitches for Senate hopeful Wichita Falls Record News  Mize, R. 10/28/94
Haywood quits planned debate Wichita Falls Record News    10/26/94
Same candidates again this year Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 10/23/94
Candidates support tort reform Abilene Reporter-News  Lackey, C. 10/20/94
Sims, Carriker for state Senate posts Abilene Reporter-News    10/16/94
Voters should support Carriker for state seat Amarillo Daily News    10/14/94
Haywood given Farm Bureau endorsement; Carriker gets snubbed Abilene Reporter-News    10/04/94
Senator reveals rural health plan Amarillo Daily News  Hunt, B. 10/04/94
Haywood files revamped finance reports Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 10/01/94
Term limit issue heats up race Wichita Falls Record News  Brown, A. 09/27/94
Haywood revises finance report Wichita Falls Record News  Dunsmore, P. 09/27/94
Carriker: Haywood hiding fund sources Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 09/23/94
Carriker questions changes to Haywood's finance reports Wichita Falls Record News  Dunsmore, P. 09/23/94
Haywood, Carriker spar on term limits Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 09/17/94
Haywood challenges opponent on term-limit bill Amarillo Daily News  Bohanan, S. 09/17/94
Term-limit group's views 'distorted,' Carriker says Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 09/14/94
Bullock says budget tough for lawmakers Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 08/30/94
Carriker tops Haywood in funding Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 08/09/94
State Senate foes spar in lunch debate Wichita Falls Record News  Teague, J. 07/27/94
Candidates learn basics of fund-raising Wichita Falls Record News  Dietz, K. 05/26/94
Haywood gets more vote for the buck Abilene Reporter-News  Dietz, K. 03/10/94
Carriker gets rematch with Haywood Abilene Reporter-News  Whitaker, W. 03/09/94
Haywood leading in 30th District race Amarillo Daily News  Hunt, B. 03/09/94
Haywood leads in 30th race Wichita Falls Record News  Blackwood, K. 03/09/94
Haywood, High race to unseat Carriker Abilene Reporter-News  Whitaker, B. 03/07/94
Elections Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 03/06/94
30th Texas Senate District Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 03/06/94
Perry: High deserves forgiveness Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 03/04/94
Haywood addresses struggle with Parkinson's Abilene Reporter-News  Lackey, C. 03/04/94
Haywood lambastes opponent's record Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 03/03/94
Candidate questions opponent's alliance Amarillo Daily News  Haglund, K. 03/03/94
High upset over rival's remarks about condoms Abilene Reporter-News  Whitaker, W. 02/25/94
Haywood, High vie for chance to take on Carriker Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 02/20/94
'The lady didn't crack,' Hutchison says Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 02/13/94
Haywood for Senate Amarillo Daily News    02/13/94
Haywood raising more funds than High Abilene Reporter-News  Dietz, K. 01/30/94
Challengers: incumbents are out of touch Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 01/30/94
Haywood leads Senate hopeful in fund-raising Wichita Falls Record News  Dietz, K. 01/30/94
Haywood touts campaign with Ryan signed baseballs Wichita Falls Record News  Dietz, K. 01/24/94
Senate hopeful plans auction of baseballs autographed by Ryan San Angelo Standard Times  Dietz, K. 01/20/94
Senate battles forecast Austin American Statesman  Knaggs, J. 01/15/94
Ex-Stenholm aide says he has right medicine to defeat Sen. Carriker Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 12/14/93
Sen. Carriker campaigns to new Abilene constituents Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 12/09/93
High to throw hat in District 30 ring Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 12/08/93
Haskell man to join state Senate race Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 12/02/93
Battle brewing in 30th District Wichita Falls Record News  Dietz, K. 10/23/93
Hayward announces round two in fight for Carriker's Senate seat Abilene Reporter-News  Horn, R. 09/23/93
Haywood to run for state Senate post Amarillo Globe-News  Hunt, B. 09/23/93
Haywood hints at running for Carriker's seat Wichita Falls Record News  Mize, R. 07/01/93
Ethical questions Wichita Falls Record News  Hutchison, Russell L.  10/25/90