Selected newspaper articles related to Price Daniel, Jr.

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Entries marked with are biographical in nature.

Headline Newspaper Columnist Date
Bye bye, Bonnen Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 10/23/19
Bonnen says he has the votes to be speaker Houston Chronicle  Zelinski, A. 11/13/18
Sharpstown scandal sparked a revolution at the polls Houston Chronicle  Pinkerton, J. 09/25/16
Craddick bows out of House speaker race San Antonio Express News  Sandberg, L. 01/05/09
Straus says he's newcomer to House, but not to politics San Antonio Express News  Sandberg, L. 01/04/09
Most relics, but not all, escaped inferno Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 06/09/08
Perry, foes reach for grass roots in push for primary Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 05/21/05
State inherits home of former governor Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 10/11/98
State to acquire late Gov. Price Daniel's home Houston Chronicle  Horswell, C. 10/10/98
Texas' biggest landowner Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Chapman, A. 12/07/97
Scandal began Texas' desire for openness Beaumont Enterprise  Bledsoe, D. 02/02/97
Legislative steamroller Dallas Morning News  Grusendorf, K. 09/29/96
Texas House speaker needs limit on term Austin American Statesman  Grusendorf, K. 09/16/96
1st black man is named secretary of state Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 03/11/94
Younger Bush has little to offer political realm except father's name Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 08/15/93
New voting system shown Dallas Morning News  Au. 06/16/73
Mutscher steps aside, avoiding 'resignation' Austin American  Jones, L. 03/22/72
Smith, Barnes criticized in wake of verdict Houston Post  West, F. 03/16/72
'3-ring circus' looms Dallas Morning News  Davis, S. 03/09/72
Rep. Daniel cites need for reform Dallas Morning News  Staff 10/03/71
Mutscher 'cutting out' this Sunday? Austin American Statesman  A.P. Wire 09/26/71
Mutscher to tell his plans Monday Austin American Statesman  Castlebury, G. 09/25/71
Daniel proposes 'saving' Mutscher Houston Post  Staff 08/11/71
Gov. Daniel signs 61 bills, vetoes 11 Snyder News  A.P. Wire 06/19/61
Daniel cleans bill slate before leaving on vacation Sweetwater Reporter  A.P. Wire 06/19/61
Governor lets brewery bill become law without signing Vernon Daily Record  A.P. Wire 06/19/61
Legislature to convene again July 10 Nacodoches Daily Sentinel  UP. 06/02/61
Special session officially called Port Arthur News  UP. 06/01/61
Extra session made official Tyler Courier-Times  UP. 06/01/61
Daniel sets opening of new session Valley Evening Monitor  UP. 06/01/61
Special session of Legislature officially set Waco News-Tribune  UP. 06/01/61
Gov. Daniel signs bills Port Arthur News  UP. 05/28/61
Governor signs more measures Waco Times-Herald  UP. 05/27/61
Legislature okays Houston as state-supported school Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Wire Reports 05/24/61
Houston U. bill passed by Senate Snyder News  Jones, L. 05/12/61
Senate finally approves bill on Houston U. Tyler Courier-Times  Jones, L. 05/12/61
This week in Austin Lorenzo Tribune  Smith, P. 05/05/61
Sister of former House Speaker Daniel suing over TV movie Austin American Statesman  Holloway, Diane  02/28/92
Scanned from Microfilm - 324.23 roll 2 (1977-1978) Microfilm    11/30/76
Aide 'ordered' fired Austin American Statesman    01/10/75
Daniel gets Clayton aide off House payroll Houston Post  West, Felton  01/10/75
Clayton aide firing reportedly stymied by House administrator Houston Post  West, Felton  01/09/75
Too many holes Corpus Christi Caller Times    04/11/73
New faces included ex-governor's son Dallas Morning News  Moss, Marquita  11/08/68