I.A. Daniels

Isaac Adair Daniel

Full Name: Isaac Adair "Ike" Daniel
Other surnames: Daniels
Date of birth: February 18, 1864
Date of death: December 17, 1924

Terms of Service top

Chamber District Dates of Service Legislatures Party City/County Note Counties in District
H 24 May 20, 1920 - Jan 11, 1921 36th (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)   Democrat Crockett / Houston   Houston
H 27 Jan 8, 1907 - Jan 12, 1909 30th (6) (7) (8) (9)   Democrat Kennard / Houston   Houston
H 27 Jan 10, 1905 - Jan 8, 1907 29th (10) (11) (12) (13)   Democrat Kennard / Houston   Houston

(1) "I.A. Daniels of Houston, succeeding Judge Winfrey of Crockett." "New Legislators in the Texas House," list of 12 new members elected to fill vacancies since the last session, 5/21/1920, p. 11. Austin American.
(2) 36th Legislature, 3rd C.S. - Oath of Office Administered (to Lidiak, Jackson, Garrett, Daniel, Vickers, Biggers, Merriman, Beavens, Neal, Baldwin, Morris, and Pollard), 5/20/1920, pp. 1-2. No committee appointments listed for these members in 3rd-4th C.S. House Journal.
(3) Crockett, Houston County. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(4) I.A. Daniel, in special election 5/15/1920, sworn 5/20/1920, succeeded Edwin Winfree, resigned after 2nd C.S. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(5) Assumed Democrat based on listing as Democrat in previous legislatures and attendance at Democratic conventions. Texas Legislative Manual.
(6) "For Legislators, candidates who have complied with the law in filing applications...," 6/17/1906, p. 2, col. 1. Crockett, 27th District, I.A. Daniel, Kennard. Galveston Daily News.
(7) Kennard. House Journal.
(8) Kennard, Houston County. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(9) Crockett. Texas Legislative Manual.
(10) Kennard is 16 miles east of Crockett in Houston County. Handbook of Texas Online.
(11) Kennard City, Houston County. House Journal.
(12) Crockett, Houston County. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(13) Crockett. Texas Legislative Manual.

Terms of Service top

House District 24
May 20, 1920 - Jan 11, 1921
Legislatures: 36th (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)  
Party: Democrat
Home City/County: Crockett / Houston
Counties in district: Houston
House District 27
Jan 8, 1907 - Jan 12, 1909
Legislatures: 30th (6) (7) (8) (9)  
Party: Democrat
Home City/County: Kennard / Houston
Counties in district: Houston
House District 27
Jan 10, 1905 - Jan 8, 1907
Legislatures: 29th (10) (11) (12) (13)  
Party: Democrat
Home City/County: Kennard / Houston
Counties in district: Houston

(1) "I.A. Daniels of Houston, succeeding Judge Winfrey of Crockett." "New Legislators in the Texas House," list of 12 new members elected to fill vacancies since the last session, 5/21/1920, p. 11. Austin American.
(2) 36th Legislature, 3rd C.S. - Oath of Office Administered (to Lidiak, Jackson, Garrett, Daniel, Vickers, Biggers, Merriman, Beavens, Neal, Baldwin, Morris, and Pollard), 5/20/1920, pp. 1-2. No committee appointments listed for these members in 3rd-4th C.S. House Journal.
(3) Crockett, Houston County. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(4) I.A. Daniel, in special election 5/15/1920, sworn 5/20/1920, succeeded Edwin Winfree, resigned after 2nd C.S. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(5) Assumed Democrat based on listing as Democrat in previous legislatures and attendance at Democratic conventions. Texas Legislative Manual.
(6) "For Legislators, candidates who have complied with the law in filing applications...," 6/17/1906, p. 2, col. 1. Crockett, 27th District, I.A. Daniel, Kennard. Galveston Daily News.
(7) Kennard. House Journal.
(8) Kennard, Houston County. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(9) Crockett. Texas Legislative Manual.
(10) Kennard is 16 miles east of Crockett in Houston County. Handbook of Texas Online.
(11) Kennard City, Houston County. House Journal.
(12) Crockett, Houston County. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(13) Crockett. Texas Legislative Manual.

Biographical Information top

Biographical Sketches

  • Biography of James M. Daniel (married to Sallie Platt), pp. 145-146. Includes biographical information about son Isaac Adair Daniel, known as Ike Daniel, "a prominent citizen of Crockett and Houston County and held both the offices of sheriff and representative in the Texas Legislature." Son Albert K. Daniel "followed in his father's footsteps," serving as a representative in the Texas Legislature. Relatives: Isaac Adair Daniel - father; Albert K. Daniel - son. The History of Houston County, Texas, 1943.

Other Resources

  • Census of 1900 - Ike A. Daniel, Crockett, Houston County, age 35, born January 1865, groceryman, boarder in household of Sam E. Howard.
    Census of 1910 - Ike Daniel, Crockett, Houston County, age 46, retail merchant/general store, spouse Ruth, son Ike Adair Daniel.
    Census of 1920 - Isiac A., Crockett, Houston County, age 55, owner/cotton gin, spouse Ruth K., son Isiac Daniel Jr. FamilySearch. 1900 1910 1920
  • Isaac Adair Daniel, birth date 2/18/1864 near Crockett, Houston County; death date 12/17/1924 in Crockett, Houston County; farmer and ginner; mother Sallie Platt, father J.W. Daniel; buried in Crockett. FamilySearch Texas Deaths, 1890-1977.
  • Isaac Adair Daniel, burial in Glenwood Cemetery, Crockett, Houston County. Includes historical marker photo, obituary. Find a Grave.
  • Obituary, "Prominent Citizen of Crockett Dies Suddenly," 12/18/1924, p. 2. Death date 12/17/1924. Galveston Daily News.
  • Historical marker, Isaac Adair Daniel, Crockett, Houston County. Texas Historic Sites Atlas (Texas Historical Commission).


  • Photograph. I.A. Daniels, 36th Legislature, State Preservation Board
  • Photograph. I.A. Daniel, 30th Legislature, State Preservation Board
  • Photograph. I.A. Daniel, 29th Legislature, State Preservation Board

Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol

Committee Information top

30th R.S. - 1907
Commerce and Manufactures  
Examination of Comptroller's and Treasurer's Claims and Accounts (Chair) 
Roads, Bridges and Ferries  
29th R.S. - 1905
Commerce and Manufactures  
Municipal Corporations  
Privileges, Suffrage and Elections  
Public Debt  
State Asylums  

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Party information is not available for the 1st-11th Legislatures.

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