Frank Joseph Lidiak
Full Name: Frank Joseph Lidiak, Sr.Date of birth: September 12, 1851
Date of death: August 17, 1926
Terms of Service top
Chamber | District | Dates of Service | Legislatures | Party | City/County | Note | Counties in District |
H | 70 | May 20, 1920 - Jan 11, 1921 | 36th (1) (2) (3) (4) | Unknown | La Grange / Fayette | Fayette |
(1) Included in "New Legislators in the Texas House," list of 12 new members elected to fill vacancies since the last session, 5/21/1920, p. 11. Austin American.
(2) "Local Happenings," 5/28/1920, p. 10. "Mr. Frank Lidiak defeated J.H. Wessels in Fayette County Saturday a week ago in a special election called to fill a vacancy in the state legislature caused by the death of Representative E.J. Weber. This term expires January 1st." Colorado County Citizen (Columbus, Texas).
(3) 36th Legislature, 3rd C.S. - Oath of Office Administered (to Lidiak, Jackson, Garrett, Daniel, Vickers, Biggers, Merriman, Beavens, Neal, Baldwin, Morris, and Pollard), 5/20/1920, pp. 1-2. No committee appointments listed for these members in 3rd-4th C.S. House Journal.
(4) F.J. Lidiak, in special election 5/15/1920, sworn 5/20/1920, succeeded Edward J. Weber, died 2/27/1920. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
Terms of Service top
House District 70
May 20, 1920 - Jan 11, 1921 Legislatures: 36th (1) (2) (3) (4) Party: Unknown Home City/County: La Grange / Fayette Counties in district: Fayette |
(1) Included in "New Legislators in the Texas House," list of 12 new members elected to fill vacancies since the last session, 5/21/1920, p. 11. Austin American.
(2) "Local Happenings," 5/28/1920, p. 10. "Mr. Frank Lidiak defeated J.H. Wessels in Fayette County Saturday a week ago in a special election called to fill a vacancy in the state legislature caused by the death of Representative E.J. Weber. This term expires January 1st." Colorado County Citizen (Columbus, Texas).
(3) 36th Legislature, 3rd C.S. - Oath of Office Administered (to Lidiak, Jackson, Garrett, Daniel, Vickers, Biggers, Merriman, Beavens, Neal, Baldwin, Morris, and Pollard), 5/20/1920, pp. 1-2. No committee appointments listed for these members in 3rd-4th C.S. House Journal.
(4) F.J. Lidiak, in special election 5/15/1920, sworn 5/20/1920, succeeded Edward J. Weber, died 2/27/1920. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
Biographical Information top
Biographical Sketches
- Biographical sketch, Frank J. Lidiak, Sr., pp. 542-543. Born 9/23/1853 in Moravia, Austria. Marriage 6/19/1877 to Pauline Adamcik, parents of seven children: Sophia, Lillie, Edna, Frank, Jr., Anna and Martha (twins), and George J. "In politics he is a Democrat and one of the leaders of that party." Memorial and Genealogical Record of Southwest Texas: Containing Biographical Histories and Genealogical Records of Many Leading Men and Prominent Families, 1894.
Other Resources
- Frank J. Lidiak, Sr., in La Grange, Fayette County:
Census of 1900, Frank Lodiak [Lidiak], age 47, born September 1853 in Moravia/"Au.", job printer, spouse Paulina, children Lilly, Edna, Frank, Martha, and Anna.
Census of 1910 - Frank Lidiak, Sr., age 57, County Commissioner (son Frank Lidiak, Jr., age 24 was a Clerk in the County Clerk's Office).
Census of 1920 - Frank J. Lidiak, age 68, gardener. FamilySearch. 1900 1910 1920 - Frank Joseph Lidiak and Pauline Adamcik, father and mother of Anna Amelia Ginzel, death date 5/7/1974. FamilySearch Texas Deaths, 1890-1977.
- Frank Lidiak, birth date 9/12/1851, death date 8/17/1926, burial with spouse Paulina in La Grange Cemetery, La Grange, Fayette County. Find a Grave.
- Death notice, "La Grange - Funeral services for Frank Lidiak, Sr., 74, former Fayette County Commissioner and State Representative, were held Wednesday." State Deaths, 8/19/1926, p. 9. Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
- Frank Lidiak mentioned in "The Czechs in Texas," by Joseph Malik, p. 39. In 1879, Frank Lidiak bought the first Czech newspaper in Texas, named the Texan, and changed its name to the Slovan. Panorama: a Historical Review of Czechs and Slovaks in the United States of America, 1970.
- Obituary, "Frank Lidiak Passes," La Grange Journal, 8/19/1926, p. 7, crediting Fayette Public Library, Museum and Archives. Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries).
- Photograph. F.J. Lidiak, 36th Legislature, State Preservation Board
Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol
- 36th session composite photo of House members (House chamber gallery, west wall. 3W.2). State Preservation Board.
Committee Information top
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