Nicholas P. Houx

Full Name: Nicholas Patton Houx
Date of birth: August 16, 1860
Date of death: October 5, 1928

Terms of Service top

Chamber District Dates of Service Legislatures Party City/County Note Counties in District
H 63 Sep 9, 1914 - Jan 12, 1915 33rd (1) (2) (3)   Democrat Mexia / Limestone   Falls, Limestone, McLennan

(1) Democrat - "Special Election: Tuesday, Sept. 8th, for Representative to Legislature Now in Session: Maj. N.P. Houx of Mexia is a Candidate for the Position and Offers Some Reasons Why," 9/3/1914, p. 4. "To the Democrats of McLennan, Falls, and Limestone Counties," photo, Editor and Proprietor of Mexia Weekly Herald. Mexia Weekly Herald.
(2) "Two Representatives Named: Special Election Held in Falls County and Sixty-Third District - J.M. Kennedy and N.P. Houx Unopposed," 9/9/1914, p. 8. Results of special election 9/8/1914. J.M. Kennedy, "editor of Marlin Daily Democrat," and Major Houx is "at present chairman of the democratic executive committee of Limestone County." Fields resigned to be Lott postmaster; Coffey resigned to be Eddy postmaster. Galveston Daily News.
(3) N.P. Houx, sworn 9/9/1914, succeeded Joe F. Coffey, resigned 3/26/1914. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.

Terms of Service top

House District 63
Sep 9, 1914 - Jan 12, 1915
Legislatures: 33rd (1) (2) (3)  
Party: Democrat
Home City/County: Mexia / Limestone
Counties in district: Falls, Limestone, McLennan

(1) Democrat - "Special Election: Tuesday, Sept. 8th, for Representative to Legislature Now in Session: Maj. N.P. Houx of Mexia is a Candidate for the Position and Offers Some Reasons Why," 9/3/1914, p. 4. "To the Democrats of McLennan, Falls, and Limestone Counties," photo, Editor and Proprietor of Mexia Weekly Herald. Mexia Weekly Herald.
(2) "Two Representatives Named: Special Election Held in Falls County and Sixty-Third District - J.M. Kennedy and N.P. Houx Unopposed," 9/9/1914, p. 8. Results of special election 9/8/1914. J.M. Kennedy, "editor of Marlin Daily Democrat," and Major Houx is "at present chairman of the democratic executive committee of Limestone County." Fields resigned to be Lott postmaster; Coffey resigned to be Eddy postmaster. Galveston Daily News.
(3) N.P. Houx, sworn 9/9/1914, succeeded Joe F. Coffey, resigned 3/26/1914. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.

Biographical Information top

Biographical Sketches

  • Obituary, biographical sketch, Nicholas P. Houx, "Major Houx, Editor, is Dead: Editor, Lodgeman, Church Man and Military Officer Goes to Sleep Never to Wake Again . . . ," 10/12/1928, p. 1, and "Major Houx is Gone, Loyalty Keynote of Major Houx's Life," p. 2. Born 8/16/1860 in Grimes County, died early Friday morning, 10/5/1928, age 68. "Major Houx was a member of 33rd Texas Legislature, representing a flotorial district. He was candidate in the recent election but lost the nomination." Burial in Mexia Cemetery. Mexia Weekly Herald.

Other Resources

  • Census of 1900 - Nicholas P. Houx, Mexia town, Limestone County, born August 1861 in Texas, editor daily paper, wife Hanie.
    Census of 1910 - Nicholas P. Houx, Mexia, Limestone County, age 48, born circa 1862 in Texas, wife Loulie. FamilySearch. 1900 1910
  • Nicholas Patton Houx, birth date 8/16/1860 in Grimes County, death date 10/5/1928 in Mexia, newspaper editor. FamilySearch Texas Deaths, 1890-1977.
  • "For State Senator," letters from E.A. Decherd, Jr. and N.P. Houx to "Democratic Voters of the 12th Senatorial District," 4/20/1916, p. 6. Mexia Weekly Herald.
  • "Major Houx in Race for State Solon Office: Representative Black Withdraws Because of Illness: Editor Offers: Writer, Soldier and Lodgeman Asks State Office," and "Black Withdraws from Race," George W. Black, representative in the last Legislature, The Mexia Weekly Herald 6/1/1928, p. 1, crediting Gibbs Memorial Library. Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries).

Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol

Committee Information top

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