Philip Jackson
Full Name: Philip "Phil" JacksonDate of birth: June 8, 1851
Date of death: October 21, 1931
Terms of Service top
Chamber | District | Dates of Service | Legislatures | Party | City/County | Note | Counties in District |
H | 76 | Jan 13, 1903 - Jan 10, 1905 | 28th | Democrat | Granbury / Hood | Erath, Hood, Somervell |
Terms of Service top
House District 76
Jan 13, 1903 - Jan 10, 1905 Legislatures: 28th Party: Democrat Home City/County: Granbury / Hood Counties in district: Erath, Hood, Somervell |
Biographical Information top
Resolutions and Journal entries
- 28th Legislature, R.S., 3/19/1903, p. 841. Congratulations to Hon. Phil Jackson on birth of son Sam Lanham Jackson. Resolutions - Congratulatory and Honorary.
Biographical Sketches
- Philip Jackson, Hood County, portrait and biographical sketch, p. 329. Birth date 6/8/1851 in Polk County, Arkansas; marriage to Sarah Jane Worley in April 1884, children Ethel, May, Zella, Roy, and Vada; moved to Paluxy, Hood County in 1885. "In politics he is a Democrat . . . In 1890 he was elected to his present position as County Clerk of Hood County . . . " History of Texas Supplemented with Biographical Mention of Many Prominent Persons and Families of the State, Central Texas, 1896.
Other Resources
- Death notice, "Phil Jackson Buried Here," 10/29/1931, p. 4. "Mr. Jackson lived here [Canyon] for a number of years but of recent years has been in Donley County." Canyon News.
- Philip Jackson, marriage to Sarah J. Worley, 4/30/1885 in Erath County.
Census of 1900 - Philip Jackson, Granberry town, Hood County, age 48, born June 1852 in Arkansas, County Judge, spouse Sarah, children Ethel, May, Zella, Ray P., Vada H., and Ana.
Census of 1910 - Philip Jackson, Donley County, age 52 [sic], farmer/stock farming, spouse Sarah J., children May, Zella, Ray, Vada, Ona, Henry E., Sam L. and Harrold E.
Census of 1920 - Philip Jackson, Canyon, Randall County, age 68, spouse Sallie, chidden Vada, Ona, Henry Earl, Lanham, Harold, and Mildred. FamilySearch. 1900 1910 1920 Texas Marriages, 1837-1973 - Philip Jackson, birth date 6/8/1851 in Arkansas; death date 10/21/1931 in Lelia Lake, Donley County, Texas; politician. FamilySearch Texas Deaths, 1890-1977.
- Phil Jackson, birth date 6/8/1851, death date 10/21/1931, burial in Dreamland Cemetery, Canyon, Randall County. Find a Grave.
- Phil Jackson, Hood County Clerk, Hood County Judge since 1890, then State Representative of 76th District, Granbury, in 28th Legislature. "Prohibition: In Hood County, Prohibits, so say the County Officials," From Representative of 76th District, Granbury, Texas, Banner-Leader (Ballinger, Texas), 9/5/1903, p. 4, crediting Carnegie Library of Ballinger. Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries).
- 28th Legislature (1903) - Phil Jackson, postoffice Granburry [sic], nativity Arkansas, age 51 (born circa 1852), stockman and farmer, Democrat. Texas Legislative Manual.
- Photograph. Phil Jackson, 28th Legislature, State Preservation Board
Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol
- 28th session composite photo of House members (House chamber gallery, east wall. 3W.2). State Preservation Board.
Committee Information top
28th R.S. - 1903
Beaumont Daily Journal, Investigate Contingent Expenses Education Judiciary No. 2 Public Lands and Land Office Stock and Stock Raising |
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