Vincent Woodbury Grubbs
Full Name: Vincent Woodbury GrubbsDate of birth: May 1, 1848
Date of death: July 31, 1928
Terms of Service top
Chamber | District | Dates of Service | Legislatures | Party | City/County | Note | Counties in District |
H | 17 | Jan 10, 1899 - Jan 8, 1901 | 26th | Democrat | Greenville / Hunt | Hunt, Kaufman |
Terms of Service top
House District 17
Jan 10, 1899 - Jan 8, 1901 Legislatures: 26th Party: Democrat Home City/County: Greenville / Hunt Counties in district: Hunt, Kaufman |
Biographical Information top
Resolutions and Journal entries
- House Journal Index, 26th Legislature, R.S., 1899, p. 1511. HB 323, By Mr. Grubbs, "To create and establish an industrial institute for white girls . . . (In Senate - Dead on President's table on final passage.)" Passed in 27th Legislature, 1901, HB 35, by Representatives Mulkey and Pierson. House Journal. Bill History, HB 323, 26th Leg., 1899 Bill History, HB 35, 27th Leg., 1901
- HSR 536, 61st Legislature, R.S. Commending Thomas W. Grubbs, son of the Honorable V.W. Grubbs, member of the House of Representatives of the 26th Legislature in 1899. Describes his work to promote industrial and vocational education, including the Girls Industrial College, now known as Texas Woman's University, and the Grubbs Vocational College at Arlington, now The University of Texas at Arlington. Grubbs died in Santa Ana, California, in 1928. Resolutions - Congratulatory and Honorary.
Biographical Sketches
- Photo and biographical sketch, Vincent Woodbury Grubbs, Legendary Locals of Arlington, Texas, by Lea Worcester and Evelyn Barker, p. 64. Born in Kentucky in 1848, died in California 1928. Google Books.
- Biographical sketch, Judge V.W. Grubbs, "Kaufman County, Biographies of the Legal Profession," Austin Weekly-Statesman, 3/13/1884, p. 1. Birth date 5/1/1848. Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries).
- Biographical sketch, Judge Vincent Woodbury Grubbs (1848-1928), Grubbs Family Collection: A Guide. "His efforts promoted the passing of legislation which established the Girls Industrial College at Denton, Texas in 1901, now known as Texas Woman's University, and which turned the Grubbs Vocational College at Arlington, Texas into a branch of Texas A&M in 1917, now known as the University of Texas at Arlington." Texas Archival Resources Online, 2010.
Other Resources
- Death notice, "Pioneer Education Leader in Texas is Dead in California," 8/1/1928, p. 1. Corsicana Daily Sun.
- Vincent W. Grubbs, born 1848 (estimated), death date 7/31/1928. FamilySearch. California Death Index, 1905-1939
- Vincent W. Grubbs (1848-1928), burial in Evergreen Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Riverside, California, with spouse Lydia S. Grubbs. Find a Grave.
- Acts 1901, 27th Legislature, R.S., Ch. 132. HB 35, Relating to establishing an industrial institute and college in the State of Texas for the education of white girls in the arts and sciences. Approved 4/23/1901. General and Special Laws of the State of Texas.
- Acts 1917, 35th Legislature, R.S., Ch. 97. SB 449, Relating to establishing at Arlington, Tarrant county, Texas, a junior agricultural mechanical and industrial college to be known as the Grubbs Vocational College, making an appropriation thereof. Approved 3/26/1917. General and Special Laws of the State of Texas.
- 26th Legislature (1899) - V.W. Grubbs, postoffice Greenville, nativity Kentucky, age 50 (born circa 1849), lawyer, Democrat. Texas Legislative Manual.
- Obituary, "Passing of Victor [sic] W. Grubbs," 8/5/1928, p. 4. "He was the father of industrial education in Texas. He was responsible for the College of Industrial Arts, now known as Texas State College for Women . . . democrat of the old school . . . His people elected him a member of the lower house of the Texas legislature." Discusses legislative history of the bill creating the College of Industrial Arts. Waco News-Tribune.
- Photograph. V.W. Grubbs, 26th Legislature, State Preservation Board
Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol
- 26th session composite photo of House members (House chamber gallery, east wall. 3W.2). State Preservation Board.
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26th R.S. - 1899
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