Jabez Demming Giddings
Full Name: Jabez Demming GiddingsDate of birth: October 8, 1814
Date of death: June 25, 1878
Terms of Service top
Chamber | District | Dates of Service | Legislatures | Party | City/County | Note | Counties in District |
H | 51 | Aug 6, 1866 - Feb 7, 1870 | 11th (1) | Brenham / Washington | Washington |
(1) Roster of 11th Legislature, House of Representatives, "Texas Legislative Proceedings," 8/11/1866, p. 1. Galveston Daily News.
Terms of Service top
House District 51
Aug 6, 1866 - Feb 7, 1870 Legislatures: 11th (1) Home City/County: Brenham / Washington Counties in district: Washington |
(1) Roster of 11th Legislature, House of Representatives, "Texas Legislative Proceedings," 8/11/1866, p. 1. Galveston Daily News.
Biographical Information top
Biographical Sketches
- Biographical sketch, J.D. (Jabez Demming) Giddings (1814-1878), "elected to the Texas legislature in 1866." A Guide to the Giddings Family Papers, 1829-1973. Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin, 2006.
- GIDDINGS, JABEZ DEMMING (1814-1878). "The town of Giddings was named for him in 1871." Handbook of Texas Online.
- Relatives: Jabez Deming (J.D.) Giddings, father-in-law; Heber Stone, son-in-law. "J.D. went to Austin in 1866 to serve in the first Texas House of Representatives after the Civil War. He resisted living away from home for so long, but he was compelled by his sense of duty to his beloved Texas. While serving, he acted as chairman of the Texas Judiciary Committee . . . Ann and J.D. had eight children, but only three survived to become adults. Their only surviving daughter, Mary Louise Giddings, married Heber Stone in 1879. He was an attorney, and the son of Galveston’s mayor, Dewitt Clinton Stone. Heber had served as County Attorney of Brown County before starting a private law practice. He served two terms as a Texas Senator, and was Chairman of Washington County’s Democratic Executive Committee." Heritage Society of Washington County. "The J.D. Giddings Legacy and Homes," by Sharon Brass, September 2014 The Giddings Stone Mansion
- Photos and biographical sketches of the Giddings Family, including Jabez Demming Giddings, member of the 11th Legislature, pp. 64-70, and D.C. Giddings, member of the 24th Legislature, pp. 79-82. Col. D.C. Giddings "admitted his son, DeWitt Clinton Giddings, to copartnership" of law firm, p. 75. Relatives: Jabez Demming Giddings - uncle, DeWitt Clinton Giddings - nephew. The History of Brenham and Washington County, 1915.
- Biographical sketch and portrait, J.D. Giddings, pp. 209-210. Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas, 1890.
- Biographical sketch, Heber Stone, pp. 47-48. Born 8/26/1853 in Louisburg, North Carolina, married Louise Giddings, daughter of Hon. J.D. Giddings, of Brenham, Washington County, in 1879. Texas State Government: A Volume of Biographical Sketches and Passing Comment, 25th Legislature, 1897.
Other Resources
- J.D. Giddings, birth date 10/8/1814 in Herrick, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, death date 6/25/1878 in his residence near Brenham, Texas, burial in Prairie Lea Cemetery, Brenham, Washington County. Includes portrait. Find a Grave.
- Photograph. J.D. Giddings, 11th Legislature, State Preservation Board
- Photograph. Jabez Demming Giddings, Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas
Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol
- 11th session composite photo of House members (Ground floor elevator vestibule, south wall. GW.V3). State Preservation Board.
Committee Information top
11th R.S. - 1866
Burning of Brenham, Select Internal Improvement Jefferson Davis, Petition to Release, Select Judicial Districts, Select (Co-Chair) Judiciary (Chair) |
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