HB 67 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Ortega, Evelina "Lina"
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter and to the repeal of certain criminal offenses concerning the solicitation and distribution of an application to vote by mail. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 182 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al.
Relating to the authority of a court to terminate the sentence of certain persons released on parole. |
House: Corrections
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 241 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Bucy III, John
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter and to the repeal of certain criminal offenses concerning the solicitation and distribution of an application to vote by mail. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 264 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Toth, Steve | et. al.
Relating to requirements for the physical presence of a borrower for signing certain documents related to a home equity loan. |
House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Disabilities, Persons with | Financial--General | HOME EQUITY | LOANS | Military & Veterans | Probate--Durable Power of Attorney | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens |
HB 303 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Bernal, Diego
Relating to a justice or municipal court's authority to order a defendant confined in jail for failure to pay a fine or cost or for contempt and to the authority of a municipality to enforce the collection of certain fines by imprisonment of the defendant. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Justice | Courts--Municipal | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 353 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al.
Relating to parole determinations and individual treatment plans for inmates. |
House: Corrections
Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | PARDONS & PAROLES, BOARD OF |
HB 462 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to certain products made by inmates of a correctional facility. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | PACKAGING & LABELING REQUIREMENTS |
HB 477 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to prohibiting the confinement of inmates by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in facilities operated by private vendors. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 480 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to the placement of an inmate in administrative segregation based on membership in a security threat group. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 484 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry" | et. al.
Relating to suicide prevention in municipal jails. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | City Government--General | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | SUICIDE |
HB 502 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter and to the repeal of certain criminal offenses concerning the solicitation and distribution of an application to vote by mail. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 607 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Shaheen, Matt
Relating to the solicitation of pen pals by certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 734 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Vasut, Cody
Relating to a defendant's discharge of fines and costs through community service. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| COMMUNITY SERVICE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 742 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Goodwin, Vikki
Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain county jailers and law enforcement telecommunicators. |
House: Higher Education
Referred to Higher Education |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Education--Higher--Tuition | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS |
HB 786 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry" | et. al.
Relating to a report by the Windham School District on dyslexia and illiteracy among certain students enrolled in the district. |
House: Corrections Senate: Education
Referred to Education |
HB 790 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Patterson, Jared | et. al.
Relating to the processes for and the adjudication and payment of certain claims under the workers' compensation system. |
House: Business & Industry Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Workers' Compensation | VIDEOCONFERENCING | WORKERS COMPENSATION, COMMISSIONER OF |
HB 792 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to the presence of a spiritual leader during the execution of a person. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Capital Punishment | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Religion |
HB 812 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to limitations on the use of administrative segregation by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 813 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to a study on the impact of the use of administrative segregation on inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 823 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Allen, Alma Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the eligibility of an inmate for certain occupational licenses and the practice of certain occupations by an inmate of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Business & Commerce
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions |
HB 905 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Moody, Joe
Relating to credit toward a defendant's sentence for time confined in jail or prison before sentencing. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 944 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Administration | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 947 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to an allotment under the public school finance system for certain students whose parent or legal guardian has been incarcerated. |
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance |
HB 958 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the child support obligation of an obligor during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Family--Child Support |
HB 967 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Allen, Alma | et. al.
Relating to program accessibility for female inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Women |
HB 1019 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron | et. al.
Relating to the reentry and reintegration programs provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1213 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Rosenthal, Jon | et. al.
Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1282 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Plesa, Mihaela | et. al.
Relating to county jailer training on interacting with veterans in the criminal justice system. |
House: County Affairs
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Military & Veterans | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions |
HB 1355 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl | et. al.
Relating to air conditioning requirements at facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1402 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Moody, Joe
Relating to the criminal penalties for certain criminal offenses. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1423 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Campos, Liz | et. al. Sponsor: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the expiration of a protective order when the subject of the protective order is confined or imprisoned. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/23 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Criminal Procedure--General | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1428 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Campos, Liz
Relating to providing prisoners serving a sentence in a county jail with certain documents on discharge. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
HB 1435 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al.
Relating to family liaison officers in county jails. |
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 1438 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Slaton, Bryan
Relating to the use of a wireless communication jamming device in a correctional facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Utilities--Telecommunications |
HB 1446 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Cortez, Philip
Relating to procedures governing declared disasters for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Governor | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1524 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl | et. al.
Relating to the use of body worn cameras by correctional officers. |
House: Corrections Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
HB 1539 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to program accessibility for female inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Women |
HB 1563 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Harless, Sam | et. al. Sponsor: Hall, Bob | et. al.
Relating to the confinement in a county jail of a person pending a transfer to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to the compensation for certain costs of confinement. |
House: Corrections Senate: Finance
Co-sponsor authorized |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1651 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Cook, David | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility for custodial officer service in the Employees Retirement System of Texas of juvenile justice officers employed by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. |
House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD, TEXAS | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Retirement Systems--General | Retirement Systems--State Employees |
HB 1705 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Allen, Alma | et. al.
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 1708 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Canales, Terry | et. al.
Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained. |
House: Corrections Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1710 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Canales, Terry Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to notice provided to a court regarding a defendant confined in a state jail felony facility. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS |
HB 1743 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Leach, Jeff | et. al. Sponsor: West, Royce | et. al.
Relating to a memorandum of understanding between the Health and Human Services Commission and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to assess the eligibility of certain inmates for supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits on discharge or release from confinement. |
House: Corrections Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Food Programs |
HB 1751 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Jones, Jolanda
Relating to the collection and reporting of certain information regarding mental health jail diversion. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PEACE OFFICERS |
HB 1832 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Kacal, Kyle | et. al.
Relating to authorizing the payment to employees of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for vacation leave. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Salaries & Expenses | State Employees |
HB 1921 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the amount of a fine and costs discharged by a defendant while confined in jail or engaged in labor. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General |
HB 1965 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Plesa, Mihaela | et. al.
Relating to providing children committed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and prisoners serving a sentence in a county jail with certain documents on discharge or release; authorizing a fee. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| BIRTH & DEATH CERTIFICATES | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SHERIFFS | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses |
HB 2044 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Bowers, Rhetta | et. al.
Relating to depression screenings for certain women in county jail or in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | Women |
HB 2183 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Stucky, Lynn | et. al. Sponsor: Flores, Pete
Relating to the temporary appointment of county jailers. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | SHERIFFS |
HB 2201 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Canales, Terry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to housing certain inmates in state jail felony facilities. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Drugs |
HB 2279 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: AnchÃa, Rafael | et. al.
Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses involving the carrying of weapons at certain locations. |
House: Community Safety, Select
Referred to Community Safety, Select |
| Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | Amusements, Games, Sports | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Day Care | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Hospitals | Libraries & Librarians | Nursing Homes | Religion | Weapons |
HB 2305 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl
Relating to a report on recidivism rates. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--General | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
HB 2316 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Canales, Terry
Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. |
House: Business & Industry Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Employees |
HB 2603 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Hull, Lacey
Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for the offense of trafficking of persons if committed at certain locations. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Day Care | Family--Child Protection | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | HUMAN TRAFFICKING | Minors--Crimes Against |
HB 2620 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Geren, Charlie | et. al. Sponsor: King, Phil | et. al.
Relating to the confinement in a county jail of a person pending a transfer to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to compensation to a county for certain costs of confinement. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2646 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis
Relating to the payment of certain fines and court costs by an inmate during a term of imprisonment or following release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 2708 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Swanson, Valoree | et. al. Sponsor: Flores, Pete | et. al.
Relating to visitation policies for inmates and state jail felony defendants. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 2733 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Hayes, Richard
Relating to the confinement in a county jail of certain defendants who are incompetent to stand trial and to the compensation to the county for the costs of that confinement. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 2748 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Romero, Ramon
Relating to certain procedures concerning the welfare of prisoners confined in county jails. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | SHERIFFS |
HB 2749 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Romero, Ramon | et. al.
Relating to the verification of the veteran status of inmates and prisoners. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Senate: Veteran Affairs
Referred to Vet Affairs |
HB 2786 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Schofield, Mike
Relating to a limitation on liability in certain suits concerning damages arising from acts or omissions involving a jail or detention facility owned or operated by a county or municipality. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence |
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 2834 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to minimum compensation for inmates participating in certain work programs. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Labor--Wages |
HB 2862 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Swanson, Valoree
Relating to the confinement of inmates according to biological sex. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 2887 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Johnson, Ann
Relating to eligibility for custodial officer service in the Employees Retirement System of Texas by certain juvenile correctional officers and caseworkers employed by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. |
House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Referred to Pensions, Investments & Financial Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Retirement Systems--State Employees |
HB 2935 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Lopez, Janie
Relating to veterans placed on community supervision or confined in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Military & Veterans |
HB 2950 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Bryant, John | et. al.
Relating to the temperature at which certain facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice are maintained. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Electronic Information Systems |
HB 2959 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Cain, Briscoe | et. al.
Relating to providing children committed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department with certain documents on discharge or release. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 3075 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Kacal, Kyle Sponsor: Flores, Pete | et. al.
Relating to the operation of an unmanned aircraft over a correctional facility or detention facility; creating a criminal offense. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 |
| Aeronautics | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement |
HB 3147 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Swanson, Valoree | et. al.
Relating to the detainment and housing of juveniles and inmates based on biological sex. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 3158 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Leach, Jeff
Relating to occupational licensing of inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Postponed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions |
HB 3183 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Schatzline, Nate | et. al.
Relating to the use of in-custody informant testimony in a criminal trial. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Trial | JOHN NOLLEY ACT |
HB 3332 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl
Relating to the child support obligation of certain obligors who are or were incarcerated. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Family--Child Support | Family--Parent & Child | PATERNITY |
HB 3346 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Jones, Jolanda
Relating to the administration of medication to certain persons in the custody of a sheriff. |
House: County Affairs
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | MEDICINE & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PHYSICIANS | SHERIFFS |
HB 3363 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Frank, James B. | et. al.
Relating to the confinement or detention of certain individuals in a county jail or other facility operated by or for the county and to the compensation to the county for the costs of that confinement or detention. |
House: Corrections Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 3375 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Garcia, Josey
Relating to access to communication services for inmates and state jail defendants. |
House: Corrections
Withdrawn from schedule |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Utilities--Telecommunications | VIDEOCONFERENCING |
HB 3427 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Bryant, John
Relating to the ombudsman office for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 3434 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to a study conducted by the Commission on Jail Standards on the living conditions and safety of persons confined in the Harris County jail. |
House: County Affairs
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HARRIS COUNTY | Health--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 3464 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Kacal, Kyle
Relating to creating the criminal offense of tampering with a correctional facility tablet device. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous |
HB 3530 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Neave Criado, Victoria
Relating to the confinement in a county jail of certain defendants who are incompetent to stand trial and to the compensation to the county for the costs of that confinement. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 3681 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Jones, Jolanda
Relating to the development and maintenance of a custody information system for certain offenders. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Judges | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Electronic Information Systems |
HB 3739 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Klick, Stephanie | et. al.
Relating to the medical transportation and care for certain inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 3743 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Goldman, Craig Sponsor: Kolkhorst, Lois
Relating to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; expanding authority to adopt fees. |
House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/23 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Sunset—Required Reviews |
HB 3806 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Shine, Hugh
Relating to rules or procedures of the Commission on Jail Standards regarding prisoner visitation. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Electronic Information Systems | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 3817 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Herrero, Abel
Relating to a court requiring a defendant confined in a penal institution to appear by videoconference for certain pretrial proceedings. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel | Criminal Procedure--General | Electronic Information Systems | VIDEOCONFERENCING |
HB 4020 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Howard, Donna | et. al.
Relating to allowing certain inmates to apply for benefits under certain public benefits programs to be provided at the time of discharge or release. |
House: Corrections Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 4145 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Clardy, Travis
Relating to salaries for staff of a private vendor contracting with the Texas Board of Criminal Justice for the operation, maintenance, or management of a correctional facility. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Salaries & Expenses |
HB 4247 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Zwiener, Erin
Relating to requiring notice regarding the potential eligibility to vote of certain persons convicted of a felony and the duties of a sheriff or jailer relating to elections. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | PARDONS & PAROLES, BOARD OF | SHERIFFS |
HB 4251 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Cook, David | et. al.
Relating to requiring prior approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer a degree or certificate program to certain persons who are incarcerated or subject to involuntary civil commitment. |
House: Corrections
Received from the House |
HB 4467 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Price, Four
Relating to the establishment or expansion of behavioral health centers or jail diversion centers in certain local mental health authority service areas. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Health & Safety |
HB 4518 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Cook, David | et. al.
Relating to the authority of a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment and to victims' rights regarding a motion to grant a commutation. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 4633 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Leach, Jeff
Relating to financial responsibilities and requirements of community supervision and corrections departments and certain judges. |
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | County Government--Finance | Courts--County & Statutory | Courts--District | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 4837 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Lopez, Ray | et. al.
Relating to a veteran housing program established by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Veteran Affairs
Referred to Vet Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Military & Veterans |
HB 4921 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Murr, Andrew | et. al.
Relating to the establishment of an adult education pilot program by the Windham School District. |
House: Corrections
Laid on the table subject to call |
| ADULT EDUCATION | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Vocational | Labor--Workforce Development | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT |
HB 4929 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Jones, Jolanda
Relating to minimum compensation for inmates participating in certain work programs. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 4982 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Garcia, Josey
Relating to a veteran housing program established by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Military & Veterans |
HB 4998 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Lopez, Ray
Relating to the creation of a mental health jail diversion pilot program in Bexar County. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| BEXAR COUNTY | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 5164 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Jones, Jolanda
Relating to credit toward a defendant's sentence for time confined in jail or prison before sentencing. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Judges | Criminal Procedure--General |
SB 85 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Johnson, Nathan
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
SB 120 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter and to the repeal of certain criminal offenses concerning the solicitation and distribution of an application to vote by mail. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
SB 151 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Springer, Drew
Relating to the possession of certain photographs and images by inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIME VICTIMS | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Protection of Personal Information |
SB 318 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Hall, Bob | et. al.
Relating to the confinement in a county jail of a person pending a transfer to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to the compensation for certain costs of confinement. |
Senate: Finance
Co-author authorized |
SB 383 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the eligibility for an occupational license by certain former inmates and the practice of certain occupations by an inmate of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce |
SB 444 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to depression screenings for certain women in county jail or in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | Women |
SB 526 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: West, Royce Sponsor: Cook, David | et. al.
Relating to requiring prior approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer a degree or certificate program to certain persons who are incarcerated or subject to involuntary civil commitment. |
House: Higher Education Senate: Education
Vetoed by the Governor |
| CIVIL COMMITMENT | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS |
SB 727 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: West, Royce | et. al.
Relating to allowing certain inmates to apply for supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits to be provided at the time of discharge or release. |
Senate: Health & Human Services
Co-author authorized |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Food Programs |
SB 774 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Parker, Tan
Relating to the provision of services by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to offenders with intellectual or developmental disabilities. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Disabilities, Persons with | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SB 969 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain correctional officers and jailers. |
Senate: Education
Left pending in subcommittee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Education--Higher--Tuition |
SB 996 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Johnson, Nathan
Relating to a report on recidivism rates. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--General | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
SB 1011 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Parker, Tan Sponsor: Cook, David
Relating to the punishment for the offense of trafficking of persons. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | HUMAN TRAFFICKING |
SB 1035 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained. |
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
SB 1146 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: West, Royce | et. al. Sponsor: Klick, Stephanie | et. al.
Relating to the medical transportation and care for certain inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 |
SB 1147 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: West, Royce
Relating to vocational training for and the occupational licensing of inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Education--Nonpublic Schools--Vocational/Avocational | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Women |
SB 1235 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Flores, Pete
Relating to the temporary appointment of county jailers. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | SHERIFFS |
SB 1312 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Eckhardt, Sarah
Relating to the establishment of a task force to study the impact of the use of administrative segregation and disciplinary seclusion. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 1313 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Eckhardt, Sarah | et. al.
Relating to the confinement in a county jail of certain defendants who are incompetent to stand trial and to the compensation to the county for the costs of that confinement. |
Senate: Finance
Co-author authorized |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SB 1386 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Miles, Borris | et. al.
Relating to the creation of the office of independent oversight ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Governor | Legislature | OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT--TDCJ | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | SUBPOENAS |
SB 1677 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Perry, Charles Sponsor: Price, Four
Relating to the establishment and administration of Health and Human Services Commission programs providing mental health services to certain individuals in this state. |
House: Corrections Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/23 |
| AUDITOR, STATE | AUDITS & AUDITORS | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Health & Safety |
SB 1744 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Hughes, Bryan
Relating to financial responsibilities and requirements of community supervision and corrections departments and certain judges. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | County Government--Finance | Courts--County & Statutory | Courts--District | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 1770 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: King, Phil
Relating to an exception to required disclosure under the public information law for certain electronic information held by a prosecutor, law enforcement agency, or corrections agency. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Criminal Procedure--General | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement | Open Records |
SB 1896 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the investigation of the death of a prisoner in county jail. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to County Affairs |
SB 1996 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to certain personnel policies of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to certain related duties of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES |
SB 2158 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: King, Phil Sponsor: Murr, Andrew | et. al.
Relating to the establishment of an adult education pilot program by the Windham School District. |
House: Corrections Senate: Education
Effective immediately |
| ADULT EDUCATION | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Vocational | Labor--Workforce Development | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT |
SB 2296 |
88-0 (2023) |
Author: Gutierrez, Roland
Relating to the payment of certain fines and court costs by an inmate during a term of imprisonment or following release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 6 |
88-1 (2023) |
Author: Cook, David
Relating to the punishment for the offense of trafficking of persons. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | HUMAN TRAFFICKING |
HB 12 |
88-1 (2023) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to a study conducted by the Commission on Jail Standards on the living conditions and safety of persons confined in the Harris County jail. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HARRIS COUNTY | Health--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 4 |
88-1 (2023) |
Author: Parker, Tan
Relating to the punishment for the offense of trafficking of persons. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | HUMAN TRAFFICKING |
HB 27 |
88-2 (2023) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to a study conducted by the Commission on Jail Standards on the living conditions and safety of persons confined in the Harris County jail. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HARRIS COUNTY | Health--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Safety |
HB 71 |
88-2 (2023) |
Author: Rosenthal, Jon
Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 72 |
88-3 (2023) |
Author: Cook, David
Relating to the punishment for the offense of trafficking of persons. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | HUMAN TRAFFICKING |
HB 80 |
88-3 (2023) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to a study conducted by the Commission on Jail Standards on the living conditions and safety of persons confined in the Harris County jail. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HARRIS COUNTY | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 67 |
88-3 (2023) |
Author: Eckhardt, Sarah | et. al.
Relating to air conditioning requirements at facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 66 |
88-4 (2023) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to a study conducted by the Commission on Jail Standards on the living conditions and safety of persons confined in the Harris County jail. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HARRIS COUNTY | Interim Studies | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 24 |
88-4 (2023) |
Author: Eckhardt, Sarah
Relating to air conditioning requirements at facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
SB 40 |
88-4 (2023) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 30 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Talarico, James | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to educational programs provided by the Windham School District in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for certain inmates. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Curriculum | Education--School Districts | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT |
HB 76 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 78 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to the creation of a mental health treatment for incarceration diversion pilot program. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | FORT BEND COUNTY | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
HB 161 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al.
Relating to qualifications and registration of certain voters convicted of a felony. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 221 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Ortega, Evelina "Lina"
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 265 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to a report by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice on dyslexia and illiteracy among inmates. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 342 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Rosenthal, Jon
Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 357 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl | et. al.
Relating to air conditioning requirements at facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 400 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Bucy III, John
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 460 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Shaheen, Matt | et. al. Sponsor: Paxton, Angela
Relating to the solicitation of pen pals by certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Removed from local & uncontested calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 507 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to prohibiting the confinement of inmates by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in facilities operated by private vendors. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 583 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Cole, Sheryl
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 595 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl
Relating to qualifications and registration of certain voters convicted of a felony. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 599 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl
Relating to the life expectancies of inmates and correctional officers of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 617 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. | et. al.
Relating to an allotment under the public school finance system for certain students whose parent or legal guardian has been incarcerated. |
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance |
HB 704 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Administration | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 719 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to Texas Department of Criminal Justice transfer facilities. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 721 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Wilson, Terry M. Sponsor: Schwertner, Charles
Relating to the release to mandatory supervision of certain inmates confined in a county jail. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIME VICTIMS | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 802 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Morales, Christina | et. al.
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 930 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl | et. al.
Relating to a report on recidivism rates. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--General | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
HB 953 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 954 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to certain contract and notice requirements applicable to certain facilities used to house inmates or releasees from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to the transfer of certain real property held by the department. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 |
HB 1086 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Moody, Joe
Relating to the criminal penalties for certain criminal offenses. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 1092 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Romero, Ramon | et. al.
Relating to the verification of the veteran status of inmates and prisoners. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Senate: Veteran Affairs
Referred to Vet Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Military & Veterans |
HB 1148 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to prohibiting the Texas Department of Criminal Justice from charging an inmate a fee for health care. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health Care Providers | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 1232 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Crockett, Jasmine
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 1307 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: González, Mary | et. al. Sponsor: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to the care of pregnant women in county jail or in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 |
HB 1308 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: González, Mary
Relating to the establishment of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study on best practice standards for the confinement of pregnant prisoners in county jails. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Women |
HB 1398 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the verification of the veteran status of prisoners confined in county jails. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Military & Veterans | SHERIFFS |
HB 1422 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the child support obligation of an obligor during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Family--Child Support |
HB 1443 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Lopez, Ray | et. al.
Relating to county jailer training on interacting with veterans in the criminal justice system. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Military & Veterans | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING |
HB 1448 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
House: Redistricting
Referred to Redistricting |
HB 1509 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Murphy, Jim
Relating to enhancing the criminal penalties for certain repeat and habitual offenders. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
HB 1545 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Cyrier, John | et. al. Sponsor: Hall, Bob | et. al.
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Commission on Jail Standards. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Law Enforcement | Sunset--Commission Bills |
HB 1579 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to the protection of the free exercise of religion rights of inmates and ensuring access to volunteer and faith-based chaplains and chaplaincy services. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Religion |
HB 1582 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Davis, Yvonne
Relating to the placement of individuals with Alzheimer's disease or dementia in health care facilities and correctional facilities. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Aging | ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Nursing Homes |
HB 1598 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al.
Relating to the creation of the office of independent oversight ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Governor | OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT--TDCJ | SENATE, TEXAS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed |
HB 1638 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl
Relating to requiring security cameras in common areas of facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 1639 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl
Relating to the use of body worn cameras by correctional officers. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 1640 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl
Relating to a medication-assisted treatment program established by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for inmates with opioid use disorders. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Drugs | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 1736 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Romero, Ramon
Relating to assisting inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in obtaining federal veterans disability benefits. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Considered in Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Disabilities, Persons with | Military & Veterans |
HB 1857 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: AnchÃa, Rafael
Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises or property of certain recreational facilities. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety |
| Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | Amusements, Games, Sports | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Hospitals | Nursing Homes | Religion | Weapons |
HB 1921 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the modernization of correctional facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
HB 1971 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Canales, Terry | et. al.
Relating to the purchase and installation of climate control systems at facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Purchasing--State |
HB 2190 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for certain state jail felony offenders, including the creation of a pretrial intervention program for certain state jail felony offenders; authorizing a fee. |
House: Corrections
Withdrawn from schedule |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 2331 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Cortez, Philip
Relating to procedures governing declared disasters for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Governor | PARDONS & PAROLES, BOARD OF | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2352 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Parker, Tan | et. al. Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to an educational and vocational training pilot program for certain state jail felony defendants and certain inmates released on parole; changing parole eligibility. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | PARDONS & PAROLES, BOARD OF |
HB 2385 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl
Relating to testing discharged or released inmates for communicable diseases and any life-threatening diseases or conditions. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| BLOOD & MEDICAL TESTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 2388 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl | et. al.
Relating to providing inmates with certain documents on release or discharge; changing a fee. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses |
HB 2392 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Campos, Liz
Relating to providing prisoners serving a sentence in a county jail with certain documents on discharge. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
HB 2442 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to the creation of the Justice Reinvestment Incentive Program. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
HB 2443 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities confined in county jail. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Disabilities, Persons with | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 2444 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the creation of an advisory committee regarding the confinement in county jail of persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Disabilities, Persons with | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 2445 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to veterans placed on community supervision or confined in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Military & Veterans |
HB 2475 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to county jailer training regarding interacting with a person with an intellectual or developmental disability. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Disabilities, Persons with | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions |
HB 2517 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry" | et. al.
Relating to suicide prevention in municipal jails. |
House: County Affairs
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | SUICIDE |
HB 2518 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
House: Redistricting
Referred to Redistricting |
HB 2523 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Campos, Liz
Relating to the expiration of a protective order when the subject of the protective order is confined or imprisoned. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Criminal Procedure--General | PROTECTIVE ORDERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2565 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Crockett, Jasmine
Relating to the release on parole of certain inmates during a public health emergency. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Disaster Preparedness & Relief |
HB 2742 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron | et. al.
Relating to the reentry and reintegration programs provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2751 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to limitations on the use of administrative segregation by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2752 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry" | et. al.
Relating to a study on the impact of the use of administrative segregation on inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 2791 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis
Relating to confinement and treatment in a substance abuse felony punishment facility under a plea bargain agreement. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Drugs | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 2793 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al.
Relating to parole determinations and individual treatment plans for inmates. |
House: Corrections
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | PARDONS & PAROLES, BOARD OF |
HB 2830 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to post-release housing for inmates released on parole or to mandatory supervision. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Housing--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 2831 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James | et. al. Sponsor: Miles, Borris
Relating to the confinement in county jail of persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Disabilities, Persons with | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 2872 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to certain products made by inmates of a correctional facility. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 2901 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Rodriguez, Eddie
Relating to reporting requirements for certain in-custody deaths; providing a civil penalty. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Left pending in committee |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Law Enforcement |
HB 2952 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Neave, Victoria
Relating to suits affecting the parent-child relationship and the calculation and enforcement of child support. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Laid on the table subject to call |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Civil Procedure | Family--Child Support | Family--Parent & Child |
HB 3075 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the collection and reporting of certain information regarding mental health jail diversion. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PEACE OFFICERS | RESTRAINTS |
HB 3114 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Shine, Hugh Sponsor: Buckingham, Dawn
Relating to rules or procedures of the Commission on Jail Standards regarding prisoner visitation. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on intent calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Electronic Information Systems | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 3194 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to the presence of a spiritual leader during the execution of a person. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Capital Punishment | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Religion |
HB 3447 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to certain procedures concerning the welfare of prisoners confined in county jails. |
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | SHERIFFS |
HB 3453 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: White, James
Relating to access to certain litigation, law enforcement, corrections, and prosecutorial records under the public information law. |
House: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--General | Open Records |
HB 3463 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Crockett, Jasmine
Relating to determining the residence of incarcerated persons. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| City Government--General | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | LEGISLATIVE REDISTRICTING BOARD | Legislature | Political Subdivisions | Redistricting | RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS | SHERIFFS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 3570 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Wilson, Terry M.
Relating to the transfer of certain real property held by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Land & Resource Management Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| BURNET, CITY OF | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources |
HB 3606 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Leach, Jeff | et. al. Sponsor: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to the provision of vocational training to inmates confined in a Texas Department of Criminal Justice transfer facility. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Education--Higher--General | Education--Nonpublic Schools--Vocational/Avocational |
HB 3621 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Cortez, Philip | et. al.
Relating to the creation of a mental health jail diversion pilot program in Bexar County. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
| BEXAR COUNTY | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 3632 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Romero, Ramon
Relating to the creation of a continuity of care and service program for veteran offenders; creating a criminal offense. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Referred to Defense & Veterans' Affairs |
HB 3714 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Moody, Joe
Relating to the confinement of inmates who identify as transgender. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 3771 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Sherman, Sr., Carl
Relating to certain personnel policies of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to certain related duties of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES |
HB 4102 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis
Relating to certain substance abuse treatment programs operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 4133 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Campos, Liz
Relating to the creation of a mental health jail diversion pilot program in Bexar County. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| BEXAR COUNTY | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 4149 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet Sponsor: Miles, Borris
Relating to county jailers. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on intent calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON |
HB 4189 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to program accessibility for female inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Women |
HB 4207 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Murr, Andrew
Relating to private vendors for correctional facilities and services. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 4212 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Moody, Joe | et. al.
Relating to procedures regarding defendants who are or may be persons with a mental illness or intellectual disability. |
House: Corrections
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Judges | Courts--Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | Disabilities, Persons with | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | MAGISTRATES | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY | PSYCHOLOGISTS |
HB 4214 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Allen, Alma | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility for an occupational license by certain former inmates and the practice of certain occupations by an inmate of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions |
HB 4354 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the administration of medication to certain persons in the custody of a sheriff. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | MEDICINE & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PHYSICIANS | SHERIFFS |
HB 4355 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Krause, Matt | et. al.
Relating to providing children committed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and prisoners serving a sentence in a county jail with certain documents on discharge or release; authorizing a fee. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | SHERIFFS | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses |
HB 4485 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to the release of a defendant arrested for a misdemeanor punishable by fine only. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release |
SB 95 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
Senate: State Affairs
Co-author authorized |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
SB 122 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Johnson, Nathan
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
SB 187 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Eckhardt, Sarah
Relating to qualifications and registration of certain voters convicted of a felony. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
SB 286 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: West, Royce Sponsor: Neave, Victoria
Relating to suits affecting the parent-child relationship and child support, including the payment of spousal maintenance by an obligor ordered to pay child support and the disclaimer of a property interest by a child support obligor. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/21 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Civil Procedure | Family--Child Support | Family--Parent & Child |
SB 350 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to liability of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for certain claims. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Malpractice--Professionals | PHYSICIANS |
SB 354 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to access to postsecondary courses or programs for inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Education--Higher--General |
SB 710 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Hall, Bob | et. al.
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Commission on Jail Standards. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report printed and distributed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Law Enforcement | Sunset--Commission Bills |
SB 806 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to the care of pregnant women in county jail or in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 807 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to certain inspections of county jails by the Commission on Jail Standards. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Women |
SB 820 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to the purchase and installation of climate control systems at facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Finance
Co-author authorized |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Purchasing--State |
SB 831 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the presence of a spiritual leader during an execution. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Capital Punishment | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Religion |
SB 944 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Eckhardt, Sarah
Relating to the administration of medication to certain persons in the custody of a sheriff. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | MEDICINE & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PHYSICIANS | SHERIFFS |
SB 1075 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to certain rules, policies, or procedures affecting inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 1395 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to certain personnel policies of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to certain related duties of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES |
SB 1561 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Huffman, Joan
Relating to an educational and vocational training pilot program for certain state jail felony defendants and certain inmates released on parole; changing parole eligibility. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| CONTINUING EDUCATION | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | PARDONS & PAROLES, BOARD OF |
SB 1739 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to procedures regarding defendants who are or may be persons with a mental illness or intellectual disability. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Disabilities, Persons with | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY |
SB 1833 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Eckhardt, Sarah
Relating to post-release housing for inmates released on parole or to mandatory supervision. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 1844 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Eckhardt, Sarah
Relating to the collection and reporting of certain information regarding mental health jail diversion. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PEACE OFFICERS | RESTRAINTS |
SB 1977 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to voting while confined in jail. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
SB 1980 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to the creation of the office of independent oversight ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 2007 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Huffman, Joan
Relating to enhancing the criminal penalties for certain repeat and habitual offenders. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
SB 2072 |
87-0 (2021) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to the creation of a mental health jail diversion pilot program in Bexar County. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| BEXAR COUNTY | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 45 |
87-1 (2021) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to the reentry and reintegration programs provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 204 |
87-1 (2021) |
Author: Crockett, Jasmine
Relating to determining the residence of incarcerated persons. |
Filed |
| City Government--General | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | LEGISLATIVE REDISTRICTING BOARD | Legislature | Political Subdivisions | Redistricting | RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS | SHERIFFS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 271 |
87-1 (2021) |
Author: Slaton, Bryan
Relating to the establishment of and a grant program for temporary confinement facilities during local disasters relating to illegal immigration or border security. |
Filed |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Criminal Procedure--General | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 40 |
87-1 (2021) |
Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
Filed |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 53 |
87-2 (2021) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to the reentry and reintegration programs provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 103 |
87-2 (2021) |
Author: Slaton, Bryan
Relating to the establishment of and a grant program for temporary confinement facilities during local disasters relating to illegal immigration or border security. |
House: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Aliens | BORDER | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Criminal Procedure--General | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 215 |
87-2 (2021) |
Author: Bucy III, John
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
House: Constitutional Rights & Remedies, Select
Referred to Constitutional Rights & Remedies |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
SB 65 |
87-2 (2021) |
Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
Filed |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 31 |
87-3 (2021) |
Author: Slaton, Bryan
Relating to the establishment of and a grant program for temporary confinement facilities during local disasters relating to illegal immigration or border security. |
Filed |
| Aliens | BORDER | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Criminal Procedure--General | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 51 |
87-3 (2021) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to the reentry and reintegration programs provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 88 |
87-3 (2021) |
Author: Canales, Terry
Relating to climate control requirements at facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Purchasing--State |
HB 105 |
87-3 (2021) |
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to the modernization of correctional facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Filed |
HB 146 |
87-3 (2021) |
Author: Crockett, Jasmine
Relating to determining the residence of incarcerated persons. |
Filed |
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | LEGISLATIVE REDISTRICTING BOARD | Legislature | Political Subdivisions | Redistricting | RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS | SHERIFFS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
SB 43 |
87-3 (2021) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to climate control requirements at facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Purchasing--State |
HB 104 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Johnson, Eric
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
House: Redistricting
Left pending in committee |
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--General | Redistricting |
HB 178 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Canales, Terry
Relating to a credit toward payment of costs for a defendant confined in jail or another facility before sentencing. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 363 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al.
Relating to the creation of the office of independent oversight ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| AUDITOR, STATE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Governor | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT--TDCJ | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed |
HB 428 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Shaheen, Matt | et. al.
Relating to the solicitation of pen pals by certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 600 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Price, Four
Relating to procedures for identifying or releasing on personal bond criminal defendants suspected of having a mental illness or intellectual disability. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL OR MENTAL IMPAIRMENTS, TEXAS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Disabilities, Persons with | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | MAGISTRATES | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | TEXAS JUDICIAL COUNCIL |
HB 601 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Price, Four | et. al. Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to criminal or juvenile procedures and reporting requirements regarding persons who are or may be persons with a mental illness or an intellectual disability. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL OR MENTAL IMPAIRMENTS, TEXAS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Disabilities, Persons with | MAGISTRATES | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | TEXAS JUDICIAL COUNCIL |
HB 650 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
HB 656 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. | et. al.
Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Administration | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 659 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the collection of information regarding the parental status of inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Minors--General |
HB 812 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the amount of the health care services fee paid by certain inmates. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health Care Providers | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 828 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Rose, Toni
Relating to credit toward payment of a fine and costs for certain misdemeanants confined in jail or prison before sentencing. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Judges | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 872 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Hefner, Cole | et. al. Sponsor: Flores, Peter | et. al.
Relating to financial assistance paid to the survivors of certain law enforcement officers and other public employees killed in the line of duty. |
House: Appropriations Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees |
HB 918 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James | et. al. Sponsor: Johnson, Nathan | et. al.
Relating to providing discharged or released inmates with certain documents, including documents to assist the inmate in obtaining employment. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 1/1/20 |
HB 936 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Canales, Terry | et. al.
Relating to a study on reducing the level at which the air temperature in facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is regulated. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1076 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1088 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Geren, Charlie | et. al.
Relating to enhancing the criminal penalties for certain repeat and habitual offenders. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
HB 1164 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: AnchÃa, Rafael
Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises or property of certain recreational facilities. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety |
| Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | Amusements, Games, Sports | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Hospitals | Nursing Homes | RECREATIONAL & CULTURAL FACILITIES | Religion | Weapons |
HB 1191 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to an annual report concerning the number of inmates who have been in the conservatorship of a state agency responsible for providing child protective services. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
HB 1314 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: King, Phil
Relating to the release on bail of, and the reimbursement to a county for certain costs of confining, a person charged with an administrative violation of parole or mandatory supervision. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| ARREST WARRANTS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | County Government--Finance | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1322 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Bucy III, John
Relating to the facilitation of voting by persons confined in certain jails. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 1374 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Hernandez, Ana | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to grants for the development and operation of pretrial intervention programs for pregnant defendants and defendants who are the primary caretaker of a child. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Family--Child Protection | Minors--Health & Safety | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH |
HB 1553 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to the composition of the Commission on Jail Standards. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 1621 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to the establishment of a public junior college district by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 1651 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: González, Mary | et. al. Sponsor: Alvarado, Carol
Relating to the care of pregnant women confined in county jail. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | RESTRAINTS | Women |
HB 1733 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Zedler, Bill
Relating to advertising or other information regarding licensed bail bond sureties posted in secure correctional facilities. |
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| ADVERTISING | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions |
HB 1761 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al.
Relating to credit toward a defendant's sentence for time confined in jail or prison before sentencing. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 1762 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Cole, Sheryl | et. al.
Relating to the facilitation of voting by persons confined in certain jails. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--General | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 1889 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Israel, Celia | et. al.
Relating to reporting concerning certain prisoners who are confined in county jails. |
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Finance | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 1956 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to certain contract and notice requirements applicable to certain facilities used to house inmates or releasees from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Housing--General |
HB 1961 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Moody, Joe
Relating to the criminal offense of making a false report to a peace officer, federal special investigator, law enforcement employee, corrections officer, or jailer. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS |
HB 1979 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to prohibiting the confinement of inmates by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in facilities operated by private vendors. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 2070 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Stickland, Jonathan
Relating to the repeal of a provision governing the operation of jail commissaries in certain counties. |
House: County Affairs
Considered in Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General |
HB 2137 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Burns, DeWayne | et. al. Sponsor: Flores, Peter | et. al.
Relating to an application made by certain retired state and federal officers to obtain a license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons |
HB 2158 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the availability of peer support services in facilities operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Labor--General |
HB 2168 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Allen, Alma | et. al.
Relating to a trauma history screening for certain defendants and inmates. |
House: Corrections
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 2169 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Allen, Alma | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to reporting concerning female prisoners who are confined in county jails and to the provision of feminine hygiene products to female prisoners. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Women |
HB 2265 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the duties of the Title IV-D agency regarding the collection, modification, and enforcement of child support. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Reported favorably as substituted |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Civil Procedure | Family--Child Support |
HB 2467 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Zedler, Bill | et. al.
Relating to training requirements applicable to a jailer at a private correctional facility. |
House: County Affairs
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING |
HB 2540 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Meza, Thresa "Terry"
Relating to a report on the prevalence of dyslexia and illiteracy among incarcerated persons. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
HB 2580 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Wu, Gene | et. al.
Relating to access to telephone services for persons confined in county jails. |
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
HB 2701 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to county jailer training and continuing education requirements regarding interacting with pregnant women confined in jail. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| CONTINUING EDUCATION | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | Women |
HB 2724 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to a proxy for a member of the legislature visiting a facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Legislature |
HB 2744 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Neave, Victoria
Relating to the access of a female inmate of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to certain educational and vocational programs and services. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Education--General | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT |
HB 2754 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to a limitation on the authority to arrest a person for certain misdemeanors punishable by fine only. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Justice | Courts--Municipal | Criminal Procedure--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON |
HB 2772 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Wilson, Terry M. | et. al.
Relating to the release to mandatory supervision of certain inmates confined in a county jail. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 2873 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Davis, Yvonne
Relating to the room placement of individuals with Alzheimer's disease or dementia in health care facilities and correctional facilities. |
House: Public Health
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Aging | ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Nursing Homes |
HB 2897 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Parker, Tan | et. al.
Relating to the provision of services by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice's developmentally disabled offender program. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Disabilities, Persons with | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 3015 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Talarico, James | et. al.
Relating to educational programs provided by the Windham School District in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for certain inmates. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT |
HB 3116 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: White, James Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the establishment of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study on best practice standards for the detention of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Disabilities, Persons with | Health--General | INTERNET | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 3227 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Howard, Donna | et. al. Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the availability of and access to certain programs and services for persons in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Women |
HB 3270 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Miller, Rick
Relating to the discharge of a prisoner from a county jail. |
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | SHERIFFS |
HB 3296 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants serving a sentence for a state jail felony offense. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
HB 3310 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Romero, Ramon | et. al.
Relating to assisting inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in obtaining federal veterans disability benefits. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Senate: Veteran Affairs & Border Security
Referred to Vet Affairs & Border Security |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Disabilities, Persons with | Military & Veterans |
HB 3311 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Romero, Ramon | et. al.
Relating to the verification of the veteran status of inmates and prisoners. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Military & Veterans |
HB 3409 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron | et. al.
Relating to requirements for training regarding trauma for judges, prosecuting attorneys, correctional officers, and law enforcement officers. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | Courts--Judges | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | CRIMINAL APPEALS, COURT OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING |
HB 3440 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the electronic submission of forms, data, and documents to the Commission on Jail Standards; imposing a fee. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Electronic Information Systems | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 3472 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Bailes, Ernest
Relating to a rodeo hosted by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice; authorizing a fee. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Amusements, Games, Sports | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | HUNTSVILLE, CITY OF |
HB 3503 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Anderson, Charles "Doc" Sponsor: Schwertner, Charles
Relating to firearms training for county jailers. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Weapons |
HB 3617 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to the creation of a mental health jail diversion and crisis stabilization unit pilot program. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | FORT BEND COUNTY | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 3620 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron | et. al.
Relating to the creation of a mental health treatment for incarceration diversion pilot program. |
House: Corrections
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | FORT BEND COUNTY | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
HB 3720 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Neave, Victoria | et. al.
Relating to minimum compensation for inmates participating in certain work programs. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Labor--Wages | PRISON LABOR |
HB 3775 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Davis, Yvonne
Relating to the training requirements for a person appointed as a county jailer. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions |
HB 4143 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the amount of a fine and costs discharged by a defendant while confined in jail or engaged in labor. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local |
HB 4169 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Moody, Joe
Relating to the criminal penalties for certain criminal offenses. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 4311 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to an allotment under the public school finance system for certain students whose parent or legal guardian has been incarcerated. |
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance |
HB 4448 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Springer, Drew | et. al.
Relating to the use of unmanned aircraft. |
House: State Affairs
Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal |
| Aeronautics | Amusements, Games, Sports | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 4457 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Dominguez, Alex
Relating to the minimum number of county jailers necessary to staff a county jail. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement |
HB 4468 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to county jails and community mental health programs in certain counties. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| City Government--General | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | NEEDLES & SYRINGES | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 4510 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis
Relating to the use of restraints on a pregnant woman in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 4559 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Fierro, Art Sponsor: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to access to a county jail prisoner's health benefits coverage information for mental health service providers. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Insurance--Health & Accident | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 4566 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Allen, Alma | et. al.
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
HB 4596 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Collier, Nicole
Relating to ensuring the continued provision of benefits under Medicaid and the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the children of individuals confined in a penal or correctional institution. |
House: Human Services
Referred to Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | FOOD | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Food Programs | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID |
SB 174 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Perry, Charles
Relating to certain duties of a sheriff regarding a county jail prisoner's health benefits coverage information. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Insurance--Health & Accident | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 188 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Miles, Borris | et. al.
Relating to the creation of the office of independent oversight ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Co-author authorized |
| AUDITOR, STATE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Governor | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT--TDCJ | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed |
SB 303 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to providing free access to telephone services for persons confined in county jail pending trial. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 321 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
SB 336 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: West, Royce
Relating to credit toward payment of a fine and costs for certain misdemeanants confined in jail or prison before sentencing. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Judges | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
SB 405 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Birdwell, Brian Sponsor: Moody, Joe | et. al.
Relating to the criminal offense of making a false report to a peace officer, federal special investigator, law enforcement employee, corrections officer, or jailer. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS |
SB 432 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to procedures for identifying or releasing on personal bond criminal defendants suspected of having a mental illness or intellectual disability. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL OR MENTAL IMPAIRMENTS, TEXAS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Disabilities, Persons with | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | MAGISTRATES | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | TEXAS JUDICIAL COUNCIL |
SB 461 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Johnson, Nathan | et. al.
Relating to providing certain discharged or released inmates with documentation to assist in obtaining employment. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 593 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to access to a county jail prisoner's health benefits coverage information for mental health service providers. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Insurance--Health & Accident | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SB 1065 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Flores, Peter
Relating to an application made by certain retired state and federal officers to obtain a license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons |
SB 1202 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to voting while confined in jail. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--General | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
SB 1389 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Watson, Kirk
Relating to the period for which a person may be committed to a facility or a jail-based or outpatient program for restoration of competency. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SB 1570 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Flores, Peter | et. al. Sponsor: White, James
Relating to the effect of certain felony convictions of certain corrections employees. |
House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | Ethics | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Retirement Systems--General |
SB 1675 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: West, Royce Sponsor: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the administration of and certain procedures under the Title IV-D program for child support enforcement. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: State Affairs
Placed on General State Calendar |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Civil Procedure | Family--Child Support |
SB 1676 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: West, Royce Sponsor: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to suits affecting the parent-child relationship and the enforcement of child support. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: State Affairs
Postponed |
| ATTORNEY'S FEES | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Civil Procedure | Family--Child Support | Family--Parent & Child | Health--Children's Insurance |
SB 1700 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Whitmire, John Sponsor: Miller, Rick
Relating to the discharge of a prisoner from a county jail. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | SHERIFFS |
SB 1846 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to the use of restraints on a pregnant woman in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 1879 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Schwertner, Charles Sponsor: Anderson, Charles "Doc"
Relating to firearms training for county jailers. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Weapons |
SB 2103 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the repeal of a provision governing the operation of jail commissaries in certain counties. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General |
SB 2187 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to the appointment of a compliance monitor to oversee certain county jails. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 2191 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Whitmire, John Sponsor: Collier, Nicole
Relating to the confinement of a defendant pending trial and detention or placement of a juvenile offender. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Judges | Criminal Procedure--Trial | MAGISTRATES | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
SB 2216 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Perry, Charles
Relating to the reimbursement to a county for the costs of confining a person arrested under an out-of-county warrant. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Finance | County Government--General |
SB 2555 |
86-0 (2019) |
Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the presence of a spiritual leader during the execution of a person. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Capital Punishment | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Religion |
HB 12 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Price, Four | et. al.
Relating to individuals who are or may be persons with a mental illness or an intellectual disability and who are or have been involved with the court system. |
House: Public Health Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Disabilities, Persons with | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MAGISTRATES | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY | PSYCHOLOGISTS | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
HB 103 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to certain body cavity searches conducted by a peace officer. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | PEACE OFFICERS |
HB 161 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the child support obligation of an obligor during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Received from the House |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Family--Child Support |
HB 239 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Hernandez, Ana | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to a report regarding the confinement of pregnant inmates by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--General | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | Women |
HB 255 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: AnchÃa, Rafael
Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises or property of certain recreational facilities. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Left pending in committee |
| Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | Amusements, Games, Sports | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Hospitals | Nursing Homes | Religion | Weapons |
HB 337 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Collier, Nicole | et. al. Sponsor: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to the continuation of certain public benefits, including medical assistance benefits, for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. |
House: Public Health Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/17 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | SHERIFFS |
HB 342 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Canales, Terry
Relating to notice provided to a court regarding certain defendants placed on state jail felony community supervision. |
House: Corrections
Considered in Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 418 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: White, James Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to certain duties of the Commission on Jail Standards regarding guidelines for the transportation of inmates by private vendors. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 472 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Dale, Tony | et. al.
Relating to judicial review of protective orders and the duration of those orders. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Laid on the table subject to call |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | PROTECTIVE ORDERS |
HB 553 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: White, James | et. al. Sponsor: Miles, Borris | et. al.
Relating to the creation of a task force to identify opportunities for academic credit and industry recognition for inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Administration
Effective on 9/1/17 |
HB 562 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to a committee formed to adopt a plan to deal with mental illness in the criminal justice system. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 618 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Leach, Jeff
Relating to certain notices and information about certain releasees from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice that are provided to or made accessible to criminal justice agencies and to notification of an executive clemency recommendation by the Board of Pardons and Paroles. |
House: Corrections
Considered in Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Electronic Information Systems | PARDONS & PAROLES, BOARD OF |
HB 638 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Workman, Paul
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of unmanned aircraft over correctional facility or critical infrastructure facility. |
House: Corrections
Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) |
| Aeronautics | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General |
HB 662 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Canales, Terry
Relating to a credit toward payment of costs for a defendant confined in jail or other facility before sentencing. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 821 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Shaheen, Matt | et. al.
Relating to the solicitation of pen pals by certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Considered in Calendars |
HB 853 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron | et. al.
Relating to the creation of a mental health treatment for incarceration diversion pilot program. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | FORT BEND COUNTY | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 865 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Blanco, César | et. al. Sponsor: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to establishing a veterans services coordinator for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and a veterans reentry dorm program for certain state jail defendants confined by the department. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Military & Veterans |
HB 965 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Springer, Drew Sponsor: Perry, Charles
Relating to the authority of a retail public water utility to require an operator of a correctional facility to comply with water conservation measures. |
House: Natural Resources Senate: Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Utilities--Water & Sewer | WATER--CONSERVATION |
HB 980 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Wray, John
Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a handgun for county jailers. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Weapons |
HB 1163 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Alonzo, Roberto
Relating to eligibility for membership and funding of benefits for certain law enforcement, custodial, and other peace officers. |
House: Pensions
Left pending in committee |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD, TEXAS | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Law Enforcement | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PEACE OFFICERS | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers |
HB 1215 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Johnson, Eric
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
House: Redistricting
Referred to Redistricting |
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--General | Political Subdivisions | Redistricting |
HB 1287 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Rose, Toni
Relating to the electronic monitoring of certain defendants as an alternative to confinement. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1409 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Israel, Celia
Relating to reporting concerning certain inmates who are confined in county jails for misdemeanor offenses. |
House: County Affairs
Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm. |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | INTERNET | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 1412 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Arévalo, Diana | et. al.
Relating to the continuation of medical assistance benefits for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. |
House: Human Services
Referred to Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Human Services--Medical Assistance |
HB 1421 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al.
Relating to a report by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice regarding inmate grievances. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
| AUDITOR, STATE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Governor | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT--TDCJ | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed |
HB 1424 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Murphy, Jim | et. al. Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the operation of an unmanned aircraft over certain facilities or sports venues; creating a criminal offense. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 |
| Aeronautics | Amusements, Games, Sports | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement |
HB 1550 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Frank, James | et. al.
Relating to the confinement in a county jail of a person pending a transfer to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to the reimbursement of certain costs of confinement. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1734 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the continuation of certain public benefits, including medical assistance, for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. |
House: Public Health
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | SHERIFFS |
HB 1897 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Administration | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 2120 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al.
Relating to good conduct time earned by certain inmates and the consideration of release on parole for those inmates. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 2226 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Lang, Mike
Relating to complaints filed against certain law enforcement officers, peace officers, detention officers, and county jailers. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety |
| City Government--Employees/Officers | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS |
HB 2448 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Deshotel, Joe
Relating to the award of good conduct time to certain inmates. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 2451 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron
Relating to a proxy for a member of the legislature visiting a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Legislature |
HB 2702 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al.
Relating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses and the confinement or release of those individuals prior to prosecution. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Left pending in committee |
| BILL BLACKWOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF TX | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PEACE OFFICERS | SANDRA BLAND ACT |
HB 2913 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Miller, Rick
Relating to the transfer and transportation from one facility to another of an individual under an emergency mental health detention. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PEACE OFFICERS |
HB 3000 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Price, Four
Relating to the eligibility for medical assistance of certain persons with mental illness confined in certain facilities, certain duties of the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System related to persons with mental illness, and the creation of a grant program to reduce recidivism of persons with mental illness. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Criminal Procedure--General | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
HB 3001 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Price, Four
Relating to procedures regarding criminal defendants who are or may be persons with a mental illness or an intellectual disability. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL OR MENTAL IMPAIRMENTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Disabilities, Persons with | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MAGISTRATES | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY |
HB 3053 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Ortega, Evelina "Lina"
Relating to the availability of certain dates of birth under the public information law. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Open Records |
HB 3130 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Parker, Tan | et. al. Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the establishment of an educational and vocational training pilot program for certain state jail felony defendants. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 |
HB 3132 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Hefner, Cole
Relating to financial assistance paid to the survivors of certain law enforcement officers and employees killed in the line of duty. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm. |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 3161 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Murr, Andrew | et. al.
Relating to a county jail-based restoration of competency program. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY |
HB 3269 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to a protocol for contraband searches conducted by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice during extreme weather conditions. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
HB 3325 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Thierry, Shawn
Relating to a prohibition on placing juveniles in privately owned places of detention. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 3428 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Collier, Nicole
Relating to minimum standards regarding the continuity of prescription medications for the care and treatment of county jail prisoners. |
House: County Affairs
Placed on General State Calendar |
HB 3520 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Davis, Sarah
Relating to state fiscal matters related to health and human services and state agencies administering health and human services programs. |
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations |
| CHILD ABUSE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health Care Providers | Health--General | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MANAGED CARE | MEDICAID | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations |
HB 3844 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Rose, Toni
Relating to the independent ombudsman for county jails. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | County Government--General | INDEPENDENT OMBUDSMAN FOR COUNTY JAILS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 4098 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to jail administrators in certain counties. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Finance | County Government--General |
HB 4117 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the provision of telemental health services to prisoners confined in county jails, including the creation of the county jail telemental health fund, and to certain rules and procedures relating to the safety of those prisoners. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Posting rule suspended |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | State Finances--Management & Control | TELEMEDICINE |
HB 4142 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to certain requirements of counties and other governmental entities regarding behavioral health. |
House: County Affairs
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel | Disabilities, Persons with | DRUG COURTS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--School Districts | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | SHERIFFS |
HB 4258 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Blanco, César
Relating to a study on mental health screening and treatment for certain inmates confined in county and municipal jails. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 4259 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Blanco, César
Relating to training and standards applicable to the confinement of a female prisoner having a mental illness. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | Women |
SB 118 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Huffines, Don
Relating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce |
| COMPETITIVE BIDDING | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | INTERNET | Open Meetings |
SB 235 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to the continuation of certain public benefits, including medical assistance, for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. |
Senate: Health & Human Services
Co-author authorized |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | SHERIFFS |
SB 257 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Taylor, Van Sponsor: Dale, Tony
Relating to judicial review of protective orders and the duration of those orders. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/17 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | PROTECTIVE ORDERS |
SB 264 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Perry, Charles Sponsor: White, James | et. al.
Relating to an application made by a peace officer, county jailer, or state correctional officer to obtain a license to carry a handgun. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Senate: State Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
SB 332 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: West, Royce
Relating to the electronic monitoring of certain defendants as an alternative to confinement. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 343 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Perry, Charles Sponsor: Moody, Joe | et. al.
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of improper sexual activity with a person under supervision. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual |
SB 395 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Campbell, Donna
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of unmanned aircraft over correctional facility or critical infrastructure facility. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Corrections |
| Aeronautics | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General |
SB 485 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to the creation of the office of independent oversight ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| AUDITOR, STATE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Governor | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT--TDCJ | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed |
SB 523 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of unmanned aircraft over correctional facility or critical infrastructure facility. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Aeronautics | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement |
SB 582 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Whitmire, John | et. al. Sponsor: Alvarado, Carol
Relating to the discharge of a prisoner from a county jail. |
House: Public Health Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | SHERIFFS |
SB 677 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Miles, Borris | et. al. Sponsor: White, James
Relating to the creation of a task force to identify opportunities for academic credit and industry recognition for inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars |
SB 767 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Huffines, Don
Relating to accounting for costs incurred by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as a result of the presence in this state of persons who are not lawfully present in the United States. |
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Management & Control |
SB 901 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: West, Royce
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of unmanned aircraft over correctional facility or critical infrastructure facility. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Aeronautics | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Electronic Information Systems | Hospitals | Law Enforcement |
SB 925 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Garcia, Sylvia
Relating to the facilitation of voting by persons confined in certain jails. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Early Voting | SECRETARY OF STATE |
SB 984 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Perry, Charles
Relating to certain duties of a sheriff regarding a county jail prisoner's health benefits coverage information. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Insurance--Health & Accident | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 1011 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the establishment of an educational and vocational training pilot program for certain state jail felony defendants. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 1180 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Hughes, Bryan
Relating to financial assistance paid to the survivors of certain law enforcement officers and employees killed in the line of duty. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
SB 1183 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Perry, Charles Sponsor: Price, Four
Relating to procedures regarding criminal defendants who are or may be persons with a mental illness or an intellectual disability and to the period for which a person may be committed to receive certain temporary mental health services. |
House: Public Health Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL OR MENTAL IMPAIRMENTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY | PSYCHOLOGISTS |
SB 1326 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al. Sponsor: Price, Four | et. al.
Relating to procedures regarding criminal defendants who are or may be persons with a mental illness or an intellectual disability and to certain duties of the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System related to persons with mental illness. |
House: Public Health Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | Criminal Procedure--General | Disabilities, Persons with | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | MAGISTRATES | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY |
SB 1332 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to the availability of certain dates of birth under the public information law. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Law Enforcement | Open Records |
SB 1366 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to eligibility for membership and funding of benefits for certain law enforcement, custodial, and other peace officers. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD, TEXAS | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Law Enforcement | Minors--Juvenile Justice | PEACE OFFICERS | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers |
SB 1612 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Taylor, Van
Relating to the solicitation of pen pals by certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 1676 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Sponsor: Gutierrez, Roland
Relating to the veterans county service office. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Senate: Veteran Affairs & Border Security
Effective on 9/1/17 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Military & Veterans | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
SB 1849 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Whitmire, John | et. al. Sponsor: Coleman, Garnet | et. al.
Relating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
See remarks for effective date |
| BILL BLACKWOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF TX | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PEACE OFFICERS | SANDRA BLAND ACT |
SB 1913 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al. Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al.
Relating to the administrative, civil, and criminal consequences, including fines, fees, and costs, imposed on persons arrested for, charged with, or convicted of certain criminal offenses. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/17 |
| COMMUNITY SERVICE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | Criminal Procedure--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local |
SB 1977 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to the authority of the independent ombudsman for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department to investigate and evaluate certain juvenile facilities. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Juvenile | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
SB 2135 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to services provided to veterans who have been arrested for a misdemeanor or felony offense. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | Courts--General | Military & Veterans | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | VETERANS COMMISSION, TEXAS |
SB 2236 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to the independent ombudsman for county jails. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | County Government--General | INDEPENDENT OMBUDSMAN FOR COUNTY JAILS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
SB 2237 |
85-0 (2017) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to prescription medications for the care and treatment of inmates and prisoners in county jails. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 144 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to the continuation of certain public benefits, including medical assistance, for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. |
House: Public Health
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | SHERIFFS |
HB 161 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Larson, Lyle
Relating to housing prisoners in a tent or other facility in lieu of a county jail. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General |
HB 257 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Farney, Marsha | et. al. Sponsor: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Relating to a judge's or justice's significant interest in a business entity that owns, manages, or operates a private correctional or rehabilitation facility. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Senate: State Affairs
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| Business & Commerce--General | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Judges |
HB 305 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Elections--Administration | Elections--Registration & Suffrage | SECRETARY OF STATE |
HB 307 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: White, James Sponsor: Burton, Konni
Relating to a study on the feasibility and potential costs and benefits of implementing a pay-for-performance contract program for certain criminal justice programs and services. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Interim Studies |
HB 310 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the cost of confinement and imprisonment of persons not lawfully present in the United States and reimbursement from the federal government for that cost. |
House: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Aliens | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--General | Human Services--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 511 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Moody, Joe | et. al. Sponsor: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses committed against a person in custody. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 549 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Johnson, Eric | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to certain duties of the Commission on Jail Standards regarding visitation periods for county jail prisoners. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 569 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Allen, Alma | et. al.
Relating to providing inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice with information regarding reentry and reintegration resources. |
House: Corrections
Laid on the table subject to call |
HB 634 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Metcalf, Will | et. al. Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon | et. al.
Relating to the rights of a guardian of a person in the criminal justice system. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel | Criminal Procedure--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Probate--Durable Power of Attorney | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts |
HB 714 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Longoria, Oscar | et. al.
Relating to certain bonuses offered to certain correctional officers employed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Salaries & Expenses | State Employees |
HB 759 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to the maximum cumulative period allowed for restoration of a defendant's competency to stand trial and to certain time credits awarded against that cumulative period. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | Criminal Procedure--Trial | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY |
HB 875 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Farias, Joe | et. al. Sponsor: Menéndez, José
Relating to the verification of the veteran status of inmates and prisoners. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
HB 890 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Klick, Stephanie
Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a concealed handgun for county jailers. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Considered in Local & Consent Calendars |
| CONCEALED HANDGUNS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Weapons |
HB 904 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Smith, Wayne | et. al. Sponsor: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Relating to the transfer of certain inmates to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice following pronouncement of the inmate's sentence. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release |
HB 1015 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Canales, Terry Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to notice provided to a court regarding certain defendants placed on state jail felony community supervision. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1083 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Márquez, Marisa | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to a mental health assessment of certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 1084 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Márquez, Marisa | et. al.
Relating to the reporting of certain information regarding inmates and the use of administrative segregation by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 1140 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Israel, Celia | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the confinement of pregnant prisoners in county jails. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Health--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | SHERIFFS | Women |
HB 1141 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Israel, Celia | et. al.
Relating to reports regarding the use of restraints on pregnant prisoners in county jails. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Health--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | RESTRAINTS | Women |
HB 1211 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Fletcher, Allen
Relating to the provision of medical care to inmates confined by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--General |
HB 1423 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to the authority of certain counties to contract with a private vendor for the operation of a detention facility. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | SHERIFFS |
HB 1528 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Farrar, Jessica
Relating to the provision of services to certain HIV-infected individuals. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Health--AIDS | Human Services--General |
HB 1546 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Allen, Alma Sponsor: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1586 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: McClendon, Ruth
Relating to the operation and administration of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and its facilities, to the operation of post-adjudication secure correctional facilities for juvenile offenders, and to the commitment and placement of juvenile offenders. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Juvenile | JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD, TEXAS | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 1587 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Canales, Terry | et. al.
Relating to disclosing certain information about each substance used to execute a person convicted of capital murder. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Capital Punishment | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1595 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Murr, Andrew | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to testing certain defendants or confined persons for communicable diseases. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| BLOOD & MEDICAL TESTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Health--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | MEDICAL BOARD, TEXAS | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1810 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Giddings, Helen Sponsor: Huffines, Don
Relating to the sale of prison-made products to certain persons. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on intent calendar |
| Business & Commerce--General | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | State Employees |
HB 1855 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Rose, Toni Sponsor: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to training, continuing education, and weapons proficiency standards for correctional officers employed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor |
HB 1908 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Naishtat, Elliott Sponsor: Garcia, Sylvia
Relating to the continuity of care for offenders with mental impairments. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 2189 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Parker, Tan Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to a developmentally disabled offender program established by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Disabilities, Persons with | RADFORD CROCKER MEMORIAL ACT |
HB 2448 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the creation of an advisory committee to examine the state jail system within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2523 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Collier, Nicole | et. al.
Relating to the continuation of certain public benefits, including medical assistance, for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. |
House: Public Health
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | SHERIFFS |
HB 2597 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Reynolds, Ron | et. al.
Relating to the creation of a mental health treatment for incarceration diversion pilot program. |
House: Corrections Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | FORT BEND COUNTY | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2616 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. | et. al.
Relating to procedures related to juvenile justice proceedings; increasing the punishment for certain delinquent conduct. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Juvenile | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Juvenile Boards & Officers | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 2640 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Huberty, Dan
Relating to the cost of confinement and imprisonment of persons not lawfully present in the United States and reimbursement from the federal government for that cost. |
House: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Aliens | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--General | Human Services--General |
HB 2788 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Springer, Drew | et. al. Sponsor: Perry, Charles
Relating to the authority of a retail public water utility to require an operator of a correctional facility to comply with water conservation measures. |
House: Natural Resources Senate: Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs
Vetoed by the Governor |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Utilities--Water & Sewer | WATER--CONSERVATION |
HB 2923 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to the conditions of confinement of children prior to certain judicial proceedings. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 2977 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to issues affecting counties and certain other governmental entities; authorizing fees. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Placed on intent calendar |
| City Government--General | City Government--Land Use & Zoning | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | County Government--Land Use & Zoning | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health Care Providers | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | MARRIAGE LICENSES |
HB 3277 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the authority of the office of independent ombudsman with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department in regard to juveniles in custody in certain facilities. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| AUDITS & AUDITORS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 3303 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Miles, Borris
Relating to the creation of the Office of the Independent Oversight Ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed |
HB 3388 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Faircloth, Wayne
Relating to increasing the fee on conviction paid by a defendant for a peace officer committing or releasing the defendant. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| City Government--General | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | PEACE OFFICERS |
HB 3726 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Farias, Joe | et. al.
Relating to establishing a veterans services coordinator for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and a veterans rehabilitation dorm program for certain state jail defendants confined by the department. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Military & Veterans |
HB 3798 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to providing financial assistance to certain survivors of an inmate who died as a result of a traffic accident that occurred while the inmate was being transported by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or a person under contract with the department. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| ACCIDENTS | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 3799 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to the expunction of certain drug-related offenses following successful treatment and rehabilitation. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 4007 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to procedures applicable to a person released on parole or to mandatory supervision and charged with certain new offenses or an administrative violation of a condition of release. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | County Government--Finance | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 99 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the supervised reentry into the community of certain inmates nearing their date of discharge from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
SB 126 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: West, Royce
Relating to the release of certain inmates on medically recommended intensive supervision. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Not again placed on intent calendar |
SB 183 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al. Sponsor: White, James
Relating to the offenses of the violation of civil rights of and improper sexual activity with individuals in custody; imposing a criminal penalty. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Health & Safety | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
SB 231 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to certain duties of the Commission on Jail Standards regarding visitation periods for county jail prisoners. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 417 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: West, Royce
Relating to the eligibility of certain persons to participate in a drug court program. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Courts--General | DRUG COURTS | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID |
SB 509 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses committed against a person in custody. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
SB 578 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Hinojosa, Juan | et. al. Sponsor: Allen, Alma
Relating to providing inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice with information regarding reentry and reintegration resources. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
SB 589 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José | et. al.
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Not again placed on intent calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
SB 696 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Taylor, Larry
Relating to increasing the fee on conviction paid by a defendant for a peace officer committing or releasing the defendant. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| City Government--General | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | PEACE OFFICERS |
SB 890 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to restricting the use of administrative segregation by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for certain inmates. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health Care Providers | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SB 891 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to the operations of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, including conditions of confinement of certain inmates and required training for correctional officers employed by the department. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 1129 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith Sponsor: Raymond, Richard Peña
Relating to the transportation of a person with a mental illness. |
House: Human Services Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | RESTRAINTS | Transportation--Miscellaneous |
SB 1149 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Watson, Kirk Sponsor: Workman, Paul
Relating to the commitment of certain juveniles to local post-adjudication secure correctional facilities in certain counties and to the release under supervision of those juveniles. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: Criminal Justice
See remarks for effective date |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Juvenile | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
SB 1158 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Hall, Bob
Relating to a county jail sales and use tax; authorizing a tax. |
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Finance | County Government--General | SULPHUR RIVER | Taxation--Sales |
SB 1326 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Menéndez, José Sponsor: Herrero, Abel
Relating to the maximum cumulative period allowed for restoration of a defendant's competency to stand trial and to certain time credits awarded against that cumulative period. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | Criminal Procedure--Trial | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY |
SB 1477 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Garcia, Sylvia
Relating to the continuity of care and service program for offenders with mental impairments. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SB 1547 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Sponsor: Klick, Stephanie
Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a concealed handgun for county jailers. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Senate: State Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| CONCEALED HANDGUNS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Weapons |
SB 1704 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the transfer of certain inmates to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice following pronouncement of the inmate's sentence. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Removed from local & uncontested calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release |
SB 1762 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to the provision of medical care to inmates confined by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--General |
SB 1777 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to the continuation of certain public benefits, including medical assistance, for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. |
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | SHERIFFS |
SB 1887 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the period for which a defendant with an intellectual disability who is found incompetent to stand trial may be civilly committed before the court holds a hearing to determine whether the defendant's release is appropriate. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY | RIO GRANDE STATE CENTER |
SB 1888 |
84-0 (2015) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith Sponsor: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to a requirement that a county report the number of certain persons with mental illness detained in that county's jail. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 37 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to ensuring the continuation of certain public benefits, including medical assistance, for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. |
House: Public Health
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Human Services--Medical Assistance | SHERIFFS |
HB 62 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Guillen, Ryan Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to a justice or judge having an interest in a business entity that owns, manages, or operates a private correctional or rehabilitation facility. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Judges |
HB 177 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Larson, Lyle | et. al.
Relating to housing prisoners in a tent or other facility in lieu of a county jail. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 329 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
House: Redistricting
Referred to Redistricting |
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--General | Redistricting |
HB 370 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures. |
House: Elections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Administration | Elections--Registration & Suffrage |
HB 529 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the detention of juveniles pending criminal trial. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 634 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Farias, Joe | et. al. Sponsor: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to the verification of an inmate's veteran status by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Military & Veterans |
HB 684 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Johnson, Eric
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
House: Redistricting
Referred to Redistricting |
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--General | Redistricting |
HB 686 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Márquez, Marisa
Relating to the reporting of certain information regarding inmates and the use of administrative segregation by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 797 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Sponsor: Garcia, Sylvia
Relating to certain written information the Windham School District must provide to a person before the person enrolls in a district vocational training program. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Vocational | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT |
HB 799 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to vocational training programs provided by the Windham School District. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Vocational | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT |
HB 877 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Oversight Committee. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 968 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester | et. al.
Relating to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmate grievance system. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 978 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the transportation of certain patients to a mental health facility. |
House: Public Health Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/13 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Transportation--Miscellaneous |
HB 1070 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to the expunction of certain alcohol- and drug-related offenses following successful treatment and rehabilitation. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS |
HB 1266 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to a review of and report regarding the use of adult and juvenile administrative segregation in facilities in this state. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| ADULT & JUVENILE ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION TASK FORCE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Governor | Legislature |
HB 1541 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to a study on recidivism rates for certain juveniles committed to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Juvenile | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Interim Studies | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice | RECIDIVISM & REPEAT OFFENDERS |
HB 1543 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Allen, Alma | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility for reappointment of the independent ombudsman of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and the authority of the independent ombudsman in regard to juveniles in custody in certain facilities other than the department's facilities. |
House: Corrections
Considered in Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 1544 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Allen, Alma Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the authority of a county to contract with a private vendor for the operation of a detention facility. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General |
HB 1992 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Smith, Wayne | et. al.
Relating to the transfer of certain inmates to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice following pronouncement of the inmate's sentence. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release |
HB 2053 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Phillips, Larry
Relating to temporarily holding certain arrested persons in municipal jails. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
| City Government--General | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General |
HB 2239 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to evaluating the adequacy of education provided to children in county jails. |
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 2289 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Price, Walter "Four"
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and the Windham School District and to the functions of the Board of Pardons and Paroles and the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee. |
House: Corrections
Laid on the table subject to call |
HB 2349 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Zerwas, John
Relating to a jail-based restoration of competency pilot program. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Insanity Defense | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2398 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to a study of and report regarding Texas Department of Criminal Justice visitation policies. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2417 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Burnam, Lon
Relating to the procedures applicable to state jail felony community supervision and to the punishment prescribed for certain state jail felonies. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Drugs | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | DEFERRED ADJUDICATION | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | MARIHUANA |
HB 2454 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Frank, James Sponsor: Estes, Craig
Relating to reimbursement of health care services rendered by a health care provider for an inmate of a county jail or another county correctional facility. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/13 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health Care Providers | Hospitals | Human Services--Medical Assistance |
HB 2579 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Wu, Gene
Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses committed against a person in custody. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Left pending in committee |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual |
HB 2598 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Davis, Yvonne
Relating to AIDS, HIV, and hepatitis education and testing for inmates, state jail defendants, and employees of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| BLOOD & MEDICAL TESTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--AIDS | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | HEPATITIS |
HB 2625 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al.
Relating to disease management practices of local mental health authorities. |
House: Public Health Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
HB 2634 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Flynn, Dan
Relating to the satisfaction of a condition of community supervision requiring performance of community service. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | COMMUNITY SERVICE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GIFTS & DONATIONS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 2652 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to providing inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice with information regarding reentry and reintegration resources. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
HB 2678 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Moody, Joe | et. al.
Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses committed against a person in custody. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 2679 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Guillen, Ryan Sponsor: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to permitting an alternative plea for a defendant detained in jail pending trial for a Class C misdemeanor. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General |
HB 2719 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Guillen, Ryan Sponsor: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to collecting and reporting information concerning inmates who have been in the conservatorship of a state agency responsible for providing child protective services and concerning inmate parole, reentry, and integration. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | FOSTER CARE | INTERNET | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 2734 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the establishment of the Texas State Jail Committee to study and make recommendations concerning the state jail system. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed |
HB 2811 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Toth, Steve | et. al.
Relating to programs provided by volunteer and faith-based organizations to inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 2847 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the composition of the Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities and certain contract requirements for political subdivisions of this state. |
House: Human Services
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | COUNCIL ON PURCHASING FROM PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, TEXAS | Disabilities, Persons with | Political Subdivisions | Purchasing--Local | Purchasing--State |
HB 2877 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Sheffield, J. D.
Relating to the applicability of the Texas Theft Liability Act to certain claims by inmates for lost, damaged, or confiscated property. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Property Interests--Personal Property |
HB 3004 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 3055 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Springer, Drew
Relating to minimum jail standards for county jails. |
House: County Affairs
Withdrawn from schedule |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 3191 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Otto, John
Relating to the Correctional Management Institute of Texas at Sam Houston State University. |
House: Higher Education
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar |
| CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF TEXAS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Law Enforcement | SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY |
HB 3248 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Callegari, Bill
Relating to the use of jail commissary proceeds in certain counties. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Finance | Purchasing--Local | SHERIFFS |
HB 3406 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Riddle, Debbie
Relating to creating an offense for persons imprisoned or confined in correctional facilities to threaten to harm certain other persons by certain means of communication. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | Legislature | State Officers |
HB 3420 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Lavender, George
Relating to the carrying of firearms by certain off-duty employees of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and the carrying of a handgun by a license holder in certain locations; authorizing a fee. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Left pending in committee |
| CONCEALED HANDGUNS | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Law Enforcement | Weapons |
HB 3531 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Rose, Toni
Relating to establishing a peer education program for offenders in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 3533 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Rose, Toni
Relating to notifying the next of kin of a person confined in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice of a change in the person's eligibility to receive visitors. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 3793 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to powers, duties, and services of entities serving counties and county residents. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
See remarks for effective date |
| BORDER | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | MEDICAID | Property Interests--Real Property | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Utilities--Water & Sewer | WATER & SEWER SERVICE |
SB 36 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the detention and transportation of a person with a mental illness. |
House: Public Health Senate: Health & Human Services
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Safety | SHERIFFS |
SB 213 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Whitmire, John | et. al. Sponsor: Price, Walter "Four"
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and the Windham School District and to the functions of the Board of Pardons and Paroles and the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 |
SB 254 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Deuell, Bob
Relating to the satisfaction of a condition of community supervision requiring performance of community service. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | COMMUNITY SERVICE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GIFTS & DONATIONS | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 368 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to the release by a sheriff of certain defendants to an electronic monitoring or house arrest program. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report printed and distributed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT | SHERIFFS |
SB 527 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to the detention by local law enforcement agencies of certain persons subject to federal immigration detainers. |
Senate: Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security
Referred to Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | IMMIGRATION LAW | Law Enforcement |
SB 688 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the transfer of certain inmates to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice following pronouncement of the inmate's sentence. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release |
SB 991 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: West, Royce Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia
Relating to the release of certain inmates on medically recommended intensive supervision. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL & MENTAL IMPAIRMENTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Disabilities, Persons with | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SB 1003 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Carona, John | et. al. Sponsor: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to a review of and report regarding the use of adult and juvenile administrative segregation in facilities in this state. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 |
| ADULT & JUVENILE ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION TASK FORCE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Governor | Legislature |
SB 1173 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: West, Royce Sponsor: White, James
Relating to procedures for the sentencing and placement on community supervision of defendants charged with the commission of a state jail felony. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 1313 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Schwertner, Charles Sponsor: Otto, John
Relating to the Correctional Management Institute of Texas at Sam Houston State University. |
House: Higher Education Senate: Higher Education
Effective immediately |
| CORRECTIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF TEXAS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Law Enforcement | SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY |
SB 1357 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Davis, Wendy
Relating to the use of administrative segregation or seclusion in county jails. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SB 1475 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Duncan, Robert Sponsor: Zerwas, John
Relating to a jail-based restoration of competency pilot program. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF |
SB 1522 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Hegar, Glenn Sponsor: Herrero, Abel
Relating to the procedures applicable to the revocation of a person's release on parole or to mandatory supervision. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar |
SB 1562 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the applicability of the public information law to certain nongovernmental entities involved in law enforcement and corrections. |
Senate: Open Government
Referred to Open Government |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Law Enforcement | Open Records |
SB 1717 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to the authority of the office of independent ombudsman with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department in regard to juveniles in custody in facilities other than juvenile justice facilities. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, TEXAS | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
SB 1753 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Uresti, Carlos
Relating to ensuring the continuation of medical assistance benefits for individuals after release or discharge from certain facilities. |
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SB 1802 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José
Relating to the reporting of certain information regarding inmates and the use of administrative segregation by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 1839 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Whitmire, John Sponsor: Bonnen, Dennis
Relating to the detention of certain juvenile offenders. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Juvenile | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
SB 1912 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Garcia, Sylvia
Relating to disease management practices of local mental health authorities. |
Senate: Health & Human Services
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Mental Health & Substance Abuse |
SCR 37 |
83-0 (2013) |
Author: Carona, John
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 1003. |
Received by the Secretary of the Senate |
| ADULT & JUVENILE ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION TASK FORCE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Resolutions--Corrective |
HB 46 |
83-1 (2013) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
Filed |
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--General | Redistricting |
HB 167 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Raymond, Richard Pena Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the transportation of certain mental health patients. |
House: Public Health Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Transportation--Miscellaneous |
HB 383 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Menendez, Jose
Relating to allowing a surrogate decision-maker to consent to certain medical treatments on behalf of an inmate of a correctional facility. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Malpractice--Professionals | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | PHYSICIANS | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts | SURROGATE CONSENT |
HB 517 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the modification or enforcement of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Withdrawn from schedule |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Family--Child Support |
HB 684 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Larson, Lyle | et. al.
Relating to housing prisoners in a tent or other facility in lieu of a county jail. |
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 694 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice of certain inmates who complete a rehabilitation program. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 778 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Gonzalez, Naomi
Relating to the execution of lawful process by county jailers. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Laid on the table subject to call |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS |
HB 875 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al.
Relating to the identification of certain defendants as foreign nationals who were not lawfully admitted to the United States or whose lawful status has expired and to their release on bail. |
House: State Affairs Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec. |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 934 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Smith, Todd
Relating to an administrative fee for defendants required by a court to perform community service in lieu of serving a term of confinement in county jail. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1073 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to discharging or releasing inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice from regional release facilities. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1128 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Menendez, Jose Sponsor: Van de Putte, Leticia
Relating to consent to certain medical treatments by a surrogate decision-maker on behalf of certain inmates. |
House: Public Health Senate: Administration
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Malpractice--Professionals | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts |
HB 1227 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
House: Redistricting
Referred to Redistricting |
HB 1381 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the service of civil process on an inmate of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | PROCESS SERVERS |
HB 1418 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Hughes, Bryan
Relating to inmate litigation. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Appellate |
HB 1566 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the authority of counties to appoint, contract for, or employ physicians, dentists, or other health care providers for county jails. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | DENTISTS & DENTISTRY | Health Care Providers | Law Enforcement | PHYSICIANS |
HB 1567 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the authority of certain counties to appoint, contract for, or employ physicians, dentists, or other health care providers for county jails. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | DENTISTS & DENTISTRY | Health Care Providers | Law Enforcement | PHYSICIANS |
HB 1599 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Rodriguez, Eddie
Relating to the sale of prison-made products to nonprofit organizations. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | PRISON LABOR |
HB 1738 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Walle, Armando | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility of certain individuals for medical assistance on confinement in, placement in, detention in, or commitment to and release from certain facilities and other settings. |
House: Public Health
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Medical Assistance |
HB 1763 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Harper-Brown, Linda
Relating to the timely transfer of certain inmates from county jails to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Meeting cancelled |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1879 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the use of money appropriated out of the general revenue fund for the provision of postsecondary educational programs to persons confined or imprisoned in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Appropriations
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Education--School Districts | State Finances--Management & Control |
HB 1908 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to student loan repayment assistance for certain providers of correctional health care. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| CORRECTIONAL MANAGED HEALTH CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Health Care Providers | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | PHYSICIANS | STUDENT LOANS |
HB 2004 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Bonnen, Dennis Sponsor: Jackson, Mike
Relating to the sale of certain state property in Brazoria County by the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Government Organization
Effective immediately |
| BRAZORIA COUNTY | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Property Interests--Real Property | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources |
HB 2005 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Bonnen, Dennis
Relating to the exchange of certain state property in Brazoria County by the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| BRAZORIA COUNTY | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Property Interests--Real Property | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources |
HB 2072 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Martinez, Armando
Relating to the authority of a county to contract with a private organization for the operation of a detention facility. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | SHERIFFS |
HB 2143 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the conditions of community service of certain offenders and the reentry and reintegration of offenders released or discharged from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Meeting cancelled |
HB 2239 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the minimum number of county jailers necessary to staff a county jail. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement |
HB 2348 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Larson, Lyle
Relating to certain standards applicable to certain prisoners confined in a county jail pending transfer to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
HB 2352 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Allen, Alma | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility of certain inmates for release to mandatory supervision. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 2354 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the installation and use of a pen register, ESN reader, trap and trace device, mobile tracking device, or similar equipment in a correctional facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons |
HB 2446 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to the release of confidential physician-patient communications in certain circumstances. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Law Enforcement | MEDICAL RECORDS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | PHYSICIANS | Protection of Personal Information |
HB 2524 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Cain, Erwin
Relating to the criminal offenses for which and the circumstances under which certain communication devices may be detected and communications may be intercepted. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | TELEPHONES & TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES | Weapons | WIRETAPPING |
HB 2569 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Martinez, Armando
Relating to county contracts with private entities for jail facilities; providing a penalty. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | PUBLIC NOTICE |
HB 2649 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Allen, Alma Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the award of diligent participation credit to defendants confined in a state jail felony facility. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
HB 2689 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Deshotel, Joe
Relating to certain inmates entering certain pleas by mail or certain secure electronic transmissions. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
No action taken in committee |
HB 2844 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the supervision of certain people convicted of a criminal offense and to the organization and operation of certain correctional entities. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Courts--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Health--General | Intergovernmental Relations | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 2845 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the authority of a judge to impose a period of confinement in a county jail for a violation of a condition of community supervision. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Courts--Judges | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 2930 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Woolley, Beverly
Relating to contracting for and making purchases with proceeds from a commissary for the use of inmates in the jails of certain counties. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Purchasing--Local |
HB 2945 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the promotion of efficiencies in and the administration of certain district court and county services and functions. |
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | Courts--Juries | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Elections--Administration | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | TELECONFERENCING |
HB 3107 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Menendez, Jose
Relating to notification to the United States Social Security Administration of the release of certain prisoners from county jails. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Corrected committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Human Services--Direct Assistance | SHERIFFS |
HB 3239 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Davis, Yvonne
Relating to the testing of certain inmates for all types of Hepatitis. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 3250 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Woolley, Beverly
Relating to the operation of a jail commissary in certain counties. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General |
HB 3281 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to the containment of costs incurred in the correctional health care system. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Education--Higher--Health Institutions | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Finances--Appropriations | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH AT GALVESTON |
HB 3305 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Marquez, Marisa
Relating to the discharge of a prisoner from a county jail. |
House: County Affairs
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 3366 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the placement of certain state jail felons on community supervision. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 3379 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Shelton, Mark
Relating to the appointment of members of the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee, and the authority of the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee to direct the allocation of legislative appropriations for the purpose of providing health care to the persons confined by the department. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| CORRECTIONAL MANAGED HEALTH CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--General | State Finances--Management & Control | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH AT GALVESTON |
HB 3386 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al.
Relating to the supervision of certain people convicted of a criminal offense and to the organization and operation of certain correctional entities. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 3401 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the authority of the Commission on Jail Standards and addressing mental health issues in jail. |
House: County Affairs
Withdrawn from schedule |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Mental Retardation |
HB 3459 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Eiland, Craig Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the containment of costs incurred in the correctional health care system. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Senate adopts conf. comm. report-reported |
HB 3617 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to abolishing the Texas Commission on Fire Protection, the Commission on Jail Standards, and the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education and transferring certain of the powers and duties of those agencies to the newly created Public Safety Licensing Commission. |
House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety |
HB 3657 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Otto, John
Relating to the collection of certain fees by the Commission on Jail Standards. |
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 3728 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Jackson, Jim
Relating to the composition of and powers and duties of the Commission on Jail Standards. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 3759 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: White, James
Relating to the criminal offenses for which and the circumstances under which certain communication devices may be detected and communications may be intercepted. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | TELEPHONES & TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES | Weapons | WIRETAPPING |
HB 3761 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Marquez, Marisa
Relating to the treatment of and services provided to certain inmates in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, to the provision of medical care to inmates in the custody of the department, to the release of inmates on parole and other forms of supervised release, and to certain other matters affecting the department. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 3764 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Marquez, Marisa | et. al.
Relating to the reporting of certain information regarding inmates and the use of administrative segregation by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 3766 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Pitts, Jim
Relating to the use of proceeds from a county jail's commissary operation. |
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Finance | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HCR 170 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Eiland, Craig
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 3459. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health Care Providers | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Resolutions--Corrective | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH AT GALVESTON |
HCR 171 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Eiland, Craig
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 3459. |
Filed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health Care Providers | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Resolutions--Corrective | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH AT GALVESTON |
SB 44 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al. Sponsor: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to the detention and transportation of a person with a mental illness. |
House: Public Health Senate: Health & Human Services
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Mental Retardation |
SB 382 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Harris, Chris
Relating to an administrative fee for defendants required by a court to perform community service in lieu of serving a term of confinement in county jail. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 604 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: RodrÃguez, José Sponsor: Gonzalez, Naomi | et. al.
Relating to the execution of lawful process by county jailers. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS |
SB 856 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Van de Putte, Leticia | et. al.
Relating to consent to certain medical treatments by a surrogate decision-maker on behalf of certain inmates. |
House: Public Health Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Public Health |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Malpractice--Professionals | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY | Probate--Guardians & Related Trusts |
SB 883 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to awarding credit to an inmate for certain time between release on and revocation of parole, mandatory supervision, or conditional pardon. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
SB 884 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to the retention of good conduct time by an inmate whose release on parole or to mandatory supervision is revoked. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | GOOD CONDUCT TIME | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 954 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Sponsor: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the authority of certain counties to appoint, contract for, or employ physicians, dentists, or other health care providers for county jails. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | DENTISTS & DENTISTRY | Health Care Providers | Law Enforcement | PHYSICIANS |
SB 955 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Sponsor: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the authority of counties to appoint, contract for, or employ physicians, dentists, or other health care providers for county jails. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | DENTISTS & DENTISTRY | Health Care Providers | Law Enforcement | PHYSICIANS |
SB 1014 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Davis, Wendy Sponsor: Marquez, Marisa
Relating to the discharge of a prisoner from a county jail. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 1071 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Jackson, Mike
Relating to the exchange of certain state property in Brazoria County by the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Government Organization
Referred to Government Organization |
| BRAZORIA COUNTY | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Property Interests--Real Property | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources |
SB 1072 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Jackson, Mike
Relating to the sale of certain state property in Brazoria County by the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Government Organization
Left pending in committee |
| BRAZORIA COUNTY | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Property Interests--Real Property | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources |
SB 1209 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Whitmire, John Sponsor: Marquez, Marisa | et. al.
Relating to the detention of certain juvenile offenders. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Family--Juvenile Delinquency | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
SB 1233 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: West, Royce Sponsor: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the promotion of efficiencies in and the administration of certain district court and county services and functions. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately |
| Agriculture | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Finance | County Government--General | Courts--Juries | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Elections--Administration | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | TELECONFERENCING |
SB 1259 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the eligibility of certain individuals for medical assistance on confinement in, placement in, detention in, or commitment to and release from certain facilities and other settings. |
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Medical Assistance |
SB 1522 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Hinojosa, Juan Sponsor: Madden, Jerry | et. al.
Relating to the entering of a plea in a criminal case by a defendant confined in a penal institution. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Civil Procedure | Criminal Procedure--General | Electronic Information Systems |
SB 1683 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the eligibility of certain inmates for release on mandatory supervision. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 1687 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney Sponsor: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to information on turnover among licensed jailers at jails under the jurisdiction of the Commission on Jail Standards. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 1698 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Williams, Tommy Sponsor: Callegari, Bill
Relating to reporting concerning inmates who are confined in county jails and subject to federal immigration detainers. |
House: Government Efficiency & Reform Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective on 9/1/11 |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | IMMIGRATION & CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT, US | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
SB 1832 |
82-0 (2011) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to notice to inmates and their attorneys of lethal substance or substances to be used in lethal injection. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Capital Punishment |
HB 26 |
82-1 (2011) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the containment of costs incurred in the correctional health care system and to studies regarding delivery of health care services by certain nurses. |
House: Corrections
Received from the House |
HB 93 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hodge, Terri | et. al. Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the reinstatement of good conduct time suspended during a term of imprisonment. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 94 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hodge, Terri Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the application of laws awarding credit to an inmate for time between release on and subsequent revocation of parole, mandatory supervision, or conditional pardon. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report printed and distributed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
HB 137 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Gonzalez Toureilles, Yvonne
Relating to compensatory time accrued by a correctional officer employed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| COMPENSATORY TIME | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Employees |
HB 138 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Gonzalez Toureilles, Yvonne | et. al.
Relating to a salary career ladder for correctional officers. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Salaries & Expenses |
HB 285 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hodge, Terri
Relating to the use of tobacco products and cigarettes on property owned, used, or controlled by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Tobacco Products |
HB 452 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
House: Elections
Left pending in committee |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Administration | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--General |
HB 483 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Pierson, Paula | et. al.
Relating to an administrative fee for defendants required by a court to perform community service in lieu of serving a term of confinement in county jail. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| COMMUNITY SERVICE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local |
HB 518 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Kolkhorst, Lois | et. al. Sponsor: Van de Putte, Leticia
Relating to programs to provide student loan repayment assistance for certain correctional officers, for certain speech-language pathologists and audiologists, and for certain mathematics and science teachers. |
House: Corrections Senate: Finance
Vetoed by the Governor |
HB 672 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hodge, Terri | et. al.
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Redistricting |
HB 944 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to in-prison geriatric communities. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Aging | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 950 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the modification or enforcement of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison. |
House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Family--Child Support |
HB 1048 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the number of counties or municipalities necessary to establish a regional drug court program. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | DRUG COURTS |
HB 1225 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Laubenberg, Jodie
Relating to the establishment, operation, or change in use or capacity of certain community residential facilities or correctional or rehabilitation facilities. |
House: Corrections
Withdrawn from schedule |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
HB 1481 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to certain offenses regarding the possession or use of a cellular telephone by an inmate or defendant in a correctional or detention facility and to the detection and monitoring of that possession or use. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
HB 1711 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to establish a comprehensive reentry and reintegration plan for offenders released or discharged from a correctional facility. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
See remarks for effective date |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1714 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the repeal of the authority of a county to contract with a private entity for jail facilities. |
House: Corrections
Withdrawn from schedule |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General |
HB 1721 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al. Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to taking or attempting to take a weapon from an employee or official of a correctional facility. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 |
| City Government--Employees/Officers | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | Weapons |
HB 1728 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the authority of the inspector general of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to issue administrative subpoenas for certain communications records. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 |
HB 1868 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: AnchÃa, Rafael
Relating to distribution of sexual barrier protection devices to inmates and state jail defendants confined in facilities operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and the testing of certain inmates for HIV. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| CONDOMS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--AIDS |
HB 1899 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice of certain inmates who complete a rehabilitation program. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1914 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: McReynolds, Jim | et. al. Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to abolishing the Private Sector Prison Industries Oversight Authority and to the certification and operation of private sector prison industries programs. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Labor--Workforce Development | PRIVATE SECTOR PRISON INDUSTRIES OVERSIGHT AUTHORITY | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 1958 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Edwards, Al | et. al.
Relating to the release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice of certain inmates who complete a rehabilitation program. |
House: Corrections
Laid on the table subject to call |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2161 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to a personal identification certificate or driver's license issued to present or former inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses |
HB 2162 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester | et. al.
Relating to the creation of the Reentry Policy Task Force to review corrections policies, programs, and procedures for inmates released into the community. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | REENTRY POLICY TASK FORCE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed |
HB 2246 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the ratio of correctional officers to prisoners in a county jail. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS |
HB 2269 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Alonzo, Roberto
Relating to certain personnel policies of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to certain related duties of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement |
HB 2289 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to discharging or releasing inmates from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice at or near certain department facilities. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 2324 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Howard, Charlie
Relating to authorizing the Texas Board of Criminal Justice to sell certain real property for municipal airport expansion. |
House: Land & Resource Management Senate: Administration
Referred to Administration |
| AIRPORTS | City Government--Land Use & Zoning | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Property Interests--Real Property | Transportation--Aviation |
HB 2371 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Vaught, Allen | et. al.
Relating to the forfeiture of an inmate's good conduct time as a result of filing certain motions for forensic DNA testing. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--General | DNA | FORENSIC TESTING | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 2415 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Leibowitz, David
Relating to the enforcement of a court order requiring an inmate imprisoned in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to pay child support. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Support |
HB 2618 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Olivo, Dora
Relating to school district reporting of students placed in disciplinary alternative education programs or expelled from school. |
House: Public Education
Left pending in committee |
| ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special |
HB 2791 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Homer, Mark
Relating to the authority of certain county jail guards to carry firearms. |
House: Public Safety
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Weapons |
HB 2816 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the deduction of membership fees for correctional employee organizations from a state employee's salary. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | LABOR UNIONS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees |
HB 2818 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the use of videoconferencing in certain proceedings involving inmates confined in a facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | VIDEOCONFERENCING |
HB 2855 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Redistricting |
HB 2933 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Vaught, Allen
Relating to requiring certain criminal defendants to make payments to the compensation to victims of crime fund. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Left pending in subcommittee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crime Victims Compensation | Criminal Procedure--General |
HB 3055 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the racial and ethnic classification of individuals confined in the criminal and juvenile justice systems. |
House: Corrections
Withdrawn from schedule |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Juvenile | DISCRIMINATION |
HB 3205 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Edwards, Al
Relating to the creation of DNA records for the DNA database system. |
House: Public Safety
Referred to Public Safety |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | DNA |
HB 3228 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the offense of prohibited substances and items in correctional facilities. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Weapons |
HB 3247 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Martinez, Armando
Relating to the authority of a county to contract with a private organization for the operation of a detention facility. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General |
HB 3372 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Deshotel, Joe
Relating to certain inmates entering certain pleas by mail or certain secure electronic transmissions. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | TELECONFERENCING |
HB 3392 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Harper-Brown, Linda | et. al.
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Commission on Jail Standards. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Sunset Bills |
HB 3438 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hodge, Terri Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to authorizing the Texas Board of Criminal Justice to convey certain real property to the City of Dallas in exchange for comparable property. |
House: Land & Resource Management Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | DALLAS, CITY OF | Property Interests--Real Property | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources |
HB 3439 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: England, Kirk
Relating to the development and use of an inmate skills development assessment instrument by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--General |
HB 3497 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Miller, Sid
Relating to the career ladder for certain prison industry workers. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS |
HB 3649 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Marquez, Marisa | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to a policy regarding the receipt of books by mail by an inmate in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 3653 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Marquez, Marisa | et. al. Sponsor: Davis, Wendy | et. al.
Relating to the use of restraints to control the movement of pregnant women and female children confined in certain correctional facilities in this state. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | RESTRAINTS | Safety | Women |
HB 3654 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Marquez, Marisa | et. al. Sponsor: Davis, Wendy | et. al.
Relating to certain duties of and reports submitted to the Commission on Jail Standards regarding county jail inmates who are pregnant. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | Women |
HB 3663 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the places and conditions of detention for certain juvenile offenders. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Juvenile | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 3671 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Sheffield, Ralph Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the documents that are required for the transfer of a defendant from a county to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 3721 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Ortiz, Jr., Solomon
Relating to the training and certification of certain members or former members of the military as correctional officers. |
House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Military & Veterans |
HB 3903 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Ortiz, Jr., Solomon
Relating to county contracts with private entities for jail facilities; providing a penalty. |
House: County Affairs
Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm. |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | PUBLIC NOTICE |
HB 3976 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hunter, Todd
Relating to procedures for certain persons charged with certain new offenses or an administrative violation of a condition of release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice on parole or to mandatory supervision. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | MAGISTRATES | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 3991 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to a one-time retention bonus for certain classified state employees. |
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Labor--Wages | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees |
HB 4058 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: McReynolds, Jim
Relating to creating an offense for persons imprisoned or confined in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to use the mail to harm or threaten to harm certain other persons. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | POSTAL SERVICE |
HB 4252 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Herrero, Abel
Relating to certain inmates entering certain pleas by mail or certain secure electronic transmissions. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Subcommittee members named |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Civil Procedure | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS |
HB 4485 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al.
Relating to the identification of certain defendants as foreign nationals who were not lawfully admitted to the United States or whose lawful status has expired and to their release on bail. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Left pending in committee |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Bail & Pretrial Release | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS |
HB 4538 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Phillips, Larry
Relating to the rendering of a judgment and sentence in the absence of certain defendants charged with certain misdemeanors. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 4606 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Guillen, Ryan | et. al.
Relating to regulation contracts for operation of jails or correctional facilities. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| City Government--General | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General |
HB 4684 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Homer, Mark
Relating to state prisoners in a county jail. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
SB 32 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith Sponsor: King, Susan
Relating to the detention and transportation of a person with a mental illness. |
House: Public Health Senate: Health & Human Services
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Mental Retardation |
SB 137 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Administration | Elections--Early Voting | Elections--General |
SB 425 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Shapleigh, Eliot
Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to develop and use an operations manual for maintaining certain environmental conditions inside certain confinement facilities. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure |
SB 633 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Seliger, Kel Sponsor: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the number of counties or municipalities necessary to establish a regional drug court program. |
House: Corrections Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | DRUG COURTS |
SB 831 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to certain directions given to state jail felons at the time of discharge from a state jail felony facility. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Administration | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State |
SB 919 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Harris, Chris
Relating to an administrative fee for defendants required by a court to perform community service in lieu of serving a term of confinement in county jail. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| COMMUNITY SERVICE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local |
SB 976 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to distribution of sexual barrier protection devices to inmates and state jail defendants confined in facilities operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 1009 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Deuell, Bob Sponsor: Harper-Brown, Linda
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Commission on Jail Standards. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Government Organization
Effective on 9/1/09 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Sunset Bills |
SB 1149 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hegar, Glenn | et. al. Sponsor: Howard, Charlie
Relating to authorizing the Texas Board of Criminal Justice to sell certain real property for municipal airport expansion. |
House: Land & Resource Management Senate: Government Organization
Effective immediately |
| AIRPORTS | City Government--Land Use & Zoning | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Property Interests--Real Property | Transportation--Aviation |
SB 1169 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Nichols, Robert
Relating to abolishing the Private Sector Prison Industries Oversight Authority and to the certification and operation of private sector prison industries programs. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Not again placed on intent calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Labor--Workforce Development | PRIVATE SECTOR PRISON INDUSTRIES OVERSIGHT AUTHORITY | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
SB 1206 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hinojosa, Juan Sponsor: Edwards, Al
Relating to the release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice of certain inmates who complete a rehabilitation program. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
SB 1321 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to discharging or releasing inmates from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice at or near certain department facilities. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 1401 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Deuell, Bob
Relating to taking or attempting to take a weapon from an employee or official of a correctional facility that is operated by a county or municipality. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| City Government--Employees/Officers | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | Weapons |
SB 1509 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Carona, John
Relating to the Correctional Facility Capacity Commission. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| CORRECTIONAL FACILITY CAPACITY COMMISSION | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed |
SB 1653 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the deduction of membership fees for correctional employee organizations from a state employee's salary. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | LABOR UNIONS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees |
SB 1680 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to voter approval for certain contracts between political subdivisions and private entities relating to correctional facilities. |
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Intergovernmental Relations |
| BONDS | City Government--General | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Elections--General | Political Subdivisions |
SB 1690 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to certain correctional facilities that house only federal prisoners. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
SB 1786 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to establish a comprehensive reentry and reintegration plan for offenders released or discharged from a correctional facility. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
SB 1844 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Sponsor: Madden, Jerry
Relating to revenue received from the provision of pay telephone service to inmates confined in facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crime Victims Compensation | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Management & Control | TELEPHONES & TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES |
SB 1847 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hegar, Glenn Sponsor: Moody, Joe
Relating to the provision of services to a wrongfully imprisoned person who is discharged from a correctional facility. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT |
SB 1949 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the provision of crime victims' compensation to juvenile offenders who are victims of criminally injurious conduct. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crime Victims Compensation | Minors--Crimes Against |
SB 1977 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Van de Putte, Leticia
Relating to the ratio of correctional officers to prisoners in a county jail. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS |
SB 2176 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Shapleigh, Eliot
Relating to the timely transfer of inmates from certain county jails to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
SB 2304 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Williams, Tommy Sponsor: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the amount of hazardous duty pay for certain employees of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Salaries & Expenses |
SB 2309 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Relating to certain personnel policies of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to certain related duties of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Not again placed on intent calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement |
SB 2584 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Patrick, Dan
Relating to the reporting of certain felons incarcerated in Texas jails to federal authorities. |
House: Corrections Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Left pending in committee |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS |
SCR 21 |
81-0 (2009) |
Author: Estes, Craig
Urging the Texas congressional delegation to take action to prohibit the use of federal funds to transfer enemy combatants detained at Guantanamo Bay to any facility in Texas or to build or modify facilities for any such enemy combatants in the state. |
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
Referred to Veteran Affairs & Military Instal |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | GUANTANAMO BAY DETENTION FACILITIES | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | Resolutions--Memorializing Congress |
HB 43 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Hodge, Terri | et. al.
Relating to the provision of pay telephone service to inmates confined in facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Utilities--Telecommunications |
HB 44 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Hodge, Terri | et. al. Sponsor: Uresti, Carlos
Relating to the restoration of good conduct time forfeited during a term of imprisonment. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 45 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Hodge, Terri
Relating to the use of tobacco products and cigarettes on property owned, used, or controlled by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Tobacco Products |
HB 46 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Hodge, Terri | et. al.
Relating to the application of laws awarding credit to an inmate for time between release on and subsequent revocation of parole, mandatory supervision, or conditional pardon. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
HB 47 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Hodge, Terri | et. al. Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the provision of educational services to certain inmates imprisoned in the institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 168 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Raymond, Richard
Relating to the efficient use by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice of county jail beds provided by contract between the department and counties. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 198 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to the capacity of certain correctional facilities operated under contracts between the Texas Board of Criminal Justice and a private vendor or county commissioners court. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 199 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to a residential infant care program for mothers confined in Texas Department of Criminal Justice facilities. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Parent & Child |
HB 221 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: King, Phil
Relating to housing prisoners in a tent or other facility in lieu of a county jail. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 281 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to state funding of the Windham School District. |
House: Corrections
Postponed |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Education--School Districts | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT |
HB 282 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the applicability of certain certification requirements to the superintendent of the Windham School District. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | WINDHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT |
HB 315 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Miller, Sid | et. al.
Relating to the career ladder for certain prison industry workers. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | State Employees |
HB 409 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Eissler, Rob
Relating to requiring certain inmates to receive a high school equivalency certificate before their release or as a condition of release on parole or to mandatory supervision. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | GED & HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY EXAMINATIONS |
HB 427 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al.
Relating to the prosecution of certain crimes occurring in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or Texas Youth Commission. |
House: Corrections
Reported favorably as substituted |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Minors--Juvenile Justice | YOUTH COMMISSION |
HB 428 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the authority of the inspector general of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to issue administrative subpoenas for certain communication records. |
House: Corrections Senate: Government Organization
Referred to Government Organization |
HB 429 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to a study of the expenses of health care for certain elderly inmates. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--Medical Assistance |
HB 431 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the release of a defendant convicted of a state jail felony on medically recommended intensive supervision. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL & MENTAL IMPAI | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 432 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of the sale of prison-produced articles or products. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Miscellaneous |
HB 433 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to disclosure by the inspector general of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice of the identifying information of victims of sex offenses who are confined in a facility operated by or under contract with the department. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIME VICTIMS | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE |
HB 435 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the detection and monitoring of a cellular telephone in the possession of or used by an inmate or state jail defendant. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
HB 530 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al. Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the operation and funding of drug court programs. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | DRUG COURTS |
HB 608 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Hodge, Terri
Relating to access to television by inmates confined by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in death row segregation. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | TELEVISION |
HB 728 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Smithee, John
Relating to the use of unsworn declarations and certifications. |
House: Civil Practices
Left pending in committee |
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | OATHS |
HB 763 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to in-prison geriatric communities. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in subcommittee |
| Aging | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 780 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the modification or enforcement of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Family--Child Support |
HB 905 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Zedler, Bill | et. al.
Relating to verifying the immigration status of certain defendants confined in correctional facilities. |
House: State Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS |
HB 927 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat
Relating to a court's jurisdiction to suspend the sentence imposed for a felony and place the defendant on community supervision. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 942 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Allen, Alma
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
House: Elections
Referred to Elections |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Administration | Elections--Early Voting |
HB 1061 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: King, Phil
Relating to confinement in county jail of a defendant awaiting transfer to a community corrections facility or a substance abuse treatment facility. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1068 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to distribution of condoms to inmates and state jail defendants confined in facilities operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| CONDOMS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--AIDS | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 1159 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the testing of certain inmates for HIV or AIDS. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 1276 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Davis, Yvonne | et. al.
Relating to the testing of certain inmates for HIV or AIDS. |
House: Corrections
Laid on the table subject to call |
HB 1354 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to housing conditions for inmates confined in a facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Purchasing--State |
HB 1509 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat
Relating to judicial discretion with respect to presentence evaluations concerning certain sex offenders and to conditions of community supervision based on those evaluations. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | SEXUAL OFFENDERS |
HB 1511 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat
Relating to the punishment for criminal offenses involving secure correctional facility property or committed by persons confined in secure correctional facilities. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 1514 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat
Relating to presentence or postsentence investigations or reports and to certain conditions of community supervision based on those investigations or reports. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1515 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat
Relating to the eligibility of persons convicted of a state jail felony to participate in the state boot camp program. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| BOOT CAMPS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment |
HB 1770 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Noriega, Rick
Relating to housing and medical care for pregnant inmates, or female inmates who have an infant, confined in a facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in subcommittee |
HB 1780 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Harless, Patricia Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the audit of a county jail's commissary operations. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately |
| AUDITS & AUDITORS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Finance | County Government--General |
HB 1875 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Hochberg, Scott | et. al.
Relating to the operation and funding of drug court programs. |
House: Corrections
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | DRUG COURTS | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID |
HB 1888 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat | et. al.
Relating to the provision of pay telephone service to inmates confined in facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Laid on the table subject to call |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | TELEPHONES & TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES | Utilities--Telecommunications |
HB 1944 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the elimination of sexual assault against inmates confined in a facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crime Prevention | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | SEXUAL ASSAULT |
HB 2053 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al.
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee and to the functions of the Board of Pardons and Paroles. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 2100 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat
Relating to medical facilities for inmates released on medically recommended intensive supervision. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 2244 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the ratio of correctional officers to prisoners in a county jail. |
House: Corrections
Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | SHERIFFS |
HB 2304 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Talton, Robert
Relating to taking or attempting to take a weapon from an employee or official of a correctional facility that is operated by a county or municipality. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Weapons |
HB 2356 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to a performance audit by the comptroller of the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee and its health care provider contracts. |
House: Appropriations
Left pending in committee |
| AUDITS & AUDITORS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CORRECTIONAL MANAGED HEALTH CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health Care Providers | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 2389 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to the right of a minor in the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to consent to medical, dental, psychological, and surgical treatment. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | INFORMED CONSENT | Minors--Health & Safety | Minors--Juvenile Justice |
HB 2497 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Gonzalez Toureilles, Yvonne | et. al.
Relating to compensatory time accrued by a correctional officer employed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
HB 2498 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Gonzalez Toureilles, Yvonne | et. al. Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to hazardous duty pay for correctional officers employed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Salaries & Expenses | State Employees |
HB 2499 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Gonzalez Toureilles, Yvonne | et. al.
Relating to a salary career ladder for correctional officers. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Salaries & Expenses |
HB 2526 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al.
Relating to the creation of the Center for Correctional Public Health and Health Promotion. |
House: Corrections
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar |
| CENTER FOR CORRECTIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH & HEALTH PROMOTION | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Higher--Health Institutions | Health--General |
HB 2566 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Carona, John
Relating to a document or instrument filed by an inmate with a court concerning real or personal property. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 |
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | Courts--Personnel | Property Interests--General |
HB 2611 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the eligibility of certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for medically recommended intensive supervision. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL & MENTAL IMPAI | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | SEXUAL OFFENDERS |
HB 2673 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Alonzo, Roberto
Relating to certain personnel policies of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to certain related duties of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS BOARD OF | Criminal Procedure--General | Law Enforcement |
HB 2699 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the creation of special monitors for the Commission on Jail Standards. |
House: Corrections
Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON |
HB 2871 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the creation and administration of the chemical dependency counselor undergraduate and graduate education scholarship program. |
House: Higher Education
Referred to Higher Education |
| Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY COUNSELORS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | SCHOLARSHIPS |
HB 2990 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to use of certain electronic monitoring technology in certain correctional facilities by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Science & Technology |
HB 3010 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Pierson, Paula | et. al.
Relating to an administrative fee for defendants required by a court to perform community service in lieu of serving a term of confinement in county jail. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 3034 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to merit pay for certain qualified professionals employed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or the Texas Youth Commission. |
House: Appropriations
Left pending in committee |
| Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY COUNSELORS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Salaries & Expenses | SOCIAL WORK & SOCIAL WORKERS |
HB 3286 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Giddings, Helen
Relating to offender education facilitation. |
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs |
HB 3304 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Peña, Aaron
Relating to certain correctional facilities that house only federal prisoners. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 3383 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to procedures regarding certain criminal defendants who are or may be persons with mental illness or mental retardation. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Insanity Defense | Mental Health & Mental Retardation |
HB 3636 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the appointment of an attorney to represent an indigent defendant who is in the custody of a correctional facility of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or another related correctional facility. |
House: Corrections
Reported favorably as substituted |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel | INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES |
HB 3637 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the administration of Project RIO (Reintegration of Offenders). |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
HB 3639 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester | et. al.
Relating to an independent office of Inspector General to investigate abuse in facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or the Texas Youth Commission. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | INSPECTOR GENERAL, OFFICE OF | Minors--Juvenile Justice | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | YOUTH COMMISSION |
HB 3653 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Riddle, Debbie
Relating to contracts between the Texas Board of Criminal Justice and private vendors for the use of inmate labor to construct fences along the Texas-Mexico border. |
House: Government Reform
Left pending in committee |
| Aliens | BORDER | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Labor--Workforce Development |
HCR 177 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Deshotel, Joe
Granting Michael "Ricky" Spencer and Mary Walker permission to sue the State of Texas and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Civil Practices
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Resolutions--Suits vs. State | SPENCER, MICHAEL "RICKY" | WALKER, MARY |
HR 2893 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 909. |
Reported enrolled |
SB 185 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Estes, Craig
Relating to authorizing the Texas Board of Criminal Justice to contract with a private vendor for certain correctional facilities. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MEXICO | Purchasing--State |
SB 261 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al. Sponsor: King, Susan
Relating to the detention and transportation of a person with a mental illness. |
House: Human Services Senate: Health & Human Services
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Mental Retardation |
SB 302 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Harris, Chris Sponsor: Pierson, Paula
Relating to an administrative fee for defendants required by a court to perform community service in lieu of serving a term of confinement in county jail. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
SB 453 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney Sponsor: Davis, Yvonne | et. al.
Relating to the testing of certain inmates for HIV or AIDS. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
SB 672 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to distribution of sexual barrier protection devices to inmates and state jail defendants confined in facilities operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
SB 838 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Whitmire, John Sponsor: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the revocation or modification of parole or mandatory supervision. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
SB 839 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Duncan, Robert Sponsor: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the exchange of information among agencies related to the Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments and the agencies responsible for continuity of care for offenders in the criminal justice system who are physically disabled, terminally ill, or significantly ill; providing a criminal penalty. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL & MENTAL IMPAI | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
SB 909 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Whitmire, John Sponsor: Madden, Jerry | et. al.
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee, and to the functions of the Board of Pardons and Paroles. |
House: Corrections Senate: Government Organization
Effective immediately |
SB 946 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. |
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Elections--Administration | Elections--Early Voting |
SB 1175 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Ellis, Rodney | et. al.
Relating to the elimination of sexual assault against inmates confined in a facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Not again placed on intent calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | SEXUAL ASSAULT |
SB 1279 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Van de Putte, Leticia
Relating to procedures occurring after a determination of a defendant's incompetency to stand trial. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--County & Statutory | Criminal Procedure--Insanity Defense | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | MENTAL INCOMPETENCY |
SB 1428 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Duncan, Robert Sponsor: Hochberg, Scott
Relating to the arrest and commitment of certain individuals arrested under a warrant issued because of a violation of the conditions of parole. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons |
SB 1580 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Sponsor: Haggerty, Pat | et. al.
Relating to the provision of pay telephone service to inmates confined in facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | TELEPHONES & TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES | Utilities--Telecommunications |
SB 1763 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the ratio of correctional officers to prisoners in a county jail. |
Senate: Criminal Justice
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | SHERIFFS |
SR 1203 |
80-0 (2007) |
Author: Whitmire, John
Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 909. |
Reported enrolled |
HB 43 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Davis, Yvonne Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to conduct a mandatory human immunodeficiency virus test on certain inmates and state jail felons. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 |
| BLOOD & MEDICAL TESTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--AIDS |
HB 129 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Berman, Leo | et. al. Sponsor: Eltife, Kevin | et. al.
Relating to the authority to require a convicted person to perform manual labor for a nonprofit organization or a cemetery maintained by the county. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Cemeteries | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | PRISON LABOR |
HB 138 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hopson, Chuck
Relating to the amount of hazardous duty pay for certain state employees. |
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Salaries & Expenses | State Employees |
HB 196 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Guillen, Ryan | et. al.
Relating to the introduction or possession of certain items in a jail; creating an offense. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| CONTRABAND | Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 440 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the modification or enforcement of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Senate: Jurisprudence
Placed on intent calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Family--Child Support |
HB 448 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. | et. al.
Relating to in-prison geriatric communities. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in subcommittee |
| Aging | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Health--General |
HB 508 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: McClendon, Ruth
Relating to the authority to require a convicted person to perform manual labor for a nonprofit organization. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | PRISON LABOR |
HB 549 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Phillips, Larry | et. al. Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to prohibiting the introduction of certain items in correctional facilities. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| CONTRABAND | Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 562 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Miller, Sid
Relating to the career ladder for certain prison industry workers. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | State Employees |
HB 574 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat
Relating to the provision of pay telephone service to inmates confined in facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | TELEPHONES & TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES | Utilities--Telecommunications |
HB 575 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat
Relating to the operation of community supervision and corrections departments and to the early release of a defendant from community supervision. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 640 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Bailey, Kevin
Relating to peace officers commissioned and employed to perform duties at correctional facilities. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS |
HB 642 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Bailey, Kevin
Relating to the training required for certain county jailers. |
House: Law Enforcement
Referred to Law Enforcement |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING |
HB 845 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Krusee, Mike
Relating to certain standards applicable to the temporary confinement of certain inmates in holding areas located in county facilities. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | COUNTY COURTHOUSES | Criminal Procedure--General |
HB 858 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Kolkhorst, Lois | et. al. Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the issuance of a marriage license to applicants who are unable to personally appear before the county clerk. |
House: State Affairs Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/05 |
| Aliens | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Family--Marriage Relationship | Military & Veterans |
HB 1093 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to the eligibility of certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for medically recommended intensive supervision. |
House: Corrections
Postponed |
| CORRECTIONAL OFFICE ON OFFENDERS WITH MEDICAL & MENTAL IMPAI | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | SEXUAL OFFENDERS |
HB 1095 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Menendez, Jose Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to the offense of harassment by persons in certain correctional facilities and to creating the offense of harassment of public servant. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 |
| BLOOD & MEDICAL TESTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--General | HARASSMENT | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 1168 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Puente, Robert
Relating to community supervision and corrections departments and to the immunity of certain judges for administrative acts in connection with those departments. |
House: Judiciary
Referred to Judiciary |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--Judges | Criminal Procedure--General | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1290 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Flynn, Dan
Relating to imposing a cost on conviction to reimburse counties for medical expenses incurred by jail inmates. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local |
HB 1326 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hope, Ruben | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to community supervision and corrections departments and to the immunity of certain judges for administrative acts in connection with those departments. |
House: Judiciary Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | Courts--County & Statutory | Courts--Judges |
HB 1365 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Allen, Ray
Relating to the provision of security and communication technology service to inmates and defendants confined in facilities operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Withdrawn from schedule |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | Purchasing--State |
HB 1383 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Jones, Jesse
Relating to a study of the expenses of health care for certain elderly inmates. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--Medical Assistance |
HB 1421 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hodge, Terri
Relating to the restoration of good conduct time forfeited during a term of imprisonment. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 1422 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hodge, Terri
Relating to the use of tobacco products and cigarettes on property owned, used, or controlled by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Tobacco Products |
HB 1423 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hodge, Terri
Relating to the duration of the placement of an inmate in administrative segregation at the institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1424 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hodge, Terri
Relating to certain writs of habeas corpus based solely on a claim of a time-served credit error. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | HABEAS CORPUS |
HB 1470 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hegar, Glenn Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the collection of certain administrative fees by a community supervision and corrections department. |
House: Judiciary Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local |
HB 1492 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to work-related exposure to a reportable disease. |
House: Public Health
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Health Care Providers | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 1495 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey
Relating to certain standards applicable to certain inmates confined in a county jail pending transfer to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | SHERIFFS |
HB 1529 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hodge, Terri
Relating to the provision of educational services to certain inmates imprisoned in the institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1530 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hodge, Terri
Relating to the provision of telephone service to inmates and defendants confined in facilities operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections
Referred to Corrections |
HB 1635 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Allen, Ray
Relating to a residential infant care program for mothers confined in Texas Department of Criminal Justice facilities. |
House: Corrections
Committee report sent to Calendars |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Parent & Child |
HB 1653 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Chisum, Warren
Relating to the approval, certification, and oversight of the private sector prison industries program. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 1681 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: McCall, Brian Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the imposition of sanctions on an inmate who refuses to cooperate in the taking of a sample or specimen to create a DNA record. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Criminal Procedure--Posttrial Procedure | DNA | GOOD CONDUCT TIME |
HB 1707 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Puente, Robert
Relating to county jail population reports. |
House: County Affairs
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 1759 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Keel, Terry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the eligibility for jury-recommended community supervision and to the conditions of community supervision for certain defendants convicted of state jail felonies. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION | Weapons |
HB 1760 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Phillips, Larry
Relating to facilities requirements for county jails. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 1782 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the authority of the inspector general of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to issue administrative subpoenas for certain communication records. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Left pending in committee |
HB 1783 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Swinford, David
Relating to the submission of certain pleas and waivers by closed circuit video teleconferencing. |
House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Finance | Criminal Procedure--General | TELECONFERENCING |
HB 1841 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Raymond, Richard
Relating to the efficient use by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice of county jail beds provided by contract between the department and counties. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF |
HB 1858 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Uresti, Carlos
Relating to the prosecution, treatment, and rehabilitation of certain sex offenders. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT, COUNCIL ON | SEXUAL OFFENDERS |
HB 1896 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Hodge, Terri | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the application of laws awarding credit to an inmate for time between release on and subsequent revocation of parole, mandatory supervision, or conditional pardon. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | MANDATORY & COMMUNITY SUPERVISION |
HB 1918 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Allen, Ray
Relating to the interagency exchange of information regarding certain offenders with special needs. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions |
HB 1928 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Moreno, Joe | et. al. Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by county jailers and detention officers exposed to certain contagious diseases. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/05 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS |
HB 2036 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Allen, Ray Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to the regulation of sex offender treatment providers and the treatment of sex offenders; providing a penalty. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--Privacy/Use of Information | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT, COUNCIL ON | SEXUAL OFFENDERS |
HB 2057 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to distribution of condoms in state prisons and jails. |
House: Corrections
Left pending in committee |
| CONDOMS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Health--AIDS | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions |
HB 2077 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Relating to the prohibition of wireless communications devices in correctional facilities operated by or under contract with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice; providing penalties. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 |
HB 2120 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Allen, Ray | et. al. Sponsor: Lindsay, Jon
Relating to the administration of county government and the exercise of powers at the county level. |
House: County Affairs Senate: Jurisprudence
See remarks for effective date |
| ARREST WARRANTS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | Electronic Information Systems | Law Enforcement | Transportation--Miscellaneous | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration |
HB 2195 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the disclosure of certain confidential health information to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
HB 2196 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the transfer of surplus data processing equipment to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Government Organization
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Electronic Information Systems | SURPLUS PROPERTY |
HB 2197 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Madden, Jerry Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the availability to the public of photographs of an inmate confined by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Open Records |
HB 2198 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to commissary operation in county jails and privately operated detention facilities. |
House: County Affairs
Placed on General State Calendar |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons |
HB 2355 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Raymond, Richard
Relating to the enforcement of a child support order by contempt. |
House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Courts--General | Family--Child Support |
HB 2360 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Allen, Ray
Relating to a pilot project to study the feasibility and effectiveness of contracting for commissary operations in certain correctional facilities. |
House: Corrections
No action taken in committee |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Purchasing--State |
HB 2384 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al. Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the composition of the Advisory Committee to the Texas Board of Criminal Justice on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 |
HB 2550 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Smithee, John
Relating to the use of unsworn declarations and certifications. |
House: Civil Practices
Left pending in committee |
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | OATHS |
HB 2835 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Allen, Ray
Relating to the purchasing and contracting authority of commissaries operated by sheriffs. |
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--General | Law Enforcement | Purchasing--Local | SHERIFFS |
HB 2837 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Allen, Ray Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the state's activities regarding education, vocational training, and reintegration of offenders. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 |
| Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--General | Labor--Workforce Development |
HB 2839 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Allen, Ray Sponsor: Harris, Chris
Relating to the participation of state inmates in the production of certain goods and the provision of certain services. |
House: Corrections Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 |
| Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | PRISON LABOR |
HB 2905 |
79-0 (2005) |
Author: Haggerty, Pat
Relating to the installation of water conservation systems in Texas Department of Criminal Justice facilities. |