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[  Session(s): all  Chamber =  Both  Bill Type = all    Subjects =  Fire Fighters & Police--General ]

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HB 3 88-0 (2023) Author: Burrows, Dustin | et. al.
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert | et. al.
Relating to measures for ensuring public school safety, including the development and implementation of purchases relating to and funding for public school safety and security requirements and the provision of safety-related resources. House: Youth Health & Safety, Select
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/23 | AUDITS & AUDITORS | City Government--Employees/Officers | CONSTABLES | County Government--Employees/Officers | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Junior College Districts | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Governor | GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Minors--Health & Safety | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Purchasing--General | REGIONAL EDUCATION SERVICE CENTERS | Safety | SCHOOL SAFETY & SECURITY, OFFICE OF | SCHOOL SAFETY CENTER, TEXAS | SHERIFFS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Management & Control | Weapons
HB 278 88-0 (2023) Author: Cortez, Philip | et. al. Relating to hiring and licensing certain veterans as peace officers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | Aliens | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Military & Veterans | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions
HB 293 88-0 (2023) Author: Cortez, Philip Relating to waivers for state park entrance fees and hunting and fishing license fees for certain resident first responders. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism Referred to Culture, Recreation & Tourism | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PARKS & WILDLIFE COMMISSION | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Parks & Wildlife--Hunting & Fishing | Parks & Wildlife--Licenses
HB 347 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al. Relating to law enforcement agency policies regarding the placement of a child taken into possession by a peace officer during the arrest of a person. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | Criminal Procedure--General | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 442 88-0 (2023) Author: Schofield, Mike | et. al. Relating to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of and municipal annexation by certain municipalities. House: Land & Resource Management Left pending in committee | City Government--Annexation | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 443 88-0 (2023) Author: Schofield, Mike | et. al. Relating to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of certain municipalities. House: Land & Resource Management Left pending in committee | City Government--Annexation | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 471 88-0 (2023) Author: Patterson, Jared | et. al.
Sponsor: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Relating to the entitlement to and claims for benefits for certain first responders and other employees related to illness and injury. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Tobacco Products
HB 568 88-0 (2023) Author: Bowers, Rhetta | et. al.
Sponsor: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to education and training for peace officers on interacting with persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 | Aging | ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE | COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING
HB 573 88-0 (2023) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña | et. al. Relating to waiving certain driver's license fees for applicants who are first responders. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | MOTOR VEHICLES, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
HB 624 88-0 (2023) Author: Harris, Cody | et. al.
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian | et. al.
Relating to emergency medical transport by fire fighters of certain patients. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/23 | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 669 88-0 (2023) Author: Thierry, Shawn | et. al. Relating to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools providing silent panic alert technology in classrooms. House: Youth Health & Safety, Select Laid on the table subject to call | ALERT SYSTEM | ALYSSA'S LAW | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--School Districts | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety
HB 684 88-0 (2023) Author: Cole, Sheryl Relating to the conspicuous marking of certain police vehicles as police vehicles. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 790 88-0 (2023) Author: Patterson, Jared | et. al. Relating to the processes for and the adjudication and payment of certain claims under the workers' compensation system. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Workers' Compensation | VIDEOCONFERENCING | WORKERS COMPENSATION, COMMISSIONER OF
HB 931 88-0 (2023) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to a peace officer training advisory committee. House: House Administration Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 997 88-0 (2023) Author: Muñoz, Jr., Sergio Relating to the authority of a municipality to prohibit police or fire department employees from circulating or signing certain employment petitions. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1152 88-0 (2023) Author: Vo, Hubert | et. al. Relating to the licensing of certain veterans by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and the hiring of those veterans by political subdivisions. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Received from the House | Aliens | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Military & Veterans | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions
HB 1168 88-0 (2023) Author: Cole, Sheryl | et. al. Relating to a program to provide housing vouchers to emergency medical services personnel in certain counties. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | AFFORDABLE HOUSING CORPORATION, TEXAS STATE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Housing--General
HB 1237 88-0 (2023) Author: VanDeaver, Gary Relating to the salary reclassification of certain positions with the Texas Department of Insurance State Fire Marshal's Office. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | INSURANCE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Salaries & Expenses
HB 1332 88-0 (2023) Author: Herrero, Abel Relating to the exemption of certain firefighters and police officers from jury service. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence | Courts--Juries | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1339 88-0 (2023) Author: Harless, Sam Relating to the eligibility of certain volunteer firefighters and paramedics for unemployment compensation benefits. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Labor--Unemployment | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 1353 88-0 (2023) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to deputy sheriff civil service appeals of certain sheriff's department actions. House: County Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SHERIFFS
HB 1486 88-0 (2023) Author: Gerdes, Stan | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Relating to the adoption of a mental health leave policy for certain telecommunicators. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | TELECOMMUNICATORS
HB 1579 88-0 (2023) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the investigation of municipal fire fighters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1661 88-0 (2023) Author: Burns, DeWayne
Sponsor: King, Phil
Relating to the age limit for a beginning position in a police department under municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1668 88-0 (2023) Author: Jetton, Jacey Relating to counties required to hold an election to approve a reduction or reallocation of funding or resources for certain county law enforcement agencies. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1675 88-0 (2023) Author: Holland, Justin Relating to a border operations training program for peace officers employed by local law enforcement agencies. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Laid on the table subject to call | BORDER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1740 88-0 (2023) Author: Leach, Jeff | et. al.
Sponsor: Hancock, Kelly | et. al.
Relating to the issuance of state parklands passports to and a waiver of certain state park fees for certain veterans, active duty armed forces members, and certain family members of a person who died while serving in the United States armed forces. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Veteran Affairs
Effective on 9/1/23 | CONSTABLES | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Military & Veterans | PARKS & WILDLIFE COMMISSION | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Parks & Wildlife--Parks | SHERIFFS
HB 1807 88-0 (2023) Author: Jones, Jolanda Relating to the offense of failure to comply with an order from a fire marshal and the authority of certain county peace officers to issue citations for certain violations; changing a criminal penalty. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1808 88-0 (2023) Author: Jones, Jolanda Relating to liability insurance obtained by certain peace officers for damages resulting from misconduct committed by those officers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | Insurance--General | Insurance--Public Employees | Law Enforcement
HB 1954 88-0 (2023) Author: Vo, Hubert | et. al. Relating to the licensing of certain veterans by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and the hiring of those veterans by political subdivisions. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Aliens | COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Military & Veterans | Political Subdivisions
HB 1959 88-0 (2023) Author: Noble, Candy | et. al.
Sponsor: King, Phil
Relating to the transfer of certain public school students who are children of peace officers. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | TRANSFER STUDENTS
HB 2009 88-0 (2023) Author: Allison, Steve Relating to measures for school safety in public schools. House: Youth Health & Safety, Select Referred to Youth Health & Safety, Select | 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER | ALERT SYSTEM | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--School Districts | EMAIL & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | Safety
HB 2010 88-0 (2023) Author: Hefner, Cole | et. al. Relating to emergency possession of certain abandoned children by designated emergency infant care providers. House: Human Services Left pending in committee | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Minors--Health & Safety
HB 2034 88-0 (2023) Author: Campos, Liz Relating to certain mental health policies and services for peace officers and fire fighters. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2158 88-0 (2023) Author: Ashby, Trent | et. al.
Sponsor: Springer, Drew
Relating to tuition and fee exemptions for firefighters enrolled in certain courses at public institutions of higher education. House: Higher Education
Senate: Education
Left pending in committee | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Higher--Student Fees | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE
HB 2233 88-0 (2023) Author: Spiller, David | et. al. Relating to required mental health awareness training for first responders. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services | Fire Fighters & Police--General | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE
HB 2311 88-0 (2023) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to peace officer liability for an improper response to a mass casualty event. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2315 88-0 (2023) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to certain presumptions applicable to claims for benefits for certain public safety employees. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | CANCER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Tobacco Products
HB 2316 88-0 (2023) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
HB 2317 88-0 (2023) Author: Canales, Terry Relating to certain presumptions applicable to claims for benefits or compensation by public safety employees. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Tobacco Products
HB 2339 88-0 (2023) Author: Lopez, Janie Relating to the transfer of certain public school students who are children of peace officers. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2455 88-0 (2023) Author: King, Tracy | et. al. Relating to an annual occupational medical examination for fire fighters. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government | BLOOD & MEDICAL TESTS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 2470 88-0 (2023) Author: Kuempel, John Relating to prohibited adverse employment action against certain first responders based on mental illness. House: State Affairs
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--General | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 2486 88-0 (2023) Author: Hefner, Cole Relating to the confidentiality of certain information in a peace officer's or firefighter's personnel file. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information
HB 2496 88-0 (2023) Author: Swanson, Valoree | et. al. Relating to notice provided by certain public water systems regarding a water service interruption in an area served by a fire department that provides fire suppression services. House: Natural Resources Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Utilities--Water & Sewer | Water--General
HB 2566 88-0 (2023) Author: Allison, Steve | et. al. Relating to the number of peace officers required to be employed by a sheriff's department in certain counties. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | SHERIFFS
HB 2649 88-0 (2023) Author: Allison, Steve | et. al. Relating to the retirement system in certain municipalities for firefighters and police officers. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm. | CHECKS | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
HB 2653 88-0 (2023) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to the reporting of lost or stolen firearms; creating a criminal offense. House: Community Safety, Select Referred to Community Safety, Select | Crimes--Against Property | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Weapons
HB 2681 88-0 (2023) Author: Frazier, Frederick | et. al. Relating to the authority of a fire department to remove certain personal property from a roadway or right-of-way. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Referred to Transportation | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Highways | Property Interests--Personal Property
HB 2782 88-0 (2023) Author: Shine, Hugh Relating to the age limit for a beginning position in a fire department under municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2785 88-0 (2023) Author: Holland, Justin Relating to county plat approval requirements related to fire protection for certain residential subdivisions. House: Land & Resource Management Referred to Land & Resource Management | City Government--Annexation | County Government--Land Use & Zoning | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | PLATTING | Safety | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous
HB 2876 88-0 (2023) Author: Cain, Briscoe | et. al.
Sponsor: Alvarado, Carol
Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for industrial firefighters; authorizing a fee. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective on 9/1/23 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LICENSE PLATES | MOTOR VEHICLES, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 2925 88-0 (2023) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to applicability of the civil service system for municipal firefighters and police officers and sheriff's departments. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 2926 88-0 (2023) Author: Turner, Chris | et. al. Relating to certain claims for benefits or compensation by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | COVID-19 | DIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION, TEXAS DEPT. OF INSURANCE | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | Insurance--Health & Accident | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 2927 88-0 (2023) Author: Turner, Chris Relating to quarantine leave for certain public safety employees. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 2957 88-0 (2023) Author: Bumgarner, Ben | et. al. Relating to periodic occupational cancer screenings for firefighters. House: County Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government | CANCER | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Political Subdivisions
HB 3105 88-0 (2023) Author: Ashby, Trent Relating to establishment of the temporary prescribed burn manager self-insurance pool; authorizing a fee. House: Agriculture & Livestock Referred to Agriculture & Livestock | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Insurance--Property & Casualty | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE | TIMBER & TIMBERLAND
HB 3248 88-0 (2023) Author: Anchía, Rafael | et. al. Relating to contributions to, benefits under, and administration of Texas local fire fighters' retirement systems. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Referred to Pensions, Investments & Financial Services | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--County & District | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
HB 3340 88-0 (2023) Author: Metcalf, Will | et. al. Relating to the public retirement systems of certain municipalities. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance | City Government--Employees/Officers | City Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
HB 3416 88-0 (2023) Author: Kuempel, John Relating to the eligibility of certain first responders for workers' compensation benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder under the workers' compensation system. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Education--Higher--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 3465 88-0 (2023) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the qualifications of a county fire marshal in certain counties. House: County Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 3528 88-0 (2023) Author: Campos, Liz | et. al.
Sponsor: Middleton, Mayes
Relating to the establishment of an advisory committee to study suicide prevention and peer support programs in fire departments in this state. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Removed from local & uncontested calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Interim Studies | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | SUICIDE
HB 3849 88-0 (2023) Author: Bell, Cecil | et. al.
Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to the eligibility of certain retired firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical services providers to purchase continued health benefits coverage. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Local Government
Removed from local & uncontested calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Insurance--Health & Accident | Retirement Systems--Municipal | WOODLANDS TOWNSHIP
HB 3960 88-0 (2023) Author: Frazier, Frederick Relating to contracts or agreements entered into by governmental entities involving the enforcement of immigration law or common or contract carriers. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Aliens | Common Carriers | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | IMMIGRATION LAW | Law Enforcement | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 3967 88-0 (2023) Author: Morales, Eddie Relating to accompanying and filming peace officers of the state and local law enforcement agencies for producing a documentary film. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | VIDEOTAPE & FILM
HB 3980 88-0 (2023) Author: Frazier, Frederick | et. al.
Sponsor: Johnson, Nathan
Relating to the business leave time account for a firefighter employee organization in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Effective on 9/1/23 | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3981 88-0 (2023) Author: Paul, Dennis | et. al.
Sponsor: Middleton, Mayes
Relating to the designation of certain fire marshals and related officers, inspectors, and investigators as peace officers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 4034 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Julie | et. al.
Sponsor: Johnson, Nathan
Relating to certain disability and death benefits payable by the public retirement systems for police and fire fighters in certain municipalities. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/23 | City Government--General | DAVID WALTERS ACT | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
HB 4073 88-0 (2023) Author: Lozano, J. M.
Sponsor: Alvarado, Carol
Relating to the renewal of certain expired certificates issued by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection; authorizing a fee. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Effective on 9/1/23 | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 4147 88-0 (2023) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of certain first responders for workers' compensation benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM
HB 4171 88-0 (2023) Author: Campos, Liz | et. al. Relating to county and municipal regulation of automated external defibrillators. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--General | County Government--General | DEFIBRILLATORS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--General | Safety
HB 4227 88-0 (2023) Author: Goldman, Craig
Sponsor: Hancock, Kelly
Relating to the repeal of a municipal civil service system for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Effective on 9/1/23 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 4289 88-0 (2023) Author: Flores, Lulu | et. al. Relating to the establishment of a ketamine treatment grant program for veterans, active-duty military, and first responders. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health | Fire Fighters & Police--General | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--General | MEDICINE & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS | Military & Veterans
HB 4345 88-0 (2023) Author: Dorazio, Mark Relating to the reallocation of funding or resources for certain county law enforcement agencies. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 4496 88-0 (2023) Author: Bailes, Ernest Relating to the authority of a county commissioner to employ and commission a peace officer. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 4533 88-0 (2023) Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey Relating to emergency possession of certain abandoned children by designated emergency infant care providers. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services | City Government--Employees/Officers | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 4653 88-0 (2023) Author: Anchía, Rafael | et. al. Relating to participation in a deferred retirement option plan by members of the retirement systems for police and fire fighters in certain municipalities. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Municipal
HB 4729 88-0 (2023) Author: Tinderholt, Tony Relating to the amounts budgeted by certain political subdivisions for fire protection, law enforcement, or emergency medical services. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Safety
HB 4842 88-0 (2023) Author: Holland, Justin Relating to municipal civil service for fire fighters and police officers. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 4882 88-0 (2023) Author: DeAyala, Mano Relating to a review by a local law enforcement agency of a school district's multihazard emergency operations plan. House: Youth Health & Safety, Select
Senate: Education
Referred to Education | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--School Districts | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | SCHOOL SAFETY CENTER, TEXAS | SHERIFFS
HR 2436 88-0 (2023) Author: Goldman, Craig Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 4227. 3 hr. notice-for consideration | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports
SB 252 88-0 (2023) Author: Alvarado, Carol | et. al.
Sponsor: Guillen, Ryan | et. al.
Relating to the licensing of certain veterans by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and the hiring of those veterans by political subdivisions. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/23 | Aliens | COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Military & Veterans | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions
SB 386 88-0 (2023) Author: Hall, Bob | et. al.
Sponsor: Harless, Sam | et. al.
Relating to the prosecution of a capital murder committed against a peace officer or fireman. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 | Crimes--Capital Punishment | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | RICHARD HOUSTON II ACT | Weapons
SB 443 88-0 (2023) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to education and training for peace officers on interacting with persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Aging | ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE | COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 567 88-0 (2023) Author: Springer, Drew Relating to firefighters enrolled in fire science courses. Senate: Education Committee report printed and distributed | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS
SB 588 88-0 (2023) Author: Hughes, Bryan | et. al. Relating to creating a temporary educator certification for certain military service members and first responders. Senate: Education Not again placed on intent calendar | Education--Higher--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Military & Veterans | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 736 88-0 (2023) Author: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Perez, Mary Ann
Relating to mandatory arbitration for certain municipal fire departments and employee bargaining agents. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION
SB 780 88-0 (2023) Author: Hughes, Bryan | et. al.
Sponsor: Hefner, Cole | et. al.
Relating to emergency possession of certain abandoned children by designated emergency infant care providers. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/23 | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Minors--Health & Safety
SB 799 88-0 (2023) Author: Springer, Drew Relating to benefits for certain first responders and other employees related to illness and injury. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--General | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | SICK LEAVE
SB 815 88-0 (2023) Author: Springer, Drew | et. al. Relating to limitation of certain liability of owners, lessees, and occupants of land in connection with livestock and agricultural land. Senate: State Affairs Co-author authorized | Agriculture | Animals | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | TRESPASS
SB 838 88-0 (2023) Author: Creighton, Brandon | et. al.
Sponsor: Thierry, Shawn | et. al.
Relating to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools providing silent panic alert technology in classrooms. House: Youth Health & Safety, Select
Senate: Education
Effective immediately | ALERT SYSTEM | ALYSSA'S LAW | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--School Districts | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety
SB 909 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Nathan Relating to municipal civil service for fire fighters and police officers. Senate: Local Government Referred to Local Government | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | Law Enforcement
SB 1179 88-0 (2023) Author: Perry, Charles
Sponsor: Herrero, Abel
Relating to sexually violent predators and the prosecution of certain offenses involving prohibited items at correctional or civil commitment facilities; creating a criminal offense. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/23 | CIVIL COMMITMENT | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | Courts--Appellate | Courts--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | MEDICINE & PRESCRIPTION DRUGS | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PHYSICIANS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RESTRAINTS | SEXUAL OFFENDERS | SUPREME COURT | TELEPHONES & TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES | TEXAS CIVIL COMMITMENT OFFICE
SB 1206 88-0 (2023) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to a program to provide housing vouchers to emergency medical services personnel in certain counties. Senate: Local Government Referred to Local Government | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Housing--General
SB 1207 88-0 (2023) Author: Menéndez, José
Sponsor: Allison, Steve | et. al.
Relating to the retirement system in certain municipalities for firefighters and police officers. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/23 | CHECKS | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
SB 1258 88-0 (2023) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to the eligibility of certain retired firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical services providers to purchase continued health benefits coverage. Senate: Local Government Referred to Local Government | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Insurance--Health & Accident | Retirement Systems--Municipal
SB 1304 88-0 (2023) Author: LaMantia, Morgan Relating to county and municipal regulation of automated external defibrillators. Senate: Local Government Referred to Local Government | City Government--General | County Government--General | DEFIBRILLATORS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--General | Safety
SB 1362 88-0 (2023) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to hiring and licensing certain individuals lawfully present in the United States as peace officers. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Aliens | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions
SB 1413 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Nathan | et. al.
Sponsor: Frazier, Frederick | et. al.
Relating to the authority of a fire department to remove certain personal property from a roadway or right-of-way. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Highways | Political Subdivisions | Property Interests--Personal Property
SB 1436 88-0 (2023) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the investigation of municipal fire fighters in certain municipalities. Senate: Local Government Referred to Local Government | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1484 88-0 (2023) Author: Creighton, Brandon
Sponsor: Holland, Justin
Relating to a border operations training program for peace officers employed by local law enforcement agencies. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Border Security
Effective on 9/1/23 | BORDER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1497 88-0 (2023) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to a law enforcement agency training grant program. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crime Prevention | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor | Law Enforcement
SB 1559 88-0 (2023) Author: Parker, Tan Relating to contributions to, benefits under, and administration of Texas local fire fighters' retirement systems. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--County & District | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
SB 1626 88-0 (2023) Author: LaMantia, Morgan Relating to an annual occupational medical examination for fire fighters. Senate: Local Government Left pending in committee | BLOOD & MEDICAL TESTS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 1632 88-0 (2023) Author: Bettencourt, Paul Relating to a review by a local law enforcement agency of a school district's multihazard emergency operations plan. Senate: Education Referred to Education | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | SCHOOL SAFETY CENTER, TEXAS | SHERIFFS
SB 1738 88-0 (2023) Author: Gutierrez, Roland Relating to the automatic suspension and investigation of law enforcement personnel involved in a shooting with a child. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
SB 1776 88-0 (2023) Author: Alvarado, Carol | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of certain first responders for workers' compensation benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Workers' Compensation | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM
SB 1878 88-0 (2023) Author: Middleton, Mayes Relating to the eligibility of a firefighter or emergency medical technician for workers' compensation benefits for infertility. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | Fire Fighters & Police--General | INFERTILITY | Labor--Workers' Compensation | State Employees
SB 1898 88-0 (2023) Author: Birdwell, Brian Relating to emergency medical transport by fire fighters of certain patients. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
SB 2090 88-0 (2023) Author: West, Royce Relating to prohibited adverse employment action against certain first responders based on post-traumatic stress disorder. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | DISCRIMINATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Health & Safety | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 2161 88-0 (2023) Author: King, Phil Relating to the age limit for a beginning position in a police department under municipal civil service. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
SB 2209 88-0 (2023) Author: Hancock, Kelly
Sponsor: Holland, Justin
Relating to provisions governing the municipal civil service of fire fighters or police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 2273 88-0 (2023) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to requiring semiannual school safety meetings in certain counties. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Public Education | CONSTABLES | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Safety | SCHOOL SAFETY CENTER, TEXAS | SHERIFFS
SB 2343 88-0 (2023) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to emergency possession of certain abandoned children by designated emergency infant care providers. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | City Government--Employees/Officers | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
SB 2416 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Nathan | et. al. Relating to certain disability and death benefits payable by the public retirement systems for police and fire fighters in certain municipalities. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
SB 2492 88-0 (2023) Author: Middleton, Mayes Relating to the establishment of an advisory committee to study suicide prevention and peer support programs in fire departments in this state. Senate: Local Government Referred to Local Government | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Interim Studies | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | SUICIDE
SB 2590 88-0 (2023) Author: West, Royce Relating to participation in a deferred retirement option plan by members of the retirement systems for police and fire fighters in certain municipalities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Municipal
SR 692 88-0 (2023) Author: Hancock, Kelly Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 4227. Received by the Secretary of the Senate | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports
HB 69 88-3 (2023) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to waiving certain driver's license fees for applicants who are first responders. Filed | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
HB 142 88-3 (2023) Author: Toth, Steve Relating to requiring the Department of Public Safety to maintain an office in Liberty County. Filed | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LIBERTY COUNTY | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 36 88-3 (2023) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to waiving certain driver's license fees for applicants who are first responders. Filed | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
HB 92 88-4 (2023) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to waiving certain driver's license fees for applicants who are first responders. Filed | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
HB 34 87-0 (2021) Author: Canales, Terry | et. al. Relating to presumptive coverage for first responders that contract COVID-19. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | COVID-19 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
HB 88 87-0 (2021) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, witnesses to the commission of those offenses, and other members of the public, to peace officer liability for those interactions, and to the confinement, conviction, or release of detained or arrested individuals. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | County Government--Employees/Officers | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | GEORGE FLOYD ACT | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY
HB 409 87-0 (2021) Author: Cortez, Philip | et. al. Relating to waivers for entrance fees to state parks and certain hunting and fishing license fees for resident first responders. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs
Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs | Disabilities, Persons with | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PARKS & WILDLIFE COMMISSION | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Parks & Wildlife--Hunting & Fishing | Parks & Wildlife--Licenses
HB 496 87-0 (2021) Author: Wu, Gene Relating to a peace officer's duty to display and provide the officer's name and identification number; creating a criminal offense. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 541 87-0 (2021) Author: Patterson, Jared | et. al. Relating to certain claims for benefits, compensation, or assistance by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. House: Business & Industry
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | COVID-19 | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 637 87-0 (2021) Author: Canales, Terry | et. al. Relating to certain claims for benefits, compensation, or assistance by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health Care Providers | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 638 87-0 (2021) Author: Krause, Matt | et. al. Relating to the authority of certain political subdivisions to adopt a budget that reduces the amount allocated to provide a fire protection, law enforcement, or emergency medical service. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Political Subdivisions | Safety
HB 709 87-0 (2021) Author: King, Phil Relating to employment records of certain persons licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | EMPLOYEE RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 792 87-0 (2021) Author: Burns, DeWayne | et. al.
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to use an alternate work schedule for police dispatchers. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Effective on 9/1/21 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 829 87-0 (2021) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to a progressive disciplinary matrix for police officer misconduct in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Jurisprudence | BILL BLACKWOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF TX | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1051 87-0 (2021) Author: Geren, Charlie Relating to the eligibility of emergency service dispatchers to participate in a public safety employees treatment court program. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | County Government--General | Courts--Administration | Criminal Procedure--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 1087 87-0 (2021) Author: Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara | et. al. Relating to acts for which a firefighter or police officer in certain municipalities may be subject to disciplinary procedures. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1089 87-0 (2021) Author: Reynolds, Ron Relating to the liability of governmental units under the Texas Tort Claims Act. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1216 87-0 (2021) Author: Hinojosa, Gina | et. al. Relating to civil service commission hearings for certain disciplinary actions against police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 1240 87-0 (2021) Author: Coleman, Garnet
Sponsor: Miles, Borris
Relating to the offense of failure to comply with an order from a fire marshal and the authority of certain county employees to issue citations for certain violations; changing a criminal penalty. House: County Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Vetoed by the Governor | County Government--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION
HB 1265 87-0 (2021) Author: Price, Four | et. al. Relating to creating the criminal offense of obstructing or interfering with a first responder or an emergency vehicle. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | EMERGENCY VEHICLES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 1309 87-0 (2021) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to indicators of achievement under the public school accountability system. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | Education--Primary & Secondary--Accountability | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 1326 87-0 (2021) Author: Geren, Charlie Relating to the automatic expunction of arrest records and files for certain public safety employees who successfully complete a public safety employees treatment court program. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Courts--General | Criminal Procedure--General | EXPUNCTION OF RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 1341 87-0 (2021) Author: Leach, Jeff | et. al. Relating to waivers for entrance fees to state parks for resident first responders, military service members, and veterans. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs
Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Military & Veterans | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Parks & Wildlife--Parks
HB 1350 87-0 (2021) Author: Minjarez, Ina | et. al. Relating to the publication of certain information regarding certain disciplinary appeals filed by police officers. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | Electronic Information Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1351 87-0 (2021) Author: Minjarez, Ina Relating to eligibility requirements for arbitrators selected to hear certain disciplinary appeals filed by police officers. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1396 87-0 (2021) Author: White, James | et. al. Relating to law enforcement agencies and policies and procedures affecting peace officers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Postponed | Electronic Information Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | INTERNET | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1440 87-0 (2021) Author: Schaefer, Matt Relating to the availability of personal information of individuals who are honorably retired from certain law enforcement positions. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information
HB 1498 87-0 (2021) Author: Martinez, Armando | et. al. Relating to certain claims for benefits, compensation, or assistance by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health Care Providers | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 1561 87-0 (2021) Author: Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara | et. al. Relating to entrance examinations for applicants for beginning positions in fire and police departments in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1563 87-0 (2021) Author: Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara Relating to the disclosure of information in department files of fire fighters or police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Open Records
HB 1601 87-0 (2021) Author: Allison, Steve | et. al. Relating to a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the appraised value of the residence homesteads of certain peace officers. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HB 1692 87-0 (2021) Author: Tinderholt, Tony Relating to the amounts budgeted by certain political subdivisions for fire protection, law enforcement, or emergency medical services. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Political Subdivisions | Safety
HB 1747 87-0 (2021) Author: Lozano, J. M. | et. al. Relating to a recommendation by the COVID-19 Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel to prioritize first responders in vaccine allocation and distribution. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health | COVID-19 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health Care Providers | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | IMMUNIZATIONS | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1757 87-0 (2021) Author: Krause, Matt | et. al. Relating to recordings of peace officer performance of official duties and interactions with the public; creating a criminal offense. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Jurisprudence | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | VIDEOTAPE & FILM
HB 1819 87-0 (2021) Author: Martinez, Armando | et. al. Relating to the powers of board members of certain emergency services districts. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous
HB 1900 87-0 (2021) Author: Goldman, Craig | et. al.
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Relating to municipalities that adopt budgets that defund municipal police departments. House: State Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/21 | City Government--Annexation | City Government--Finance | City Government--Utilities | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Retirement Systems--Municipal | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1928 87-0 (2021) Author: Wilson, Terry M. Relating to employment information and records regarding certain persons licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | EMPLOYEE RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 1940 87-0 (2021) Author: Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara Relating to the appeal to a civil service commission of a disciplinary suspension of a fire fighter or police officer in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1943 87-0 (2021) Author: Crockett, Jasmine Relating to requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt policies prohibiting a peace officer from discharging a firearm at or in the direction of a moving vehicle; creating a criminal offense. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JORDAN EDWARDS ACT | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Weapons
HB 1973 87-0 (2021) Author: Canales, Terry | et. al. Relating to the investigation of municipal fire fighters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2002 87-0 (2021) Author: Sanford, Scott | et. al. Relating to prohibited adverse employment action against certain first responders based on mental illness. House: State Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--General | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 2008 87-0 (2021) Author: Reynolds, Ron Relating to the suspension of the license of a dishonorably discharged law enforcement officer. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Retirement Systems--Municipal
HB 2047 87-0 (2021) Author: Talarico, James | et. al. Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
HB 2073 87-0 (2021) Author: Burrows, Dustin | et. al.
Sponsor: Springer, Drew | et. al.
Relating to quarantine leave for fire fighters, peace officers, detention officers, and emergency medical technicians employed by, appointed by, or elected for a political subdivision. House: County Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Law Enforcement | SICK LEAVE
HB 2087 87-0 (2021) Author: Perez, Mary Ann | et. al. Relating to mandatory arbitration for certain municipal fire departments and employee bargaining agents. House: Urban Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION
HB 2154 87-0 (2021) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to a peace officer training advisory committee. House: House Administration Referred to House Administration | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 2171 87-0 (2021) Author: Metcalf, Will
Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility of certain retired firefighters and emergency medical services providers to purchase continued health benefits coverage. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Local Government
Effective on 9/1/21 | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Insurance--Health & Accident
HB 2192 87-0 (2021) Author: Lucio III, Eddie Relating to the salary reclassification of certain positions with the Texas Department of Insurance State Fire Marshal's Office. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | INSURANCE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Salaries & Expenses
HB 2242 87-0 (2021) Author: Patterson, Jared | et. al.
Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to illness or injury leave of absence for county and municipal firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical services personnel. House: County Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Scheduled for public hearing on . . . | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SICK LEAVE
HB 2364 87-0 (2021) Author: Schofield, Mike Relating to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of and municipal annexation by certain municipalities. House: Land & Resource Management Referred to Land & Resource Management | City Government--Annexation | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2438 87-0 (2021) Author: Meyer, Morgan Relating to a limitation on property tax rates for municipalities that adopt budgets that defund municipal police departments. House: Ways & Means Postponed | City Government--Finance | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor
HB 2485 87-0 (2021) Author: Herrero, Abel | et. al. Relating to the exemption of certain firefighters and police officers from jury service. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Jurisprudence | Courts--Juries | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2496 87-0 (2021) Author: Buckley, Brad | et. al. Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for certain volunteer firefighters, fire protection personnel, and industrial firefighters. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Referred to Transportation | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | LICENSE PLATES | MOTOR VEHICLES, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 2502 87-0 (2021) Author: Patterson, Jared | et. al. Relating to lifetime income benefits under the workers' compensation system. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 2561 87-0 (2021) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to deputy sheriff civil service appeals of certain sheriff's department actions. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SHERIFFS
HB 2592 87-0 (2021) Author: Moody, Joe Relating to authorizing certain municipalities and counties to enter into interlocal contracts for the provision of law enforcement services. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--General | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 2650 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Jarvis Relating to law enforcement agency policies regarding the placement of a child taken into possession by a peace officer during the arrest of a person. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2773 87-0 (2021) Author: Hinojosa, Gina Relating to the dismissal of the department head of a police department in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2826 87-0 (2021) Author: Bonnen, Greg Relating to access to and review of a person's employment records held by a law enforcement agency. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | EMPLOYEE RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 2832 87-0 (2021) Author: Patterson, Jared | et. al. Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homesteads of certain disabled first responders and their surviving spouses. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HB 2869 87-0 (2021) Author: Longoria, Oscar | et. al. Relating to binding interest arbitration for fire fighters in certain political subdivisions. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--General | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | Political Subdivisions
HB 2895 87-0 (2021) Author: Romero, Ramon Relating to law enforcement policies for peace officer response to certain family violence offenses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Criminal Procedure--General | Family--Family Violence | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Minors--Crimes Against | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2939 87-0 (2021) Author: Muñoz, Jr., Sergio Relating to a certification election to recognize a police officers association as the bargaining agent for certain police officers. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2962 87-0 (2021) Author: Muñoz, Jr., Sergio Relating to municipal authority to prohibit police or fire department employees from signing certain employment petitions. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Elections--Initiative, Referendum & Recall | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3120 87-0 (2021) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of an injured employee for lifetime income benefits under the workers' compensation system. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 3173 87-0 (2021) Author: Lopez, Ray Relating to certain peace officer hiring policies related to applicant credit history. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | CREDIT REPORTS | CREDIT SCORING | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3174 87-0 (2021) Author: Lopez, Ray Relating to certain peace officer hiring policies regarding applicants with a history of marihuana use. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | Crimes--Drugs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | MARIHUANA | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 3259 87-0 (2021) Author: Sanford, Scott Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
HB 3398 87-0 (2021) Author: Shaheen, Matt Relating to the composition of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 3400 87-0 (2021) Author: Paddie, Chris
Sponsor: Hughes, Bryan
Relating to the transfer of certain public school students who are children of peace officers. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Placed on intent calendar | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3461 87-0 (2021) Author: Hinojosa, Gina Relating to the supervision of the chief of police of a private institution of higher education's police department. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | Education--Higher--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3652 87-0 (2021) Author: Slawson, Shelby | et. al. Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain conduct engaged in while participating in a riot and to restitution for property damage resulting from participating in a riot. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3778 87-0 (2021) Author: Holland, Justin | et. al. Relating to a border operations training program for peace officers employed by local law enforcement agencies. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | BORDER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 3816 87-0 (2021) Author: Hunter, Todd Relating to certain claims for benefits, compensation, or assistance by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | COVID-19 | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health Care Providers | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 3841 87-0 (2021) Author: Cole, Sheryl Relating to the adjustment of the voter-approval tax rate of a taxing unit to reflect public spending necessary to correct a deficiency in the first response capacity of a fire or police department of the taxing unit. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Safety | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3935 87-0 (2021) Author: Slawson, Shelby Relating to the distribution of municipal sales and use tax revenue to a municipality that reduces the funding allocated to law enforcement agencies. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Taxation--Sales
HB 4052 87-0 (2021) Author: Jetton, Jacey Relating to voter approval of a county or municipal budget that reduces by a certain percentage the amount allocated to train and compensate individuals who provide a fire protection, law enforcement, or emergency medical service. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement
HB 4301 87-0 (2021) Author: Dean, Jay | et. al. Relating to certain claims for benefits, compensation, or assistance by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 4368 87-0 (2021) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie | et. al.
Sponsor: Buckingham, Dawn
Relating to participation in, contributions to, and the benefits and administration of retirement systems for police officers in certain municipalities. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/21 | City Government--Employees/Officers | City Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Retirement Systems--Municipal
HB 4385 87-0 (2021) Author: Patterson, Jared Relating to medical benefits under the workers' compensation system. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 4438 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Julie Relating to the appeal to a hearing examiner of a promotional bypass or disciplinary action taken against a police officer in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 4463 87-0 (2021) Author: Deshotel, Joe Relating to certain complaints against and training for peace officers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | RACIAL PROFILING
HB 4506 87-0 (2021) Author: Morales Shaw, Penny Relating to the regulation of certain hazardous substances used in firefighting products; providing civil penalties. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--General | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HJR 83 87-0 (2021) Author: Allison, Steve | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the appraised value of the residence homesteads of certain peace officers. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HJR 119 87-0 (2021) Author: Patterson, Jared | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homesteads of certain disabled first responders and their surviving spouses. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
SB 22 87-0 (2021) Author: Springer, Drew | et. al.
Sponsor: Patterson, Jared | et. al.
Relating to certain claims for benefits, compensation, or assistance by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. House: Business & Industry
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | COVID-19 | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 23 87-0 (2021) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Sponsor: Oliverson, Tom | et. al.
Relating to an election to approve a reduction or reallocation of funding or resources for certain county law enforcement agencies. House: State Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 1/1/22 | City Government--Employees/Officers | City Government--Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Finance | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
SB 107 87-0 (2021) Author: Powell, Beverly Relating to certain claims for benefits, compensation, or assistance by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health Care Providers | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 161 87-0 (2021) Author: West, Royce Relating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, witnesses to the commission of those offenses, and other members of the public, to peace officer liability for those interactions, and to the confinement, conviction, or release of detained or arrested individuals. Withdrawn by the Author | City Government--Employees/Officers | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | County Government--Employees/Officers | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | GEORGE FLOYD ACT | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY
SB 333 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Nathan Relating to the disciplinary suspension of police officers in certain municipalities. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement
SB 352 87-0 (2021) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the suspension of the license of a dishonorably discharged law enforcement officer. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence | COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Retirement Systems--Municipal
SB 382 87-0 (2021) Author: Powell, Beverly Relating to indicators of achievement under the public school accountability system. Senate: Education Referred to Education | Education--Primary & Secondary--Accountability | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 451 87-0 (2021) Author: West, Royce Relating to the release of a child taken into possession by a law enforcement officer. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Fire Fighters & Police--General | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety
SB 463 87-0 (2021) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to certain claims for benefits, compensation, or assistance by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 504 87-0 (2021) Author: Miles, Borris
Sponsor: Coleman, Garnet | et. al.
Relating to authority of certain county fire marshals to inspect group homes; authorizing a fee; creating a criminal offense. House: County Affairs
Senate: Local Government
Effective on 9/1/21 | ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | Health--General | Nursing Homes
SB 527 87-0 (2021) Author: Springer, Drew Relating to certain claims for benefits, compensation, or assistance by certain public safety employees and survivors of certain public safety employees. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 658 87-0 (2021) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the offense of failure to comply with an order from a fire marshal and the authority of certain county employees to issue citations for certain violations; changing a criminal penalty. Senate: Local Government Not again placed on intent calendar | County Government--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION
SB 664 87-0 (2021) Author: Powell, Beverly Relating to procedures for peace officers and emergency medical services personnel who respond to calls involving an alleged or suspected act of strangulation. Senate: Criminal Justice Left pending in committee | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 786 87-0 (2021) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to the eligibility of certain retired firefighters and emergency medical services providers to purchase continued health benefits coverage. Senate: Local Government Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Insurance--Health & Accident
SB 837 87-0 (2021) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to hiring and licensing certain veterans as peace officers. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Aliens | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Military & Veterans | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 841 87-0 (2021) Author: Hughes, Bryan
Sponsor: Schaefer, Matt
Relating to the availability of personal information of individuals who are honorably retired from certain law enforcement positions. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information
SB 897 87-0 (2021) Author: Paxton, Angela | et. al. Relating to the composition of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. Senate: Local Government No action taken in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 912 87-0 (2021) Author: Buckingham, Dawn | et. al.
Sponsor: Slawson, Shelby
Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain conduct engaged in while participating in a riot and to restitution for property damage resulting from participating in a riot. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Placed on General State Calendar | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 913 87-0 (2021) Author: Buckingham, Dawn Relating to the ineligibility of certain local governments for certain criminal justice grants as a result of budget reductions affecting local law enforcement agencies. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence | City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
SB 932 87-0 (2021) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to a border operations training program for peace officers employed by local law enforcement agencies. Senate: Veteran Affairs Not again placed on intent calendar | BORDER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 974 87-0 (2021) Author: West, Royce Relating to access to certain law enforcement, corrections, and prosecutorial records under the public information law. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Open Records
SB 1071 87-0 (2021) Author: Hinojosa, Juan | et. al.
Sponsor: Anchía, Rafael
Relating to disability retirement benefits for certain peace officers under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/21 | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Retirement Systems--State Employees
SB 1324 87-0 (2021) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the investigation of municipal fire fighters. Senate: Local Government Referred to Local Government | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1359 87-0 (2021) Author: Hughes, Bryan | et. al.
Sponsor: White, James
Relating to adoption by law enforcement agencies of a mental health leave policy for peace officers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/21 | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1401 87-0 (2021) Author: Springer, Drew Relating to quarantine leave for fire fighters, peace officers, and emergency medical technicians employed by, appointed by, or elected for a political subdivision. Senate: Local Government Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Law Enforcement | SICK LEAVE
SB 1405 87-0 (2021) Author: Buckingham, Dawn Relating to the prohibition of certain police force reductions in certain populous municipalities. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1406 87-0 (2021) Author: Buckingham, Dawn Relating to police cadet training in certain municipalities. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1450 87-0 (2021) Author: Birdwell, Brian | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of an injured employee for lifetime income benefits under the workers' compensation system. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation
SB 1660 87-0 (2021) Author: Bettencourt, Paul Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Education--School Districts | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | State Employees
SB 1805 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Nathan Relating to municipal civil service for fire fighters and police officers. Senate: Local Government Referred to Local Government | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | Law Enforcement
SB 1811 87-0 (2021) Author: Springer, Drew Relating to Firefighters Enrolled in Fire Science Courses Senate: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS
SB 1848 87-0 (2021) Author: Powell, Beverly Relating to law enforcement policies for peace officer response to certain family violence offenses. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | Family--Family Violence | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Minors--Crimes Against | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 2073 87-0 (2021) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to the regulation of certain hazardous substances used in firefighting products; providing civil penalties. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--General | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 11 87-1 (2021) Author: Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara Relating to the appeal to a civil service commission of a disciplinary suspension of a fire fighter or police officer in certain municipalities. Filed | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | Law Enforcement
HB 12 87-1 (2021) Author: Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara Relating to acts for which a firefighter or police officer in certain municipalities may be subject to disciplinary procedures. Filed | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 255 87-1 (2021) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to waivers for entrance fees to state parks for resident first responders, military service members, and veterans. Filed | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Military & Veterans | PARKS & WILDLIFE COMMISSION | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Parks & Wildlife--Parks
HB 263 87-1 (2021) Author: Gervin-Hawkins, Barbara Relating to entrance examinations for applicants for beginning positions in fire and police departments in certain municipalities. Filed | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
SB 21 87-1 (2021) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to a border operations training program for peace officers employed by local law enforcement agencies. Filed | BORDER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 180 87-2 (2021) Author: White, James | et. al. Relating to a grant program to provide grants to law enforcement agencies to equip certain motor vehicles with bullet-resistant windshields. Filed | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | State Finances--Management & Control | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 222 87-2 (2021) Author: Holland, Justin | et. al. Relating to a border operations training program for peace officers employed by local law enforcement agencies. Filed | BORDER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 226 87-2 (2021) Author: Jetton, Jacey | et. al. Relating to education benefits at public institutions of higher education for certain survivors of public servants. Filed | CALEB RULE'S LAW | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 85 87-3 (2021) Author: White, James | et. al. Relating to a grant program to provide grants to law enforcement agencies to equip certain motor vehicles with bullet-resistant windshields. Filed | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | State Finances--Management & Control | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 133 87-3 (2021) Author: Jetton, Jacey
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Relating to education benefits at public institutions of higher education for certain survivors of public servants. House: Higher Education
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | CALEB RULE'S LAW | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
SB 46 87-3 (2021) Author: Huffman, Joan Relating to education benefits at public institutions of higher education for certain survivors of public servants. Filed | CALEB RULE'S LAW | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 319 86-0 (2019) Author: King, Ken Relating to the creation of a grant program to assist fire departments and volunteer fire departments with the purchase of certain equipment and machines. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | Financial--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 354 86-0 (2019) Author: Herrero, Abel | et. al. Relating to exemption of certain firefighters and police officers from jury service. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | Courts--Juries | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 359 86-0 (2019) Author: Moody, Joe | et. al. Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
HB 381 86-0 (2019) Author: Holland, Justin | et. al.
Sponsor: Paxton, Angela | et. al.
Relating to eligibility for the Texas Peace Officers' Memorial Monument. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PEACE OFFICERS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 534 86-0 (2019) Author: Geren, Charlie Relating to the eligibility of emergency service dispatchers to participate in a public safety employees treatment court program. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--General | Courts--Administration | Criminal Procedure--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 611 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James Relating to the acceptance of certain voters at a polling place. House: Elections Referred to Elections | Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 647 86-0 (2019) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the disciplinary actions that may be taken against police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | BILL BLACKWOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF TX | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement
HB 655 86-0 (2019) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to a peace officer training advisory committee. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 695 86-0 (2019) Author: Clardy, Travis
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective on 9/1/19 | City Government--Roads | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Vehicles & Traffic--General | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 766 86-0 (2019) Author: Huberty, Dan | et. al.
Sponsor: Watson, Kirk | et. al.
Relating to exemptions for disabled peace officers and fire fighters from payment of tuition and fees at public institutions of higher education. House: Higher Education
Senate: Higher Education
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1064 86-0 (2019) Author: Ashby, Trent | et. al.
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian | et. al.
Relating to designating May 4 as Texas Firefighters Day. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Administration
Effective on 9/1/19 | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Holidays | TEXAS FIREFIGHTERS DAY
HB 1091 86-0 (2019) Author: Vo, Hubert | et. al. Relating to hiring and licensing certain veterans as peace officers. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | Aliens | COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Military & Veterans | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions
HB 1115 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James Relating to law enforcement agency policies regarding the placement of a child taken into possession by a peace officer during a person's arrest and placement information provided to the person. House: Corrections Committee report sent to Calendars | Criminal Procedure--General | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Family--Child Protection | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | SHERIFFS
HB 1383 86-0 (2019) Author: Lozano, J. M. Relating to exemption of certain firefighters and police officers from jury service. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Courts--Juries | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1492 86-0 (2019) Author: Wray, John | et. al. Relating to benefits for peace officers who suffer from certain diseases or illnesses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1530 86-0 (2019) Author: Paddie, Chris Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas, the conditional transfer of the driver licensing program to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, the abolition of the Texas Private Security Board, the transfer of the motorcycle and off-highway vehicle operator training programs to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, and the regulation of other programs administered by the Department of Public Safety; imposing an administrative penalty; authorizing and repealing the authorization for fees. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, STATE OFFICE OF | BORDER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MOTOR VEHICLES, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | MOTORCYCLE SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD | MOTORCYCLES | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES | PRIVATE SECURITY BOARD, TEXAS | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RECREATIONAL & ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Sunset--Commission Bills | TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE | TEXAS A&M TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE | TEXAS PRIVATE SECURITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
HB 1861 86-0 (2019) Author: Martinez, Armando | et. al. Relating to the criteria to determine compensation and conditions of employment of firefighters and police officers of certain political subdivisions. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Political Subdivisions
HB 1895 86-0 (2019) Author: Nevárez, Poncho | et. al. Relating to the investigation of municipal fire fighters. House: Urban Affairs Postponed | City Government--Employees/Officers | Family--Family Violence | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1926 86-0 (2019) Author: Herrero, Abel Relating to claims for financial assistance for survivors of certain public employees killed in the line of duty. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Referred to Pensions, Investments & Financial Services | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Fire Fighters & Police--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 2090 86-0 (2019) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to deputy sheriff civil service appeals of certain sheriff's department actions. House: County Affairs Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm. | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 2446 86-0 (2019) Author: Swanson, Valoree | et. al.
Sponsor: Fallon, Pat
Relating to the availability of certain information regarding firefighters, volunteer firefighters, emergency medical services personnel, and fire safety inspectors and the certification and training for fire safety inspectors. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information
HB 2741 86-0 (2019) Author: Minjarez, Ina
Sponsor: Alvarado, Carol
Relating to the application of the fire code to and the inspection of buildings owned or leased by counties; authorizing a fee. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Left pending in committee | County Government--Land Use & Zoning | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety
HB 2895 86-0 (2019) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to collective bargaining and conditions of employment for fire fighters and police officers in certain political subdivisions. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION
HB 3070 86-0 (2019) Author: King, Ken | et. al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to grants for emergency assistance under the rural volunteer fire department assistance program. House: Agriculture & Livestock
Senate: Water & Rural Affairs
Effective on 9/1/19 | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | RURAL | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE
HB 3293 86-0 (2019) Author: Johnson, Julie | et. al. Relating to the business leave time account for a firefighter employee organization in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3380 86-0 (2019) Author: Johnson, Jarvis Relating to the inclusion of certain public safety facilities in a tax increment financing reinvestment zone and the making of improvements to public safety infrastructure in a zone. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Economic & Industrial Development--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | REINVESTMENT ZONES | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous
HB 3464 86-0 (2019) Author: Hinojosa, Gina Relating to civil service commission hearings for certain disciplinary actions against police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 3635 86-0 (2019) Author: Turner, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Hughes, Bryan
Relating to financial assistance paid to the survivors of certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other public employees killed in the line of duty. House: Appropriations
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/19 | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 3676 86-0 (2019) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of an injured employee for lifetime income benefits under the workers' compensation system. House: Business & Industry Committee report sent to Calendars | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 3811 86-0 (2019) Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey Relating to the enforcement by certain local governmental entities and campus police departments of state and federal laws governing immigration. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | IMMIGRATION LAW | Law Enforcement
HB 3837 86-0 (2019) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to the offense of failure to comply with an order from a fire marshal and the authority of certain county employees to issue citations for certain violations; changing a criminal penalty. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL
HB 3859 86-0 (2019) Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al. Relating to mental health assessment programs for certain municipal police and fire departments. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 3894 86-0 (2019) Author: Muñoz, Jr., Sergio Relating to sheriff's department civil service systems in certain counties; creating criminal offenses. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--Employees/Officers | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 3996 86-0 (2019) Author: Burrows, Dustin | et. al. Relating to liability of certain political subdivisions in certain workers' compensation actions. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee | CANCER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Political Subdivisions
HB 4367 86-0 (2019) Author: Holland, Justin | et. al. Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homesteads of certain disabled first responders and their surviving spouses. House: Ways & Means Committee report sent to Calendars | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HJR 139 86-0 (2019) Author: Holland, Justin | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homesteads of certain disabled first responders and their surviving spouses. House: Ways & Means Committee report sent to Calendars | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
SB 129 86-0 (2019) Author: Hinojosa, Juan | et. al.
Sponsor: Guerra, R. D. "Bobby"
Relating to eligibility for the exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of certain first responders. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Property Tax
Committee report sent to Calendars | BORDER PATROL AGENTS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
SB 334 86-0 (2019) Author: West, Royce Relating to law enforcement agency policies regarding the placement of a child taken into possession by a peace officer during the arrest of a person. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--General | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Minors--Health & Safety | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 356 86-0 (2019) Author: Nichols, Robert Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities. Senate: Transportation Committee report printed and distributed | City Government--Roads | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Vehicles & Traffic--General | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
SB 433 86-0 (2019) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the disclosure restrictions on personnel files of police officers of municipalities that have adopted certain civil service laws. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | City Government--Employees/Officers | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Open Records
SB 586 86-0 (2019) Author: Watson, Kirk | et. al.
Sponsor: Neave, Victoria
Relating to the training of peace officers for family violence and sexual assault assignments. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/19 | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Family--Family Violence | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | SEXUAL ASSAULT
SB 616 86-0 (2019) Author: Birdwell, Brian | et. al.
Sponsor: Paddie, Chris
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas, the conditional transfer of the driver licensing program to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, the abolition of the Texas Private Security Board, the transfer of the motorcycle and off-highway vehicle operator training programs to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, and the regulation of other programs administered by the Department of Public Safety; imposing an administrative penalty; authorizing and repealing the authorization for fees. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Border Security
SB 681 86-0 (2019) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to the criteria to determine compensation and conditions of employment of firefighters and police officers of certain political subdivisions. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Political Subdivisions
SB 797 86-0 (2019) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to collective bargaining and conditions of employment for fire fighters and police officers in certain political subdivisions. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION
SB 1218 86-0 (2019) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to hiring and licensing certain veterans as peace officers. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Aliens | COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Military & Veterans | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions
SB 1298 86-0 (2019) Author: Powell, Beverly Relating to the acceptance of certain voters at a polling place. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
SB 1396 86-0 (2019) Author: Flores, Peter Relating to claims for financial assistance for survivors of certain public employees killed in the line of duty. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Fire Fighters & Police--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 1582 86-0 (2019) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Sponsor: Wray, John | et. al.
Relating to benefits for peace officers relating to certain diseases or illnesses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/19 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1670 86-0 (2019) Author: Taylor, Larry Relating to the confidentiality of certain information concerning a firefighter or peace officer applicant. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Open Records | PEACE OFFICERS | Protection of Personal Information
SB 1745 86-0 (2019) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to complaints filed against certain law enforcement officers, peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, and fire fighters. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 2127 86-0 (2019) Author: Creighton, Brandon | et. al. Relating to a border operations training program for peace officers employed by local law enforcement agencies. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Border Security
Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | BORDER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | VOLUNTEERS
SB 2181 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of an injured employee for lifetime income benefits under the workers' compensation system. Senate: Business & Commerce Co-author authorized | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation
SB 2328 86-0 (2019) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to the confidentiality and disclosure of certain information relating to emergency management and governmental functions. Senate: Water & Rural Affairs Referred to Water & Rural Affairs | ALERT SYSTEM | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Open Records
SB 2551 86-0 (2019) Author: Hinojosa, Juan | et. al.
Sponsor: Burrows, Dustin | et. al.
Relating to liability, payment, and benefits for certain workers' compensation claims. House: State Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective immediately | CANCER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Political Subdivisions | WORKERS' COMPENSATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
HB 56 85-0 (2017) Author: Flynn, Dan | et. al. Relating to the carrying of a handgun by a first responder engaged in the actual discharge of the first responder's duties. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Considered in Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Weapons
HB 134 85-0 (2017) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to a peace officer training advisory committee. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 357 85-0 (2017) Author: Huberty, Dan | et. al.
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Relating to the eligibility of the children of certain first responders for free prekindergarten programs in public schools. House: Public Education
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | PRESCHOOL & PREKINDERGARTEN
HB 364 85-0 (2017) Author: Huberty, Dan | et. al. Relating to exemptions for disabled peace officers and fire fighters from payment of tuition and fees at public institutions of higher education. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | City Government--Employees/Officers | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 429 85-0 (2017) Author: Villalba, Jason | et. al. Relating to increasing the punishment for an offense committed against a person because of the person's status as a peace officer, a firefighter, or emergency medical services personnel. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 473 85-0 (2017) Author: Moody, Joe | et. al. Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
HB 510 85-0 (2017) Author: Davis, Sarah | et. al. Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Education--School Districts | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | State Employees
HB 570 85-0 (2017) Author: Button, Angie | et. al. Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HB 590 85-0 (2017) Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Sponsor: Huffines, Don
Relating to the liability of first responders who provide roadside assistance. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/17 | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement
HB 919 85-0 (2017) Author: Kacal, Kyle | et. al.
Sponsor: Schwertner, Charles
Relating to workers' compensation insurance coverage for certain intrastate fire mutual aid system team members and regional incident management team members. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/17 | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation | RISK MANAGEMENT, STATE OFFICE OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM
HB 920 85-0 (2017) Author: Kacal, Kyle | et. al.
Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to the operation of all-terrain vehicles and recreational off-highway vehicles. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Transportation
Effective on 9/1/17 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | RECREATIONAL & ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES | Vehicles & Traffic--General | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 982 85-0 (2017) Author: Wray, John Relating to the carrying of a handgun by a first responder engaged in the actual discharge of the first responder's duties. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Weapons
HB 1009 85-0 (2017) Author: Alonzo, Roberto | et. al.
Sponsor: Taylor, Van
Relating to the regulation of firefighters and fire departments by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Corrected comm. report printed & distributed | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 1226 85-0 (2017) Author: Herrero, Abel | et. al. Relating to exemption of certain firefighters and police officers from jury service. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Placed on General State Calendar | Courts--Juries | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1337 85-0 (2017) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the carrying or storage of a handgun by a firefighter at the fire station to which the firefighter is assigned. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Weapons
HB 1355 85-0 (2017) Author: Wray, John
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective on 9/1/17 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Vehicles & Traffic--General | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 1570 85-0 (2017) Author: Burns, DeWayne
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective on 9/1/17 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Highways | Law Enforcement | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 1588 85-0 (2017) Author: Lozano, J. M. Relating to exemption of certain firefighters and police officers from jury service. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence | Courts--Juries | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1654 85-0 (2017) Author: Oliverson, Tom | et. al. Relating to the offense of failure to comply with an order from a fire marshal and the authority of certain county employees to issue citations for certain violations. House: County Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION
HB 1794 85-0 (2017) Author: Bell, Cecil | et. al.
Sponsor: Kolkhorst, Lois
Relating to the establishment of the Work Group on Mental Health Access for First Responders. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/17 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--General | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 1919 85-0 (2017) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to increasing the punishment for an offense committed against a person because of bias or prejudice on the basis of service as a peace officer, a firefighter, or emergency medical services personnel and to the confidentiality of personal information regarding certain persons who provide that service. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | DISCRIMINATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS | Protection of Personal Information
HB 1922 85-0 (2017) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie | et. al. Relating to certain claims for benefits or compensation by survivors of fire fighters. House: Pensions Placed on General State Calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
HB 1958 85-0 (2017) Author: Springer, Drew Relating to the licensure or certification of volunteer firefighters and members of industrial emergency response teams. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Left pending in committee | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DIVISION OF THE DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE | VOLUNTEERS
HB 1983 85-0 (2017) Author: Wray, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the eligibility of a first responder for workers' compensation benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/17 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
HB 2037 85-0 (2017) Author: Button, Angie Relating to the promotional system used in certain municipal civil service fire departments. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 2044 85-0 (2017) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to matters concerning peace officers, including racial profiling, use of force, equipment, and disciplinary procedures. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | BILL BLACKWOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF TX | CONTRABAND | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | RACIAL PROFILING | VIDEO CAMERAS
HB 2082 85-0 (2017) Author: Burrows, Dustin | et. al.
Sponsor: Perry, Charles
Relating to the designation of a liaison to assist first responders with workers' compensation claims. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/17 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 2226 85-0 (2017) Author: Lang, Mike Relating to complaints filed against certain law enforcement officers, peace officers, detention officers, and county jailers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | City Government--Employees/Officers | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2351 85-0 (2017) Author: Nevárez, Poncho | et. al.
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the investigation of fire fighters employed by certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Removed from local & uncontested calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2524 85-0 (2017) Author: Fallon, Pat | et. al. Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. House: Ways & Means Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HB 2672 85-0 (2017) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to the relationship between public employers and fire and police employees. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | Political Subdivisions
HB 2685 85-0 (2017) Author: Martinez, Armando | et. al. Relating to conditions of employment for fire protection personnel of emergency service districts; creating criminal offenses. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 2814 85-0 (2017) Author: Oliverson, Tom Relating to the installation and inspection of fire sprinkler protection systems; authorizing fees. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | City Government--Land Use & Zoning | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Housing--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Property Interests--Real Property | Safety
HB 2820 85-0 (2017) Author: Pickett, Joseph | et. al. Relating to establishing the Texas Peace Officers' Memorial Ceremony Committee to recognize and honor peace officers who were killed in the line of duty. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 3015 85-0 (2017) Author: King, Tracy | et. al. Relating to vacation leave time accounts for firefighter employee organizations. House: Urban Affairs Received from the House | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3033 85-0 (2017) Author: Blanco, César Relating to hiring and licensing certain veterans as peace officers. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Left pending in committee | Aliens | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Military & Veterans | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions
HB 3090 85-0 (2017) Author: Cyrier, John Relating to the enforcement of laws prohibiting outdoor burning of waste and combustible material. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | BURNING & INCINERATORS | Environment--Air | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3158 85-0 (2017) Author: Flynn, Dan | et. al.
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the retirement systems for and the provision of other benefits to police and fire fighters in certain municipalities. House: Pensions
Senate: State Affairs
See remarks for effective date | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Municipal | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters | STATE PENSION REVIEW BOARD
HB 3193 85-0 (2017) Author: Alvarado, Carol | et. al.
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the relationship between public employers and fire and police employees. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Placed on intent calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Wages | Political Subdivisions
HB 3223 85-0 (2017) Author: Goldman, Craig | et. al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to liability for the sale or transfer of law enforcement vehicles before removal of certain equipment and insignia; providing civil penalties. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/17 | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 3264 85-0 (2017) Author: Anderson, Rodney Relating to ad valorem tax benefits for certain current and former first responders and their families. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HB 3391 85-0 (2017) Author: Geren, Charlie
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the creation of a specialty court for certain public safety employees who commit a criminal offense; imposing fees for participation and testing, counseling, and treatment. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/17 | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--General | Courts--Administration | Criminal Procedure--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3454 85-0 (2017) Author: Wilson, Terry M. Relating to increasing the punishment for certain offenses committed against a federal law enforcement officer or emergency services personnel. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement
HB 3713 85-0 (2017) Author: Sheffield, J. D. Relating to longevity pay for members of fire and police departments in certain counties. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Salaries & Expenses
HB 3824 85-0 (2017) Author: Rose, Toni | et. al. Relating to the duties and powers of peace officers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3957 85-0 (2017) Author: Stickland, Jonathan Relating to reimbursement of costs incurred by political subdivisions for emergency services provided on toll projects operated by private entities. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Highways | Political Subdivisions | TOLL ROADS & TOLL BRIDGES
HJR 86 85-0 (2017) Author: Button, Angie | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HJR 88 85-0 (2017) Author: Fallon, Pat Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. House: Ways & Means Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HJR 102 85-0 (2017) Author: Anderson, Rodney Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide ad valorem tax benefits to certain current and former first responders and their families. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
SB 13 85-0 (2017) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al. Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Education--School Districts | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | State Employees
SB 15 85-0 (2017) Author: Huffines, Don | et. al.
Sponsor: Fallon, Pat | et. al.
Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
SB 273 85-0 (2017) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to inclusion of instruction regarding police officers in the required curriculum for ninth grade public school students. Senate: Education Referred to Education | EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Curriculum | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
SB 483 85-0 (2017) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the retention of and the required disclosure under the public information law of certain complaints alleging official oppression. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | City Government--Employees/Officers | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Open Records | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 580 85-0 (2017) Author: Estes, Craig Relating to the licensure or certification of volunteer firefighters and members of industrial emergency response teams. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development No action taken in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | VOLUNTEERS
SB 783 85-0 (2017) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the disclosure restrictions on personnel files of police officers of municipalities that have adopted certain civil service laws. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | City Government--Employees/Officers | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Open Records | Protection of Personal Information
SB 899 85-0 (2017) Author: Huffman, Joan Relating to increasing the punishment for an offense committed against a person because of the person's status as a peace officer, a firefighter, or emergency medical services personnel. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | DISCRIMINATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1036 85-0 (2017) Author: Perry, Charles Relating to the designation of a liaison to assist first responders with workers' compensation claims. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Workers' Compensation
SB 1069 85-0 (2017) Author: Hughes, Bryan Relating to certain claims for benefits or compensation by survivors of fire fighters. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
SB 1117 85-0 (2017) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to the offense of failure to comply with an order from a fire marshal. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to County Affairs | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION
SB 1184 85-0 (2017) Author: Hughes, Bryan Relating to financial assistance paid to the survivors of certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other public employees killed in the line of duty. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 1186 85-0 (2017) Author: West, Royce Relating to requirements for mental health assignment certification for municipal police departments and sheriff's departments. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1722 85-0 (2017) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to the eligibility of a firefighter or a peace officer for workers' compensation benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Mental Health & Substance Abuse
SB 1793 85-0 (2017) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to complaints filed against certain law enforcement officers, peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, and fire fighters. Senate: Criminal Justice Not again placed on intent calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1961 85-0 (2017) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the relationship between public employers and fire and police employees. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Wages | Political Subdivisions
SB 1975 85-0 (2017) Author: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Pickett, Joseph
Relating to establishing the Texas Peace Officers' Memorial Ceremony Committee to recognize and honor peace officers who were killed in the line of duty. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SJR 1 85-0 (2017) Author: Campbell, Donna | et. al.
Sponsor: Fallon, Pat | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Filed with the Secretary of State | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HB 156 85-1 (2017) Author: Isaac, Jason | et. al. Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | State Employees
HB 179 85-1 (2017) Author: Roberts, Kevin | et. al. Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homesteads of certain disabled first responders and their surviving spouses. House: Ways & Means Received from the House | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HJR 30 85-1 (2017) Author: Roberts, Kevin | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homesteads of certain disabled first responders and their surviving spouses. House: Ways & Means Received from the House | Disabilities, Persons with | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
SB 7 85-1 (2017) Author: Hughes, Bryan | et. al. Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. Senate: Business & Commerce Received from the Senate | City Government--Employees/Officers | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | State Employees
SB 94 85-1 (2017) Author: Hughes, Bryan Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. Senate: Business & Commerce Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | State Employees
HB 50 84-0 (2015) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to certain diseases or illnesses suffered by firefighters and emergency medical technicians. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
HB 60 84-0 (2015) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to firefighters and emergency medical technicians who bring certain claims for benefits or compensation. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
HB 72 84-0 (2015) Author: Goldman, Craig | et. al. Relating to a prohibition on the sale or transfer of certain law enforcement vehicles before removal of certain equipment and insignia. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 103 84-0 (2015) Author: Guillen, Ryan | et. al. Relating to the authority of certain volunteer firefighter and emergency services organizations to hold tax-free sales or auctions. House: Ways & Means Laid on the table subject to call | AUCTIONS & AUCTIONEERS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Safety | Taxation--Sales
HB 105 84-0 (2015) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to the authority of certain volunteer firefighter and emergency services organizations to hold tax-free sales or auctions. Filed | AUCTIONS & AUCTIONEERS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Safety | Taxation--Sales
HB 237 84-0 (2015) Author: Springer, Drew | et. al. Relating to the licensure or certification of volunteer firefighters and members of industrial emergency response teams. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 270 84-0 (2015) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the retention of and the required disclosure under the public information law of certain complaints alleging official oppression. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Open Records | Political Subdivisions
HB 368 84-0 (2015) Author: Villalba, Jason Relating to the duties of a peace officer investigating a family violence allegation or responding to a disturbance call that may involve family violence and the admissibility of certain evidence obtained during that investigation or response. House: Emerging Issues In Texas Law Enforcement, Select Withdrawn from schedule | EVIDENCE | Family--Family Violence | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 417 84-0 (2015) Author: Pickett, Joseph Relating to information regarding the storage of certain hazardous chemicals; providing penalties. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | Environment--General | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 674 84-0 (2015) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to permitting a residency requirement for police officers in certain municipalities. House: Emerging Issues In Texas Law Enforcement, Select Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS
HB 684 84-0 (2015) Author: Sheets, Kenneth
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the authority of a county to adopt a fire code. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Left pending in committee | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety
HB 734 84-0 (2015) Author: Israel, Celia | et. al. Relating to the designation of a portion of Farm-to-Market Road 685 in Travis County as the Deputy Jessica Hollis Memorial Highway. House: Transportation Laid on the table subject to call | DEPUTY JESSICA HOLLIS BOULEVARD | DEPUTY JESSICA HOLLIS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Highways | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | TRAVIS COUNTY
HB 872 84-0 (2015) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the reactivation of a peace officer license; authorizing fees. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 924 84-0 (2015) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to the authority of a county to adopt a fire code. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety
HB 942 84-0 (2015) Author: Kacal, Kyle | et. al.
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the storage of certain hazardous chemicals; transferring enforcement of certain reporting requirements, including the imposition of criminal, civil, and administrative penalties, from the Department of State Health Services to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty; reenacting a criminal offense. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
See remarks for effective date | Environment--General | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1090 84-0 (2015) Author: Herrero, Abel Relating to exemption of certain firefighters and police officers from jury service. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Courts--Juries | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1147 84-0 (2015) Author: Kacal, Kyle | et. al. Relating to the operation of all-terrain vehicles and recreational off-highway vehicles. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Transportation
Referred to Transportation | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | RECREATIONAL & ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES | Vehicles & Traffic--General | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 1243 84-0 (2015) Author: Fletcher, Allen | et. al. Relating to the reinstatement of a firefighter or police officer following a decision rendered by the Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission or an independent third party hearing examiner. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 1278 84-0 (2015) Author: Hughes, Bryan | et. al.
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to financial assistance paid to the survivors of certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other public employees killed in the line of duty. House: Pensions
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/15 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 1381 84-0 (2015) Author: Moody, Joe Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
HB 1388 84-0 (2015) Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to certain diseases or illnesses suffered by firefighters and emergency medical technicians. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
HB 1417 84-0 (2015) Author: Elkins, Gary
Sponsor: Creighton, Brandon | et. al.
Relating to peace officer identification cards. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1708 84-0 (2015) Author: Stephenson, Phil Relating to tuition and fee exemptions for certain students enrolled in fire science courses at public institutions of higher education. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Higher--Student Fees | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1749 84-0 (2015) Author: Elkins, Gary Relating to the organization of public employees. House: Business & Industry Referred to Business & Industry | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | State Employees | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 1789 84-0 (2015) Author: Márquez, Marisa | et. al. Relating to longevity pay for peace officers and firefighters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Salaries & Expenses
HB 1790 84-0 (2015) Author: Márquez, Marisa | et. al.
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to job performance on behalf of a fire fighter or police officer who is recovering from an off-duty injury. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/15 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SICK LEAVE
HB 1994 84-0 (2015) Author: Anchía, Rafael | et. al. Relating to entrance examinations for applicants for beginning positions in a municipal police department. House: Emerging Issues In Texas Law Enforcement, Select Withdrawn from schedule | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 2379 84-0 (2015) Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al. Relating to the liability of first responders who provide roadside assistance. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement
HB 2516 84-0 (2015) Author: Keffer, Jim Relating to the certification of municipal police officers to enforce commercial motor vehicle safety standards. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Vehicles & Traffic--General | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 2540 84-0 (2015) Author: Simpson, David
Sponsor: Eltife, Kevin
Relating to the designation of Spur 63 in Gregg County as the Texas Ranger Glenn Elliott Memorial Highway. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | GREGG COUNTY | Highways | TEXAS RANGER GLENN ELLIOTT MEMORIAL HIGHWAY
HB 2583 84-0 (2015) Author: Bell, Cecil
Sponsor: Kolkhorst, Lois
Relating to access to criminal history record information by a county sheriff. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 | County Government--Employees/Officers | Criminal Procedure--General | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 2614 84-0 (2015) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to a peace officer training advisory committee. House: Emerging Issues In Texas Law Enforcement, Select Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor | Law Enforcement | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 2759 84-0 (2015) Author: Paddie, Chris Relating to the exemption from certain construction requirements for volunteer fire departments in certain counties. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Property Interests--Real Property
HB 2771 84-0 (2015) Author: Martinez, Armando | et. al.
Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to employment activities of certain emergency response personnel for purposes of the Texas Workers' Compensation Act. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/15 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 2785 84-0 (2015) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to notice requirements for certain meetings or hearings in fire or police departments in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Postponed | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Open Meetings
HB 2827 84-0 (2015) Author: Phillips, Larry
Sponsor: Garcia, Sylvia
Relating to the definition of homeland security activity. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
Effective immediately | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 2838 84-0 (2015) Author: King, Susan Lewis Relating to the authority of the governing body of a taxing unit to provide an additional exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homesteads of certain surviving spouses of peace officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HB 2854 84-0 (2015) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to certain claims for benefits or compensation by firefighters and emergency medical technicians or their survivors. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | CANCER | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
HB 2870 84-0 (2015) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to the regulation of firefighters and fire departments by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 3032 84-0 (2015) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to vacancies created because of promotional appointments in certain municipal fire departments. House: Urban Affairs Postponed | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3033 84-0 (2015) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to the disciplinary suspension of a municipal firefighter in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3042 84-0 (2015) Author: Bonnen, Greg Relating to access to and review of a person's employment records held by a law enforcement agency. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | EMPLOYEE RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 3053 84-0 (2015) Author: Fletcher, Allen Relating to complaints against a law enforcement officer or fire fighter. House: Emerging Issues In Texas Law Enforcement, Select Withdrawn from schedule | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 3341 84-0 (2015) Author: Peña, Gilbert | et. al. Relating to a requirement that school district superintendents report information relating to the use of restraints against students and student arrests; creating a criminal offense. House: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Placed on General State Calendar | Crimes--Against Persons--General | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Minors--Health & Safety | RESTRAINTS
HB 3496 84-0 (2015) Author: Schofield, Mike | et. al. Relating to authorizing certain first responders to carry a concealed handgun while on duty and to the prosecution of certain related offenses; providing for a fee. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety | CONCEALED HANDGUNS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Weapons
HB 3668 84-0 (2015) Author: Workman, Paul
Sponsor: Menéndez, José
Relating to the definition of peace officer for purposes of intercepting or collecting information in relation to certain communications in an investigation conducted by an arson investigating unit. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Administration
Effective immediately | ARSON | CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3712 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio III, Eddie Relating to collective bargaining for firefighters and police officers, including county jailers and detention officers. Filed | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS
HB 3752 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio III, Eddie Relating to an appeal by certain law enforcement agency employees under county civil service to an independent third-party hearing examiner. House: County Affairs No action taken in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 4011 84-0 (2015) Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey Relating to reporting and monitoring requirements related to fire protection sprinkler systems in residential high-rise buildings. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Housing--General
HB 4042 84-0 (2015) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to collective bargaining for firefighters and police officers, including county jailers and detention officers. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS
HJR 116 84-0 (2015) Author: King, Susan Lewis Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governing body of a political subdivision to provide an additional exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homesteads of certain surviving spouses of peace officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
SB 31 84-0 (2015) Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al.
Sponsor: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to the authority of certain volunteer firefighter and emergency services organizations to hold tax-free sales or auctions. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | AUCTIONS & AUCTIONEERS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Safety | Taxation--Sales
SB 289 84-0 (2015) Author: Estes, Craig
Sponsor: Springer, Drew
Relating to the licensure or certification of volunteer firefighters and members of industrial emergency response teams. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars | Education--Higher--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 327 84-0 (2015) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the authority of a county to adopt a fire code. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Left pending in committee | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety
SB 415 84-0 (2015) Author: Watson, Kirk
Sponsor: Israel, Celia
Relating to the designation of a portion of Farm-to-Market Road 685 in Travis County as the Deputy Jessica Hollis Memorial Highway. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
SB 436 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the amount of financial assistance paid to the survivors of certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other public employees killed in the line of duty. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 528 84-0 (2015) Author: Birdwell, Brian Relating to the storage of certain hazardous chemicals; transferring enforcement of certain reporting requirements, including the imposition of criminal, civil, and administrative penalties, from the Department of State Health Services to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | Environment--General | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 691 84-0 (2015) Author: Birdwell, Brian Relating to tuition and fee exemptions for certain students enrolled in fire science courses at public institutions of higher education. House: Higher Education
Senate: Higher Education
Referred to Higher Education | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Higher--Student Fees | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer
SB 1105 84-0 (2015) Author: Eltife, Kevin
Sponsor: Cook, Byron
Relating to fire inspections by the state fire marshal for state-owned and state-leased buildings. House: State Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | Insurance--Property & Casualty | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | RISK MANAGEMENT, STATE OFFICE OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 1197 84-0 (2015) Author: Eltife, Kevin Relating to fire investigations by the state fire marshal; creating a criminal offense. Senate: Business & Commerce Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | Insurance--Property & Casualty
SB 1256 84-0 (2015) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to notice requirements for certain meetings or hearings in fire or police departments in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Open Meetings
SB 1257 84-0 (2015) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to the disciplinary suspension of a municipal firefighter in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1258 84-0 (2015) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to vacancies created because of promotional appointments in certain municipal fire departments. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1295 84-0 (2015) Author: West, Royce Relating to separate negotiations regarding employment matters for police officers and firefighters in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1330 84-0 (2015) Author: Campbell, Donna
Sponsor: Miller, Rick
Relating to injury leave for certain peace officers. House: State Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar | ATTORNEY GENERAL | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1373 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the authority of a county to adopt a fire code. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Oil & Gas | OPEN-SPACE LAND | Safety
SB 1498 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to job performance on behalf of a fire fighter or police officer during illness or injury. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SICK LEAVE
SB 1499 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to longevity pay for peace officers and firefighters in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Committee report printed and distributed | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Salaries & Expenses
SB 1529 84-0 (2015) Author: Burton, Konni
Sponsor: Fletcher, Allen
Relating to the creation and regulation of a law enforcement agency or police department. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1681 84-0 (2015) Author: Huffines, Don Relating to police chiefs of certain municipalities. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | OATHS
SB 1684 84-0 (2015) Author: Huffines, Don Relating to authorizing certain first responders to carry a concealed handgun while on duty and to the prosecution of certain related criminal offenses; providing for a fee. Senate: State Affairs Not again placed on intent calendar | CONCEALED HANDGUNS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | VOLUNTEERS | Weapons
SB 1768 84-0 (2015) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to certain diseases or illnesses suffered by firefighters and emergency medical technicians. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
SB 1838 84-0 (2015) Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Sponsor: Workman, Paul
Relating to the definition of peace officer for purposes of intercepting or collecting information in relation to certain communications in an investigation conducted by an arson investigating unit. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Postponed | ARSON | CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1968 84-0 (2015) Author: Huffman, Joan | et. al. Relating to the organization of public employees. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LABOR UNIONS | Law Enforcement | State Employees
SJR 55 84-0 (2015) Author: Huffines, Don Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for retention elections for police chiefs of certain municipalities. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments
HB 168 83-0 (2013) Author: Callegari, Bill Relating to the operation, powers, and duties of certain water districts; providing clarification of existing authority with regard to the imposition or use of certain assessments, fees, or taxes; providing authority to change a fee or repeal a tax. House: Natural Resources Laid on the table subject to call | BONDS | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Disabilities, Persons with | Elections--General | Elections--Voting Systems | Energy--Conservation | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Property Interests--Eminent Domain | RECREATIONAL & CULTURAL FACILITIES | Special Districts & Authorities--Municipal Utility Districts | Special Districts & Authorities--Soil & Water Conservation | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Special Districts & Authorities--Water Control Improve Dist. | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection
HB 268 83-0 (2013) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the retention of and the required disclosure under the public information law of certain complaints alleging official oppression. House: Urban Affairs Withdrawn from schedule | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Open Records
HB 365 83-0 (2013) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to certain diseases or illnesses suffered by firefighters and emergency medical technicians. House: Urban Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--AIDS | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | HEPATITIS
HB 461 83-0 (2013) Author: Menéndez, José Relating to exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain peace officers employed by a law enforcement agency. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 487 83-0 (2013) Author: Bell, Cecil | et. al.
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to liability of certain persons assisting in man-made or natural disasters. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | City Government--General | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | CONSTRUCTION & HEAVY EQUIPMENT | County Government--General | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | VOLUNTEERS
HB 567 83-0 (2013) Author: Smith, Wayne
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to the definition of an authorized emergency vehicle. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Effective immediately | AMBULANCES | EMERGENCY VEHICLES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 708 83-0 (2013) Author: Isaac, Jason Relating to the appointment of a deputy constable. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | CONSTABLES | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 710 83-0 (2013) Author: Callegari, Bill Relating to the use by a peace officer of the officer's rank or status to advertise or promote certain private businesses. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | ADVERTISING | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 989 83-0 (2013) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the fine or penalty for violation of a municipal rule, ordinance, or police regulation and municipal court jurisdiction to enforce certain violations. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Jurisprudence | City Government--General | Courts--Municipal | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1016 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, Sarah
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to legal representation for civil suits against peace officers employed by a school district. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Education--School Districts | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1091 83-0 (2013) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to firefighters and emergency medical technicians who bring certain claims for benefits or compensation. House: Urban Affairs Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm. | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
HB 1092 83-0 (2013) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the disciplinary suspension of firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1109 83-0 (2013) Author: Burkett, Cindy | et. al. Relating to peace officer interaction with persons with mental illness. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1268 83-0 (2013) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda Relating to the peace officers authorized to operate an authorized emergency service vehicle used to conduct a police escort. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | EMERGENCY VEHICLES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 1312 83-0 (2013) Author: Fletcher, Allen | et. al. Relating to the reinstatement of a firefighter or police officer following a decision rendered by the Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission or an independent third party hearing examiner. House: Urban Affairs Considered in Calendars | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 1329 83-0 (2013) Author: Márquez, Marisa Relating to the administration of oaths and issuance of subpoenas in an arbitration proceeding involving firefighters or police officers in certain political subdivisions; creating an offense. House: Urban Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | OATHS | SUBPOENAS
HB 1364 83-0 (2013) Author: Lucio III, Eddie Relating to the local control of the conditions of firefighters' employment in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1429 83-0 (2013) Author: Paddie, Chris Relating to the exemption from certain construction requirements for volunteer fire departments in certain counties. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Property Interests--Real Property
HB 1430 83-0 (2013) Author: Fletcher, Allen Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
HB 1531 83-0 (2013) Author: King, Ken | et. al. Relating to the application of certain weapons laws to certain emergency services personnel licensed to carry a concealed handgun. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | CONCEALED HANDGUNS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Weapons
HB 1697 83-0 (2013) Author: Farrar, Jessica Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
HB 1768 83-0 (2013) Author: Canales, Terry
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to identification requirements for certain fire hydrants and flush valves. House: International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately | BORDER | City Government--General | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | MEXICO | Safety | UNITED MEXICAN STATES
HB 1797 83-0 (2013) Author: Isaac, Jason Relating to the authority to regulate certain water and sewage utilities to ensure public safety in and around certain municipalities. House: Natural Resources Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Safety | Utilities--Water & Sewer | WATER & SEWER SERVICE
HB 1973 83-0 (2013) Author: Lucio III, Eddie | et. al.
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the provision of water by a public utility or water supply or sewer service corporation for use in fire suppression. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective on 9/1/13 | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Utilities--Water & Sewer | WATER & SEWER SERVICE
HB 2170 83-0 (2013) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to the annexation by a municipality of territory of an emergency services district. House: County Affairs Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | City Government--Annexation | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 2171 83-0 (2013) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to the annexation by a municipality of territory of an emergency services district. House: County Affairs Withdrawn from schedule | City Government--Annexation | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 2174 83-0 (2013) Author: Walle, Armando Relating to the investigation of firefighters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2175 83-0 (2013) Author: Walle, Armando Relating to grievance procedures for firefighters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES
HB 2206 83-0 (2013) Author: Price, Walter "Four" | et. al. Relating to the authority of a county to adopt a fire code. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety
HB 2430 83-0 (2013) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to an appeal by a deputy sheriff under county civil service to an independent third-party hearing examiner. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SHERIFFS
HB 2509 83-0 (2013) Author: Anchía, Rafael | et. al.
Sponsor: Carona, John
Relating to the business leave time account for a police officer employee organization in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/13 | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 2516 83-0 (2013) Author: Springer, Drew Relating to fines paid for the violation of a county regulation prohibiting or restricting outdoor burning. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION
HB 2517 83-0 (2013) Author: Springer, Drew Relating to the authority of counties to require a person to notify a local fire department before starting an outdoor fire; creating a criminal penalty. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--General | Environment--Air | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety
HB 2575 83-0 (2013) Author: Kleinschmidt, Tim Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes in certain municipalities. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | City Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | HOTELS & MOTELS | Taxation--Hotel, Motel Occupancy | Tourism
HB 2606 83-0 (2013) Author: McClendon, Ruth Relating to an entrance examination for a position in a fire department of certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Withdrawn from schedule | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 2751 83-0 (2013) Author: Clardy, Travis | et. al. Relating to the liability of individuals providing labor or assistance to the Texas Forest Service in the performance of certain fire suppression duties. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Laid on the table subject to call | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FOREST SERVICE, TEXAS | Labor--General
HB 2896 83-0 (2013) Author: McClendon, Ruth Relating to the period for which eligibility lists for beginning positions in certain municipal fire departments are effective. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 2899 83-0 (2013) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the accumulation and payment of sick leave for certain employees in sheriff's departments in certain counties. House: County Affairs No action taken in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | PEACE OFFICERS | SHERIFFS | SICK LEAVE
HB 2924 83-0 (2013) Author: Sheets, Kenneth | et. al.
Sponsor: Davis, Wendy | et. al.
Relating to military leave time accounts for police and fire departments. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Military & Veterans
HB 2971 83-0 (2013) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to the regulation of firefighters and fire departments by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Natural Resources
Referred to Natural Resources | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 3268 83-0 (2013) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain peace officers and firefighters. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | Education--Higher--Student Fees | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3292 83-0 (2013) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the continuation of the office of the fire fighters' pension commissioner and the administration of the Texas emergency services retirement system and the Texas local firefighters retirement systems. House: Pensions Referred to Pensions | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' PENSION COMMISSIONER, OFFICE OF | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters | Sunset--Commission Bills
HB 3354 83-0 (2013) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the retention of and the required disclosure under the public information law of certain complaints alleging official oppression. House: Government Efficiency & Reform Referred to Government Efficiency & Reform | City Government--General | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Open Records | Political Subdivisions
HB 3479 83-0 (2013) Author: Simpson, David | et. al. Relating to custodial interrogations. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3660 83-0 (2013) Author: Simmons, Ron
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to requiring the Texas Commission on Fire Protection to conduct a study and prepare a report on administrative attachment. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform
Senate: Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security
Senate appoints conferees-reported | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | INSURANCE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Insurance--General | Safety | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HJR 103 83-0 (2013) Author: Simpson, David Proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the requirement that certain counties continue to be divided into not fewer than four precincts used to elect justices of the peace and constables. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | CHAMBERS COUNTY | City Government--Employees/Officers | CONSTABLES | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JUSTICE OF THE PEACE | Law Enforcement | RANDALL COUNTY | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments
HR 2759 83-0 (2013) Author: Canales, Terry Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 1768. Reported enrolled | City Government--General | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Safety
SB 284 83-0 (2013) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Fletcher, Allen
Relating to granting limited state law enforcement authority to police officers with the Office of Security and Law Enforcement of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security
Effective immediately | DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Military & Veterans
SB 545 83-0 (2013) Author: Hancock, Kelly
Sponsor: Harper-Brown, Linda
Relating to the peace officers authorized to operate an authorized emergency service vehicle used to conduct a police escort. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | EMERGENCY VEHICLES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | PEACE OFFICERS | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 570 83-0 (2013) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to the appointment of reserve peace officers by a fire marshal. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL | PEACE OFFICERS | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Weapons
SB 701 83-0 (2013) Author: Hegar, Glenn
Sponsor: Herrero, Abel
Relating to a defense to prosecution for criminal trespass. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 | City Government--Utilities | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Criminal Procedure--General | Criminal Procedure--Trial | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | TRESPASS | Utilities--General
SB 766 83-0 (2013) Author: Hegar, Glenn
Sponsor: Darby, Drew | et. al.
Relating to the licensure or certification of volunteer firefighters and members of industrial emergency response teams. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | VOLUNTEERS
SB 877 83-0 (2013) Author: Patrick, Dan
Sponsor: Guillen, Ryan | et. al.
Relating to establishing the Citizens' Star of Texas Award. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/13 | AWARDS, MEDALS, PRIZES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement
SB 902 83-0 (2013) Author: Fraser, Troy
Sponsor: Callegari, Bill
Relating to the operation, powers, and duties of certain water districts. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Natural Resources
See remarks for effective date | BONDS | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Disabilities, Persons with | Elections--General | Elections--Voting Systems | Energy--Conservation | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Property Interests--Eminent Domain | RECREATIONAL & CULTURAL FACILITIES | Special Districts & Authorities--Municipal Utility Districts | Special Districts & Authorities--Soil & Water Conservation | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Special Districts & Authorities--Water Control Improve Dist. | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection
SB 1086 83-0 (2013) Author: Campbell, Donna | et. al.
Sponsor: Isaac, Jason
Relating to the regulation of certain water and sewage utilities to ensure public safety in and around certain municipalities. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective on 9/1/13 | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Safety | Utilities--Water & Sewer | WATER & SEWER SERVICE
SB 1205 83-0 (2013) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Relating to the employment of certain peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, or firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of duty. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Health & Safety | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
SB 1206 83-0 (2013) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Relating to exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain peace officers employed by a law enforcement agency. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1267 83-0 (2013) Author: Nichols, Robert
Sponsor: Clardy, Travis | et. al.
Relating to the liability of individuals providing labor or assistance to the Texas Forest Service in the performance of certain fire suppression duties. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FOREST SERVICE, TEXAS | Labor--General
SB 1276 83-0 (2013) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes in certain municipalities. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development | City Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | HOTELS & MOTELS | Taxation--Hotel, Motel Occupancy | Tourism
SB 1355 83-0 (2013) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Relating to the period for which eligibility lists for beginning positions in certain municipal fire or police departments are effective. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
SB 1374 83-0 (2013) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to identification requirements for certain fire hydrants and flush valves. Senate: Natural Resources Referred to Natural Resources | BORDER | City Government--General | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | MEXICO | Safety | UNITED MEXICAN STATES
SB 1405 83-0 (2013) Author: Nichols, Robert Relating to liability of certain persons assisting in man-made or natural disasters. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | County Government--Employees/Officers | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1425 83-0 (2013) Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Sponsor: Longoria, Oscar
Relating to the provision of fire prevention or fire-fighting services by certain emergency services districts. House: International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/13 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous
SB 1691 83-0 (2013) Author: Rodríguez, José Relating to the administration of oaths and issuance of subpoenas in an arbitration proceeding involving firefighters or police officers in certain political subdivisions. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Committee report printed and distributed | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | OATHS | SUBPOENAS
SB 1801 83-0 (2013) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the adoption of fire hydrant requirements for a wildland-urban interface in certain municipalities. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Natural Resources
Referred to Natural Resources | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety
SB 1904 83-0 (2013) Author: Hegar, Glenn | et. al. Relating to the administration of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. Senate: Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security Not again placed on intent calendar | ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM
SR 1059 83-0 (2013) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 1768. Reported enrolled | City Government--General | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Safety
HB 73 83-1 (2013) Author: Simpson, David | et. al. Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to be used to assist volunteer fire departments during the current state fiscal biennium. Filed | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE
SB 49 83-1 (2013) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to be used to assist volunteer fire departments during the current state fiscal biennium. Filed | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE
HB 40 82-0 (2011) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to collective bargaining by law enforcement officers and firefighters. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 43 82-0 (2011) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to the investigation of firefighters and police officers. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
HB 320 82-0 (2011) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to equipping certain K-9 law enforcement vehicles with heat alarm systems. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Withdrawn from schedule | Animals | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 333 82-0 (2011) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to the authority of certain counties to adopt and enforce a fire code. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION
HB 342 82-0 (2011) Author: Fletcher, Allen | et. al. Relating to the reinstatement of a firefighter or police officer following a decision rendered by the Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission or an independent third party hearing examiner. House: Urban Affairs Considered in Calendars | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | Labor--Management Relations
HB 343 82-0 (2011) Author: Fletcher, Allen
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the reporting and recording of a motor vehicle accident involving an official vehicle driven by a peace officer, firefighter, or an emergency medical services employee in the course of official duties. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective on 9/1/11 | ACCIDENTS | EMERGENCY VEHICLES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
HB 554 82-0 (2011) Author: Howard, Donna | et. al.
Sponsor: Watson, Kirk
Relating to the civil service status of emergency medical services personnel in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 647 82-0 (2011) Author: King, Phil | et. al. Relating to the public safety director's appointment of reserve law enforcement officers for the Department of Public Safety. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Corrected comm. rept. sent to Local & Consent | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 725 82-0 (2011) Author: Callegari, Bill
Sponsor: Fraser, Troy
Relating to the operation, powers, and duties of certain water districts. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Natural Resources
Senate adopts conf. comm. report-reported | BONDS | Disabilities, Persons with | Elections--General | Elections--Voting Systems | Energy--Conservation | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Property Interests--Eminent Domain | RECREATIONAL & CULTURAL FACILITIES | Special Districts & Authorities--Municipal Utility Districts | Special Districts & Authorities--Soil & Water Conservation | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Special Districts & Authorities--Water Control Improve Dist.
HB 730 82-0 (2011) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to the suspension or removal of certain deputy sheriffs. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 749 82-0 (2011) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to county law enforcement officer civil service systems; providing penalties. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | CONSTABLES | County Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | SHERIFFS
HB 956 82-0 (2011) Author: Marquez, Marisa | et. al. Relating to the state fire marshal's investigation of the death of a firefighter who dies in the line of duty or in connection with an on-duty incident. House: Urban Affairs Laid on the table subject to call | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL
HB 993 82-0 (2011) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie | et. al.
Sponsor: Watson, Kirk
Relating to the closure of a road or highway by certain firefighters. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective on 9/1/11 | EMERGENCY VEHICLES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Highways | Safety
HB 1046 82-0 (2011) Author: Fletcher, Allen
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the confidentiality of certain personal information concerning current and former employees of certain divisions of the office of attorney general. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Open Meetings | Protection of Personal Information | SHERIFFS | State Employees
HB 1053 82-0 (2011) Author: Patrick, Diane
Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the tuition exemption offered by public institutions of higher education to firefighters enrolled in certain courses. House: Higher Education
Senate: Higher Education
Committee report printed and distributed | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Science & Technology
HB 1057 82-0 (2011) Author: Anchía, Rafael
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to business leave time for certain municipal firefighters and police officers. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1069 82-0 (2011) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to the provision of and payment for certain health care services provided through workers' compensation health care networks to fire protection personnel. House: State Affairs No action taken in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Insurance--Health & Accident | Labor--Workers' Compensation
HB 1083 82-0 (2011) Author: Elkins, Gary | et. al.
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the issuance of an identification card to certain honorably retired peace officers. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Education--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1092 82-0 (2011) Author: Christian, Wayne | et. al. Relating to the exemption from certain construction requirements for volunteer fire departments in certain counties. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Committee report sent to Calendars | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Property Interests--Real Property
HB 1191 82-0 (2011) Author: Castro, Joaquin Relating to the sheriff's department civil service commission appointments in certain counties. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 1209 82-0 (2011) Author: Taylor, Larry | et. al. Relating to a probate fee exemption for estates of certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and others killed in the line of duty. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Jurisprudence | Courts--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Probate--Wills & Admin of Estates
HB 1231 82-0 (2011) Author: Hopson, Chuck Relating to the exemption from certain construction requirements for volunteer fire departments in certain counties. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Property Interests--Real Property
HB 1249 82-0 (2011) Author: Callegari, Bill Relating to certain reports, communications, and publications involving the attorney general. House: Government Efficiency & Reform Left pending in committee | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Education--Higher--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 1379 82-0 (2011) Author: Anchía, Rafael
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the purchasing of a firearm from the county by an honorably retired law enforcement officer. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/11 | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Weapons
HB 1472 82-0 (2011) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the retention of and the required disclosure under the public information law of certain complaints alleging official oppression. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Open Records
HB 1488 82-0 (2011) Author: Gutierrez, Roland
Sponsor: Van de Putte, Leticia
Relating to examinations for hiring in certain municipal fire departments. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1490 82-0 (2011) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the accumulation and payment of sick leave for employees in certain sheriff's departments. House: County Affairs Withdrawn from schedule | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Wages | SHERIFFS | SICK LEAVE
HB 1652 82-0 (2011) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to collective bargaining by firefighters and police officers. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS
HB 1659 82-0 (2011) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to conditions of employment for an employee of certain sheriff's departments. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 1677 82-0 (2011) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to the administration and funding of retirement systems for firefighters in certain municipalities. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Municipal
HB 1948 82-0 (2011) Author: Gonzalez, Naomi Relating to the sheriff's department civil service commission appointments in certain counties. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 1961 82-0 (2011) Author: Deshotel, Joe Relating to provision of workers' compensation medical benefits to a peace officer or firefighter injured in the line of duty; providing an administrative violation. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2006 82-0 (2011) Author: Bonnen, Dennis
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the release of a photograph of a police officer and access to records maintained by internal investigative divisions in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/11 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | Law Enforcement | Protection of Personal Information
HB 2071 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to an appeal by a deputy sheriff under county civil service to an independent third-party hearing examiner. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Courts--District | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 2075 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to certain diseases or illnesses suffered by firefighters and emergency medical technicians. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--AIDS | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | HEPATITIS
HB 2266 82-0 (2011) Author: Smith, Wayne
Sponsor: Patrick, Dan
Relating to fire code certificates of compliance. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/11 | BUILDING INSPECTORS | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety
HB 2516 82-0 (2011) Author: Alvarado, Carol
Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the appeal of an indefinite suspension of a municipal firefighter. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 2607 82-0 (2011) Author: Beck, Marva Relating to a temporary exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a firefighter or peace officer killed while performing official duties. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HB 2656 82-0 (2011) Author: Miller, Sid Relating to exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain peace officers employed by a law enforcement agency. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Considered in Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2823 82-0 (2011) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to educational and training requirements for certain peace officers on ethical decision making. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in subcommittee | Ethics | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3035 82-0 (2011) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to the grievance procedure for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES
HB 3227 82-0 (2011) Author: Hernandez Luna, Ana Relating to the use of proceeds from criminal asset forfeiture to provide college scholarships to children of peace officers killed in the line of duty and to an annual report regarding the total value of forfeited property in this state. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in subcommittee | CRIMINAL ASSET FORFEITURE | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | SCHOLARSHIPS
HB 3551 82-0 (2011) Author: Garza, John Relating to positions that are exempt from a sheriff's department civil service system in certain counties. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SHERIFFS
HB 3736 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to appointment of a department head of a fire or police department in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3863 82-0 (2011) Author: Garza, John | et. al. Relating to the authority of certain volunteer firefighter and emergency services organizations to hold tax-free sales or auctions. House: Ways & Means Meeting cancelled | AUCTIONS & AUCTIONEERS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Safety | Taxation--Sales
HJR 128 82-0 (2011) Author: Beck, Marva Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a temporary exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a firefighter or peace officer killed while performing official duties. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HR 979 82-0 (2011) Author: Keffer, Jim Commending the firefighters of Texas and paying tribute to the volunteer firefighters who have died in the line of duty. Reported enrolled | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Resolutions--Congratulatory & Honorary | Resolutions--Memorial
SB 168 82-0 (2011) Author: West, Royce Relating to the use of proceeds from criminal asset forfeiture to provide college scholarships to children of peace officers killed in the line of duty and to an annual report regarding the total value of forfeited property in this state. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | CRIMINAL ASSET FORFEITURE | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | SCHOLARSHIPS
SB 344 82-0 (2011) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to municipal civil service for firefighters and police officers. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | LABOR UNIONS | Salaries & Expenses | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
SB 372 82-0 (2011) Author: Seliger, Kel
Sponsor: Callegari, Bill
Relating to certain reports, communications, publications, and other documents involving the attorney general. House: Government Efficiency & Reform
Senate: State Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Education--Higher--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 396 82-0 (2011) Author: Deuell, Bob
Sponsor: Marquez, Marisa
Relating to the state fire marshal's investigation of the death of a firefighter who dies in the line of duty or in connection with an on-duty incident. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE MARSHAL
SB 484 82-0 (2011) Author: Huffman, Joan Relating to the release of a photograph of a police officer and access to records maintained by internal investigative divisions in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION | Law Enforcement | Protection of Personal Information
SB 543 82-0 (2011) Author: Hegar, Glenn
Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to a probate fee exemption for estates of certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and others killed in the line of duty. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
See remarks for effective date | Courts--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Probate--Wills & Admin of Estates
SB 666 82-0 (2011) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to identification requirements for certain fire hydrants and flush valves. Senate: Natural Resources Referred to Natural Resources | City Government--General | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Safety
SB 911 82-0 (2011) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the investigation of firefighters and police officers. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
SB 1045 82-0 (2011) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Relating to examinations for hiring in certain municipal fire departments. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1065 82-0 (2011) Author: Williams, Tommy
Sponsor: Hamilton, Mike
Relating to critical incident stress management and crisis response services. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective on 9/1/11 | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement
SB 1174 82-0 (2011) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to provision of workers' compensation medical benefits to a peace officer or firefighter injured in the line of duty; providing an administrative violation. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1190 82-0 (2011) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the appeal of an indefinite suspension of a municipal firefighter. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Not again placed on intent calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
SB 1210 82-0 (2011) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to the issuance of identification cards to certain peace officers and honorably retired peace officers. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1253 82-0 (2011) Author: Uresti, Carlos Relating to positions that are exempt from a sheriff's department civil service system in certain counties. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SHERIFFS
SB 1285 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk
Sponsor: Strama, Mark
Relating to contributions to the retirement systems for certain police officers in certain municipalities. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/11 | City Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Municipal | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
SB 1286 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk
Sponsor: Rodriguez, Eddie
Relating to the funding of retirement systems for firefighters in certain municipalities. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/11 | City Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Municipal | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
SB 1351 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the civil service status of emergency medical services personnel in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
SB 1474 82-0 (2011) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the grievance procedure for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES
SB 1676 82-0 (2011) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to educational and training requirements for certain peace officers on ethical decision making. Senate: Criminal Justice Not again placed on intent calendar | Ethics | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1746 82-0 (2011) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the conditions of employment for firefighters employed by fire departments created by an interlocal agreement between two or more political subdivisions of this state; providing penalties. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Intergovernmental Relations
SB 1747 82-0 (2011) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the conditions of employment for firefighters employed by certain emergency services districts; providing penalties. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous
SB 1927 82-0 (2011) Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al.
Sponsor: Garza, John
Relating to the authority of certain volunteer firefighter and emergency services organizations to hold tax-free sales or auctions. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | AUCTIONS & AUCTIONEERS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Safety | Taxation--Sales
HB 42 82-1 (2011) Author: Callegari, Bill Relating to the operation, powers, and duties of certain water districts. House: Natural Resources Referred to Natural Resources | BONDS | Elections--General | Elections--Voting Systems | Energy--Conservation | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Property Interests--Eminent Domain | RECREATIONAL & CULTURAL FACILITIES | Special Districts & Authorities--Municipal Utility Districts | Special Districts & Authorities--Soil & Water Conservation | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Special Districts & Authorities--Water Control Improve Dist.
HB 175 81-0 (2009) Author: King, Susan Relating to continuing education and training for peace officers relating to the investigation and prevention of drive-by shootings. House: Public Safety Left pending in committee | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Criminal Procedure--Pretrial Procedure | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 224 81-0 (2009) Author: Olivo, Dora Relating to available training for school resource officers and school district peace officers. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING
HB 227 81-0 (2009) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to an exemption from investigation company license requirements for certain information technology professionals. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures | COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 243 81-0 (2009) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to equipping certain K-9 law enforcement vehicles with heat alarm systems. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Animals | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 403 81-0 (2009) Author: Villarreal, Mike Relating to the capital improvements that a local government may finance with an impact fee. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Housing--General
HB 487 81-0 (2009) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to sheriff's department civil service systems in certain counties; providing penalties. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 502 81-0 (2009) Author: England, Kirk | et. al. Relating to funding for the continuing education of certain peace officers. House: Public Safety Considered in Calendars | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 560 81-0 (2009) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to injury leave for peace officers injured by an intoxicated driver of a motor vehicle or boat. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety | BOATS & BOATING | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 640 81-0 (2009) Author: Zerwas, John Relating to personnel records of a deputy sheriff in certain counties. House: County Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 780 81-0 (2009) Author: Turner, Sylvester
Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to eligibility requirements for a beginning police department position in certain municipalities under municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/09 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 784 81-0 (2009) Author: Hughes, Bryan | et. al. Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for certain firefighters. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec. | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LICENSE PLATES | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 786 81-0 (2009) Author: Swinford, David Relating to the boards of trustees of retirement systems for paid or partly paid firefighters. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
HB 793 81-0 (2009) Author: King, Phil | et. al. Relating to the authority to charge reasonable fees for emergency services performed by volunteer fire departments. House: County Affairs No action taken in committee | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 846 81-0 (2009) Author: Martinez, Armando | et. al.
Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the license or certificate renewal process for emergency medical services personnel and certain law enforcement officers. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/09 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement
HB 959 81-0 (2009) Author: Bonnen, Dennis | et. al. Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the appraised value of the residence homesteads of certain volunteer firefighters and emergency medical services volunteers. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
HB 1016 81-0 (2009) Author: Corte, Jr., Frank Relating to a fee on sales of alcoholic beverages in certain municipalities to fund fire and emergency services and related educational activities. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Left pending in committee | Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 1028 81-0 (2009) Author: Quintanilla, Chente Relating to authorizing certain municipalities and counties to enter into interlocal contracts for the provision of law enforcement services. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety | City Government--General | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Intergovernmental Relations | Law Enforcement
HB 1063 81-0 (2009) Author: Farias, Joe
Sponsor: Wentworth, Jeff
Relating to emergency vehicle access to certain gated communities and multiunit housing projects. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/09 | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Safety
HB 1064 81-0 (2009) Author: Farias, Joe Relating to the length of time an eligibility list remains in effect for beginning positions in a fire department in certain municipalities under municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 1065 81-0 (2009) Author: Farias, Joe Relating to the use of the term "engineer" by certain fire department employees. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Reported favorably as substituted | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1074 81-0 (2009) Author: Frost, Stephen Relating to the use of bulletproof glass in certain vehicles purchased by the Department of Public Safety. House: Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Transportation--Miscellaneous | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 1146 81-0 (2009) Author: Anchía, Rafael | et. al.
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the hours worked during a week by firefighters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1173 81-0 (2009) Author: Dukes, Dawnna | et. al. Relating to the right of certain municipalities to maintain local control over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations | Labor--Wages
HB 1177 81-0 (2009) Author: Guillen, Ryan | et. al.
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the eligibility of certain peace officers and firefighters for legislative leave. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/09 | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1184 81-0 (2009) Author: Olivo, Dora Relating to determining population for the creation of civil service systems in certain counties. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1303 81-0 (2009) Author: Menendez, Jose | et. al. Relating to continued health insurance coverage for eligible survivors of certain public servants killed in the line of duty. House: Appropriations Laid on the table subject to call | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Insurance--Health & Accident | Law Enforcement
HB 1340 81-0 (2009) Author: Bonnen, Dennis Relating to an exemption from Texas Commission on Fire Protection training requirements for certain aircraft fire fighting and rescue fire protection personnel. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Transportation--Aviation
HB 1443 81-0 (2009) Author: Hancock, Kelly Relating to the age limit for a beginning position in a fire department in certain municipalities under municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1491 81-0 (2009) Author: Driver, Joe Relating to exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain peace officers employed by a law enforcement agency. House: Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES
HB 1492 81-0 (2009) Author: Driver, Joe | et. al.
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to achievement awards presented by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | AWARDS, MEDALS, PRIZES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON
HB 1545 81-0 (2009) Author: Miklos, Robert Relating to the reinstatement of a firefighter or police officer following a decision rendered by the Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission or an independent third party hearing examiner. House: Urban Affairs Considered in Calendars | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 1587 81-0 (2009) Author: Rose, Patrick Relating to a voluntary identification system for certain devices with the appearance of a fire hydrant that are nonfunctioning or otherwise unavailable for use in a fire emergency. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure
HB 1632 81-0 (2009) Author: Christian, Wayne Relating to the exemption from certain construction requirements for volunteer fire departments in certain counties. House: County Affairs Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Property Interests--Real Property
HB 1648 81-0 (2009) Author: Menendez, Jose | et. al. Relating to the investigation of firefighters and police officers. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
HB 1664 81-0 (2009) Author: King, Phil | et. al.
Sponsor: Estes, Craig
Relating to an exemption for groundwater used for certain purposes from production fees assessed by the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Groundwater Conserve Dist. | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | UPPER TRINITY GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT
HB 1820 81-0 (2009) Author: Davis, John Relating to provision of workers' compensation medical benefits to a police officer or firefighter injured in the line of duty; providing an administrative violation. House: Business & Industry Subcommittee members named | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Workers' Compensation | Political Subdivisions
HB 1913 81-0 (2009) Author: McReynolds, Jim | et. al. Relating to identification requirements for certain fire hydrants and flush valves. House: Urban Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Utilities--Water & Sewer
HB 1960 81-0 (2009) Author: Maldonado, Diana | et. al.
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the payment for an appearance as a witness for certain peace officers and firefighters. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Salaries & Expenses
HB 1987 81-0 (2009) Author: Harless, Patricia | et. al. Relating to fees paid to a constable for serving civil process. House: County Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
Referred to Jurisprudence | CONSTABLES | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Finance | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2045 81-0 (2009) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to retirement benefits for certain police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
HB 2046 81-0 (2009) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the authority of a county to adopt and enforce a fire code for certain buildings in the unincorporated area of the county. House: County Affairs Considered in Local & Consent Calendars | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION
HB 2054 81-0 (2009) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to the conditions of employment for firefighters employed by certain districts and entities; providing penalties. House: County Affairs Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm. | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--General
HB 2068 81-0 (2009) Author: Elkins, Gary
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to an identification card for certain retired peace officers. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Education--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2092 81-0 (2009) Author: Driver, Joe Relating to paid leave time for a peace officer to attend certain education and training programs. House: Public Safety Referred to Public Safety | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING
HB 2093 81-0 (2009) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to persons certified as peace officers. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 2113 81-0 (2009) Author: Walle, Armando | et. al.
Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the holidays for members of fire and police departments in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/09 | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Holidays | SEPTEMBER 11TH REMEMBRANCE DAY
HB 2168 81-0 (2009) Author: Chavez, Norma | et. al.
Sponsor: Watson, Kirk
Relating to the powers of a sheriff's department civil service commission in certain counties regarding an appeal of a disciplinary action. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement
HB 2298 81-0 (2009) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | FOREST SERVICE, TEXAS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 2307 81-0 (2009) Author: Davis, Yvonne
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to coverage under a meet and confer agreement for certain municipal firefighters and police officers. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/09 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
HB 2347 81-0 (2009) Author: Thibaut, Kristi | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain peace officers enrolled in criminal justice or law enforcement course work and for certain educational aides. House: Public Safety
Senate: Higher Education
See remarks for effective date | Education--Higher--Student Fees | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2348 81-0 (2009) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. | et. al.
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to a contract between a water district and a municipality for the provision of fire-fighting services in certain counties. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Municipal Utility Districts | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility
HB 2413 81-0 (2009) Author: Anchía, Rafael Relating to the business leave time account for a police officer employee organization in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2482 81-0 (2009) Author: Howard, Charlie Relating to the display of emergency lighting on the personal vehicle of a reserve peace officer. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation | EMERGENCY VEHICLES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 2508 81-0 (2009) Author: Castro, Joaquin Relating to the sheriff's department civil service commission appointments in certain counties. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 2523 81-0 (2009) Author: Anchía, Rafael Relating to the purchasing of a firearm from the county by an honorably retired law enforcement officer. House: Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Weapons
HB 2564 81-0 (2009) Author: McClendon, Ruth Relating to the regulation of certain professions and practices in connection with computer technology; providing penalties. House: Technology, Economic Development & Workforce
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 2580 81-0 (2009) Author: Frost, Stephen
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to the establishment of a peace officer employment opportunity Internet website by the Texas Workforce Commission. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Electronic Information Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | INTERNET | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2673 81-0 (2009) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to conditions of employment for an employee of certain sheriff's departments. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 2678 81-0 (2009) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to the establishment of a statewide meet and confer provision pertaining to employment matters for certain state and local public safety personnel. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LABOR UNIONS
HB 2730 81-0 (2009) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois | et. al.
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas and the Texas Private Security Board; providing a penalty. House: Public Safety
Senate: Government Organization
See remarks for effective date | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DIVISION OF THE DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE SECURITY BOARD, TEXAS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Sunset Bills | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 2798 81-0 (2009) Author: Driver, Joe Relating to information provided by an entity authorized to commission, appoint, or employ law enforcement officers upon creation of a law enforcement agency or a police department. House: Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 2799 81-0 (2009) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the responsibilities of a person who qualifies for a peace officer license but has not yet been appointed as a peace officer. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2806 81-0 (2009) Author: Maldonado, Diana | et. al.
Sponsor: Van de Putte, Leticia
Relating to the reinstatement of a firefighter or police officer to a previously held position based on seniority on the return of another firefighter or police officer from a military leave of absence. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/09 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | Military & Veterans
HB 2854 81-0 (2009) Author: Hughes, Bryan | et. al.
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to license plates created by the Texas Department of Transportation for professional firefighters. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LICENSE PLATES | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 2870 81-0 (2009) Author: King, Phil Relating to the requirement that certain state and local governmental entities designate a firearms proficiency officer and require weapons proficiency. House: Public Safety Laid on the table subject to call | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Weapons
HB 2914 81-0 (2009) Author: McReynolds, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to the establishment of a fuel mitigation pilot grant program for fire departments. House: Agriculture & Livestock
Senate: Agriculture & Rural Affairs
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | FOREST SERVICE, TEXAS | RURAL
HB 2931 81-0 (2009) Author: Vaught, Allen Relating to an appeal by a deputy sheriff under county civil service to an independent third-party hearing examiner. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 2940 81-0 (2009) Author: Walle, Armando Relating to the grievance procedure for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES
HB 2989 81-0 (2009) Author: Phillips, Larry Relating to the reactivation of a peace officer license for certain peace officers. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2991 81-0 (2009) Author: Christian, Wayne
Sponsor: Seliger, Kel | et. al.
Relating to the exemption of certain honorably retired special rangers and special Texas Rangers from certain required law enforcement education and training programs regarding persons with mental impairments. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | RANGERS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING
HB 2998 81-0 (2009) Author: Fletcher, Allen Relating to the reporting and recording of a motor vehicle accident involving an official vehicle driven by a peace officer, firefighter, or an emergency medical services employee in the course of official duties. House: Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | ACCIDENTS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
HB 3116 81-0 (2009) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to the creation of an alternate sheriff's department civil service system in certain counties; creating offenses. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 3158 81-0 (2009) Author: Bolton, Valinda Relating to the accumulation and payment of sick leave for employees in certain sheriff's departments. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SHERIFFS | SICK LEAVE
HB 3335 81-0 (2009) Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al.
Sponsor: Averitt, Kip
Relating to the creation and powers of certain groundwater and surface water districts. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Natural Resources
Senate adopts conf. comm. report-reported | Elections--General | Elections--Voting Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PRAIRIELANDS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT | Property Interests--Eminent Domain | Special Districts & Authorities--Soil & Water Conservation | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility
HB 3389 81-0 (2009) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda | et. al.
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education; providing civil and administrative penalties. House: Public Safety
Senate: Government Organization
Effective on 9/1/09 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Sunset Bills
HB 3390 81-0 (2009) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda | et. al. Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. House: Urban Affairs Laid on the table subject to call | CRIMINAL RECORDS | Electronic Information Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION AGENCY, TEXAS | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | Sunset Bills
HB 3434 81-0 (2009) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to collective bargaining by law enforcement officers and firefighters. House: Technology, Economic Development & Workforce Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3566 81-0 (2009) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to the rights of certain county law enforcement officers. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | PEACE OFFICERS | SHERIFFS
HB 3705 81-0 (2009) Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al. Relating to work performed in sports and community venue districts in certain municipalities. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Amusements, Games, Sports | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3712 81-0 (2009) Author: Bolton, Valinda Relating to compensatory time off for public security officers employed by the Department of Public Safety and police communications operators employed by the Parks and Wildlife Department. House: Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | COMPENSATORY TIME | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 3748 81-0 (2009) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to continuing education requirements for law enforcement officers relating to interaction with persons with mental impairments. House: Public Safety Committee report sent to Calendars | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Mental Health & Mental Retardation
HB 3770 81-0 (2009) Author: Fletcher, Allen | et. al. Relating to the continuing education and intermediate proficiency certificate requirements of peace officers. House: Public Safety Placed on General State Calendar | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3788 81-0 (2009) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to closure of a roadway or lane during times of emergency. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Highways | Safety
HB 3866 81-0 (2009) Author: Naishtat, Elliott | et. al.
Sponsor: Watson, Kirk
Relating to fire safety inspections. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/09 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Safety
HB 3869 81-0 (2009) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to the suspension or removal of certain deputy sheriffs. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 3905 81-0 (2009) Author: England, Kirk Relating to the hiring of applicants for a beginning position in the fire department or police department in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
HB 3906 81-0 (2009) Author: Madden, Jerry Relating to the number of persons who may be appointed to the classification immediately below department head in a police department covered by municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 4002 81-0 (2009) Author: Swinford, David | et. al.
Sponsor: Duncan, Robert
Relating to the funding of the statewide wildfire protection plan at the Texas Forest Service. House: Agriculture & Livestock
Senate: Agriculture & Rural Affairs
Effective on 9/1/09 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Parks & Wildlife--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | TEXAS FOREST SERVICE
HB 4123 81-0 (2009) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to The Fire Fighter Labor Relations Act. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | FIRE FIGHTER LABOR RELATIONS ACT | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
HB 4168 81-0 (2009) Author: Madden, Jerry Relating to the number of persons who may be appointed to the classification immediately below department head in a police department covered by municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
HB 4560 81-0 (2009) Author: Naishtat, Elliott | et. al.
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to certain diseases or illnesses suffered by certain emergency first responders. House: Public Health
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/09 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
HCR 293 81-0 (2009) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 2730. Signed by the Governor | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DIVISION OF THE DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE SECURITY BOARD, TEXAS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Resolutions--Corrective | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Sunset Bills | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HJR 48 81-0 (2009) Author: Bonnen, Dennis | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation a portion of the assessed value of the residence homesteads of volunteer firefighters and emergency medical services volunteers. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions
SB 388 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Gallego, Pete
Relating to the creation of a public corruption unit in the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar | Criminal Procedure--General | Ethics | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 417 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Isett, Carl | et. al.
Relating to the purchase of a retired firearm from the Parks and Wildlife Department by a game warden. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PARKS & WILDLIFE COMMISSION | Parks & Wildlife--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Weapons
SB 460 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to access to information regarding a firefighter or police officer under the municipal civil service law. Senate: State Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | Open Records
SB 461 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario | et. al.
Sponsor: Miklos, Robert
Relating to eligibility to take the entrance examination for a beginning position in the fire department. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 489 81-0 (2009) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to the establishment of a peace officer employment opportunity Internet website by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Electronic Information Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | INTERNET | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 552 81-0 (2009) Author: Hegar, Glenn | et. al. Relating to funding for the continuing education of certain peace officers. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 623 81-0 (2009) Author: West, Royce | et. al. Relating to the hours worked during a week by firefighters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Left pending in committee | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 664 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the establishment and operation of a public building mapping information system. Senate: Government Organization Not again placed on intent calendar | COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | FACILITIES COMMISSION, TEXAS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PUBLIC BUILDING MAPPING INFORMATION SYSTEM COMMITTEE | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
SB 764 81-0 (2009) Author: Watson, Kirk | et. al.
Sponsor: Dukes, Dawnna
Relating to the right of certain municipalities to maintain local control over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations | Labor--Wages
SB 765 81-0 (2009) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to eligibility requirements for a beginning police department position in certain municipalities under municipal civil service. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
SB 872 81-0 (2009) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie | et. al.
Sponsor: Menendez, Jose
Relating to continued health insurance coverage and financial assistance for eligible survivors of certain public servants killed in the line of duty. House: Appropriations
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Insurance--Health & Accident | Law Enforcement
SB 1011 81-0 (2009) Author: Estes, Craig
Sponsor: Harper-Brown, Linda
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Government Organization
SB 1017 81-0 (2009) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas and the Texas Private Security Board. Senate: Government Organization No action taken in committee | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DIVISION OF THE DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE SECURITY BOARD, TEXAS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Sunset Bills | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
SB 1018 81-0 (2009) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. Senate: Government Organization Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Sunset Bills
SB 1045 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the reinstatement of a firefighter or police officer following a decision rendered by the Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission or an independent third party hearing examiner. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
SB 1185 81-0 (2009) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to achievement awards presented by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | AWARDS, MEDALS, PRIZES | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON
SB 1186 81-0 (2009) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to the responsibilities of a person who qualifies for a peace officer license but has not yet been appointed as a peace officer. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1213 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario | et. al. Relating to certain diseases or illnesses suffered by certain emergency first responders. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--General | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions
SB 1258 81-0 (2009) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to identification requirements for certain fire hydrants and flush valves. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Utilities--Water & Sewer
SB 1296 81-0 (2009) Author: Hegar, Glenn
Sponsor: Driver, Joe
Relating to the certification of a county jailer as a special officer for offenders with mental impairments. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar | Criminal Procedure--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1303 81-0 (2009) Author: Seliger, Kel
Sponsor: King, Phil
Relating to the requirement that certain state and local governmental entities designate a firearms proficiency officer and require weapons proficiency. House: Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/09 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | Weapons
SB 1338 81-0 (2009) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to the rights of certain county law enforcement officers. Senate: Criminal Justice Committee report printed and distributed | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | PEACE OFFICERS | SHERIFFS
SB 1340 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the holidays for members of fire and police departments in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Holidays | SEPTEMBER 11TH REMEMBRANCE DAY
SB 1341 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to work performed in sports and community venue districts in certain municipalities. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development | Amusements, Games, Sports | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1474 81-0 (2009) Author: Nichols, Robert
Sponsor: McReynolds, Jim
Relating to compensation for certain emergency services personnel. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective on 9/1/09 | COMPENSATORY TIME | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees
SB 1555 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the conditions of employment for firefighters employed by certain airport districts; providing penalties. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | AIRPORTS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous
SB 1707 81-0 (2009) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Gallego, Pete | et. al.
Relating to the use of proceeds from criminal asset forfeiture to provide college scholarships to children of peace officers killed in the line of duty and to an annual report regarding the total value of forfeited property in this state. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Placed on General State Calendar | CRIMINAL ASSET FORFEITURE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Minors--General | PEACE OFFICERS | SCHOLARSHIPS
SB 1894 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to The Fire Fighter Labor Relations Act. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | FIRE FIGHTER LABOR RELATIONS ACT | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
SB 1896 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Sponsor: Walle, Armando
Relating to the employment of firefighters and police officers and the provision of emergency medical services in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/09 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES
SB 1946 81-0 (2009) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Anchía, Rafael
Relating to business leave time accounts for firefighter employee organizations in certain municipalities. House: Public Safety
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
SB 2009 81-0 (2009) Author: Jackson, Mike Relating to service and disability retirement benefits and death benefits for rescue specialists. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | ADJUTANT GENERAL | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | NATIONAL GUARD, TEXAS | Retirement Systems--General
SB 2069 81-0 (2009) Author: Davis, Wendy Relating to the right of certain municipalities to maintain local control over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
SB 2156 81-0 (2009) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to the number of persons who may be appointed to the classification immediately below department head in a police department covered by municipal civil service. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
SB 2194 81-0 (2009) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to the reporting and recording of a motor vehicle accident involving an official vehicle driven by a peace officer, fire fighter, or an emergency medical services employee in the course of official duties. Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec. | ACCIDENTS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
SB 2196 81-0 (2009) Author: Williams, Tommy Relating to the employment of peace officers by certain law enforcement agencies. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 2197 81-0 (2009) Author: Williams, Tommy
Sponsor: Harless, Patricia
Relating to fees paid to a constable for serving civil process. House: County Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/09 | CONSTABLES | County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PROCESS SERVERS
SB 2265 81-0 (2009) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the disciplinary suspension or demotion of a firefighter or police officer under municipal civil service. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
SB 2415 81-0 (2009) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to license plates created by the Texas Department of Transportation for professional firefighters. Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec. | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LICENSE PLATES | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
SB 2436 81-0 (2009) Author: Uresti, Carlos Relating to exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain peace officers employed by a law enforcement agency. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES
SB 2583 81-0 (2009) Author: West, Royce Relating to coverage under a meet and confer agreement for certain municipal firefighters and police officers. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
SCR 87 81-0 (2009) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 2730. Received by the Secretary of the Senate | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, DIVISION OF THE DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE SECURITY BOARD, TEXAS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Resolutions--Corrective | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Sunset Bills | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 24 80-0 (2007) Author: Corte, Jr., Frank Relating to a fee on sales of alcoholic beverages in certain municipalities to fund fire and emergency services and related educational activities. House: Local Government Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 241 80-0 (2007) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to equipping each K-9 law enforcement vehicle with a heat alarm system. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | Animals | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 392 80-0 (2007) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to certain political activities by a labor organization or an affiliate of a labor organization that receives state funds; providing a criminal penalty. House: Elections Referred to Elections | Elections--Campaign Financing | Ethics | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS
HB 486 80-0 (2007) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the continuing education requirements for chiefs of police. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
HB 487 80-0 (2007) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the continuing education requirements for constables. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
HB 488 80-0 (2007) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to disciplinary action by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education against certain officers elected under the Texas Constitution. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON
HB 738 80-0 (2007) Author: Bonnen, Dennis
Sponsor: Jackson, Mike
Relating to an exemption from Texas Commission on Fire Protection training requirements for certain aircraft fire fighting and rescue fire protection personnel. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Vetoed by the Governor | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Transportation--Aviation
HB 850 80-0 (2007) Author: Olivo, Dora | et. al. Relating to available training for school resource officers and school district peace officers. House: Public Education Committee report sent to Calendars | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING
HB 858 80-0 (2007) Author: Talton, Robert Relating to the authority of a peace officer to inquire into the immigration status of certain persons. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Aliens | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 866 80-0 (2007) Author: Davis, Yvonne
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to local control of firefighter and police officer employment matters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/07 | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations
HB 873 80-0 (2007) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to eligibility requirements for a beginning position in a police department in certain municipalities under municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1103 80-0 (2007) Author: Latham, Thomas Relating to the administration of polygraph examinations to certain officers and employees of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas. House: Law Enforcement Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | POLYGRAPH EXAMINATIONS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Budget
HB 1110 80-0 (2007) Author: Callegari, Bill
Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the use by an active peace officer of the officer's rank or status to advertise or promote certain private businesses. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Left pending in committee | ADVERTISING | Business & Commerce--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1176 80-0 (2007) Author: Smithee, John Relating to providing that a municipality may allow a municipal fire marshal or arson investigator to travel in an unmarked municipal vehicle when performing official duties. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1212 80-0 (2007) Author: Pierson, Paula | et. al.
Sponsor: Harris, Chris
Relating to the penalties for intoxication assault and intoxication manslaughter and to the sentencing of defendants convicted of those offenses. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | DARREN MEDLIN & DWAYNE FREETO ACT | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 1315 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to the qualifications of a person in the chain of command over fire protection personnel. House: Urban Affairs Recommitted to committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1339 80-0 (2007) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to the eligibility for education benefits of surviving minor children of certain public employees killed in the line of duty. House: Pensions & Investments Companion considered in lieu of in committee | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1422 80-0 (2007) Author: Driver, Joe | et. al. Relating to personnel records of commissioned officers of the Department of Public Safety. House: Law Enforcement Laid on the table subject to call | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Protection of Personal Information | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RIGHT OF PRIVACY
HB 1423 80-0 (2007) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain peace officers employed by a law enforcement agency. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Removed from local & uncontested calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES
HB 1473 80-0 (2007) Author: Turner, Sylvester
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the waiver of sovereign immunity of a political subdivision for claims brought by certain employees. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Political Subdivisions | State Employees
HB 1523 80-0 (2007) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to local control of firefighter employment matters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1561 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin
Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the investigation of a firefighter in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1562 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin
Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to hours of labor in certain fire departments. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1636 80-0 (2007) Author: Menendez, Jose Relating to conditions of employment for certain peace officers. House: Urban Affairs Considered in Calendars | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1638 80-0 (2007) Author: Taylor, Larry
Sponsor: Jackson, Mike
Relating to enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective on 9/1/07 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Highways | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 1660 80-0 (2007) Author: King, Phil Relating to the amount of sick leave for police officers employed by certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SICK LEAVE
HB 1691 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to business leave time accounts for peace officers in certain municipalities and counties. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1717 80-0 (2007) Author: McReynolds, Jim
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the identification requirements for any device with the appearance of a fire hydrant that is nonfunctioning or otherwise unavailable for use in a fire emergency. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure
HB 1768 80-0 (2007) Author: Anchía, Rafael | et. al.
Sponsor: West, Royce
Relating to the hours worked during a week by police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/07 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1860 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin | et. al. Relating to the establishment of a peace officer employment opportunity Internet website by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | Electronic Information Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | INTERNET | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1878 80-0 (2007) Author: Olivo, Dora Relating to longevity pay for certain campus peace officers employed by a state institution of higher education or public technical institute. House: Higher Education Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . | Education--Higher--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Salaries & Expenses | State Employees
HB 1934 80-0 (2007) Author: Burnam, Lon Relating to the establishment by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education of a training program for peace officers regarding the use of a Taser or other stun gun. House: Law Enforcement Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | PEACE OFFICERS | Weapons
HB 1955 80-0 (2007) Author: Elkins, Gary
Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the licensing of certain peace officers by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Education--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2033 80-0 (2007) Author: England, Kirk Relating to funding for the continuing education of certain peace officers. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 2066 80-0 (2007) Author: Laubenberg, Jodie Relating to the accessibility of initial training and continuing education for constables. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | CONSTABLES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 2099 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin | et. al.
Sponsor: Uresti, Carlos
Relating to the right of certain municipalities to maintain local control over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Placed on intent calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations
HB 2157 80-0 (2007) Author: McReynolds, Jim Relating to an educational campaign to promote awareness of requirements for criminal justice agencies to report and disseminate information about threats against peace officers and detention officers. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | Electronic Information Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | INTERNET | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON
HB 2184 80-0 (2007) Author: Dukes, Dawnna | et. al.
Sponsor: Watson, Kirk
Relating to the right of certain municipalities to maintain local control over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Record vote | City Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Wages | Open Records | PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS
HB 2241 80-0 (2007) Author: Kuempel, Edmund Relating to the work hours of and compensatory time and overtime pay for commissioned officers of the Department of Public Safety. House: Appropriations Committee report sent to Calendars | COMPENSATORY TIME | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Employees
HB 2269 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to entrance examination procedures for certain police officers under municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs Laid on the table subject to call | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2270 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to the deduction from a deputy sheriff's wages or salary in certain counties for payment of membership dues to an employee association. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 2283 80-0 (2007) Author: Chavez, Norma
Sponsor: Watson, Kirk
Relating to the suspension or removal of a deputy sheriff. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 2321 80-0 (2007) Author: Olivo, Dora Relating to determining population for the creation of civil service systems in certain counties. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2330 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to the applicability of the Fire and Police Employee Relations Act in recently incorporated political subdivisions to certain fire fighters covered by preexisting collective bargaining agreements. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS
HB 2400 80-0 (2007) Author: Keffer, Jim
Sponsor: Averitt, Kip
Relating to membership in, contributions to, benefits from, and administration of the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System. House: Pensions & Investments
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/07 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Retirement Systems--General
HB 2445 80-0 (2007) Author: Driver, Joe | et. al.
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy | et. al.
Relating to certain employment records maintained by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education; providing an administrative penalty. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 | EMPLOYEE RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 2624 80-0 (2007) Author: King, Phil Relating to certain functions and services performed in relation to accidents. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 2729 80-0 (2007) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to the conditions of employment for firefighters employed by certain districts and entities; providing penalties. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2833 80-0 (2007) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the licensing and regulation of certain private security services. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES
HB 2868 80-0 (2007) Author: Swinford, David | et. al. Relating to assessment of certain insurers to fund the volunteer fire department assistance fund. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Insurance--Insurers & Agents | Insurance--Property & Casualty
HB 2995 80-0 (2007) Author: Darby, Drew Relating to the number of persons who may be appointed to the classification immediately below department head in a police department covered by municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 2998 80-0 (2007) Author: Christian, Wayne Relating to the duty of a peace officer to verify the citizenship and immigration status of certain persons. House: State Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | Aliens | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3120 80-0 (2007) Author: Miles, Borris | et. al. Relating to automatic admission to institutions of higher education for children of certain public servants killed in the line of duty. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | Education--Higher--Admission & Attendance | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3307 80-0 (2007) Author: England, Kirk Relating to funding for the continuing education of certain peace officers. House: Law Enforcement Committee report sent to Calendars | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3341 80-0 (2007) Author: Burnam, Lon Relating to initial and continuing education and training for peace officers and recruits relating to the trafficking of persons. House: Law Enforcement Committee report sent to Calendars | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3352 80-0 (2007) Author: Woolley, Beverly
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to municipal civil service for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Criminal Justice
Vetoed by the Governor | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 3360 80-0 (2007) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the prerequisites for enrollment in certain peace officer training programs. House: Law Enforcement Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3372 80-0 (2007) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to training for peace officers relating to the trafficking of persons. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING
HB 3405 80-0 (2007) Author: Allen, Alma | et. al. Relating to the recognition of law enforcement officers in certain counties. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS
HB 3442 80-0 (2007) Author: Anchía, Rafael Relating to the creation of the law enforcement integrity unit in the office of the attorney general. House: Judiciary Left pending in committee | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 3519 80-0 (2007) Author: Strama, Mark | et. al. Relating to conditions of employment for law enforcement officers and corrections officers employed by certain counties. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 3586 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to the sheriff's department civil service system in certain counties; imposing a criminal penalty. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 3587 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to conditions of employment for deputy sheriffs employed by sheriff's departments in certain counties. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | SHERIFFS
HB 3588 80-0 (2007) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to sheriff's department civil service systems in certain counties; providing a criminal penalty. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
HB 3613 80-0 (2007) Author: Latham, Thomas
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to identification cards issued to peace officers, reserve law enforcement officers, and honorably retired peace officers by a law enforcement agency or other governmental entity. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/07 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | IDENTIFICATION CARDS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 3704 80-0 (2007) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda | et. al. Relating to immigration law training for certain law enforcement officers. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | Aliens | Fire Fighters & Police--General | IMMIGRATION LAW | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON
HB 3781 80-0 (2007) Author: Jackson, Jim Relating to the creation of a sheriff's department civil service system in certain counties. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
HR 2863 80-0 (2007) Author: Driver, Joe Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 2833. Reported enrolled | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports
SB 115 80-0 (2007) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Relating to certain political activities by a labor organization or an affiliate of a labor organization that receives state funds; providing a criminal penalty. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Elections--Campaign Financing | Ethics | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS
SB 189 80-0 (2007) Author: Brimer, Kim
Sponsor: King, Phil
Relating to the amount of sick leave for police officers employed by certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | SICK LEAVE
SB 243 80-0 (2007) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to local control of firefighter and police officer employment matters in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Testimony taken in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS
SB 279 80-0 (2007) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the establishment and operation of a public building mapping information system by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission. Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security Left pending in committee | BUILDING & PROCUREMENT COMMISSION, TEXAS | COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources
SB 339 80-0 (2007) Author: Ellis, Rodney
Sponsor: Bailey, Kevin
Relating to entrance examination procedures for certain police officers under municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/07 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 342 80-0 (2007) Author: Ellis, Rodney
Sponsor: Turner, Sylvester
Relating to eligibility requirements for a beginning position in a police department in certain municipalities under municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/07 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
SB 457 80-0 (2007) Author: Watson, Kirk | et. al.
Sponsor: Menendez, Jose
Relating to the eligibility for education benefits of surviving minor children of certain public employees killed in the line of duty. House: Pensions & Investments
Senate: Government Organization
Effective immediately | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
SB 503 80-0 (2007) Author: Hegar, Glenn
Sponsor: England, Kirk
Relating to funding for the continuing education of certain peace officers. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm. | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 511 80-0 (2007) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to the qualifications of a person in the chain of command over fire protection personnel. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 517 80-0 (2007) Author: Janek, Kyle | et. al. Relating to tuition and laboratory fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain police officers enrolled in criminal justice or law enforcement management-related coursework. Senate: Education No action taken in subcommittee | Education--Higher--Student Fees | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 526 80-0 (2007) Author: Seliger, Kel
Sponsor: Smithee, John
Relating to providing that a municipality may allow a municipal fire marshal or arson investigator to travel in an unmarked municipal vehicle when performing official duties. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 585 80-0 (2007) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia
Sponsor: Leibowitz, David
Relating to the authority of the Edwards Aquifer Authority to adopt rules relating to fire control. House: Natural Resources
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately | EDWARDS AQUIFER AUTHORITY | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility
SB 629 80-0 (2007) Author: Deuell, Bob Relating to the establishment of a peace officer employment opportunity Internet website by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Law Enforcement | Electronic Information Systems | Fire Fighters & Police--General | INTERNET | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 632 80-0 (2007) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the investigation of a firefighter in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations No action taken in committee | CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 633 80-0 (2007) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to hours of labor in certain fire departments. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations No action taken in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 720 80-0 (2007) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to the continuing education requirements for chiefs of police. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON
SB 721 80-0 (2007) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to disciplinary action by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education against certain officers elected under the Texas Constitution. Senate: Criminal Justice Committee report printed and distributed | Crimes--Miscellaneous | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON
SB 729 80-0 (2007) Author: West, Royce Relating to the issuance and use of private activity bonds by the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation and housing finance corporations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Education--Higher--Faculty | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Housing--General | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens | STATE AFFORDABLE HOUSING CORPORATION
SB 740 80-0 (2007) Author: Whitmire, John
Sponsor: Driver, Joe | et. al.
Relating to personnel records of commissioned officers of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Protection of Personal Information | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RIGHT OF PRIVACY
SB 772 80-0 (2007) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia | et. al.
Sponsor: Menendez, Jose
Relating to conditions of employment for certain peace officers. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/07 | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1121 80-0 (2007) Author: Carona, John Relating to the creation of the law enforcement integrity unit in the office of the attorney general. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
SB 1181 80-0 (2007) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to restrictions on collective bargaining agreements and arbitration awards under The Fire and Police Employee Relations Act. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations
SB 1183 80-0 (2007) Author: Watson, Kirk
Sponsor: Dukes, Dawnna | et. al.
Relating to the right of certain municipalities to maintain local control over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations | Labor--Wages
SB 1212 80-0 (2007) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Sponsor: Bailey, Kevin
Relating to the local control of firefighter employment matters in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Placed on General State Calendar | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters
SB 1227 80-0 (2007) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the conditions of employment for firefighters employed by certain districts and entities; providing penalties. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations No action taken in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1243 80-0 (2007) Author: Duncan, Robert Relating to the number of persons who may be appointed to the classification immediately below department head in a police department covered by municipal civil service. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Urban Affairs | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
SB 1285 80-0 (2007) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia | et. al.
Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia
Relating to training for peace officers relating to the trafficking of persons. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Committee report sent to Calendars | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING
SB 1348 80-0 (2007) Author: Patrick, Dan | et. al. Relating to the liability of a governmental unit for action taken by a peace officer engaged in the pursuit of a motor vehicle. House: Civil Practices
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Civil Practices | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | Safety | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 1395 80-0 (2007) Author: Williams, Tommy Relating to certain employment records maintained by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education; providing an administrative penalty. Senate: Criminal Justice Removed from local & uncontested calendar | EMPLOYEE RECORDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 1441 80-0 (2007) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to the identification requirements for any device with the appearance of a fire hydrant that is nonfunctioning or otherwise unavailable for use in a fire emergency. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure
SB 1584 80-0 (2007) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the deduction from a deputy sheriff's wages or salary in certain counties for payment of membership dues to an employee association. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations No action taken in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
SB 1708 80-0 (2007) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to the continuing education requirements for constables. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | CONSTABLES | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS & EDUCATION, COMMN. ON
SB 1712 80-0 (2007) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain peace officers employed by a sheriff's department. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES
SB 1718 80-0 (2007) Author: Whitmire, John Relating to municipal civil service for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1769 80-0 (2007) Author: Watson, Kirk
Sponsor: Strama, Mark
Relating to conditions of employment for law enforcement officers and corrections officers employed by certain counties. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Committee report sent to Calendars | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | LABOR UNIONS | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
SB 1821 80-0 (2007) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to the administration of municipal civil service promotional examinations in certain cities to eligible candidates unable to be physically present during the examination. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE FIGHTERS' & POLICE OFFICERS' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
SB 1840 80-0 (2007) Author: Patrick, Dan Relating to the authority of a peace officer to inquire into the immigration status of certain persons. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Aliens | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
SB 1856 80-0 (2007) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the sheriff's department civil service system in certain counties; imposing a criminal penalty. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | SHERIFFS
SB 1925 80-0 (2007) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to conditions of employment for deputy sheriffs employed by sheriff's departments in certain counties. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations No action taken in committee | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | SHERIFFS
SB 1948 80-0 (2007) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to the maximum annual compensation of certain auxiliary fire fighters. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Not again placed on intent calendar | Fire Fighters & Police--General
SB 1949 80-0 (2007) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to the use by an active peace officer of the officer's rank or status to advertise or promote certain private businesses. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | ADVERTISING | Business & Commerce--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
SR 1180 80-0 (2007) Author: Seliger, Kel Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 2833. Reported enrolled | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports
HB 27 79-0 (2005) Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al. Relating to the penalties for intoxication assault and intoxication manslaughter and to the sentencing of defendants convicted of those offenses. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Criminal Justice | Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment | DARREN MEDLIN & JUSTIN WOLLAM ACT | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
HB 148 79-0 (2005) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda
Sponsor: Carona, John
Relating to the probationary period of persons appointed to beginning positions in certain fire or police departments. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/05 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations | Political Subdivisions
HB 150 79-0 (2005) Author: Reyna, Elvira | et. al.
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to the eligibility of a person to be appointed to serve on certain civil service commissions. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 156 79-0 (2005) Author: Cook, Byron Relating to the eligibility of certain law enforcement officers to participate in a low-interest home loan program offered by the state. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Housing--General | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens
HB 181 79-0 (2005) Author: Guillen, Ryan | et. al. Relating to the eligibility of certain corrections and peace officers to participate in a low-interest home loan program offered by the state. House: Urban Affairs Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Housing--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | PEACE OFFICERS | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens | PROTECTORS PROVISION ACT
HB 233 79-0 (2005) Author: Martinez, Armando | et. al.
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the securing by municipal police officers of a scene to which the municipality's emergency ambulance service responds. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 246 79-0 (2005) Author: Goolsby, Tony Relating to the establishment of a special police force or neighborhood police department. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS & PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 263 79-0 (2005) Author: Madden, Jerry
Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to the civil service status of certain fire department employees. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 279 79-0 (2005) Author: Pickett, Joseph Relating to compensatory time off for certain state employees. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | COMPENSATORY TIME | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS | State Employees
HB 304 79-0 (2005) Author: Talton, Robert | et. al.
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob | et. al.
Relating to conditions of employment for police officers employed by certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/05 | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--Management Relations
HB 340 79-0 (2005) Author: Seaman, Gene | et. al.
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the authority of a navigation district to establish a volunteer police reserve force. House: Transportation
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | PEACE OFFICERS | Water--Navigation & Ports
HB 466 79-0 (2005) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to conditions of employment for peace officers and detention officers employed by certain counties. House: County Affairs Referred to County Affairs | County Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Management Relations | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 631 79-0 (2005) Author: Smith, Wayne Relating to county authority to adopt fire codes in unincorporated areas. House: County Affairs Left pending in committee | County Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel
HB 639 79-0 (2005) Author: Bailey, Kevin | et. al.
Sponsor: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Relating to complaints against certain peace officers, fire fighters, detention officers, and county jailers. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/05 | Fire Fighters & Police--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | Labor--Management Relations | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 641 79-0 (2005) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to business leave time accounts for peace officers and detention officers in certain municipalities and counties. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 644 79-0 (2005) Author: Bonnen, Dennis Relating to limiting the liability of emergency medical services volunteers and emergency medical services volunteer providers. House: Civil Practices Referred to Civil Practices | Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | VOLUNTEERS
HB 771 79-0 (2005) Author: Bailey, Kevin Relating to business leave time accounts for peace officers and detention officers in certain counties. House: Urban Affairs No action taken in committee | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 804 79-0 (2005) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to requiring notification to and approval by an association representing a municipality's firefighters before certain municipalities may outsource the provision of emergency medical services. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Labor--Management Relations | OUTSOURCING
HB 825 79-0 (2005) Author: Talton, Robert
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of interference with public duties. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/05 | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Law Enforcement
HB 1007 79-0 (2005) Author: Ritter, Allan | et. al.
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to certain low-interest home loan programs administered by the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Housing--General | JAILERS & PRISON GUARDS | PEACE OFFICERS | Property Interests--Mortgages & Liens | STATE AFFORDABLE HOUSING CORPORATION
HB 1039 79-0 (2005) Author: Keel, Terry | et. al. Relating to an exemption from tuition and fees at institutions of higher education for peace officers and police cadets enrolled in certain law enforcement programs. House: Higher Education Left pending in committee | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fire Fighters & Police--General | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1144 79-0 (2005) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to the hours worked during a week by police officers in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General
HB 1151 79-0 (2005) Author: Gonzales, Veronica Relating to the consideration of a person's age in determining the person's eligibility for a position in a police department in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | City Government--Employees/Officers | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1152 79-0 (2005) Author: Gonzales, Veronica Relating to representation elections conducted under The Fire and Police Employee Relations Act. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | LABOR UNIONS | Law Enforcement
HB 1196 79-0 (2005) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the work hours of and compensatory time and overtime pay for commissioned officers of the Department of Public Safety. House: Law Enforcement Left pending in committee | COMPENSATORY TIME | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Labor--General | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1197 79-0 (2005) Author: Moreno, Paul Relating to the establishment in certain municipalities of boards to receive and act on complaints of police misconduct. House: Urban Affairs Referred to Urban Affairs | COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARDS | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement
HB 1213 79-0 (2005) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to fitness incentive pay for certain fire fighters and police officers. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/05 | Financial--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Political Subdivisions
HB 1284 79-0 (2005) Author: Swinford, David Relating to the exception from required public disclosure of a photograph of a peace officer. House: State Affairs Laid on the table subject to call | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Open Records | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1333 79-0 (2005) Author: McReynolds, Jim Relating to the provision of state death benefits to certain employees of the Texas Forest Service. House: Appropriations Committee report sent to Calendars | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FOREST SERVICE, TEXAS | Parks & Wildlife--General
HB 1438 79-0 (2005) Author: Talton, Robert
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to continuing education for peace officers. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | CONTINUING EDUCATION | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PEACE OFFICERS
HB 1534 79-0 (2005) Author: Rose, Patrick Relating to the appointment of a sheriff, municipal police officer, and firefighter to the Critical Infrastructure Protection Council. House: Defense Affairs & State-Federal Relations
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec. | CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION COUNCIL | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Governor | Law Enforcement | SHERIFFS
HB 1551 79-0 (2005) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Relating to equipping each K-9 law enforcement vehicle with a heat alarm system. House: Law Enforcement Referred to Law Enforcement | Animals | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 1588 79-0 (2005) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the qualifications and removal of and continuing education requirements for a constable. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
HB 1589 79-0 (2005) Author: Driver, Joe
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the administration of polygraph examinations to certain applicants for positions in the Department of Public Safety. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective immediately | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PEACE OFFICERS | POLYGRAPH EXAMINATIONS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Employees