Last action: Referred to Finance
Author: Frank Corte
Coauthor: Will Hartnett | Anna Mowery | Bill Siebert | Ray Allen | Leo Alvarado | Kip Averitt | Warren Chisum | Billy Clemons | Joe Crabb | Homer Dear | Charles Finnell | Roberto Gutierrez | Talmadge Heflin | Harvey Hilderbran | Mary James | Mike Krusee | Jerry Madden | Brian McCall | Pedro Nieto | Steve Ogden | Pete Patterson | Jim Pitts | John Shields | Robert Talton | Leticia Van de Putte | Jim Tallas | Tony Parra | Jim Horn | John Carona | David Swinford | Gerald Yost | Edmund Kuempel | Bob Rabuck | George West | Ken Marchant | Paul Hilbert | Bernard Erickson | Carolyn Park | Keith Oakley | Ben Campbell | Fred Hill | Robert Eckels | Ted Kamel
CoSponsor: Jane Nelson
Bill Analyses:
Committee Report (House Research Organization)
Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments
House Committee: Ways & Means (Tom Craddick, Clyde Alexander, Hugo Berlanga, Pat Haggerty, Talmadge Heflin, Jim Horn, Paul Moreno, Rene Oliveira, D.R. Uher, Richard Williamson, Steven Wolens)
April 5 1993 | April 19 1993
Senate Committee: Finance (John Montford, Gonzalo Barrientos, Teel Bivins, Rodney Ellis, Bill Haley, Mike Moncrief, Carl Parker, Bill Ratliff, David Sibley, Bill Sims, Carlos Truan, Jim Turner, Judith Zaffirini)
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