Last action: Referred to Transportation
Author: Dade Phelan
Joint Author: Jim Keffer | Charlie Geren | Dennis Bonnen | Patricia Harless
Coauthor: Trent Ashby | Jimmie Don Aycock | Cindy Burkett | Dustin Burrows | Travis Clardy | Byron Cook | Drew Darby | Harold V. Dutton, Jr. | Larry Gonzales | Bryan Hughes | Todd Hunter | Kyle Kacal | Ken King | John Kuempel | Brooks Landgraf | Lyle Larson | Oscar Longoria | Morgan Meyer | John Raney | Ed Thompson | Gary VanDeaver | James White
House Committee: Transportation (Joseph Pickett, Cindy Burkett, Yvonne Davis, Allen Fletcher, Patricia Harless, Celia Israel, Armando Martinez, Ruth McClendon, José Menéndez, Ina Minjarez, Andrew Murr, Chris Paddie, Larry Phillips, Ron Simmons, Laura Thompson)
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