Last action: Effective on 9/1/17
Author: Paul Bettencourt
Coauthor: Donna Campbell | Larry Taylor | Kelly Hancock | José Menéndez | Kel Seliger | Bob Hall | Robert Nichols | Lois Kolkhorst | Craig Estes | Charles Perry | Juan Hinojosa | Brandon Creighton | Dawn Buckingham | Brian Birdwell | Carlos Uresti | Eddie Lucio, Jr. | Van Taylor | John Whitmire | José Rodríguez | Don Huffines | Joan Huffman | Jane Nelson | Bryan Hughes | Charles Schwertner | Judith Zaffirini | Royce West | Konni Burton | Kirk Watson | Borris Miles | Sylvia Garcia
Sponsor: Ken King
Joint Sponsor: John Kuempel | Tony Dale | Harold V. Dutton, Jr. | Gary VanDeaver
CoSponsor: Charles "Doc" Anderson | Rodney Anderson | Ernest Bailes | Dwayne Bohac | Greg Bonnen | Cindy Burkett | DeWayne Burns | Travis Clardy | Byron Cook | Scott Cosper | Joe Deshotel | Wayne Faircloth | Pat Fallon | Dan Flynn | John Frullo | Larry Gonzales | Ryan Guillen | Jason Isaac | Kyle Kacal | Phil King | Linda Koop | Matt Krause | Stan Lambert | Jeff Leach | Will Metcalf | Morgan Meyer | Geanie W. Morrison | Tan Parker | Dennis Paul | Dade Phelan | Larry Phillips | Four Price | John Raney | Kevin Roberts | Scott Sanford | Leighton Schubert | Phil Stephenson | Lynn Stucky | Terry M. Wilson | Paul Workman | John Zerwas | Dan Huberty
Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2017, 85th R.S.,ch. 178, General and Special Laws of Texas
Bill Analyses:
Committee Report (TLC)
Enrolled (Senate Research Center)
Introduced (Senate Research Center)
Committee Report (Senate Research Center)
Gubernatorial documents:
Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools
Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel
Education--Primary & Secondary--Private
Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers
Education--School Districts
Minors--Crimes Against
House Committee: Public Education (Dan Huberty, Alma Allen, Diego Bernal, Dwayne Bohac, Joe Deshotel, Harold V. Dutton, Jr., Lance Gooden, Ken King, Linda Koop, Morgan Meyer, Gary VanDeaver)
March 21 2017 | April 12 2017
House Committee: Public Education-S/C on Educator Quality (Ken King, Alma Allen, Harold V. Dutton, Jr., Morgan Meyer, Gary VanDeaver)
Senate Committee: Education (Larry Taylor, Paul Bettencourt, Donna Campbell, Bob Hall, Don Huffines, Bryan Hughes, Eddie Lucio, Jr., Kel Seliger, Van Taylor, Carlos Uresti, Royce West)
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