Proposition Prop. 11 - The constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation certain personal property not held or used for the production of income.
Outcome: Adopted
Election date: 11/03/1987
Votes for: 1,066,476
Votes against: 1,014,318
Enabling legislation No enabling legislation required.
Articles affected
Article 8 :
(d) and (e)
Proposition Prop. 10 - The constitutional amendment providing for the exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain property that is located in the state for only a temporary period of time.
Outcome: Defeated
Election date: 11/03/1987
Votes for: 993,889
Votes against: 1,043,986
Enabling legislation No enabling legislation required.
Articles affected
Article 8 :
(a),(b),(c),(f),(g) and (h)
Analyses of proposed amendments:
House Research Organization Amendments Proposed for the November 3, 1987 election.
Texas Legislative Council Analyses of Proposed Constitutional Amendments for the November 3, 1987 election.
Effective dates
Unless otherwise specified, an amendment takes effect as part of the constitution on the date of the official canvass of election returns showing adoption of the amendment.
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