Last action: Effective on 9/1/05
Author: Byron Cook
Joint Author: Aaron Peña | Ken Paxton | Dan Branch
Coauthor: Roy Blake, Jr. | John Davis | Rob Eissler | Dan Flynn | Bob Griggs | Abel Herrero | Charlie Howard | Jim Jackson | Jodie Laubenberg | David Leibowitz | Armando Martinez | Rob Orr | John Otto | Gene Seaman | Hubert Vo | Bill Zedler
Sponsor: Kip Averitt
Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2005, 79th R.S.,ch. 1188, General and Special Laws of Texas
Bill Analyses:
Committee Report (House Research Organization)
Enrolled (Senate Research Center)
Engrossed (Senate Research Center)
Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons
Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment
Vehicles & Traffic--DWI & DUID
House Committee: Criminal Jurisprudence (Terry Keel, Mary Denny, Juan Escobar, Terri Hodge, Paul Moreno, Aaron Peña, Richard Raymond, Elvira Reyna, Debbie Riddle)
March 22 2005 | March 23 2005
Senate Committee: Criminal Justice (John Whitmire, John Carona, Rodney Ellis, Juan Hinojosa, Jon Lindsay, Steve Ogden, Kel Seliger, Tommy Williams)
May 19 2005
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