HB 4451, 81st R.S. history

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HB 4451, 81st R.S.
Relating to continuity of care services or mental health commitment proceedings for youth with mental illness or mental retardation who are transferred, discharged, or paroled from the Texas Youth Commission.

Last action: Effective immediately

Author: Jim McReynolds
Joint Author: Sid Miller | Marisa Marquez
Coauthor: David Leibowitz
Sponsor: Juan Hinojosa

Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2009, 81st R.S.,ch. 1038, General and Special Laws of Texas

Bill Analyses:
Committee Report (House Research Organization)
Engrossed (Senate Research Center)
Committee Report (Senate Research Center)

Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons
Mental Health & Mental Retardation
Minors--Health & Safety
Minors--Juvenile Justice

House Committee: Corrections (Jim McReynolds, Harold V. Dutton, Jr., Kirk England, Terri Hodge, Eric Johnson, Lois Kolkhorst, Jerry Madden, Marisa Marquez, Armando Martinez, Sid Miller, Solomon Ortiz, Jr., Ralph Sheffield)
Minutes: April 2 2009 | April 9 2009
Senate Committee: Criminal Justice (John Whitmire, John Carona, Rodney Ellis, Glenn Hegar, Juan Hinojosa, Joan Huffman, Dan Patrick, Kel Seliger)
Minutes: May 19 2009

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