HCR 20, 88th 3rd C.S. history

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HCR 20, 88th 3rd C.S.
Urging the U.S. Congress to propose and submit to the states for ratification a federal balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Last action: Referred to State Affairs

Author: Richard Peña Raymond
Joint Author: Ryan Guillen | Ben Bumgarner

Resolutions--Legislative Policy
Resolutions--Memorializing Congress
Resolutions--United States Constitution

House Committee: State Affairs (Todd Hunter, Rafael Anchía, Jay Dean, Charlie Geren, Ryan Guillen, Ana Hernandez, Will Metcalf, Richard Peña Raymond, Shelby Slawson, John Smithee, David Spiller, Senfronia Thompson, Chris Turner)

Texas Legislature Online

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