TAPA threatens passage of top pro-life priority. The war over fetal rights: the politics of the womb are becoming ever more personal - and complex. The Peterson murder case, changing state laws and startling new science are causing many Americans to rethink long-held beliefs. Texas tilts right on abortion and other issues: with three bills that herald sweeping restrictions, one state's debate sheds light on national struggle. Bills that became laws in Texas' 78th legislative session: and the lowdown on what didn't make it. Crosses to bear: at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, questions of faith, conscience, biology, and politics collide every day on the front lines of the new war over abortion. Doctors as cops. Woman to go on trial for delivering cocaine to unborn child: defense lawyer claims prosecutor applying new law incorrectly. Defendant to appeal conviction for death of unborn child. Women acquitted of drug delivery to their fetuses. CCA to hear men's appeals in two fetal death cases. CCA affirms capital conviction in fetus death. |
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