Report to the 82nd Texas Legislature on the state of Texas retirement program (as required by Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S.). Text of conference committee report, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act, Art. II, Health and Human Services Commission, Rider 62, p. II-101, Contingency for Medicaid Women's Health Program. Text of conference committee report, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act, Art. III, Texas Education Agency, Schedule of exempt positions (Commissioner of Education salary), p. III-2. Bill analysis for the conference committee report on House Bill 1 (Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., state budget for 2012-2013 biennium). Text of conference committee report, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act, Art. II, Health and Human Services, Rider 55, p. II-123, Funding for HIV medications. Text of conference committee report, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act, Art. II, Texas Department of State Health Services, Rider 17, p. II-61, Prohibition on abortions. Text of conference committee report, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act, Art. III, Department of Education, Rider 56, Student Success Initiative, p. III-17. Text of conference committee report, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act, Art. VII, Texas Department of Transportation, Rider 42, p. VII-36, Appropriations from Proposition 12 general obligation bond proceeds for bridge, safety, connectivity, and congestion relief projects. Financial aid impact assessment, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., Estimated number of students served in 2012-13: major state financial aid programs. Text of conference committee report, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act, Art. V, Texas Juvenile Justice Department, Rider 34, Executive salaries, p. V-40. Memorandum to the Office of State Representative Dawnna Dukes in response to her request regarding how the House floor amendment changes to Strategy B.1.3, Family Planning Services, impact any cost savings assumptions in Medicaid or the Medicaid Women’s Health Program made in HB1 as Engrossed (Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S.). Text of Senate engrossed version, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act, Art. III, Texas Education Agency, Rider 59, Dropout prevention and intervention programs ('campus-based social and academic services that engage the community and parents'). Summary of Conference Committee report on House Bill 1: for the 2012-2013 biennium (Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S.). Letter to senators asking them to support the Senate version of the state budget (Senate substitute for Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S.). Dynamic economic impact statement for the House committee report on Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act (total employment, private non-farm employment, government employment, Gross State Product, 2012-13). Text of House committee substitute, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act. Restore community supervision/adult probation funding, HB 1/SB 1 proposed budget reductions: prison diversions, Article V – public safety & criminal justice. Updated analyses of county-by-county effects of state budget cuts (health and human services, Medicaid spending losses, public education, Tex. H.B. 2485, community colleges, general academic/other higher education) (Tex. H.B.1, 82nd Leg., R.S.). Republican budget proposal could raise tuition over $1,000 per year: Governor's call for lower tuition shows he is in denial; Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board analysis: General academic institution funding under HB1 (introduced): possible impact. Legislative budget estimates for the 2012-2013 biennium, House version, 82nd Legislature. Summary of legislative budget estimates for the 2012-2013 biennium, House version, 82nd Legislature (including public education 'estimated to be $9.8 billion below the amount required to fund the school finance formulas under the Texas Education Code'). Text of Legislative Budget Board recommendations, House version, Tex. H.B. 1, 82nd Leg., R.S., General Appropriations Act. Texas Medicaid funding in filed version of HB 1: testimony. Spreading the pain. Legislature faces a Texas-sized budget crisis. The Texas budget: a blow to the model. Some Texas bills merit watching on the business front. Some key Texas business bills could still see the light of day. State budget conference committee Medicaid decisions. The Texas budget: closing the gap. Major Medicaid-CHIP 2012-2013 state budget decisions. A stressful session. The 82nd legislative sessions: game over, reset. Bill analysis for the Conference Committee Report on House Bill 1 (82nd Legislature, Regular Session, state budget for 2012-2013 biennium). Non-course competency-based developmental education: challenges, interventions, and recommendations: a report to the Texas Legislature as required by Rider 34, General Appropriations Act, 82nd... The community college transfer student report (2012). Developmental education best practices: a report to the Texas Legislature in response to Rider 52, General Appropriations Act, 82nd Texas Legislature. Report on the cost of distance education. Dual credit report: in satisfaction of Rider 33 of the Appropriations Act. |
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