39th Regular Session (1925) – Governor Miriam Ferguson
Bill | Caption | Document |
HB 219 | Fixing compensation for District Attorneys in certain counties. | Veto |
HB 303 | Providing for relocation of the State prison system. | Veto |
HB 549 | Exempting Travis County from certain provisions of the Civil Statutes for two years. | Veto |
HB 600 | Granting district attorneys privileges of appointing deputies in certain counties. | Veto |
HB 650 | Abolishing district attorney's office in the 77th Judicial District. | Veto |
SB 17 | Relating to co-operation with the U.S. Government in the matter of destruction of certain wild animals, providing an appropriation. | Veto |
SB 148 | Relative to public roads and highways, exempting county of Bowie from provisions. | Veto |
SB 172 | Relating to statements of facts in appealed cases. | Veto |
SB 175 | Permitting the issuance to, and use by Senators and members of the House of Representatives and their families, of free railroad transporation and sleeping car accommodations. | Veto |
SB 207 | Relating to employment of additional nurses to promote public health, etc. | Veto |
SB 228 | Relating to disannexation of lands by incorporated towns of 2,500 or more by petition of two-thirds of property owners. | Veto |
SB 244 | Conferring upon the board of directors of the A. & M. College of Texas the right of eminent domain. | Veto |
SB 320 | Taking Wood County of the 5th Supreme Judicial District and attaching it to the 6th district. | Veto |
SB 342 | Relating to appropriations by counties for farmers co-operative demonstration work. | Veto |
SB 383 | Providing for the increase of the salary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for Harris County. | Veto |
SB 442 | Amending the Moran Independent School District in Shackelford and Calahan Counties. | Veto |
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