43rd 1st Called Session (1933) – Governor Miriam Ferguson
Bill | Caption | Document |
HB 39 | To validate certain ad valorem tax levies heretofore made. | Veto |
HB 54 | Repeals the law requiring state employees to obtain receipts for their expense accounts. | Veto |
HB 116 | To validate all issues of certain funding and refunding notes, etc., issued by certain cities. | Veto |
HB 185 | To validate, ratify, approve, etc., all levies and assessments of ad valorem taxes heretofore made by certain independent school districts. | Veto |
SB 67 | To validate the organization and creation of certain school districts. | Veto |
SB 78 | To amend Articles 1111, 1112, 1113, and 1114, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas of 1925, as amended. | Veto |
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