61st Regular Session (1969) – Governor Preston Smith
Bill | Caption | Document |
HB 17 | Relating to construction and maintenance of private roads by counties of 2500-2599 population. | Veto |
HB 117 | Making liable for tort claims for personal injury all units of government, to be known as Texas Tort Claims Act. | Veto |
HB 403 | Relating to display of certain prohibited weapons by persons engaged in the business of selling, buying or renting these weapons. | Veto |
HB 836 | Providing for county bail bond control boards in certain counties and regulating the business of giving bail. | Veto |
HB 930 | Creating The University of Texas at Arlington. | Veto |
HB 1023 | Relating to issuance of patents on surveyed school land, and vacant and unsurveyed land. | Veto |
HB 1052 | Relating to the determination of the salaries of court reporters. | Veto |
HB 1337 | Creating a Court of Domestic Relations in Harrison County. | Veto |
HB 1411 | Relating to salary to be paid the Criminal District Attorney of Harrison County and his assistants. | Veto |
HB 1412 | Relating to the salary of the county judge in counties of 45,000-46,000 population. | Veto |
HB 1438 | Authorizing commissioners courts of Falls and Limestone Counties to prohibit use of certain devices used to call wild animals and to approve admission fees to state parks located in those counties. | Veto |
HB 1448 | Providing for transfer of $9,000,000 from the "Operator's and Chauffeur's License Fund" and $5,000,000 from the "Motor Vehicle Inspection Fund" to the General Revenue Fund. | Veto |
SB 23 | Authorizing commissioners courts to provide office space for members of the Legislature. | Veto |
SB 58 | General appropriation for the operation of State Government between Sept. 1, 1969 and August 31, 1970. | Veto |
SB 184 | Relating to standards of conduct of the dental profession. | Veto |
SB 201 | Authorizing certain units of government to secure motor vehicle liability insurance under the assigned risk plan. | Veto |
SB 217 | Relating to filling vacancies among trustees appointed under a valid trust agreement. | Veto |
SB 218 | Texas Legitimacy and Paternity Act. | Veto |
SB 228 | Amending Election Code, relating to information required on a voter registration application form, registration certificate, and the list of registered voters. | Veto |
SB 266 | Authorizing certain Water Control and Improvement Districts to annex territory annexed to a city. | Veto |
SB 282 | Relating to required provisions in accident and sickness insurance policies. | Veto |
SB 298 | Relating to sale, lease back, renting and purchase of land, facilities, etc. for county purposes in certain counties. | Veto |
SB 329 | Relating to adoption of rules and regulations by the State Board of Health for the use and labeling of safety glazing materials. | Veto |
SB 341 | Relating to a change in the licensing of a life insurance counselor; prohibiting advertising. | Veto |
SB 386 | Making a misdemeanor the cutting of a tree, or limb therefrom, on any electric transmission or telephone line, so as to disrupt the service. | Veto |
SB 416 | Vesting control and management of Stephen F. Austin State College in a Board of Regents. | Veto |
SB 442 | Relating to sale and lease back and renting, leasing or purchasing of land or facilities for hospital district purposes in certain counties. | Veto |
SB 514 | Providing for appeals in eminent domain proceedings initiated by water control and improvement districts. | Veto |
SB 555 | Declaring a public policy on maintenance of public beaches. | Veto |
SB 557 | Providing criminal penalties for display for communication on public beach stating public does not have right of access on public beach. | Veto |
SB 558 | Relating to permits for certain excavation activities in certain coastal areas. | Veto |
SB 562 | Providing for creation of beach park boards in counties bordering on Gulf of Mexico. | Veto |
SB 563 | Declaring moratorium on sale or leasing of surface estate in state-owned submerge lands, beaches, and islands under any existing laws, pending receipt of Interagency Natural Resources Council study of said land. | Veto |
SB 581 | Relating to workmen's compensation coverage for municipal employees. | Veto |
SB 585 | Creating new judicial districts. | Veto |
SB 593 | Providing for the Office of County Purchasing Agent in certain counties. | Veto |
SB 599 | Relating to licensing of insurance agents. | Veto |
SB 607 | Relating to licenses authorizing operation of business establishments on certain beaches. | Veto |
SB 634 | Authorizing certain home rule cities to establish parking facilities for off-street parking or storage. | Veto |
SB 713 | Authorizing Tarrant County of El Paso County Commissioners Court to contract with political subdivisions for performance of governmental services. | Veto |
SB 716 | Establishing the Long Island Utility District adjacent to Cameron County. | Veto |
SB 727 | Relating to issuance of certain bonds by certain cities. | Veto |
SB 759 | Establishing an advisory council for study and research of problems of children with learning disabilities. | Veto |
SB 766 | Providing for qualifications and term of office of County Court at Law No. 2, Galveston County. | Veto |
SB 773 | Providing for investment of proceeds from sale by any county of lands granted to it for educational purposes. | Veto |
SB 785 | Relating to composition of Juvenile Board of Harris County and to operation of programs by Harris County Child Welfare Board. | Veto |
SB 804 | Relating to official duties and compensation of Criminal District Attorney of Galveston County. | Veto |
SB 805 | Relating to salaries of certain officials in certain counties. | Veto |
SB 811 | Relating to certain motor vehicle liability insurance policies involving vehicles owned or held for sale or repair. | Veto |
SB 813 | Relating to certain home-rule cities, park boards of trustees and parks. | Veto |
SB 824 | Relating to Court of Domestic Relations for Galveston County and to Galveston County Juvenile Board. | Veto |
SB 830 | Relating to posting notices of meetings of governmental or governing bodies. | Veto |
SB 843 | Authorizing the governor to appoint a chairman of the Governor's Committee on Aging. | Veto |
SB 847 | Authorizing the governing boards of state-supported institutions of higher education, including public junior colleges, to charge a facilities use fee to full time students. | Veto |
SB 850 | Creating the Teague Hospital District of Freestone County. | Veto |
SCR 35 | Establishing Consumer Credit Study Committee. | Veto |
SCR 36 | Creating committee to study space requirements for legislature and legislative service agencies. | Veto |
SCR 91 | Establishing Delinquent Ad Valorem Tax Study Commission. | Veto |
SCR 100 | Tribute to Jose Francisco Ruiz. | Veto |
SCR 110 | Creating committee to study taxation of farm, ranch and forest lands. | Veto |
SCR 111 | Creating committee to study problems peculiar to coastal lands and waters of Texas. | Veto |
SCR 114 | Creating committee to study feasibility of establishing state department of photography. | Veto |
SCR 116 | Reinstating funds for Agricultural Conservation Program. | Veto |
SCR 118 | Granting Richard S. Stark permission to sue the State of Texas. | Veto |
SCR 119 | Correcting HB 47. | Veto |
SCR 120 | Memorializing Mrs. Winnifred Adams Richards. | Veto |
SCR 122 | Correcting SB 122. | Veto |
Information about Vetoed Bills is unofficial and is provided as a public service by the Texas Legislative Reference Library. The Texas Legislative Reference Library makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy and makes no warranty in regards to its use. Users assume all risk of reliance on the table.