House committees, 22nd Legislature
- Agricultural Affairs
- Agricultural and Mechanical College, Sam Houston and Prairie View Normal Schools, and the State University, Visit
- Civil Courts of Appeal, Locations for Holding
- Claims and Accounts
- Commerce and Manufactures
- Comptroller's and Treasurer's Accounts, Examination of
- Congress of the Western and Southwestern States and Territories, Attend
- Constitutional Amendments
- Contingent Expenses
- Counties and County Boundaries
- County Government and County Finances
- Education
- Engrossed Bills
- Enrolled Bills
- Federal Relations
- Finance
- Insurance, Statistics, and History
- Internal Improvements
- Irrigation
- Judicial Districts
- Judiciary No. 1
- Judiciary No. 2
- Labor
- Military Affairs
- Mining and Minerals
- Penitentiaries
- Private Land Claims
- Privileges and Elections
- Public Building and Grounds
- Public Debt
- Public Health and Vital Statistics
- Public Lands and Land Office
- Public Printing
- Representation and Apportionment on Congressional Districts
- Representation and Apportionment on Senatorial and Representative Districts
- Revenue and Taxation
- Roads, Bridges and Ferries
- Rules
- State Affairs
- State Asylums
- State Printing at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Investigate, Special
- Stock and Stock Raising
- Town and City Corporations
- Ventilation of Hall of House of Representatives