HBA-RAR H.B. 373 76(R) BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 373 By: Flores Public Education 2/10/1999 Introduced BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Currently, the governor appoints all 15 members of the State Board for Educator Certification. H.B. 373 involves educators in this process by requiring the governor to appoint seven of the 15 board members from a slate of candidates nominated by teachers, administrators, and counselors employed in public schools. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking authority is expressly delegated to the State Board for Educator Certification in SECTION 1 (Section 21.033, Education Code) of this bill. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 21.033, Education Code, by adding Subsections (b)-(d), as follows: Sec. 21.033. STATE BOARD FOR EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION. Requires the governor to appoint as members of the State Board for Educator Certification (board) four teachers employed in public schools, two public school administrators, and one public school counselor from a slate of candidates nominated by teachers, administrators, and counselors employed in public schools through an election conducted by the board. Requires the board to adopt rules governing the election and authorizes that the rules specify the number of candidates to be included in the slate presented to the governor and limit eligibility for nominating or voting for a candidate to individuals in the same category of employment as the candidate. Requires the board to send each person eligible to nominate and vote for a candidate notice of the deadline for nomination, information on procedures to follow in nominating a candidate, and a written ballot. The board is composed of 15 members and the remaining eight members are appointed under existing provisions of the law. Creates Subsection (e) from existing text and redesignates existing Subsection (c) to Subsection (f). SECTION 2. Amends Section 21.034(b), Education Code, to require the governor to appoint a replacement for a vacated office from another slate of candidates nominated in accordance with Section 21.033 if the vacated office was occupied by a member appointed from a slate of candidates nominated in accordance with that section. SECTION 3. Effective date: September 1, 1999. Makes application of this Act prospective. SECTION 4. Emergency clause.