Daily Legislative Clipping Service for May 1, 2024Select another date

The Legislative Reference Library produces a Daily Newspaper Clipping Service for members of the Legislative community. Each morning, Library staff members select and compile articles of interest to the legislature from over 30 national and regional newspapers.

Headline Newspaper Columnist Date Related Links
The power grid puts Texas growth at risk again Dallas Morning News  Editorial 05/01/24 1 doc(s)
Investors are breaking the housing market Dallas Morning News  Editorial 05/01/24 1 doc(s)
Hate Texas? Get over it. Why so many people are moving to the Lone Star State. Austin American Statesman  Russell, N. 05/01/24  
Eight dead, over 50 affected, in largest Austin opioid overdose outbreak in years Austin American Statesman  Moreno-Paz, B. 05/01/24  
Dallas, Collin counties see lowest count in homelessness since 2015, according to data Dallas Morning News  Waters, L. 05/01/24 2 doc(s)
College students are protesting to get their schools to divest from Israel. Here's what that means. Houston Chronicle  Ketterer, S. 05/01/24 1 TX bill 2 doc(s)
Nearly 80 UT Austin protesters held in jail overnight after arrests from Gaza demonstration San Antonio Express News  Goldenstein, T. 05/01/24  
Austin City Council members, NAACP condemn UT Austin layoffs of former-DEI staff members Austin American Statesman  Kepner, L. 05/01/24 1 TX bill 1 doc(s)
Texas AG Ken Paxton attends Donald Trump hush-money trial in New York, calls it a 'sham' Austin American Statesman  Moritz, J. 05/01/24  
Over half arrested in UT pro-Palestinian protests had no campus ties, school officials say Dallas Morning News  Shaikh, Z. 05/01/24 1 doc(s)
Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson, I see your charade of a fond farewell for the city manager Dallas Morning News  Grigsby, S. 05/01/24 1 doc(s)
Federal elections regulator from Texas has Ted Cruz campaign sign in front yard Dallas Morning News  Morton, J. 05/01/24 5 doc(s)
Gov. Greg Abbott and UT’s president fell for Hamas’s trap by crushing student protests Houston Chronicle  Tomlinson, C. 05/01/24  
At UT-Austin, police, troopers stood in riot gear as if ready for war San Antonio Express News  Ayala, E. 05/01/24 4 doc(s)
Texas AG Ken Paxton shows up in NYC to support former President Donald Trump at his criminal trial San Antonio Express News  Goldenstein, T. 05/01/24 1 TX bill 4 doc(s)
Texas and Title IX: Abbott, Paxton right to raise question about changes Texarkana Gazette  Editorial 04/30/24 3 doc(s)
Coastal Bend school leaders seek ways to advocate for schools Corpus Christi Caller Times  Garrett, O. 04/30/24 4 doc(s)
Supreme Court Allows, for Now, Texas Law Restricting Access to Porn New York Times  Liptak, A. 05/01/24  
Public hearing/formal meeting notice     04/30/24  

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