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Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
85th Regular Session
HB 3859 Relating to protection of the rights of conscience for child welfare services providers. 75
SB 4 Relating to the enforcement by certain state and local governmental entities and campus police departments of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties of certain law enforcement and judicial entities in the criminal justice system; providing civil and criminal penalties. 972
SB 6 Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. 720
SB 8 Relating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. 130
82nd Regular Session
SB 14 Relating to requirements to vote, including presenting proof of identification; providing criminal penalties. 1173